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 No.74[Last 50 Posts]

>what is it?
An operating system that respects your freedom
>why would I use it?
If you are tired of having your OS use you and always wanted to use your computer instead
>What do you mean by freedom?
Write your own programs. use source code from the internet in seconds. update when you want to not when it tells you.
Want to run a website? cool! you can set one up in minutes.
Want to adjust your hardware to your liking? Awesome!
Want to stop or make a new feature to a program you use every day? Go for it!

Its your computer! use it how you want!


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I've been trying an antergos VM but im made shy about switching because steam wont start, and even though im fairly sure it will never start under VMware video drivers instead of real graphics card ones, I see people with actual graphics cards having problems with it not starting.
I also dont know how to use wine and playonlinux well. I dont play games all the time, but I like to be able to play them when I'd like, and whatever ones I'd like, without much restriction.


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From what i have heard Antergos is arch based and os graphic cards are not as well supported as they would be in a ubuntu/debian distro. Im have been running deepin for a few years now and its debian based with a custom DE and some in house software(media/music player, usb creator, etc.)
I was playing Civ5 with no serious issues. the preformance was not great but that may be from me using the generic driver instead of the ATI one. I would try a a debian distro first if you are new to linux such as Ubuntu, Mint or deepin. there are plenty to choose from and once you learn the basics it the same across most all platforms.

One of the few major issues with linux is software support for hardware due to a having a smaller userbase than windows but this starting to change as well and the more users the more support linux gets!


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I've been using Linux for over 10 years now, and I stopped using Windows on my personal computer several years ago. And of course Sushichan is also running on Linux.

Mine and gf's laptops are running Void Linux, gf's desktop is running Arch Linux, roommate's desktop is running Gentoo, and we have a powerful Windows computer in the main room for gaming and Windows-only software, and a few other Windows computers strewn around. Sushichan runs Debian.


I really probably should use just switch to linux mint or something on a desktop, aye.


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S-sugoi mod-sama…
>as an aside, Is sushichan running on apache2 or nginx? im looking at using something as a proxy face for a rails project and this site runs well with all the extras like webm and enbeded YT links so I was wondering what it runs on

Also rereading the other post I think that you are running the linux boot in a VM? This is known to have some issues with graphics hardware so that may be another issue. I keep about 10gb of space on my SSD for testing diffrent distros to run with out any other software interfering and found that it seems to work best for me but making it yours is what is all about.
And if you cant find something you like on google, try cheking out http://distrowatch.com/


Sushichan is currently running on Lighttpd. I wouldn't recommend it, and I've been meaning to switch to Nginx for its superior features and more active development, but it would take many hours. The current software works so I keep using it.

Lighttpd's age really shows in a lot of places, and I'm only running it because I'm still using a variant of the first Lighttpd config file I wrote years back when it was still popular.


arr, I actually have a 30 gigabyte SSD I used to keep my system stuff on in windows, I should just try distros on that.


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>Later that same day….


posting from antergos on my SSD.
Mate seems like a pretty nice desktop. I'd only tried KDE and XFCE before.


>swap should be 2x ram but nobody really knows

Why do people mystify swap so much?

For the longest time I had swap because everyone said it was good to have but really I have only ever needed it when compiling firefox on a machine with low memory. Even then it is simple enough to plug in a flash drive to use as swap.

Some of you who are new to linux, you will likely never use swap if you have 8GB+ memory which is not too uncommon for modern computers.


The 2x ram guideline comes from if you want to hibernate. But yeah, unless you want to do that, you will probably never use swap on a modern machine unless you have a memory-intensive workflow, which you will probably already know for yourself.


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Search results told me theres nothing quite like foobar. They even said, at one time, they couldnt find anything with quite its UI customization. I figured they meant it like I was thinking of it. I couldnt see any screenshots of the alternatives with the UI Like my foobar, and the ones I tried messing with didnt seem to let you customize them.
Hours till I find bloody deadbeef and get led by the foobar-like ui customization thing when I actually try it, to find I can make it exactly how I like


If you want Steam with ease then use Ubuntu as Valve recommends or just stick to Windows tbqh.


it was a virtual machine, driver weirdness would be expected.
Annnd, the more people who use it, and use stuff like that on it, the better support it'll get. And the more popular it is in general, the better, because it'd mean a proliferation of the lotsa free open source stuff that comes with it in general, right?
anyways, KDE feels pretty nice, having uninstalled the mate thing.


Does anybody use PS/2 devices on their linux machine? I've never gotten my old CompUSA mouse to work, and I swear by that thing.


Try audacious (not to be confused with audacity). In Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install audacious

>For people who want gaymes

*nix games like nethack
Tons of emulators for all of the classic consoles:
nestopia (nes/famicom/famicom disk system), snes9x (zsnes is available too, but this one is better), kega fusion (master system/genesis/32x), openmsx (msx1/msx2), visualboy advance (gameboy/gbc/gba), mupen64 (n64), PCSX (playstation), PCSX2 (playstation 2), MAME (arcade games), Yabause (sega saturn), Desmume (Nintendo DS, run with –cpu-mode=1 option for best results)

Forget steam, most games on steam are also available through GOG and other direct sales. Most of these modern releases include linux versions. Steam holds your game hostage to their api the way mac holds your music hostage with itunes.


Cmon sushi, I know how the package manager works, basically. I just didnt think to try that particular player
I cant seem to customize the layout or make a playlist display a group-title-thing for each album, so Id prefer deadbeef.


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I've been using Linux on and off for about 2 years. Wasn't into Windows 8 at the time, but then 10 came out and I started using that full time. It's okay, but I still didn't like it as much as 7, and the data mining was pretty uncool.

I went back to Linux full time once I realized that I can just go to the library or school labs if I need a Windows PC. The last time I absolutely needed one was for this stupid job survey program. And I've heard of many school related programs requiring Windows, but luckily I haven't needed anything outside of my pencil and notebook yet. That's what sucks about using Linux full time, you just never know when stuff like that will hit you. Even Mac users aren't completely safe.


Is it really too much to keep a small hard drive with windows 7 on it and only spin it up when you need it?

In my main tower I have a power switch for hard drives. Simply hit the right switches and boot up. Windows does not even know I have more than one hard drive.

Plus daz loader is free and the win 7 iso was free at one point if you were fortunate enough to snag it before lockdown.

Another option is to try running a windows virtual machine. This is how I get my printer to work without rebooting.


>Is it really too much to keep a small hard drive with windows 7 on it and only spin it up when you need it?
Could be on a laptop?


Well I don't have any other hard disks, but I'll keep that in mind.


One could install windows on a flash drive.

The speed would be horrendous though. Good luck with that.


If you have a laptop that comes with windows why not just partition the built-in hdd? Most redhat, suse, debian, and arch based distros that have some sort of gui-installation give you a very easy way to manage partitions during installation.


holy crap fish is cool


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Just installed arch, everything is a disaster lol, my fonts look like symbols instead of ascii characters (I don't even know if I'm typing things correctly or not) This is going to be fun.
I'm currently trying to figure out what's exactly wrong but I can't tell so far.


Not (ba)sh-compatible, though, which is a shame.
Still pretty cool, though.


Puppy Linux represent!
I had an old laptop I wanted to give use to, so I picked that one. Works like a charm.


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I picked up fish about a month ago and really like it. I like it so much I put a fish sticker on my laptop.

>arch life
you may want to change your locale

Puppy is pretty cool. I like the "just load it all in ram" concept. There is supposed to be a RHEL version in the work and I am really excited for it.


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Thanks for the link, but I already had my locale set. The problem was that I downloaded a japanese font package (noto, I think), and for some reason the "monospace" font everything was using (terminal, browser, etc) broke to that disaster. I fixed it by downloading terminus.
Arch is incredible fun and comfy for development, but I really resent the time it consumes for setting it up properly, plus all the tweakings necessary for running VNs and other windows stuff. Even so, it's not so scary as people make it to be though, the wiki is 10/10 documented superb material. And it's also better than my previous Sabayon system, at least. Terminator + cmus + weechat and vim running over awesome is all I need.


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Woah, a relative just found a netbook with debian on the side of the road, having fallen off a truck.
What should I do with it? Should I install a new distro on it? What 2hu should I name it after?
Aaa, so exciting!


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comfy debian reporting in!

puppylinux was the first ever distro I tried, god I had fun with that. Used it on a piece of shit laptop.

My stupid ex uses moebuntu, I hope you're not her.
stay off my comfy chan reeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


>2 months ago
First off you need to enable multilib, then you want to install the steam fonts from AUR.
And then launch steam with
>LD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/$LIB/libgcc_s.so.1 /usr/$LIB/libxcb.so.1 /usr/$LIB/libgpg-error.so' /usr/bin/steam
The issue is caused by steam looking for outdated drivers, for it is compiled for Ubuntu.

You run a lightweight imageboard on it!
This is a sushichan tradition!

I was under the impression that fish was dead.
Also not being bourne compatible and having configuration through a web browser pushed me back to zsh.


Im not sure if it feels good or bad that im three of these posts.
I did switch, sorta, though I Need a new big hard drive for antergos. I fixed that too, though I did it by downloading an RPM and dumping the libraries in my /lib folder.
I was considering hosting my music and image collections with IPFS, alot of the albums at least were rather hard to find(2hoo dojin in lossless), so adding another source *somewhere* could be good. Though really the idea wouldnt be that someone would decide they want something, go looking, and find my stuff, so much as I'd just post it on a website or two for people to browse if they want and take anything they think is cool.
An imageboard is also a neat idea, though I imagine noone would post on it ever.
Would being bourne incompatible really cause any problems if you dont set it as your default system shell, just type 'fish' whenever you open a terminal or set that to be done?


I've been using Windows since 3.1, and have limited computer knowledge. I'm scared of loosing all my data in a switch from w7 to linux, and I also have no idea which distro I should be using. Would it be worthwhile to install linux onto an old laptop and play around with it/get comfortable before making to leap and switching my desktop across?


Just use something like virtualbox or a live usb, and you can always backup your data right?

As for distro's I'd probably go for debian or ubuntu.


For a new user I'd recommend Linux Mint, which is based on Ubuntu but strips away some of the corporate baggage and adds some neat stuff. And yeah, try it in a virtual machine or live usb first to get comfy with it. Or sure, install it on an old laptop, that's cool too.


I've recently made my personal computer to mint and going to do that on my laptop soon. I was on windows for the longest and was amazed by how light and clean linux is. What I might want to try slackware sometime in the future.


we get it wireless is shit


I rarely keep one rice, how can I keep my computer from ending up bloated with unused packages and screwed up configs? I was thinking I could have a separate home partition or use a VM, but I really just want one wm and packages that just werk. What distro should I use, if that's the solution?


puppy linux is just too adorable

this site is neat



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xfce takes me back to the 90's


speaking of which, the recent acquisition of Broadcom's wireless business leading to the release of datasheets is a big step towards things being not so shit.


this is the step in the right direction but until people become more techsavy in general wireless will remain shit


the release of the datasheets has nothing to do with users. it means that devs can write much better drivers for those devices.


>running an imageboard on a laptop

You mean self-hosting a website? Isn't that kinda dangerous? I hope I'm wrong because while I'm not that sushi roll, the idea of running my own imageboard is something I'd love to do.


Wew, so it's been a while, but I nabbed some old laptops from work they were getting thrown out and installed Mint on one and ElementryOS on the other. I don't know how I ever fell for the 'Linux is hard' meme.


Its actually pretty simple. And other than some port restrictions on your modem/router there isnt much that is needed outside of Apache. If you are worried about your files you can always run it in a virtual machine as well.
I ran a little site with some php that would serve a random webm when refreshed. I liked checking the logs for who viewed it and got a lot of chinese traffic for some reason. I also didnt get the security setup on my modem right and go black listed by some site and it wouldnt let me post on sushigirl for a bit until I emailed them.


You could also put all your system files for each disto on its own partition and have them share a partition that you use for /home.

>/dev/sda1 /root (mint)

>/dev/sda2 /root (elementary)
>/dev/sda3 /home

Then choose which one you want on boot and have all your personal settings and files shared between the two.

Linux is not hard. It's fun. Maybe give Funtoo Linux a look.


I've gotten rid of ElementryOS, I really didn't like the UI. I'm having fun playing around with Mint - it's definitely a good distro for those news to linux/switching from windows. I really have to read up on terminal commands/how to effectively use the terminal, at this point I've just been using the syanptic package manager to grab any software (apart from keepassx, it took me forever to install it via the terminal, but I realised I didn't have some of the dependencies required). I miss CCCP for watching my anime, but SMplayer seems to be doing the job alright - I just need to figure out how to customise the subtitles it picks.

I'll almost definitely be installing Mint onto my main PC as a dual boot system alongside win7 (just for games). Is there anyway to not let windows connect to the internet while allows linux connection? Or is it just a matter of pulling the cable while using windows?


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It's pretty comfy.


mpv is pretty good for anime on Linux. I do believe there is a GUI frontend for it. Whenever I run a Linux machine for media, I always use mpv.

>monster girls
I like you, pal.


Browsing has broken ;_;
I've had to switch to a windows machine to be able to access sushigirl. For some reason I can't get to it anymore on mint.


The only way to ensure windows is not connecting would be to pull the plug. If you can trust your router then consider blocking at that level. A bit more advanced but you can run windows in a VM on Mint and have the vm kill the connection.
Or what I do is have windows on a separate computer that has no net connection.

Mint should have apt-get (stupid name) or aptitude which handle the dependencies when you want to install something.

>apt-get install keepassx

>apt-cache search mpv


I've done something to my mint install. I can access sushi fine from the liveusb, so I've obviously changed something in the installed version that won't let me access the site ;_; Guess I'll just have to clean install, again, and keep changes minimal. I checked out mpv and it looks pretty good; I'll probably get that and replace SMplayer.

Monster girls a best.

I thought that may be the case. I was hoping I could be lazy and block windows but I'll make the effort and unplug it every time I plan to use it. You're right, Mint does have the apt-get feature but I'm still learning how to use the terminal effectively and not break anything in the process.


Yea, Linux distros can be finicky like that. Sometimes, especially when you're new, you install something and the install is never the same. Now I just keep any install extremely vanilla.


I followed to many random guides without understanding what I was actually doing, but I'm glad I learned my lesson sooner rather than later. I'll just keep the fresh installation of Mint relatively vanilla, apart from some minor ricing and one or two programs.


Is there anyway to import a build of linux to another computer? I've played around with Mint on a laptop and got it exactly how I like it, and I'd like to bring that across to my PC. I'd rather not have to install Mint fresh and have to customise it again on the PC to be the same as the laptop build.


You should be able to boot the hdd on your desktop just fine.
If you copy everything over to another hdd, you might have to reinstall grub and edit your fstab to mount the partitions properly. This sounds like trouble, so I haven't done it.
The most error proof way though, is to list your installed packages into a file, install mint on your desktop, (optionally creating a home partition which will be useful when distro hopping,) use the package list to install all your previous software, and then copy your home directory over. All your configuration should live in the home folder already, in those hidden dotfiles.
You could go one step further and place your dotfiles in github, so you can pull them to any linux machine easily.

The home partition comes in handy if you ever want to try out another distribution, you'd simply replace the install on the system partition and then mount the home partition where it should be and all your configuration and files stay the same.


Most of your settings will be in hidden files on your home directory.

Such as
/home/sushi/.config/{config files here}

Note the period before the files which makes it hidden.

Your file manager should have an option to view hidden files but you could also use 'cp -a /home/sushi /home-on-pc-hard-drive'


Awesome, thanks for the help/advice. I'm building two machines at the moment, and this'll make the process a lot less painful than having to manually config Mint again on each one.


Help? Booted up today Mint Cinnamon 18.1 (Sarah) and for some reason I couldn't connect to the internet at all. The network connection itself was ok (could access anything on the local network fine) but anything that had to do with the internet was a no go. Could refresh updates list, couldn't refresh applets or synaptic list, couldn't connect to any websites, but I could get onto my NAS and watch videos from it just fine. Wi-fi connection didn't help either. Haven't run into this issue before and searching the help forums yields nothing unfortunately.


>Could refresh updates list, couldn't refresh applets or synaptic list


Been using Supreme Gentleman's BSD for the past few months, but because fucking everything is written for pleb Ginyu/Leenuks I'm going to go back to it becauase there are some projects I want to run.
I'm really not looking forward to going through all the hassle of installing Gentoo or working around all the innumerable problems that inevitably come with a Linux installation. I gotta prepare myself to my OS breaking randomly and to lousy documentation.
Wish me luck rolls.


>Haven't run into this issue before and searching the help forums yields nothing unfortunately.
Ah yes. I remember those good old days long ago.
It is not all grim sushi, the future will be much better.

Pretty much it's like this.
You found some obscure problem that was perhaps found by others and not recorded on a forum or maybe you did something wrong. As I have found in Linux it is almost always something you did wrong.
You will (hopefully) tinker around with the system for hours/days/weeks untill you find out that one little thing that is so simple you cannot believe you missed it. The best part comes next. After all that tinkering you will have learned so much other stuff about your computer that the next problem will either not happen or be easier to solve, and there will be a next problem.
This is the path of the true sage or Linux guru.

Ok so you still have a problem and want help, read below.
>I couldn't connect to the internet at all
>The network connection itself was ok (could access anything on the local network fine)
A contradiction. That is how you are looking at it and is why you cannot solve it.

>couldn't connect to any websites, but I could get onto my NAS

A browser issue perhaps?

Try some tests on a terminal.
ifconfig <-network device might be called eth0 and should say "UP", there might be other usefull info in there and you can read the manual with "man ifconfig"
ping sushigirl.us
curl ifconfig.io
Install some other web based program "apt-get install internet-browser-deluxe" and test websites.
Run some other live Linux distro and see if things work on it.
Check your router settings.
Do more web searching for related issues or your issue reworded.

That likely didn't solve your problem but should help you get an idea for the direction to go in.


ping or some other ip address you know well.
If that works, then you just have a problem with the DNS, in most home networks the DNS server adress is the same as that of the router ( in my LAN).
See http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/hosts.5.html to learn how to set up your DNS settings.
Sorry that I can't give you specific information, I don't know how network autoconfiguration is handled by systemd.

On the other hand, if you can't get past your router, then the link between your router an the remote service provider is broken. Check your cables and contact your ISP.


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>>74 >>78 >>79 >>80 >>81 >>93 >>99 >>100 >>106 >>233 >>295 >>404 >>406 >>407 >>409 >>415 >>424 >>425 >>431 >>432

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


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It's actually just GNU. The kernel isn't the first thing that runs, it doesn't provide the bare minimum for the system to be usable, and building it isn't possible without GNU development tools.

When Linux includes the bootloader, provides the C standard library, and has a compiler, then maybe calling GNU systems GNU/Linux systems would make sense. Until then, Linux is just another replaceable component of a GNU system.


How is one package manager "better" than another? (Like why does apt "suck?")


>It's actually just GNU
A new level a memery has been achieved


In the case of GNU/Linux distributions, it's probably just about how it handles dependencies.
However, in the case of Debian, packages are from the mainframe era (eg Emacs 25 is out, but you still get 23 (which is several years old) when you install with apt-get), which is not an inherent problem of apt but it's Debian's neglect for package updates or something.
In the case of Arch, you get only the bleeding edge, which sometimes causes conflicts because some packages don't yet use the library versions that came out next week.
In the case of Gentoo, you don't get binaries, so you have to compile everything. X took about 6 hours on a -j2. Luckily, they do provide a firefox binary, else your grandchildren would have grandchildren before it finishes compiling.

I particularly like the BSDs because you get both binaries, but also the port system which allows you to compile (while still mantaining dependencies in check). Compiling is often a good thing because you can choose, if you so want, to compile wihtout support for some libraries that you might not need. For example, Emacs25 has support for libwebkitgtk which is horrendous, and if your package manager decides you want webkit in your emacs, then you'd have to compile by hand which would leave the package manager oblivious of your Emacs, which in any clean or update may break things for you.


I mean if you want Emacs25 without webkit (and let's face it, who wants webkit in his computer?)


you can just compile it yourself. just set the $PREFIX to /home/sushi roll that won't interfere with the system's package. Usually installing extra things to straight to /usr/bin/ is something you don't do because that's the package managers job (unless you want to make a rpm or deb yourself, which you probably don't)


How long should it take to install mint from a livedisk? It was going for ~50 minutes before I gave up on it. At first it threw up something about the hard drive, but I can repartition/format it fine through windows. Maybe my ISO burn is dodgy.


I installed Mint yesterday from a USB, only took about 10 minutes. The ISO should be fine if you got it from their site, but you might want to check out another writing tool. I actually used Fedora's media writer.


I used the default iso burner from the windows explorer. I read somewhere that writing at 16x speed can sometimes result in a badly burnt disk. It seems unlikely but I guess I'll give it another shot.


I've used rufus and found it really good, made bootable usb of win7, linux mint, nas4free, arch and ubuntu from it no worries.

https : //rufus.akeo.ie/


Don't know what the hell was going wrong. I tried again yesterday and it went no problems. Can't connect to the internet through network manager or the command line though. Baby steps I guess.


>Can't connect to the internet through network manager or the command line though.

That's odd. I know with certain distros, you can't use non-free wifi firmware out of the box(Debian and Trisquel come to mind), but Mint should work out of the box with anything. If it's ethernet, that's an even stranger case.


Today something happened and though I'm not exactly sure what it was exactly… I think systemd bricked my thinkpad.
That's right. I installed a systemd distro for the first time on it (after using decent stuff for years) and after two weeks it started halting the processor randomly. I hadn't changed the system yet because I was thinking of what to install next but I didn't get to, now my computer doesn't boot *at all*. The most likely culprit is, indeed, systemd. The last dmesg log I saw was a kernel message saying "systemd blocked for more than 120 seconds" or something like that. And now it don't boot.

I am kinda mad, but in a way, I was already annoyed with the whole panorama of computing. I detest GNU with a passion, and lately I couldn't stop thinking of how harmful GNU has come to be, and to an extent, linux itself. And perhaps even Unix to boost.
I would start a campaign against systemd and GNU out of spite, but it would accomplish nothing. I would rather let it all burn while I move on to more worthwhile subjects like math.
Have fun with your trainwreck of an OS guys :^)


I've been seeing reports recently of a certain distro bricking certain machines recently. I think it had to do with an Intel driver.

I have no idea how something like that could even happen. But this is something that should never have left the testing stage. If the software isn't used for flashing ROMs, there is no reason for any software to be able to brick any computer.


press alt-f2 (essentially changing to a diffrent terminal, alt-f1 to go back, its sometimes alt-shift-f# or something else), if the font problem persists idk. If its normal in the new terminal, use a diffrent DE, I recommend gnome3 if your new to Arch.


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Every more popular OS is fucked even worse, their hordes of engineers just keep the surface gui skin from springing too many holes that let the bullshit of whats actually going on leak out. GNU doesnt do that as well cause they dont have the same armies of chimps maintaining a ""UX"" illusion, as they're not looking for your normie families dependence and user data.
You've realized how completely, totally backwards and fucked up software is, congratulations. I urge you to contemplate the idea of this fuckedness as an extension of how backwards and fucked up modern societies entire philosophy around the construction and use of tools is.

If you ever feel like using a computer again, try learning plan9.


but they do, just look at how it's all GNOME and KDE and just about every major distro comes bloated to hell and back for a blanket.
>You've realized how completely, totally backwards and fucked up software is, congratulations
Yes I'm all about maths now don't show me any software ever again. Though honestly I advocate for going back to the days of assembler when things made sense.
> try learning plan9.
I wish I had hardware that can run plan9, sometime maybe


>Yes I'm all about maths now don't show me any software ever again. Though honestly I advocate for going back to the days of assembler when things made sense.
I'd advocate going the functional programming route. It's like math too.
Only the software that legitimately can't be written otherwise should be written in ways that can't be proven to be correct.

Also yes, systemd does brick laptops by that r/w efivars mounting """"feature"""".

Is this related to Intel's fuckups with branch prediction leaks?
Why anyone trusts or ever trusted intel is completely beyond me. They're the absolute bottom of the processor industry, having assloads of money to throw at problems being their only reason for any viable product existing.

>try learning plan9
I just want a plan9-like system but built around lisp instead of C and C++. Imagine an acme where the commands and programs you run by clicks are actually lisp code.
I'm having far too much fun selectively compiling functions into a running program with SLIMV, I want a computing environment where this type of wizardry is the norm rather than something esoteric and unheard of.


>They're the absolute bottom of the processor industry
yakuza stop this madness :^) btw znc is up again, sorry about the downtime


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there isnt a line of c++ in plan9 because plan9 doesnt have a c++ compiler. the pain of working at google without a c++ compiler is why some of its devs abandoned it.
I personally prefer sam+rio etc etc anyways, though.
you ignored the most important part. come on, you're into math, you're halfway there.


Systemd is not a GNU project. Also, a Thinkpad… tried reflashing its firmware? It's basically the only thing the OS/Kernel has the access rights needed to brick.


T-that was not me argman.
Also sorry for not showing up lately, I'm a wagie now.
>you ignored the most important part
I've always liked math before I got into the horrid mess of software.
Lately Linear Algebra and Geometry are far more engaging to me than interfacing with .so files.


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Are there any good new wm or de that dont just copy windows or osx? (i know of tiled window managers like i3 and bspwm already)


what does 'new' have to do with it?
cwm is the best window manager on unix btw.


"new" meaning one thats trying something new, not necessarily in regards to time but uniqueness.


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You might want to take a look at OpenBox. It's got a lot of the easy accessibility of DEs, but with a more minimal approach like WMs. It looks nothing like Windows or Mac.


I used to have this one crappy notebook that couldn't even handle Windows XP properly. It was my mom's, but she got tired of it because it really sucked and it froze all the time. So I asked my now boyfriend, at that time acquaintance, who at the time was still living with his parents and was hilariously piss poor, about a linux distro that could help. He gave me Lubuntu. Holy shit, all of a sudden this thing could play videos and I could also run VNs in there (I actually played the first Higurashi on that computer), it was great. I had a really good experience.

I also like Mint. I used to always have a dualboot with both Windows and Mint with Mate.


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I've used CRUX for about 10 years now. Got so tired of playing around with USE flags in Gentoo and binary packages in other distributions with broken dependencies or file collisions. Simple distributions like CRUX doesn't have a lot of packages, and doesn't always work flawlessly, but due to their simplicity, I find them so easy to fix, and I think I spend less time "working" on fixing things with CRUX than I do with other more complicated distributions. The simplicity makes it easy to make new packages quickly as well, and I don't need to know much more than how to compile the application to do it.

I currently only use it on my laptop and home server, but I want to install CRUX on my new desktop soon too. Decided I wanted to try out Fedora on my desktop when I got it, and that one's driving me crazy. There are lots of packages, but not for the software that I want, and systemd makes everything complicated and somewhat obfuscated. Doesn't feel as nice as editing simple rc files. Wanted to try Lunar and Source Mage before I moved to CRUX ages ago, so I think I might give those a go too, but I'll probably keep those in virtual machines.

Systemd is really annoying, and many other things like GRUB2 and pulseaudio is annoying to deal with as well. I might just be a luddite, but I mostly think simple and old software is any fun. New software got too damn complicated.


I highly recommend slackware. Stable as hell.


how did you guys learned the terminal? should i study bash or something?


Nothing better than man pages in my opinion. In case you don't know what those are, you can type 'man [program]', e.g. 'man rm', and it will tell you all about how to use said program.

With that in mind, all the core utilities are usually stored in /bin. So, if you have a free afternoon, do:
ls /bin
and then man all the program names which come up.

Maybe you're already past the basics, though. In that case, yeah, learning bash scripting would be good. I can't help you much there, though.


I read a book about GNU/Linux and UNIX a long time ago, and that introduced me to basic stuff like ls and cd. Since I was already used to command and the old MSDOS utilities, getting used to basic usage was simply remembering to use ls instead of dir. The book also mentioned basic stuff like aliases and libraries. Other than that I simply toyed around editing files in /etc and doing as >>804 said, you can learn a lot from reading man pages. In addition to man pages, you can also get basic information about a program and available flags by appending -h or –help to the command.

These days, there should be loads of good articles on basic shell usage. I thought the articles on funtoo.org are fairly decent. I don't think it explains the basic commands for navigating around the filesystem, but it talks about variables and such.



There is also this article about the fundamentals.


Not sure how proficient you are, but you can get far with just the basics. Knowing scripting is useful, but I don't think it is required for most users. There are some neat tricks one can learn through scripting tho. Like when you want to make a backup of a config file before you start editing it.

cp /etc/fstab{,.bak} instead of cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak.


Thanks, guys, i'm gonna check these out. Btw, i'm at the basics level, using ubuntu on my second notebook.


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Mastering the terminal is achieved through trial, error, and persistence. Read as much as you can about every new word or acronym you come across. Don't be afraid to break things, either. Just keep on truckin'.


You can set it as your login shell, but keep /bin/sh as bash or dash. The `chsh' command is what you want to use, but in my experience editing /etc/passwd manually is more reliable. GUI terminal emulators may require additional configuration.
Just check a list of all your installed packages, and delete the ones you don't want. If you use gentoo you can edit your /var/lib/portage/world to remove old crap you don't need, and then run emerge –depclean.
Alpine has a similar simplicity to it. I've just switched to it from Gentoo, because I was a retard and I deleted some important libraries. I was unable to fix the problem manually within a reasonable timeframe and I didn't feel like compiling everything from scratch, so I backed up /home and switched to Alpine.


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So I'm using Linux Mint Cinnamon, is there a way to show thumbnails in the filepicker? If not, what distribution should I use that does? My PC is very old, like, it is an HP pavilion g6. With about 4 gigs of RAM.


Thumbnails like that is something people have been asking about for a long time now. There are patches floating around I think, but nobody with power within the GTK project seems too interested in adding such a feature themselves. I get around that issue by using my regular file manager and drag the file I want over to the application I want it open in (that's also something that can be inconsistent, not everything supports drag and drop).

QT applications (that would be anything KDE and related applications) has a file picker that supports thumbnails. So it might be worth trying QT and KDE alternatives to the applications you use. Kubuntu comes bundled with KDE, and I'm sure you can use KDE with Mint as well.

I want to enjoy free software on my desktop systems, but I think these kinds of things makes free software a little annoying outside of CLI tools. I wish desktop environments were a lot more consistent and supported these kinds of features.




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as far as the desktop is concerned I can't imagine using anything other than dwm on Linux or *BSD. a really great piece of software.

running Crux on a spare T60 that I toy around with, I like how hands off it is, and I got tired of dealing with portage when it was running Gentoo.

Arch on my desktop.

I've had Openbsd running on those machines and more at various times but the lack of (or pains with) various software made me switch back to Linux land.


Linux is a kernel, not an operating system


most people already know that dumbass, but it's easier to refer to various Linux-based operating systems as just "Linux", you think I'm gonna say "Linux based Operating system Ubuntu" every time in casual conversation


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You should say GNU/Linux. It shows that you care about software freedom.


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>Linux is a kernel, not an operating system

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, Systemd/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Systemd plus Linux.Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning Systemd system made useful by the Systemd corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the Systemd system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Systemd
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the Systemd system, developed by the Systemd Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the Systemd operating system: the whole system
is basically Systemd with Linux added, or Systemd/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of Systemd/Linux.


>sed -i "s/GNU/Systemd/g"
>still works as a shitpost


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I'd just like to interject for a moment.

What you're referring to as Sushichan, is in fact, vichan/Sushichan, or as I've recently taken to calling it, vichan plus Sushichan.
Sushichan is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning vichan system made useful by the vichan corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the vichan system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of vichan
which is widely used today is often called "Sushichan", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the vichan system, developed by the vichan Project.

There really is a Sushichan, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Sushichan is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Sushichan is
normally used in combination with the vichan operating system: the whole system
is basically vichan with Sushichan added, or vichan/Sushichan. All the so-called "Sushichan"
distributions are really distributions of vichan/Sushichan.


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after a couple days trying to figure it out, I finally managed to get binutils to compile, turns out I just needed to install a sort of "development" package in my host OS (instead of just bare gcc). Now I can get along with building LFS! Yay!
Right now I'm doing the next package in line, gcc, I've been following along, I hope I don't run into some wird issue…


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I tried out Guix SD in a VM a few days ago. Being able to specify a whole system configuration in a Scheme file like this is soooo nice. From one of these files you can rebuild the current system, generate an ISO of the built system, or even a Docker image. If I picked up a new laptop I could just copy this file onto it, run 'guix system reconfigure', and it'll reconfigure the system as it's running, whilst still providing a menu entry in the bootloader for the old system if something goes wrong.
Only real downside is it /is/ slower than the equivalent Arch or Debian process, although Guile 3.0's JIT should speed it up a bit when it finally makes it in to Guix SD. Also using a nonfree Linux kernel for WiFi drivers and the like requires adding the third party nonguix repo, although its so well packaged that it feels vanilla.

As a side note I've been thining of picking up a cute Thinkpad T6x or T2xx tablet as a companion to my mbp and running Guix on it.


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I've been using NixOS for half a year and it's been so pleasant. My whole configuration lives in just one place and nix-shell has become indispensable - with lorri you can man of tastely change a folder and it will change your environment, so useful! I set up my system to download packages from a stable channel, while my user is subscribed to an unstable one. This way I have stable and rolling releases at the same time.



I used to use Guix on my x200. I agree that having the whole system configuration as scheme is super nice, but I stopped using it because of how Gnu it was, I wanted something lighter and with better documentation. It was nice while it lasted though.


What to do you mean lighter?


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Not using the GNU coreutils, libc, and so on. In a lot of ways I know that it just sounds over the top and hipster, but I don't use many of the features that have been added to the GNU utilities and their size makes it more confusing for me to look through and modify the code.

In a similar vein, I don't like GNU C style, nor the Texinfo documentation format. I like man pages but I wouldn't mind an alternative system if it was put together better than the way info is (although I concede that for the time they did a great job with a hyperlinked document system).

Essentially I'm just making a fuss about the fact that lightweight tools which use less than a percentage of my computer's power are too bloated for me to jerk off to them.


Soo what do you use then?


OpenBSD usually.


I'm currently stuck using Arch, which I have been since 2016 when I bought the meme and started using it full time. I'm stuck because I know all the commands and relearning new ones seems like a pain.

I'm sure when my paranoia flares up and work ease up I might try Gentoo again.


What's your use-case? I've been toying with the idea of OpenBSD for a while (long-time Void user).


If you're into the meme distros and source building, I find that Guix carried it out a lot nicer than Gentoo.

Use case as in what do I do? I'm a philosophy student and hobbyist programmer, likes low-level stuff, lisp, etc. I write most of my stuff in mg, whether source code or prose (which is usually in a man of tastele markdown-like language that I translate to roff). I used to play some Stardew Valley and Minecraft ,which took a bit of effort to get working but were fine, that was on 6.4 though so I don't know what it's like now. Obviously some websites. I do a lot of stuff offline so I don't have many demands.

I've heard that Void is quite BSD like and man of tastele to install, OpenBSD also has a very man of tastele installation procedure and can even automatically partition the disk, and is of course very BSD-like. The base system feels more cohesive than any Linux I've ever used and much cleaner, despite coming with multiple choices (2 shells, 3 editors, 3 window managers are installed by default). Even so it's light and small. Some of the infrastructure is built with Perl and noticeably slow, in particular the package manager is a lot slower than even things like apt. Then again, the goal of the OS isn't speed.

There's nothing to lose by giving it a try, it's one of my favourites, let me know if you want to know anything else :)


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Might give Nix a go in a vm too, I've splurged on keycaps again so the thinkpad is on hold now.

I wrote up a big reply about Plan 9 but lost it… oh well. My main point was that I found Plan9/9front most interesting as a system where all parts work together in ideological unison, in this case under the 'everything is a file' banner, much more cohesively than say most GNU/Linuxes. Other stuff it does is interesting, but the cohesiveness that it executes it with is the best bit. Makes me think of a well set up Emacs or the BSDs.

Recently I was thinking about how despite easily having the knowledge and technology, our computers are still very isolated from one another. E.g. sharing a .mp4 of a movie file across a local network has been possible for decades, but I still find the easiest way is to dig out a USB stick. I suppose this speaks to more of a societal/economic cause than what's innately possible with our computers of the day. Sharing CPU, storage, and the likes across a network as Plan 9 and co (Lisp Machines, Inferno, a bunch of research OS's) do would be fascinating. Imagine getting home, opening your laptop, and immediately having access to 10x the processing power, and seamlessly accessing your at home media storage.
I am kind of a zealot about microkernels though, so couldn't quite say a Plan 9 world is a utopia hehe.


Thank you for the detailed response, helps a lot :)


hey guys
So I started using linux some time ago but dropped it because of some driver problems, now I'm back at it again with debian on a vm and enjoying the experience so far
But most of the time it feels like I have no idea of what I'm doing, I'd like to get more familiar with the operating system my computer runs and how it works, if that makes sense. What would be the best way to accomplish this? man of tastely by using it, or is there any useful resource you guys would recommend?


You learn Linux by solving problems you encounter while doing common tasks. Copying solutions from stackoverflow is alright, as long as you read explanation. You will not learn how computer works just by using Linux. I suggest you to learn bash, vim/emacs and system structure - all of that is just basics. Then you are all set for programming.

Helpful resources: man command and archwiki.


Came across this a while back, maybe it'd hit the spot:


thanks for the helpful advice :D


Are there any really stable distributives? I tried to use Ubuntu, but it's very unstable. Even LTS version has many bugs that i found. So which stable distrubutive you'll recommend? Also it would be very cool if this distrib hadn't problems with usage of PC's resources. I hope this board still alive. I like it.


I'm biased towards Arch, I have managed to have arch based installs last for years with little to no issue, but not everyone shares this sentiment. I would still give it a try, although Manjaro does seem to be buggier than most.

Another distro I have a bit of experience with is CentOS. It is very very stable, but the software selection from the repos is not good at all for my use case.


Well, I'm very biased towards NixOS. You need to setup your system once, and then it will just work.

Also nix prides itself for being the most up-to-date repository with as much packages as AUR has, yet with an order of magnitude less maintainers, which nicely showcases how amazing nix truly is.


Thank you for advices, I'll give these OSs a try.


debian stable


I'm not sure why Ubuntu would seem unstable since supposed to be among the more stable desktop distros, at least below the hood. I haven't used it since version 11 or 12 though so I may be wrong.

Debian Stable is a popular choice for servers and is pretty rock-solid, but a lot of the software in its repository is pretty old. Fedora is also very stable and another good choice for servers since it's basically just upstream RHEL which is a commercial product, and has much more modern software due to being a rolling release.

Actually most of the popular distros are pretty stable. If you just want a nice user experience steer clear of the more hobbyist-oriented ones, though if you really want to learn how Linux works you can try Arch or my favorite, Slackware, which are both stable and easy to configure but will require you to learn to use the command line and can easily be screwed up if you aren't careful.

System resource use is usually more an issue with your desktop environment and/or window manager and stuff than under the hood. If you're don't want to hack together a UI with a WM and some other custom stuff I suggest switching to xfce or LXDE instead of whatever flashy crap your distro might come with out of the box.


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Finally decided to setup a VM on usb for college. Don't want to bring a laptop around, but can't boot from USB on the computers. The best I'm willing to do. Trying out fossapup. It looks really good!


Ambitious me.
I managed to >install gentoo yesterday, today I was compiling X and the power was interrupted and I'm afraid to turn it back on!


Tell me about CRUX. What's it like? How does the pacman work?

I use NixOS btw.


what is fish


What's it like?


Correct me if I'm wrong but a lot of that system-to-system fragmentation is a direct result of the walled-garden approach that many proprietary operating systems had in mind and somewhat still do. I'm hoping that we will see more OS operational unity down the line. In the meantime Huawei seems to be doing something like what you're envisioning with their Harmony OS. I hope that trend will continue until there is a unified interface or some other means for all operating systems to interface like Linuxes can.

Good on you for keeping the original dream of the internet alive with multi-system computational collaboration.


The CRUX ports are similar to the Arch pkgbuild system, but binary packages are uncommon. So there isn't really much of a pacman alternative. It is a basic recipe based system that build a package based on the maintainers chosen configure and make options. Dependencies tend to be minimal, and they are specified in the pkgfile, and built/installed by prt-get. You can handle all of that manually with pkgmk/pkgadd if you want (don't know why anyone would outside of testing)

I couldn't dream of using this distro in production. I mostly use it for some simpler systems at home. Got a basic laptop with i3, and a simple fileserver with samba. Fully features systems with KDE or GNOME becomes a bit too complicated and tedious to maintain, especially when it is the kind of distro that expects its users to maintain stuff on their own.

The distro isn't for everyone, but I like it.


As an intermediate user, is NixOs going to be way too difficult for me to manage? Im mostly familiar with Debian/Ubuntu based systems, but im running manjaro right now. Im incredibly interested with Nix but was having trouble getting anything running on my hardware let alone Nix so I just took what I could get.


Depends on how used to manual install you are. Take a read of the OS manual installation process and if you think you can do it, give it a try. You can also try home-manager if you want to give nix a try without giving the OS a fullblown install.



Hi fellow CRUX user. You can install pacman (the Arch package manager) from deepthoght's repo. As for the use in production, if you keep and maintain your own repo with all dependent ports is actually rock solid. It requires dedication for obvious reasons.


Hi. I couldn't find this at a glance on the crux webpage, is it source-based like gentoo?
I tried gentoo recently but didn't get too far because to get X I needed lots of other very bloatedheavy packages like rust and some mozilla thing. Not to mention LLVM.
Pls respond. I remember liking crux a few years back and there are a very reduced number of decent distros but all are source based and I have limited power.


Nevermind me, I know now


I forgot to reply ;_;

Some heavy packages already have -bin packages in contrib and opt (like rust and firefox). Saves some time, but there are other big packages still. Compiling is still time consuming with old and slow hardware, depending on what you install.

As an alternative to compiling, Romster maintains some precompiled packages on his site.



Remember to try appimages fellow cruxers. I use libreoffice and calibre, no need to compile these.


what do sushis recommend for stupid lightweight riceable distros? My dad has an old cd with "hack" written on it but its unused, so I thought it would be good fun to jam some programming languages and hacking tools on its very limited 4GB of space to fulfill its destiny.
It only needs to be able to run on at least 512MB RAM, and be able to boot on most common architecture/hardware (i386, x86_64, arm). GUI can be sacrificed if necessary, but Ghidra doesn't play well with TUI.


>very limited 4GB of space to fulfill its destiny
Are you sure it's not a DVD+RW or something? CDs shouldn't have more than 700MB and are read-only.
Assuming you mean you want to do a live CD install the vast majority of distros are less than 2GB and plenty are less than 1GB but to boot on multiple architectures you'd need a separate partition for each version which you probably don't have space for and partitioning optical discs isn't much of a thing.
If all you want is to be 1337 I guess you could put Kali with xfce on there, though to rice it you'd probably want a liveUSB instead for the persistence.


Yeah its an optical disk/DVD+RW.

> Assuming you mean you want to do a live CD install the vast majority of distros are less than 2GB and plenty are less than 1GB

I've already tried persistent live CD's with most normal distros and its been unable to handle the brunt well. The goal of this project is to follow the philosophy that every KB counts.

> boot on multiple architectures you'd need seperate partitons

aren't there hardware-detecting boot partitions that allow you to boot a given system? I understand that for some programs the assembly instructions/byte code won't be the same so there will have to be concerns in that regard, but limiting it to just those three archetectures I'm sure that I can find a way with a script to link the correct binaries to /usr/bin for the given hardware (I just don't know how to do so).

I certainly would want a liveUSB image (which I assume can run on floppies and DVD's). Don't really need kali, This system is still a 'hacker' system if it has basics like netcat, john the ripper, and some programming language environments (python, c compilers, linkers, assemblers).

If it's too much hassle I can reduce it to just x86_64 since that is currently the most common hardware architecture.


I mean a liveUSB install, not the image (which is usually the same either way). Rewritable DVDs are a lot less reliable and can be written to far fewer times without errors and failures than USB drives. They're really not good for persistent installs.


regardless its not as funny if the hack disk is a hack stick (even though it would be more practical).


>unused DVD+RW named hack
You sure it´s not just empty rather than unused?
If you didn´t write over it yet you could probably recover the actual “hack” files with file recovery software.
But as a tip for distro, easiest if it´s already molded for liveboot use, maybe something like Slax.


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Been using linux exclusively for around half a year now and I have no plans of ever switching back to Windows! I've tried numerous distros, but I eventually stopped at Arch. Well, I tried a few other distros after Arch, but I always ended up going straight back to Arch, it just works! (For me at least). I love using rolling release, and the AUR is a godsend! It has everything! I would say Arch is probably not very good for servers, but for desktops, it's perfect!


Happy for you sushi roll! I use debian every day, but I ever need to reinstall I'll try out arch. I'm pretty jealous of you for getting the AUR.


Yeah, the AUR is great! It contains many niche packages that would never be available on the official repos of any distro. I used Debian too for a short while. I think it's great for servers and low maintenance PCs, but it's not very good for desktop users that wanna do some more "high tech' stuff, that's just my opinion though. If you do plan on switching to Arch, I will say that after reinstalling Arch a few times (reinstalling it after hopping to another distro but then deciding to switch back to Arch), I've installed it the "official" way through the command line many times, but I've also installed it with the anarchy installer, and let me just tell you that you don't really miss out on anything for installing it with anarchy. So, if you find it's too difficult to install it through the command line, use the anarchy installer! It saves you a lot of time.


as another arch (manjaro) user, I just want to tell you you have no idea how much of an improvement pacman is to apt-get. Its not even funny. It takes a bit more time to learn how it works and all its features, but it is more than worth it in the end.

Also, arch has also been one of the easiest distros I have ever installed. I tend to run into install issues all the time, but not with arch.


I've been using Linux as my main OS since 2012, although I only stopped dual-booting and went Linux-only about a year and a half ago. Before that, I only ever used Windows for video games, and Linux for literally everything else.
My first distro was Ubuntu, then Mint, then Arch, which I used for most of the time I've been using Linux (although when I built my first desktop PC I decided to install Mint on my laptop). Then when I stopped dual-booting I switched to Manjaro.

I've gotta say, I wouldn't really recommend Arch. Like, there was one time I ran an update and it just stopped booting altogether. I had to completely reinstall it from scratch, and I ended up losing everything I had on my Linux partition (for some reason I'd decided to reinstall Arch at the time, since I apparently hadn't learned my lesson). And while I certainly don't regret having the experience of having to configure everything from scratch myself, installing Manjaro made me realize how nice it is to be able to just install the OS and start doing stuff immediately.

Even then, I'm thinking I'm gonna go back to either Mint, or try popOS or something next time I build a new PC (which will probably be pretty soon, considering mine is about 5 years old at this point). It's true that Manjaro is a hell of a lot better than base Arch in a lot of ways, and it won't break your system entirely, but it still has a lot of little problems here and there. Like, the straw that broke the camel's back for me was when I needed to print something, and no matter what I tried I couldn't connect to the printer on my Manjaro PC, but when I tried transferring the file to my Mint laptop and tried printing it from there it worked perfectly. It's true that the AUR is something I'll miss, but at this point I feel like it's worth leaving it behind.


My debian install is fucked, I'll need a working computer for a couple of days but after I'm gonna take your advice and try out arch. I'd like to try the proper way but I'll probably use anarchy installer since I don't want to accidentally lose my home partition.


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Well that was stressful as fuck. Fucked up in several important ways and spent hours staring at grub rescue> but at least now I can look at my anime pictures again.


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Does anyone know of (good) solutions for multiple monitors on linux with differing DPIs? I'm seriously considering getting an intel nuc and using it for the 2nd monitor (with a virtual kvm, so I can just use 1kb and mouse)just to get 2 displays that aren't blurry. The problem I suspect is not fixable unless I get an amd graphics card and use wayland, but with current prices that's not an option.

I love NixOS, I just wish I could understand flakes and some of the more advanced concepts. I guess I should take a proper look at the manual one day.

You should use gummiboot (old name) / system d boot, it's a much less frustrating experience than fighting against GRUB to make it detect OS installations and in general to work.


I don't intend to come off as mean or uncomfy but why is guix 2.5 times less popular than nix is? Was the choice of a lisp to configure the system ill-informed? What does guix offer that nix doesn't, and why is guix not popular?


Not that poster, but AFAIK Nix has been around for quite a bit longer?
Which translates to more time for people to opt to use it, and breadth of software, a fast check nets that Nix has 60k packages while Guix has 16k. And also less time to iron out kinks, at the time I tried Guix it had a bug where using my native keymap would render it unable to boot.


Sorry to hear that, sounds like a pain. That said, that's such a implied-story-humor (?) pair of posts


Do you suppose more people will start using Guix in the next 5 years, or will the userbase remain relatively stable?


I've been wanting to add a seperate user to my debian machine as a "blank slate". Minimal programs, no internet; just somewhere to write stories and play with code without distractions.

When I ran Mint before, I remember easily creating a user account that only had the default programs and hadn't had its internet connection set up. When I add new users on my current Debian setup, they'll still have the same programs and (wifi) settings. I know I could manually chmod programs and futz with settings to restrict access, but is there an easier way to set up a seperate, minimal user?

Sorry if its a newbie question, my g**gle-fu isn't coming up with results that address what I'm looking for.


make a vm for it, it lets you trash and rebuild if you want. maybe that's too "heavyweight" for what you want though.


I think you can do it by changing the groups the user is part of


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I use Debian and manage my connections with the program nmtui - I believe it came installed by default. In nmtui, when you edit a connection, you can set it to not be available to all users - see picrel. Maybe you'd want to do that.

However, I also like >>1823 idea about making a VM for your minimal setup. Once you've set it up (it's very easy if you use a GUI like virt-manager), you can just go fullscreen in your VM and pretend you're on a different system entirely.


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Im glad to see this thread is still going almost 5 years later.
Thanks sushies!


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>>1758 here. When I said Manjaro won't break your system entirely, I was apparently wrong. Time to finally install Mint on this PC I guess.


I have a raspberry pi which I want to turn into a wireless router. I don't have a monitor to connect to it, so I have to use it headless. I need the Pi to connect to the LAN and listen on ssh.
I've been trying with raspbian, but it doesn't seem to connect to the network for some reason (even using an ethernet wire), and my router is ABSOLUTE SHEIT and it shows really scarce information, specifically, it doesn't even show ip addresses of connected devices. Just the MAC addresses. I tried doing a broadcast ping on the lan and I only got 1 response from 3 connected devices (4, if the pi ever joined).
I tried Openwrt but that didn't work either.
I'll keep trying, but I might just have to do it all from scratch, ie, use buildroot to make a system with just the config I need.



Well, I finally managed to do it. All I had to do was actually do a bruteforce search, I tried to ssh into every address in the LAN (using a simple script, obvs), and just like that, I found it. Now for the next step, which is to find the proper driver for the wireless adapter, which should already be somewhere in /lib/modules, load it and make an interface for it (and get it to happen automatically on boot). Then setup hostapd and ip routing, however that last part is done.

Had this been needed a few years ago, I'd be thrilled. Today I have other learning priorities. However, I did likethe idea of building an embedded system, and I just might in the future, but right now I need to get this working.
Which also comes to show how extrinsic motivators could be much stronger than intrinsic ones at times. I wanted to do this in the past but I had no pressing reason to actually go through the process.

I try and make do with what I have, plus, it should be doable.


I've been using Linux for around 4 1/2 years now and I'd like to move up to something a bit more advanced and customizable. I've been getting by with Devuan + XFCE but it has become tiring. From random, esoteric bugs to missing functionality to a lack of a strong, central community, its just not cutting it anymore.

I've been looking at:
(And I might try out Gentoo as well as Slackware just for fun)
As security is one of my main focuses, Systemd is a no-go for me.

What resources do you recommend to learn the entire Linux ecosystem from the ground-up? Are there any quirks/tips I should know about related to the distros I've listed?


Have you heard of Linux From Scratch? It guides you through the process of building your own distro. It's not really suitable or intended to be used as a daily distro but as a learning experience instead.



Slackware is the ultimate comfy linux experience, everything is quite simple to achieve and you really can just slack off once you understand the main things (which isn't much, and what there is is never overcomplicated). The lightweightness and simplicity of customizing FluxBox goes really well with it, can recommend. And also if you like Slackware more than any other distros, chances are that you would feel right at home in OpenBSD too (which would also zoom right in on your security focus).

I've tried a handful of systems, only ever felt comfortable in Slackware, then years later tried OpenBSD, realized that was the problem all along, I'm not really the linux type at all, I'm a BSD person. The core should not be a hodge-podge of random bits, but something put together well, to the same standard of quality.
Funny tidbit, Slackware actually did grow out of a LinuxFromScratch setup originally, that the guy maintained for a couple of people that used his scripts rather than make their own.


Currently running Slackware 15.0 RC1 on my daily driver. It's pretty comfy. I can't update it yet since there are no 15.0 mirror directories last I checked. It also isn't detecting my wireless KB/mouse, but that could be my fault. Otherwise, this can do 96% of what I need a computer to do. If you need the other 4%, MX Linux is a good option. Dual-booting with Slackware and MX Linux seems ideal. How are your impressions w/ Slackware? Any plans of trying out Slackware 15 when it fully releases?


I am on artix right now and I can comfortably recomend it.


Posting from mint for a little trial run.
Once I get my new computer I will boot it with my favorite, hook up a VPN, and wipe my slate clean.
Thank you for guiding me!


Mint is as comfy as it gets imo. Glad you like it sushi!


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been using linux for about 9-10 years, despite this im still an ubuntoid.
luv me 'buntu.
void was okay, but i had no real use for it.
thinking of trying bedrock though.


Ubuntu is a great distro for many use cases as it 'just werks'.

Personally, I've been using Fedora at work for over a year now and quite like it. Soonish I'm going to switch to MacOS, I'm wondering how long it will take me to get used to it.


I branched out a bit with void and bunsenlabs, but ubuntu is just so reliable.
I hear fedora is basically the same in that regard.
I do recommend bunsenlabs for anyone running a really old/underpowered system, it's basically the new crunchbang (rip)


> I hear fedora is basically the same in that regard.
Reinstalling it as we speak. Gonna stick with it from now on, every other distro has its cons but Fedora always "just works" in my experience.


Finally managed a minimal install Debian, always feared setting up X11, because of how badly I messed it up few times. Running i3 with terminator, fish and not much else. Set up for SC61A, lots of fun.


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it's nice to see how consistent mint has been over the years. over 4 years later and your setup almost looks exactly the same as mine does. Neat. Anyways, thumbnail support is (finally) being merged, hopefully it'll get in soon.



What are sushis running on their servers?

I'm currently using CentOS, thinking about switching away to free- or OpenBSD though.


I use FreeBSD on my file server. I don't do much with it. ZFS and Samba, it's my file server.

I have an older home server that runs CRUX. That's been my server for minecraft and various other games in the past. Thinking about replacing this with FreeBSD too.


Seconding this (albeit a tad late :D)


I have TrueNAS Core running on my homeserver and FreeBSD on my VPS


If I can poke this, I've been using slackware for 10+ years. I've also used mint, arch, manjaro, haiku, and pop.

I highly recommend slackware because its as close to "feature complete" as I would call any OS. Once you get it set up (which let's not act like you won't learn a ton just doing that) its pretty much done and done. "It just werks" unironically.


i like linux but it makes me so mad that the software i want is not on linux.


I've come to realize the only true purpose for using linux is for programming and web hosting stuff. You will take this pill too.


I don't wanna >:(
u can't make me


>I've come to realize the only true purpose for using linux is for programming and web hosting stuff. You will take this pill too.

As opposed to what, in say, Windows or FreeBSD? I mean to say, what do people use on those platforms that you don't on linux? I don't want to argue, though. I recognize linux having so little market share that doing simple things like "gaming" would be frustrating for most. I guess I ask why it is "only" for those. Maybe I'm being pedantic.


Do you sushi rolls host anything interesting? I've been hosting a personal wiki and it's been pretty fun. I also host some game servers, a pubnix, a FTP server, and a few static websites.

Gaming on Linux isn't too bad these days. Most things Just Work, and older games to have fewer issue on Linux than Windows. The main remaining stumbling block to it being good enough is anticheat

Proxmox for the hypervisor, Rocky Linux for server, and OPNsense for firewall/routing/general networking. Not a huge fan of RHEL distros, but I use them at work and value having just one environment. I've been meaning to use BSD for a while. When it comes time to have a dedicated NAS instead of everything on the hypervisor I'll likely use some flavor of BSD.


its absolutely just the case that people who make posts like the one you are replying to use computers exclusively for gaming so actually having the capability to do real work with less friction like linux allows is not really considered a useful tradeoff.


Maybe I'm a bit crazy but I can't quite decide what kind of a system I want to have. I have a few ideas. I have enough disk but an underpowered old little netbook. Compiling a kernel takes a day, a toolchain, maybe a couple more days, X11 half another day, and I can't be thinking about including rust or LLVM, that's fine, I would like simple stuff anyway. I would be using plan9 but it's a bit too ideal if you get my meaning.
My current idea is to use linux as a hypervisor, and a different system on each vm, so that I could even run ubuntu one day from my main build, not that I would actually do that.
The remaining question is what is the host system going to be? I am inclined for keeping the bare minimum, a few services and such, and instead of loading a user environment it can open one of a number of guest systems.
I am not too concerned with the performance penalty, as I wouldn't likely be jumping between whole systems, and once I get the whole thing running I am rather frugal.
Finally, am I able to pull this off? It involves many things I've never done before, time will tell.


sounds like you were to stupid to use linux


*too :^)


depends on the speed of the device. some of my old usb flash drives from like 2012-2018 take forever (25+ minutes). but sd cards ive been using lately take maybe five minutes. actual CDs will take 40+ minutes.


I agree - it is steadily getting better but I always felt like you have to settle for inferior software and support when doing creative work.


I don't feel comortable with Linux. I'm more used to BSD but Linux is great for all kinds of little projects and is much more usable for the average person. Gaming is the only drawback that kills its mass appeal. I also feel the Linux community has become another snobby elite in group and totally forgot the original mission of GNU and Linux and now its little more than a cult. Sad.


I'm using Linux Mint and it's pretty good. The only complaint I have is that I can't run Lightroom on it. But the android app works well enough for me, so it's not that bad overall.


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Hmm… I will have to take that back. The software that I currently use - Bitwig, Unity, Blender and Rider - are all great and seem to be actively supported on Linux.


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despite me not using and working with computers much due to recent life and wageslaving, i still use Arch Linux as my desktop daily driver. i still avoid using windows completely, unless i will have to dabble in it to get into tech jobs. i haven't done much technical stuff compared to the past few years, i just mindlessly browse the internet often at this point. burnout perhaps. despite the burnout, i still completely avoid windows.
i've been looking at other fancy distros like Bazzite/Fedora Kinoite, but i never grasped their different workflows despite their immutable system advantages and still stuck with arch. maybe those immutable distros will click in the next time i try distro hopping to those. maybe i may continue sticking with Arch anyways. i really like the AUR.

i used to host a bunch of static websites over the years, but they all died. i used to host a XMPP server trying both Prosody and ejabberd, that died too. i used to host minetest servers, but they all died. i could self host almost anything as long as it can run on a VPS, but i have nothing that motivates me to self host anymore. there's just no more point in me self hosting anything for now, unless something clicks in.

i never grasped NixOS, probably out of laziness or just quick burnout.


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Decided to make use of the less intense period at work and tried switching to KDE. Package manager threw an error in the middle of installation and it bricked my system. Just my luck…


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i ended up switching to Bazzite on both my desktop (i went with Aurora first, but i ended up rebasing to Bazzite not long ago) and my steam deck. best decision ever in a while, at least so far. only some niche use-cases don't exactly work, but i can figure it all out anyways.


I'm looking for a good lightweight distro I can throw on a USB stick as a persistant portable OS. I know there's tails but the whole amnesia thing isn't what I'm looking for.


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can you say something moar about your experience with Bazzite? why do you prefer it than SteamOS?

issues I have is that switching between gaming mode and desktop mode takes time, part of filesystem is wiped by updates and browsing web in gaming mode is not ideal. in particular cant save things or summon file picker for image upload.


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i haven't used Bazzite desktop mode much, however switching to desktop mode is the same speed as the current stable SteamOS version. part of the FS being wiped by updates also happens in SteamOS. i haven't tried browsing the web in gaming mode yet, nor tried to save things or upload images yet.

other than that it just werks for me so far. faster than SteamOS with no issues with my emulated games as well.

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