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Does anyone know what happened to gitla.in?

After neetcode.org, another small, comfy git host - so small and comfy that the admin starred some of my projects! - went down for good, I switched to gitla.in. After updating my READMEs, I thought I had it sorted. The lainzine was even hosted there! But now that seems to be gone too.

1. Does anyone know why? Is it temporary? Is it to do with the lainchan drama?
2. What do I do now? Should I give up on cosy sushi roll-hosted instances and go for gitlab? Or should I bite the bullet, buy some server space and host myself?


um… its up


So it is. Couldn't git push yesterday, so must've just been temporary downtime.


Necrobump, git host edition.
I was looking to switch from Notabug as it doesn't really seem supported and some features like import matter to me.
Was thinking a gitlab (Gitgud?) or a gitea instance (git.pixie.town or git.lain.church?). Thoughts?
What do you use?


Not OP but I use gitgud, it's worked pretty well for me


Cool! Do you also share it for professional stuff? (like on résumé)
If so how is the domain name "gitgud" received?

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