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File: 1640412676036.jpg (305.45 KB, 1000x749, jwst.jpg)


The JWST is launching on December 25 at 7:20am EST (in six hours). Is anyone else going to be watching the stream?



File: 1640433089518.png (2.22 MB, 1917x1079, jwst.png)

T-30 minutes


File: 1640434999804.png (1.26 MB, 1920x1080, jwst launch.png)


File: 1640436872613.png (52.07 KB, 263x233, 1640436753247.png)

Successful launch


Is this thing really important? I saw threads about it somewhere else but never dived into it


It's going to be the most powerful space telescope in history. It'll be at least as significant as the Hubble space telescope if everything goes well. It observes in infrared rather than visible light so it'll be able to see older and farther objects than the Hubble and answer questions it couldn't.


I think it looks so cool. That golden honeycomb thing. wow! so cool!


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File: 1640907681011-1.gif (3.03 MB, 777x437, Webb-Boom-Sunshield-Deploy….gif)

The JWST is about to deploy its sunshield. In testing in 2018 it ended up ripping in several places, so here's hoping it goes well.

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