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from the trenches

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It's no secret that excessive and unergonomic computer use is linked to debilitating health problems like RSI and CTS, sushis. This thread is for discussing good practices and ergonomic tools that can prevent or alleviate these problems.
Do you practice good ergonomics?
Do you use any ergonomically designed equipment? Many people swear by split mechanical keyboards and trackballs, but I've heard mixed reports about them. I have very stupidly been using my laptop keyboard for years and want to get a mechanical keyboard, but I'm not sure if ergonomic ones actually worth the extra cost.
Are there any stretches and finger exercises you've found useful?
Have you ever developed an injury from computer use? What helped your recovery? And if you didn't recover fully, do you do anything to minimise pain at the computer?


Even more than a nice chair, the biggest thing that has impacted my comfort at the computer is a lumbar support pillow. They make ones that are dense and strap onto any chair and stay nestled near the bottom. They're excellent for keeping your back supported properly.


Vim is the only ergonomic technology I use.
Stay away from emacs if you want to keep your hands in condition!


Unfortunately I have invested too many years into the emacs operating system at this point. My only recourse has to ergonomize every other aspect of my work life. UFO-shaped pylon mouse, $1000 Steelcase chair, neck and back support pillows and an ergodox in addition to my IBM keyboard.

I may receive disability payments for carpal tunnel syndrome and smooshed disks but all of my productivity software is fully portable!


I don't care about it. I probably should. I get neck and back pain all the time and eye strain too.


Here is another bit of ergonomic advice: get away from the computer!


Real question. How many hours is too much?


If you move around a lot while seated and change positions, you can go all day without problems. Otherwise you shouldn't go beyond 4 hours. People died from getting blood cloths or something from sitting in the same position for 5 hours.


anything upwards of 2 hours. If you work at the computer, I'd say 4 hours.


Hi I just spent 15 hours sitting in front of the computer hunched over with my head facing a monitor to my right. It's bedtime now and it doesn't hurt yet. But it will.

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