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from the trenches

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File: 1613411722694.png (267.61 KB, 1920x1008, what.PNG)


your comments fellow rolls?


Well, don't you want the best speed, security and privacy available on the web?


Very sleazy ofc but if you don't like sleaze then you shouldn't be using microsoft browser or search engine to begin with


Huh, I thought Microsoft was crippling Edge to encourage people just to move to Chrome/Chromium?
Also, [Insert joke about not using a GNU/Linux OS here]


What actual reason would they have to do that? Especially considering that Edge is Chromium-based in the first place.


Looked this up again. My first statement was mistaken. I was thinking of an article about Google making anti-competitive changes to YouTube etc to slow Edge users.


File: 1613502410697.jpg (20.47 KB, 400x500, bingus.jpg)

>Microsoft Bingus


Edge good Firefox Bad.


File: 1615147831911.png (25.53 KB, 358x278, Screenshot.png)

also searching for Firefox or Chrome in the windows start menu you'll also be marketed at

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