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R: 9 / I: 6

painful stories with computers

Around a week ago, I noticed that my charger was peeled off just by a tiny bit, so i decided to put some tape on it.

Today, i noticed a weird smell coming out of my computer, specifically, from the charger.

When i touch the part with tape on it, BOOM, foarkin SMOKE starts to come out of the darn thing.

Turns out that the heat from the computer, eventually melted the tape i'd put on the peeled part of my charger

I removed the tape, and well, the charger stopped working, and i can't buy a new one (Im poor as dirt) which at the same times means, that i can't use my computer

Please, sushis, share painful experiences like these so that we all can have a laugh
R: 1 / I: 0
I hope nobody kills me for making this thread just to share a video. The documentary is called For-Profit (Creative) Software, and it covers how business models in creative software, particularly 3D programs, have become increasingly predatory. To surprise of absolutely nobody who has ever tried 3D as a hobby and run into Autodesk’s website. It’s essentially a depressing look at how things went wrong for artists, showing how monopolies hurt consumers. Or Blender Foundation's psyop.
R: 7 / I: 2
How do you make your devices more connected? Are there any sushis with home media server set up? How would you make it, how does the usual use case look like? Do you have any uncommon devices or cool software to support your work, gaming or anime consumption?
R: 8 / I: 0

Is RPG Maker XP Compatible with the Linux Kernel?

I had ideas of jumping ship from Windows to Linux Mint Debian Edition due to being annoyed with Microsoft's decisions lately. The problem is that I want to make games using RPG Maker XP, and even though I tried searching through the web (that's a lie I'm just lazy…), I was not satisfied. So, do you think that it's possible to use RPG Maker using Linux or is it not possible? Thanks!
R: 4 / I: 0
there's an issue with (https://cock.li), ive had to switch over to (https://fedora.email) and (https://pissmail.com) are there any alternative sites with shitposty domains that function?
R: 82 / I: 46


Battlestation thread!
R: 40 / I: 16

Daily computer programs

Do you use any programs on your computer on a daily basis? What are they? Do you use anything so much that you instinctively launch it right after turning your PC on? Are you always connected to the Internet?

Personally I use IRC, email and webchats a lot so I have a corner of my room dedicated to an old recycled PC that only runs my clients and a web browser.
R: 115 / I: 38

Personal Websites

I was thinking it would be nice if we had a thread for sharing our own websites/homepages. Woah, here's one now! Show me your netspace sushi!

Here's mine. It's a complete mess, but I like it. It's kind of new well, technically it's existed for a little while, but I only started working on it recently, so it's missing a lot of things, and there are a few links that 404. Though it's hosted on neocities, it's only slighty Lain themed.
R: 21 / I: 4

Ergonomics Thread

It's no secret that excessive and unergonomic computer use is linked to debilitating health problems like RSI and CTS, sushis. This thread is for discussing good practices and ergonomic tools that can prevent or alleviate these problems.
Do you practice good ergonomics?
Do you use any ergonomically designed equipment? Many people swear by split mechanical keyboards and trackballs, but I've heard mixed reports about them. I have very stupidly been using my laptop keyboard for years and want to get a mechanical keyboard, but I'm not sure if ergonomic ones actually worth the extra cost.
Are there any stretches and finger exercises you've found useful?
Have you ever developed an injury from computer use? What helped your recovery? And if you didn't recover fully, do you do anything to minimise pain at the computer?
R: 10 / I: 5

Electric and etc

Anyone working on any hardware electrical projects? I just found this wiring book at a store and I fixed a handheld emulator switch with some soldering and an extra switch I had.
R: 94 / I: 86

Your current desktop/phone home screen

Post a screenshot of your current cool/cute wallpaper! Both desktop and phone caps are ok!

I'll start with some vaporwave vibes.
R: 48 / I: 9
What are sushis working on right now? Any cool topics in computer science I should know more about?
R: 221 / I: 50

A thread about using linux

>what is it?
An operating system that respects your freedom
>why would I use it?
If you are tired of having your OS use you and always wanted to use your computer instead
>What do you mean by freedom?
Write your own programs. use source code from the internet in seconds. update when you want to not when it tells you.
Want to run a website? cool! you can set one up in minutes.
Want to adjust your hardware to your liking? Awesome!
Want to stop or make a new feature to a program you use every day? Go for it!

Its your computer! use it how you want!
R: 152 / I: 35


Let's talk coding and software, sushis, because I don't do enough of it and I really should. Let's hear about projects you're working on, stuff your coding, learning. Trade secrets, info, tips, whatever. Programming isn't something that should be done alone in a corner.

I guess if we need a thread starter, I want to brush up on my coding skills. I want to find something to play around with, something not as mainstream as the stuff like Java and C, but will still be useful in a professional setting, something I can make usable stuff out of.
R: 5 / I: 1

help needed

Hi sushi.
I recently found some lost media hosted on
a website, issue is there is no option to download it,
only to play it.
What would the best way to get it into an mp4 format on my computer be?
R: 88 / I: 35
What is the most treasured file on your computer?
R: 34 / I: 12

/vn/ Visual Novel Discussion

Hello everybody, I need a comfy place to talk about VNs. /vn/ on 4chan is filled with literal pedos who only talk about eroge, and I don't like Reddit's format enough to use r/visualnovels. So what have you all been reading lately? What are some great games that we've been missing out on?
R: 5 / I: 3
Did Sushi contribute to any open source projects? Or, have you discovered any cool ones worth sharing?

I have found this one!
R: 64 / I: 25

quick survey

How much does the average sushi roll's computer cost?
How many of you own fancy GPUs/processors, and how many of you prefer simpler/cheaper hardware?
Does anyone own more than 2 or 3 computers? If so, why?
As always, keep it comfy~
Thanks for your input!
R: 11 / I: 1

Want an imageboard but I have no idea.

I wanna create an imageboard but I don't know how to use vichan and Tinyboard please help, I don't know anything about PHP nor java I'm lost and all I wanted is to create a parody imageboard that I and another guy found funny, plz help need a tool for idiots and normies like me.
R: 6 / I: 1


Hello, this is not a shill post. So I decided to create my own chan in python as a hobby (using the flask library) and this is what I have come up with so far. Just give me feedbacks here in this thread or there.

Currently you can only upload jpeg , jpg , png , gif, webm below the size of 4mb.

(IDK shit about frontend btw)

R: 12 / I: 1
Ever programmed a malware sushi roll?
R: 24 / I: 5


P-p-post your best music and books torrents senpai, FLAC means extra points n.n
Iĺl start
40GB of super eurobeat

R: 25 / I: 4

Elon Musk Hypetrain

Can we finally agree that Twitter's nee CEO and the "genius" behind the Las Vegas RGB "hyperloop" is just a conman? The dude can't even build tunnels at prices thst competitive with his competitots. I doubt he has invented a single new technology.

Everything he has takes credit ftom was pretty much just him buying the companies and patents of someone else came up with. (Like Tesla's faster chargers.)


In that video I linked there's a Musk fanboy who buys two ten cent cinder bricks Elon Musk had made for $400. Musk had claimed they were stronger than regular bricks and he would make a ton from waste soil dug up out of the ground. He never made any more than two and engineers say you can't make stronger bricks with any random soil. Just like how you can't make concrete with random dirt, it has to be the right gravel and sand and stuff mixed together.

He never ever hits his dates either but pushes them back and people just forget. Cybertruck is like 8 years late.
R: 13 / I: 0

recommend me a vpn

I use a lot of obscure websites, mainly imageboards, and I play on a lot of small vidya servers. I need a vpn so I can stop letting random people know where I live. I'd like it to be relatively obscure, so it isn't included in vpn blacklists. Are there any good vpns that aren't too popular?
R: 13 / I: 5

Cool app recommendations

Does anyone have any recommendations for a safe browser to use while exploring all these chans and neocities sites? So I can keep pretending I'm some kind of old internet researcher while not getting my address on 10 thousand different blacklists.

Any other app or tip would be appreciated too!
R: 9 / I: 0
These are our newest images from the surface of another world. It's really, genuinely beautiful.
R: 46 / I: 11


Crypto thread? Personally I think crypto is the future. No more centralization, no more states fucking you in the ass.
I also don't want to become a wage slave so I hope to make it thanks to crypto. Life is too short to not do what you like.
What cryptocurrencies have you invested in sushinons? What are you bullish on?
It would be cool that we all make it.

Personally I am extremely bullish on Bitbay. I missed the Ethereum train but I think Bitbay will be the next moon mission in 2018. It is the sole working decentralized marketplace and trustless contracting platform while fixing many BTC flaws and planning to have a decentralized peg that brings price stability by preventing volatility, especially from whales shady manipulation. The price is still fucking low (23m market cap) so there is a lot of growth potential. For instance, to have a x2 ROIs with ETH, it would need 30 fucking billions of dollars, while with bitbay it would only need 23m. It is far more likely in the latter for this very reason.
Pics related why I am bullish on it. It has both mainstream and darknet potential.
R: 14 / I: 3
where did real /tech/ go
i miss those guys
R: 3 / I: 0


Most people in the modern Western world use Technology every day in some way, shape or form. The term Technomancy itself combines the prefix "techno-", originating from the Greek word tékhnē, meaning “skill, art or craft”, with the suffix "-mancy", used to denote any way or form of divination and magic.

How many sushi rolls here have checked out or tried Technomancy?

Technomancy 101: https://technomancy101.com/

R: 27 / I: 5

Planned Obsolescence

Planned obsolescence – devices intentionally designed to break over time – has been getting really bad in recent years. Everything is disposable. Even when hardware works, you no longer get software updates, which can make a device useless because it'll no longer get security fixes or support for modern apps.

And haven't you noticed how, when a tech company comes out with a new product, they shit all over their old ones? Like "our new device is so awesome and fast, and our old one was so clunky and shitty by comparison!" But then a year later, they do the same process over again. And you're thinking… you bought it because people said it was good. But then the company that made it said it sucks. They do it to get you to buy the same thing over and over again.

When will this stop? Do you think everything will be disposable forever, or will there be enough backlash to planned obsolescence that will reverse this trend so that electronics in the future are made to last longer? People talk about "the invisible hand" of "the free market" but maybe government regulation is required to stop it.

An example of this is how my friend's phone battery wouldn't last very long, so he bought an entirely new phone, even though I told him I could replace the battery if he bought one on Amazon (and they were really cheap).
R: 22 / I: 10
Anyone still using a basic keypad phone? Pic related but not mine(some guy on /g/).

I've been thinking about picking up Cat B100 or one of those Chinese Lenovo flip phones.
R: 10 / I: 1

anti crypto left

There's a lot anti crypto/anti NFT opinions being expressed by people on the left, they could be part of the greatest transfer of wealth in history from the rich to the poor, but instead, they choose to display a snide moral/intellectual superiority. they could make massive headway towards their goal but instead choose to turn up their noses at this lifeline they've been thrown, eventually an ideological swing will occur but by then they'll have already shot themselves in the foot and squandered a massive opportunity. I hold many viewpoints that coincide with what a lot of the left is aiming for, so watching them unintentionally fuck themselves over is pretty disappointing. a deus ex machine came, but their to stupid to see it.
R: 15 / I: 26


I have been playing with this AI website that creates art from an inputted phrase by finding and mixing images. You can tell it to make anything, and the output usually kind of makes sense. I think it would be fun to see what we all can come up with!


(Also see if you can guess the input phrase of my third image.)
R: 11 / I: 0
Has anyone seen/used the Pyra yet?

It looks comfy but it is pricy.
R: 22 / I: 6

Comfy Apps

What are the Comfiest apps you sushi rolls know of? iOS or android. Personally, I'm pretty fond of sudoku apps, a nice challenge but still relaxing.
R: 4 / I: 0
Does somebody using Haiku here?
Haiku appreciation thread.
R: 48 / I: 22
People would take open source software more seriously if Stallman took better care of himself. He looks like a stereotypical neckbeard, which doesn't help the image of free software.
R: 5 / I: 1

Firefox hardening

Hey there! I was wondering if any of you who use Firefox had also hardened it. If yes, what are some flags in about:config that I should toggle? I have already enabled resistFingerprinting, but what else is there? I heard somewhere that too much hardening makes your browser stand out even more. Is that true?
R: 7 / I: 5
The JWST is launching on December 25 at 7:20am EST (in six hours). Is anyone else going to be watching the stream?

R: 14 / I: 3

Computer Friends

Haven't you always wanted a computer friend to talk to?
R: 19 / I: 8

Folder Structures and File Sorting

I'm currently in the process of trying to merge my active directories into my backup folders, but it's not going that well. Active folders have grown differently than the backup tree, without neither being more "correct".
E.g. sorting images based on why they were saved (aesthetically pleasing, lewd, funny, etc) or the contents.

How do you manage your folders of saved things? Any tips?
How do you deal with things that could belong in multiple places at once and no particular one is more correct?
R: 14 / I: 0
Let's try this again

What will happen to a blank document everyone has access to?

R: 8 / I: 1

Welcome to the Wiki of those who defend the freedom

Protect with Tor, privacy and freedom of expression
Download Tor Browser in your language https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/

Welcome to the Wiki of those who defend the freedom
The Hidden Wiki
R: 8 / I: 2

How presumptuous!

your comments fellow rolls?
R: 16 / I: 0
Does anyone have any horror stories of what's happened to them personally while exploring the "Deep Web" or just any type of trouble they got themselves in?
R: 17 / I: 3


Anyone else interested in electronics around these parts? I have some experience with making my own (simple-ish) circuits and fiddling with microcontrollers, and I've found it to be a ton of fun. I should get around to getting a bunch of assorted electronics junk so I can start tinkering with stuff at home as well, I've got plans for a couple of gadgets of varying usefulness.
R: 11 / I: 3
Recently, I've been drawing some system icons.
Should I finish the set?
R: 59 / I: 73
Official comfy computing thread, post comfy computer pictures. I'll start with what I have. Retro and non-retro alike are welcome!
R: 5 / I: 0

On the never-ending search for a git host

Does anyone know what happened to gitla.in?

After neetcode.org, another small, comfy git host - so small and comfy that the admin starred some of my projects! - went down for good, I switched to gitla.in. After updating my READMEs, I thought I had it sorted. The lainzine was even hosted there! But now that seems to be gone too.

1. Does anyone know why? Is it temporary? Is it to do with the lainchan drama?
2. What do I do now? Should I give up on cosy sushi roll-hosted instances and go for gitlab? Or should I bite the bullet, buy some server space and host myself?
R: 15 / I: 0

Vichan Halp!!

Hello guys i need help im trying to make my own imageboard. but i am very new to this. i once installed vichan through gui years back but i get this issue when i try to install the program through putty.
[code]:~/vichan# php install.php
The program 'php' can be found in the following packages:
* php7.0-cli
* hhvm
Try: apt install <selected package>
R: 2 / I: 1

Robotics & Motion Control

I was taking a course that involved writing a PID controller in a simulation, and it was amazing that it worked at the end. It makes me feel like some kind of god.

Have you guys experimented with any type of robotics?
R: 3 / I: 0

Collaborative Google Doc

I'm just curious what will become of a blank document that anyone has access to.


anyone can edit.
R: 262 / I: 162
Resurrecting the desktop thread. Post desktops, you get bonus points for a more comfy and homelike desktop, and whoever has the most points wins (1)snug smug hugbug(pictured)
R: 17 / I: 1


Do any of you know PHP? If so, do you have any recommendations for learning it? I'm not new to programming or web development in general, but I started learning Node instead of older shit like LAMP.
R: 16 / I: 21

Augmented Reality: Bringing the 2D into the 3D

So I have no technical knowhow of the field myself, but ever since seeing photoshops like pics related for years I always thought it'd be a natural progression with augmented-reality waifus, when AR glasses as advanced as in Dennou Coil (instead of google glass HUD style) reach public market.

Do you think it'll be a thing?
Would you get a premade one or would you feel weird about having a generic clone and try your hand at a homebrew one?
R: 4 / I: 1

EuroGunZ (GunZ The Duel)

EuroGunZ (GunZ The Duel)
One of the best TPS I've ever played, I've been playing this in the last 10 years and this game never gets old. It's amazing all the different things you can do and the different game modes you can play. This game really needs more recognition.

Website: https://universegunz.net
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uc3eGbyiyo

What's your favorite old game?
R: 1 / I: 0

Accessibility of Open Source Hardware

One interesting thing about open source software is that you can fully replicate an existing solution, modify it, and use it almost immediately to solve your problem.

When we look at open source hardware, we see that, yes, the same principle appears to apply, but it is missing the manufacturing component. Whereas a shell script in the software world might produce a binary that you can use, the hardware world doesn't have the same type of tool.

>From where should I source the parts to build the product?

>How do I assemble the parts once I get my hands on them?

By answering these questions, we provide the _full_ open source hardware solution that many of these open source hardware projects seem to fail to specify.

However, once we specify this information, we enter the real world where political forces exist, and simple sourcing information can immediately disrupt a supply-demand equilibrium. A solution that was previously economically viable through specified channels immediately becomes nonviable, something with which the open source software world doesn't have to deal.

My question is

_What will have to occur to bring the flexibility of the open source software world to the open source hardware world?_
R: 4 / I: 2

Imageboard creation

I would like to make an imageboard but not sure where to begin. If I get a LAMP stack running, how can I effectively install vichan without bugs? I have tried several times without succeeding because either posts do not work or the domain does not readily map over a raw IP address.
R: 7 / I: 1

Wiki Nerd General

Any wiki needs out there? I just set up a MediaWiki instance and I’m having a lot of fun. I will post a link if anyone is interested in sand boxing around.
R: 1 / I: 0

Let's talk about organization

the virgin cable management vs. the chad spaghetti
R: 33 / I: 8
Welp, everybody's claiming First in all the other boards and I don't want to be left behind. Thankfully the nerd board is still avaiblable.
What are you girls working on?
Me: chip-8 VM in ruby
R: 4 / I: 0

Learning new tech

Whenever I try to teach my dad about new tech, he will try to make some convoluted analogy comparing it to other things he is familiar with. I say no, it's not like that at all, don't make these inaccurate and confusing comparisons.

But maybe it's hard for old people to learn new things, especially new tech, because they have so many memories, and their brains have made certain neural pathways and have decreased neuroplasticity, so it's hard for them to just think of new things on their own and not comparing them to lots of other things they are already familiar with.

Sometimes I make this learning mistake, but sometimes it's easier just to learn something without trying to think of how it relates to other things. Whether it's a new programming paradigm, a new programming language, new app, new API, etc there isn't always a direct comparison to something else.

Thoughts? What have your experiences been like when you learn new tech?
R: 5 / I: 2

Terry Davis has died.

RIP Terry. For those of you who don't know, he was a schizophrenic programmer who wrote his own operating system from scratch. It was called TempleOS. He was known for being weird and saying funny and offensive things. He livestreamed a lot. He was banned from many different social media platforms.

At one point, he was writing software for TicketMaster machines, but his mental illness got the best of him and he had a mental breakdown and moved back in with his parents, living on disability income. He spent a decade making his operating system, but had fights with his parents and eventually became homeless. And now he's gone.

A genius like him had so much potential, if only he had gotten help for his mental health problems.
R: 0 / I: 0

4chan is #1 archenemy in South Korea

4chan is #1 archenemy in South Korea


Arrest of a man suspected of threatening to assassinate the US ambassador to Seoul
SEOUL, July 24 (Yonhap) - A 30-year-old man posted a message on the White House website on July 8, threatening to assassinate the US ambassador to South Korea, Mark Lippert, and he was arrested by the Seoul Police Agency (SMPA), it was reported this Friday.

This message of 10 lines, considered illogical and incoherent by the police, was also posted on the American Internet portal 4chan by this man.
Mark Lippert, the ambassador of the United States in South Korea
Mark Lippert, the ambassador of the United States in South Korea
The investigation began at the request of the Embassy of the United States in Korea on July 10 and the unit in charge of Internet-related investigations had led the IP address detection operation. Seoul police arrested the man on July 14 at his home.

R: 49 / I: 5
Have you ever messed with your school's wifi?
R: 27 / I: 4


Product Name, or rather, *Software Merchandise* Object.
:: The FileSystem Desktop
A co-OS operating system that can live easiest on a usb disk image drive,
on a puppet provided OS bypassed freshpressed user interface logon.

With one folder for each OS type.
* WinDir
* MacAddressNumber
* TempleOS (you're welcome, gentle sparrow)

(encrypted system patter, host virus system vaccine provided for)

This file system layer structure, will in each selected OS be purveyed for,
and each folder not needed will never be either unencrypted or even fuddled with.
R: 10 / I: 0

Music/Radio player Software for Linux

I've been looking around recently for good programs to stream radio stations and music in the background outside of my browser. Looking for something lightweight and is still supported by developers. If you do, what are you using and what are some great features it has?
R: 18 / I: 3
what are some cool looking websites you guys frequent? the only one i could think of was systemspace.link and thats down unfortunately :(

pic unrelated
R: 12 / I: 2

Wizards Assemble!

Advanced users of GNU/Linux (and I mean advanced), remember to try Source Mage GNU/Linux. True source-based distribution, and (in contrast with Gentoo and Arch) is:
Free from obfuscated and pre-configured code.
Fully committed to GPL, uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package.
With even the documentation licensed as FDL.
Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages.
Doesn't need obfuscated python libraries, only bash.
No systemd (they've implemented their own init scripts system http://sourcemage.org/Init).
Uses clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates.
Can heal broken installs.
Can also use flags.

Do you like Arch Linux's AUR? Do you like Gentoo's portage (or ports-like) package manager? With SMGL's "sorcery" you get all that. Making new spells (package build files) not found in the grimoire (repository of spells) is easy http://sourcemage.org/Spell/Book

Bash hackers welcome! Come and join http://sourcemage.org/

Installing SMGL is easy, here's the simplified process:
>boot a live Ubuntu (or whatever) USB drive
>go to SMGL website and download compressed archive of the base system
>partition and mount partition(s)
>extract the archive onto the new partition(s)
>chroot, set root passwd, hostname, configure network and locale, write fstab, install grub/lilo
>compile a kernel (preferably the newest stable one from kernel.org)
>update sorcery, grimoires and the build toolchain
>rebuild the system (hold spells you've already built, so you don't build them twice)
The install guide will hold your hand through the whole process http://sourcemage.org/Install/Chroot
Do the chroot method, since the regular live ISO method guide is out of date currently.

Here's a list of common commands: https://pastebin.com/i4DALaNV
R: 15 / I: 2
Sushi rolls, do any of you have any IRC channels you still enjoy lurking/participating in? I ask for I have none left; I used to idle in Quake and other video game scrim IRC channels but those have such moved to Discord for the most part. I am curious enough that I might venture forth and ask other not-as-comfy places, as well.