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EuroGunZ (GunZ The Duel)
One of the best TPS I've ever played, I've been playing this in the last 10 years and this game never gets old. It's amazing all the different things you can do and the different game modes you can play. This game really needs more recognition.

Website: https://universegunz.net
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uc3eGbyiyo

What's your favorite old game?


I wish i could play GunZ like i did in the old days, but my internet conection is extremely bad and unstable, so i can't go back.
Still, i would love to play it again some day, i wish there were more games like it.


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did you post this same thread on futaba
i was wondering why nips suddenly brought up GunZ of all things.


Seems like this tread has been posted on like almost every chan there is.
Dunno if it's just somebody really liking the game or devs trying to increase their audience.


I knew someone in hs who used to model guns in blender for this game.

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