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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

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Let's try this again

What will happen to a blank document everyone has access to?








Futa girl isn't very nice…




are people still writing on this?
i'm lonely in there


Give it time, sushi isn't exactly lightning fast and the people curious enough to click both links might be limited to a few posters. Also unlike the board one, the worldoftext takes considerably more time to make it seem like something is going there.


It is funny checking this out after a while, seems a lot happened after my last visit to both links.


I'm glad people still update these


2021 and we're still going, people!
Sushichan won't die today!


I'm very tempted to paste the futa again, for old times sake, but I won't




Thanks, your post was the push I needed, I did it again.


The power of your futaposting appears to have killed it…

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