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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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What is the most treasured file on your computer?


Why do you ask?


they want to steal it


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Nice try, FBI.


That must be the photos of my japan travel and my personal notes about life, dreams and experiences.

These files are essentially outsourced memories. Losing them would kill a part of me, so I keep them dear on several backups.


You're supposed to struggle in choosing between multiple important files and ultimately give up and post a meme.


salty milk and coins


My diary desu


Your live milk, desu.


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thanks for good music sushi



i should probably back mine up as well, thanks for the tip


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/boot/vmlinuz :]


It's really hard to pinpoint it down on a single file. But I have some video game folders with games that would be very difficult to hunt down again. I also have some personal pictures and videos I wouldn't want to lose.


File: 1524405642587.jpg (Spoiler Image, 622.3 KB, 960x1280, 1519918212967.jpg)

This is one of the most important images I have.
Please mirror it so I never have to risk losing it entirely even if all my backups fail.


How many males there are on this picture?


Doesn't matter if they're cute


if I had to narrow it down to a single file it'd probably be: >>828, but if I zipped 4GB of /c/ and /cm/ dumps then technically it'd be that

i'll save it forever


C'mon, I need to know. I won't be able to sleep tonight.


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>tfw no sushiroll gf


Probably the daki images I got commissioned based on my waifu.


My password manager file, probably. Kind of a boring answer though


There's a scrivner file that contains almost the entirety of the Role Playing Game I've been working on for about two years. I have backups and I keep a copy of the file on Dropbox. But it would make me very sad to loose if. Though I do have a printed out copy of the whole thing from not too long ago.


My 20gb archive of anime fanart.


A bunch of photographs and wallpapers I've saved over the years maybe


File: 1525727603554.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 18.71 KB, 450x800, important.jpeg)

This image is very important, please do not steal it.


my answer is boring. It's the text file which contains my crypto wallet seeds. everything else is replaceable (at least in theory).


a text file with all the anecdotes of cool, funny or strange stuff and people i happened to run into during my life.
Normies are always astonished when i tell those, and i love the facial 0_0 expression of (legal) lolis with boring lifes when i tell them. It's a cheap method to be interesting when talking to other people and to make them laugh and also they carry a lot of memories with them.


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Mind sharing some of the less identifiable ones with us, sushi roll?


Maybe I should do something like this too, so that I don't forget.
My memory is pretty bad after all.


If your wallet seed is easily memorable (i.e. it makes some sort of sense) then it's insecure. If you are able to remember a string of random words, that's good because you don't need to store it somewhere insecure.
I really should just write it down and delete the file.


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I can't think of anything that I treasure that much. The only thing that I've gone out of my way to keep, and find again after losing, is a picture that someone drew of me on /jp/ years ago. There are a lot of images and videos that I regret not keeping, and I think if I still had them they might be something I would post in this thread.


sushi roll…
Who is that character?


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It is hard to pick any one file that is precious to me, since most of them can be recreated or downloaded again. I have some text files from when I posted

Maybe my folders of screenshots I've gathered from online game communities that I used to attend. A lot of silly stuff in there.

Never seen anyone make such a face at the sight of regular old mushrooms. I don't mind the taste too much anymore, but I never liked mushrooms when I was a kid, so I kinda learned to hate it. Must be mushy mushrooms my mom used to serve, their taste is a little metallic, and I don't like the texture. I love the mushrooms my aunts serve, since they tend to cook them in such a way that they get really crispy. Almost like bacon.


I've saved more or less every single imageboard thread I've ever seen in a folder, as MHTML. That isn't a single file but since threads get deleted quite often (and archives don't contain thumbnails) those files are irreplaceable.


An archive of the data I scraped off of a dead family member's electronic deveices, I have it mirrored on half a dozen locations to (hopefully) ensure that is never lost. I've never looked inside nor do I ever plan to, it would just pain me greatly to know that the last traces of their existence are gone.

If you wouldn't mind, can you tell us how many threads there are and/or how much disk space they take up?


6840 threads, taking up around 10GB of space.


You seem keen on preserving them, ever considered uploading them to the IA?


That seems like a really cool thing to make public! You should make a torrent or something.

How far back do they go?


my pgp key.


No, I won't do that. They were saved from my browser, which means they have the (You) next to all my posts. My custom CSS, timezone, etc. is all saved as well, so it would be a compromise of my sushi rollymity.
In the future maybe I'll write a script which thoroughly removes all of that but for now I just encrypt them and back them up to jewgle drive.
The oldest file there is a thread from Oct 29, 2017.


my 2 tb of samples and project files dating back to 2014


same here right before my 100gb truecrypt porn volume.


My gay porn debut pic.


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File: 1567745825926.jpeg (96.08 KB, 617x517, AEB2A71E-4A0B-45EF-8250-3….jpeg)

when I was about 13-14 I was browsing old cracked when I found this advertisement. I have no fucking idea what was being advertised. reverse image search yields nothing. searching the text yields nothing. I treasure this screenshot as the only proof I have that I didn't imagine the whole thing.


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Those are so fun.
I was actually served this one at one point, I had partook a bit of canna so I almost thought I imagined it until I found I had saved the image.


the only important file on my computer is my keepass key file, I share that file across multiple devices, if i ever lose it all my passwords will be gone


I assume it was an ad for a Don Rickles stand up or something.


I know it's Don Rickles, but I've never found any bits he did about pissing. And why on earth would you advertise it like this?


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For some dumb reason I find this reddit post to be the funniest thing on earth.
>The scene when Hit Girl shoots through 20 baddies only to find her dad engulfed in flames was heartwrenching. Im a 31 year old man and I teared up.
That line always cracks me up when I'm having a bad day



Update: I lost over 66% of this document due to a random file corruption replacing all my diary entries with chinese letters.


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this photo of my long dead ratto. her name was nibbles and she had a sister called missi. I loved them both dearly.

Lost the original hd photo i took on a proper dslr camera on a hard drive that has also sadly passed away some time ago. I uploaded it on this art site ages ago and its the only version of the photo i have now. makes me sad to think about it :(


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Summertime Sadness.kbdx

A database with more than 9800 steam accounts

And a handmade sql database with all the prices for every edible product in my city


Can it not be recovered in any way?

Cute ratto


File: 1599021473624.gif (1.03 MB, 850x878, EXTREME BREAD EATING.gif)

It's not a file but a folder, my Corona-chan folder may be the most valuable thing this computer has besides some /k/ .pdfs
Time will pass and one day I will turn back to that folder nostalgic about the first quarter of this year


File: 1599032103853.webm (4.23 MB, 480x360, the train is coming - Aiz….webm)

I don't know if there's anyone else that remembers the aizu-wakamatsu station livestream but I have a bunch of old videos of that. I'd be beside myself if I lost them.


Honestly probably a buttpic from my ex, the rest is mostly replaceable, even if it'd be a huge bother and take a lot of time.
Which is a shame too, since I can't look at it or I get to thinking about her again. But I can't bring myself to delete them either. Nostalgic sadfaps were the best the period I used to do it on the reg even though it's so emotionally toxic.


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Cute Nibbles. Your post made me look through my old pictures of my pets and I too think these are the most important files I have on my drive.

Pic related is my favorite picture of my cat who luckily is still alive.


I used to occasionally visit those threads on /jp/ and watch the livestream on the side of the browser. I heard it was shut down a year or two ago. Rest in peace.


Delete it and be free of attachment, your peace of mind is worth more than a jpg of your ex.


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Pictures of myself and of my parents are the only important pictures I have, reason why I have them on so many fail-safe plans in case my hdd fails or something else.


It is a kind of peace of mind to keep it though, it's nice knowing I'm not checking it by choice rather than because I can't.
Also if I'm ever knowingly dying and single it'd be nice as a last fap cause it's still the best butt I've seen so far, why settle for less?


It's on my phone but I took a video of my dog while he was still with us. It'll be the most valuable file on my computer shortly.


Not a file, but a folder full of my cats' photos and videos. I don't really have attachment to photos/videos (I deleted family's photos without hesitation if I need space in my phone) but my cats… I also make sure I put backups, whether online or flashdisks.


I don't really have anything like that. Maybe I should change that about myself.


My personal wiki just happens to be a single file by design so it will be "Wiki.html".
Honorable mentions:
estne_stultus.png, database.kdbx


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It is this.


you have your own wiki in a single file? How does it work?


I'll just drop a link to it: https://tiddlywiki.com/

Technically, I don't keep everything in a single file because I keep images and other resources like pdfs separately and point to it instead of importing them into the main file.


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Wrong meme.


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My most important file.


System 32 I guess
I think everything that holds great amount of sentimental value to me is either an IRL object or person, or something more ephemeral than a file like a website or community of people. I would hate to lose all my porn and anime though.


>first quarter of this year
This ain't going to age well…


>This ain't going to age well…
Why not?


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I have a folder with pictures of animals with ominous text. I'm sure I have more important files but losing this would make me more sad.


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Probably the photos of my Tibet travel.


Probably irc log of the server I have with my new friends.

Nice mandalas. I want to visit tibet some day, I'm really slow with languages though.


>Can't speak tibetan
I bet you can't even speak 7 languages. I learned tamil just to read a signpost that showed up in the background of some obscure meme, and it only took me 1 week.


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Tibetan is really hard though.


Nah, it's done. Only God has those memories now. I'm okay with it.


It's not on my computer, it's the copious amount of garfield porn I obsessively hoard

(it's actually my wallpapers)


my diary. for some reason i went the weirdo route and didnt just get a paper one. there's 101 entries there, about one every two weeks. i have a lot of issues with memory, so its the best record i have of my life and stuff that happens >~<


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File: 1724933749009-1.jpg (1.1 MB, 2000x2400, 1723053837513848.jpg)

recently i have been thinking the same

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