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from the trenches

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Did Sushi contribute to any open source projects? Or, have you discovered any cool ones worth sharing?

I have found this one!


Not sure whether it really counts as contributing, but I like to give feedback or report bugs or other issues for the game engine of my choice. It's very small and obscure.


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came across this project the other day:

it's basically a minimalist pdf reader with some enhancements for reading text books and other academic-ky stuffs like the ability to jump to a references or figures mentioned in a paragraph even if the author didn't bother linking them, open a popup so you can view those without losing where you are in the page, etc.

it's not perfect tho: so far my biggest gripes is the inability to add popup note-type annotations and the lack of integration on any reference management platforms (which is just baffling).


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One time, I did a thing on Catacylsm DDA. It was really scary and hard and i had to get my friend to help me with the git commands and I was so scared.


I contribute by reporting bugs ;)


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