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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics
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Welcome to Sushichan!

Original Samachan.org migration discussion thread at >>>/yakuza/776

This board was made to handle some of the discussion topics that were common on Samachan but not so common on Sushichan. Japanese and Otaku culture as well as Anime-related discussions can go in this board, whether you were originally from Samachan or not. In addition, if you are from Samachan and you're not sure if your topic would fit in one of our other boards, you can post it here. If the moderators think it would be a better fit for another part of the site, it might get moved.

Sushichan Guidelines
* Read the rules! Also take a minute to look around.
* All conversations should be comfy and use polite language.
* Less comfy conversations (within reason) can be had in /hell/.
* NSFW content goes in /lewd/. Keep 3D threads in /lewd/ to a minimum.
* Site meta discussion goes in /yakuza/.
* The /culture/ board is mostly for literature and artwork, despite the name.
* Cute stuff goes in /kawaii/, but it is an SFW board.
* The /arcade/ board has been expanded to include all kinds of games, including tabletop.
* Keep most Japan / Otaku / Anime related topics within this board.


Archived copy of Yuno's goodbye message that was posted on Samachan.org before the 4chan redirect: https://web.archive.org/web/20200517154448/https://samachan.org/

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 No.6082[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Volumes 1 and 2 on sale NOW
Digital versions can be bought on Amazon Japan, Rakuten and Book Walker
Print versions also on amazon Japan, Rakuten, 7net, Honto and Yodobashi.

Extra goodies when bought on specific stores (Gamers, Tsutaya, Melonbooks, Mangaoh, Toranoana, Comic Zin and affiliated stores - some offer international shipping)
Details here:

Asano Yagura's exposure dollars HERE:

(Support using real dollars now available)
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Oddly similar


Another fantastic chapter, another snafu. I was so focused on the general surface-level, diagram-supported table tennis terminology that I didn't give a second thought to Tomono (with an N)'s line.


Apparently, this is lingo used throughout all racket-based sports to define the moment when you readjust the racket and stabilize momentum after hitting the ball with a backhand swing (with the forehand equivalent being the フォロースルー - followthrough). Kind of like "swing recoil". It's why Madoi's super fast-paced rallies are troublesome, because they don't allow Agari to get in position and/or pace herself. I sort of incorporated it in the translation of Tomomo's line in >>6841 but in >>6825 you'll need to spare me a lot of good faith and squint very hard to make it fit.

In >>6825, Tomono is saying because Madoi is so flexible, she can build up her swing with a ton of takeback behind it (meaning, Madoi hits the ball with such strength that the swing recoil is very pronounced, meaning there'll be a lot of spin on her balls).

Essentially, the whole page should be re-written, so here it is:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>The octopus imagery is front and center with Madoi, as is the whole "GUILTY", "PENALTY" thematic.
As well as the "high" thing. In case you haven't noticed, I'm using "uplifted"/"uplifting" whenever that word shows up.

I noticed this and thought I should get on with reading chapter 9 part 2 and translate it as a birthday present to the most tragic girl in the series, unawares that the chapter would end up being so fitting. I wonder if she's in the audience, savoring all of A-chan, or if she's worried for her friend. Considering it's Kumami, probably both.

Either Agari loses this game to get the ball rolling and finally allow Hanabi a moment to shine, or she learns from Koyori's bout with Christine, takes a huge gamble, wins and inspires the rest of the team and Koyori in particular (it's game 1, there's plenty of leeway to create the opportunity to put Hanabi in the spotlight).

This might sound hypocritical coming from me, but I'd appreciate it if you put images like these in spoilers if the chapter isn't translated yet. I have the self-control not to open these, but I can still see major elements in the thumbnail.

Sure, but can you imagine how troublesome it will be to keep up with Hokuto's gimmick? There's only so many types of panties.


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I don't think it's Hanabi's turn quite yet, she still has to meet "that person" at the tournament. It's probably foreshadowing for more Hanabi backstory.

>I wonder if she's in the audience, savoring all of A-chan, or if she's worried for her friend. Considering it's Kumami, probably both

No way. If imagining Agari enjoying herself with Koyori made her violent, then seeing Madoi break Agari is on the same level, maybe worse, double NTR. I bet she'd want to 1v1 Madoi herself.

Also, Asano messed up the first drawing and didn't add the moon highlight. It feels different despite it being a minor part of the picture…

>spoiler page

Yeah I messed up, sorry.


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The TAKO is in katakana too.

>Crucifixions during the time of the christian persecutions were often carried out on beaches and the condemned would be subject to the rising tide until they drowned (if the cruxifixion process itself hadn't done them in before that).

I tried googling this and I only see this really occurring in Japan (水磔 lit. water crucifixion)

Would it be wrong to just make up a chuuni name for it? Like HIGH TIDE CRUCIFIXION

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 No.5724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Kind request to refrain from posting AI generated or AI assisted works
Thank you


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in this thread full of lust i will post something pure


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Wakame-sensei, I may not have read any of your manga but thank you for bringing miracles in our world


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 No.6230[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anything caught your eye sushi?
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ah just my wife with her acquaintance


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Rupa's rupas…


it is NOT FAIR that the sexiest and most level-headed girl got no episode

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What are you watching in the HOTTEST season of the year?
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Oh well it's just the typical MC is a nobody but he gets transported to a different world and whoop-dee doo he happens to be different from everyone else so the skimpy hot goddess gives him preferential treatment.


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I'm giving this a chance but only because


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Bye Bye, Earth has really impressed me with its world so far, lots of interesting ideas.


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cute eyebrows
cool lewd goddess design

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For the games, anime, girls, etc. of both old and new Pokemon.
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Lorelei <> Erika >> Misty > Sabrinna

You (and anyone really) can also comment on the aftermath of bigger events (quests, gyms) on what I could have done to save myself some trouble I might have gone through or even your own experiences during that part of your run.

And if anyone else is doing runs, I'd love to hear about them.
I'm grateful you guys are enjoying the read and encouraging me to post more, but it'd be nice if this thread didn't become all about my run.

>Torterra is the one you saw in the intro, you still have a little Turtwig!

Oh, okay. Torterra does sound too badass for a stage 1 pokemon, but he's learning razor leaf at Lvl13 so I don't know anymore. What happened to vine whip?

>Sinnoh is Hokkaido, interesting vocab!

Hokkaido… No wonder everyone is so tall!
I often bump into this region when I come across anything japan-related. I've become curious to visit it more than any other place in japan.


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Looks like my platinum adventure log killed the thread.



Nooooo, we love you Platinum-kun…



no particular order


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For me, nothing in video games will ever come close to the feeling of max comfiness I got while playing gen 4, gen 2, and Pikmin 2
Top tier games

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Another thread at bump limit!

Stream starts every Saturday at 20:00 UTC (16:00 EST/13:00 PST) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We usually watch one older show as a "main feature" as well as keep up with several currently airing shows as voted on by the community. We'd love for you to drop by!

Things we've watched before: https://pastebin.com/pgK1NFDJ
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>fans of somewhat generic fantasy with oversized weapons?



Just voted for Make Heroine thanks to this post


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I'm not sure which demographic you mean…


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Please understand you don't know what kind of dark forces you are trifling with PLEASE understand there is no going back also streamer-san absolutely hated that anime (said out loud) so there's no way it's gonna be on rotation so it's like a wasted vote if you think about it.


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We're going to continue where we left off with Outlaw Star and watch the summer seasonals. Hope to see you there!

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 No.13[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

As always, post some of your favorites.
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I can't believe no-one has posted this all-time banger from this season yet. The good people over at J. C. Staff finally fixed TEH RIE and it only took them twenty years.


Does kind of remind me of the Rizelmine OP


Too flat…


I wanted to make a webm out of this but I either end up with bad image quality or a size too big for sushigirl.

Second best OP of the season goes to tensura.
REALLY hoping the OP visual is hinting at my spirit animal Veldora (soul of a champion) having an exhibition match vs Ramiris and Rimuru and it's not just a reference to one of the recent eps…

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Hibike! Euphonium is beautiful and S02E05 is best thing I experienced in my whole adventure with anime.
I can not find adequate words to describe the cruelty KyoAni encountered.
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God knows… The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 【涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱】


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Who is excited for the new season? I have been waiting years..!!


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Hibike <3


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nothing much good so far… but we still have 5.5 more years to see what else is in store!

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What are you watching this summer?
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spooky final boss


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