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Does anyone have any horror stories of what's happened to them personally while exploring the "Deep Web" or just any type of trouble they got themselves in?


Yeah. I liked this sort of stuff, I was collecting "do not open!" links, shock sites and so on. And once saw a gallery of GIFs called "Semantic Virii", sorted by country categories. Thumbnails looked like weird collages, a lot like Picasso paintings I scrolled a bit and closed the page.
Years later I was researching illegal CIA projects like MKULTRA and "semantic virus" caught my attention. Turns out there is a way to construct visual sequence that embeds some sort of command, think micro-hypnosis. It consists of three stages: attention grab, cultural crack and "ordnance" which is actual command. Attention grab is simple, utilising natural desires (food, sex, etc). Cultural crack is complicated and depends on country of origin. It utilises norms and common imagery of particular society. Ordnance is usually a "trigger-response" pair which embeds command. I was happy that I did not scroll down to my country - who know's what it actually do to you.


The most fucked up thing I saw was a gif of some cp about a man fucking a toddler.


lescarydeepweb is a meme. all you'll find is horse porn and abandon sites that look like they were made by middlschoolers


Humanity can be really uncomfy at times.

So… basically the same thing as the clearweb?


Care to link to any relevant information? I looked up semantic virus and found nothing about it on the web.


Seconding this. Even if not the original images, just the source for the term. I've read about Mkultra before and never saw this particular concept. Spent a couple of hours researching this just now, and I found out about the conspiracy of the sentient black goo in the sewers of London, about British computer scientists committing suicide en masse in the 80s, but nothing for the 'semantic virus' stuff.


For some reason I'm having difficulty believe we're anywhere near cracking how to make successful Basilisk hacks.


I find it pretty boring but I've never gone all-in and actually looked for scary shit.

The most fucked up thing was that i was on the (Uncensored) Hidden Wiki and there are all these articles about child pornstars. About their lives and their 'careers'. Creeps me out makes me sick. They also straight up linked to child porn onions, most of them were labeled 'inactive' but some were active.
[spoiler]I didn't click that shit of course.[spoiler]


I'll remind you that the CIA is the same organization that tried using gypsies to spy on the reds.
Spoiler alert: it didn't work


It's a copypasta.

The most interesting thing I've found on darknets is a guide to sucking dick.
Otherwise it seems to be indexes and dead links.



The deepweb is honestly underwhelming. Media and news really like to hype it up as something amazing, but in reality it's a bunch of marketplaces, blogs, and fake hitman services.
Probably worth checking out on your own, if only to sate your own thirst.


I agree with this, but also a lot of dead and inactive links.


Not horror, more unnerving, but doxxing is a story I've seen play on the 'darkweb', more like drama sites and troll forums.

I've seen people post the reddit account of someone they found annoying then by going through their history they found accounts they cross linked to, small bits of data that build to a bigger picture, and tons of data that can be matched to IRL accounts. In >3 I've seen internet rando's connect a BDSM account to an actual IRL identity. Not even sushi rolls are safe because one imageboard 'doxxed' a user, they never wiped their cookies and their typing style/hill to die on matched another poster.

Of course it's unlikely to happen to anyone here, but it's unnerving to think all the dumb social media posts you made 5 years ago could be tracked to you IRL. Most people doing illegal stuff online are not caught through extreme hacking measures, they're caught because they made a slight slip up that links the tiniest part of their online profile to their IRL one.


Nothing Epic. Just browsing on a compromised protocol.


What imageboard?

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