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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Welcome to Sushichan!

Original Samachan.org migration discussion thread at >>>/yakuza/776

This board was made to handle some of the discussion topics that were common on Samachan but not so common on Sushichan. Japanese and Otaku culture as well as Anime-related discussions can go in this board, whether you were originally from Samachan or not. In addition, if you are from Samachan and you're not sure if your topic would fit in one of our other boards, you can post it here. If the moderators think it would be a better fit for another part of the site, it might get moved.

Sushichan Guidelines
* Read the rules! Also take a minute to look around.
* All conversations should be comfy and use polite language.
* Less comfy conversations (within reason) can be had in /hell/.
* NSFW content goes in /lewd/. Keep 3D threads in /lewd/ to a minimum.
* Site meta discussion goes in /yakuza/.
* The /culture/ board is mostly for literature and artwork, despite the name.
* Cute stuff goes in /kawaii/, but it is an SFW board.
* The /arcade/ board has been expanded to include all kinds of games, including tabletop.
* Keep most Japan / Otaku / Anime related topics within this board.


Archived copy of Yuno's goodbye message that was posted on Samachan.org before the 4chan redirect: https://web.archive.org/web/20200517154448/https://samachan.org/

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Another thread at bump limit!

Stream starts every Saturday at 20:00 UTC (16:00 EST/13:00 PST) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We usually watch one older show as a "main feature" as well as keep up with several currently airing shows as voted on by the community. We'd love for you to drop by!

Things we've watched before: https://pastebin.com/pgK1NFDJ
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That's a dung beetle on a tree stump dude


Stream status?


dead, gomen


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Improv stream!
We're watching the first three episodes of Break Blade and we're going to watch seasonals after (perhaps some Aria post-stream too?)
Get in here! https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream


(we already watched the first episode of Break Blade btw)

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 No.3309[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one hit bump limit, so here we are
Talk about whatever non-airing anime you've been watching lately, ask for recommendations, whatever!
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the goddess is beautiful. and that scenery too. makes me want to play skyrim. its funny. during summer all i was thinking about was autumn. now i long for cold winter.


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woops! looks like i skipped episode 14. after glancing through it doesnt seem worth watching anyway


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she is just like my mom - cunning and evil… i want her to bear my children


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i never have anything interesting to say after i am done with a piece of media. whats done is done. it had likeable characters and himmel. managed hype and comfy moments well. it caused me to smile few times, maybe even lol. had a lot of nice feet fanservice. i dont regret watching it. not picking a manga but i am in the mood for tolkien. actually a week or two ago i was thinking i would love to read hobbit to my kids. sadly i probably wont have any in this life.


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but i wonder. is freiren a local or a native isekai

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 No.6082[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Volumes 1 and 2 on sale NOW
Digital versions can be bought on Amazon Japan, Rakuten and Book Walker
Print versions also on amazon Japan, Rakuten, 7net, Honto and Yodobashi.

Extra goodies when bought on specific stores (Gamers, Tsutaya, Melonbooks, Mangaoh, Toranoana, Comic Zin and affiliated stores - some offer international shipping)
Details here:

Asano Yagura's exposure dollars HERE:

(Support using real dollars now available)
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If I become so strong that losing against me is an inevitability

I'll be able to offer Onee-sama at least a touch of solace

And that's why

I have to stay strong no matter what


I'm consumed by such guilt…


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Asano-sensei has more tricks in his hat that a wizard. This time he pulled out yet another ticket to yet another unpredictable emotional rollercoaster.

The original title isn't as on the nose about the religious theme. It's close to "that which I carry" if you prefer to be literal.

Yet again using the "sin" kanji for everything. This time, the line says "sin" but the furigana reads "duty/obligation".


Or rather "Y-YES!!" considering how small the speech bubble is…

And the sin/guilty thing comes up again.

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Next some things I found interesting that I read in the lull between dumping parts 1 and 2.

Concerning the wagtail (sekirei):
Most distinctively found with the black-and-white pattern, being black along the back, then black on the chest area, with the lower portion of the body white.

Wild speculation:
In japanese, to be black means to be guilty (of a crime, sin…). The wagtail is black on the back and chest. It carries guilt on its back and has guilt buried in its heart.

The wagtail in the edo period is said to be the inspiration for the hokushin ittouryuu, a sword style by Chiba Shuusaku Narimasa, one of the last to earn the title of sword saint. The style is characterized by having as little wasteful movement as possible. Instead of being tense and applying strength when crossing blades, the style favors relaxing the body to allow a wider range of motion in riposte.

I added bold so I don't have to repeat myself in wild speculation.

The wagtail is also the bird of happy marriages, having been involved in the creation myth of japan, helping Izanagi and Izanami. It's the bird that signals autumn, inspiration in haiku, fearless in confrontation, and you can read more about it's importance and symbolism in japanese culture here:

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It's hard to swallow because she's probably right in a way, having to take care of her probably did take some of Tomono's time. On the other hand, she probably helped Tomono get further and be motivated so…

Healthy way to process this at least. Tomono couldn't contain her emotions when she lost but she put things back on the right track.

>the style favors relaxing the body to allow a wider range of motion in riposte
That's kinda genius. I'm not too sure about the chest/back guilt but the sword style seems like an intentional reference. Pretty nice bit of trivia.

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What are your hobbies besides browsing the web? What do you spend your spare time with?

Mine are
- cooking
- playing the guitar / making music
- drawing
- home gardening
- gaming
- sorting and tagging images
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-linguistics, literary theory, philosophy
-religion and the occult
-film and animation
-collecting extremist political literature and banned books, reading about t*rrori*m
-learning Asian languages


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It's like the third time I open this thread to write a reply, but every time I do it I add needless information so I'll try to make it short as well as keep it simple and focused this time:

- learning japanese
- translating (for MONEY… enough to take sweets and snacks off the monthly budget (thin person))
- programming (small things)
- violin (awful)

- playing videogames
- reading manga
- watching anime
- appreciation of tasteful intellectual otaku media

I think it's important to distinguish productive hobbies from recovery hobbies and find a balance.


- learning Japanese
- embroidery
- scrolling aimlessly on my phone
- cooking
- listening to weeb music


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- gaming
- anime
- manga
- looking for new music on youtube
- started playing piano again (learning about chord progression is fun)
- visiting thrift shops
- when it's cold I go on walks


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-waiting for death
-grieving for the loss
-hating existing
-wishing i was something else

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20th anniversary soon
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good friends


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New animation
Yes, Raildex is a pachinko franchise now


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maybe i should start gambling


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To not clutter the OP thread with unrelated stuff, I make a new thread to clutter the /otaku/ board!
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absolutely crushed


I love this so much


Seeing this again as summer hits feels exquisite.

Absolute classic. Honestly, I can't watch stein's gate without thinking about this.


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Check it out guys I found a tutorial on how to perform the kuzu ryuu sen from the hit anime Rurouni Kenshin (1996).

Next anime con I'm guaranteed to SCORE


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You forgot sex voice 1.
I put up with one season of tate no yuusha because of this sexy mature lady.

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What are you watching in the HOTTEST season of the year?
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nice digits and I approve of this message


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They see your sushi


No. There are lots of great shows like Roshidere, My Deer Friend, Rick and Morty The Anime, Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi, Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria, etc.


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I know society expects us winners to set an example and provide lip service to children, make them believe they can be anything they want. But in this gritty, shades-of-grey anime about revenge and victory at any cost, I wasn't expecting the well-proportioned, capable elvish warrior of all people to fill the head of a dark elf child with ridiculous ideas of this sort.


adult brown elf with no breasts has no place in this world. simple as.

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 No.5724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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gj on ruining it


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There is nothing anywhere close to pornographic about this thread.


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it was just a joke! how can sushigirl be considered sfw given that it occasionaly hosts children pornography?


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That's just like, your opinion man.


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Still in time to show everyone your beach body.

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good anime


and good game! what you like about it?

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