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from the trenches

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Haven't you always wanted a computer friend to talk to?



Yeah sushi roll wheres my tech savy friends who I can learn with??


good news everyone,



I do and I didn't find somebody yet who isn't cringe
but I admit I never have really searched after some new tech friends.


Kinda, but the problem is that Im not the most knowledgeable person either, I know more than the average user but not enough to realy be part of the tech community.
I feel like i would just annoy most people :/


This is a great idea but I would need to work on not suck at making friends first.


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A friend who is a computer or a friend to talk about computers? I think it would be comfy if my laptop was my AI friend.


It would be neat to have your very own AI who can form true conversational depth and not just a meme like cleverbot if that counts as a computer friend.


Yeah the OP is a bit vague.
Might even mean just someone you talk to through the computer, not about it. Just an internet homie.
You guys could always put a post in https://sushigirl.us/lounge/res/9187.html and specify that you're looking for someone with tech inclinations (and what particular area, since I'd wager most peeps on here is into tech in some shape or form) if that's what you want


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If she was real I'd buy her in a heartbeat.
2077 had a chip you could put into your head that would let you see projections of real people, would be kind of cool to have a consciousness hanging around and observing what's going on in my life.


I've always went to AIs when I was feeling in a really bad mood.
Too bad that Mitsuku was made in flash so it's no longer possible to talk to her.


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I would love to join a hackerspace but there are none around and I'm not in position where I can create one. I would love to join an online discord/irc hackerspace with people of similar skill level and interests.



What topics are you interested in ? What skill level are you at?

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