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Anyone working on any hardware electrical projects? I just found this wiring book at a store and I fixed a handheld emulator switch with some soldering and an extra switch I had.


I'm going to try to fix my headphones, which are dead on one side, as soon as I get a chance to get a soldering iron. I don't have that much confidence in getting it right but luckily I still have multiple old pairs of headphones which don't work on one side to try


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Check out using aspirin on the wires. The wires are sometimes coated in resin which won’t allow the wires to conduct electricity. Ganbare!!!


I’m genuinely too stupid to do stuff like this, I would probably burn myself if I attempted it

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 No.74[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>what is it?
An operating system that respects your freedom
>why would I use it?
If you are tired of having your OS use you and always wanted to use your computer instead
>What do you mean by freedom?
Write your own programs. use source code from the internet in seconds. update when you want to not when it tells you.
Want to run a website? cool! you can set one up in minutes.
Want to adjust your hardware to your liking? Awesome!
Want to stop or make a new feature to a program you use every day? Go for it!

Its your computer! use it how you want!
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Decided to make use of the less intense period at work and tried switching to KDE. Package manager threw an error in the middle of installation and it bricked my system. Just my luck…


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i ended up switching to Bazzite on both my desktop (i went with Aurora first, but i ended up rebasing to Bazzite not long ago) and my steam deck. best decision ever in a while, at least so far. only some niche use-cases don't exactly work, but i can figure it all out anyways.


I'm looking for a good lightweight distro I can throw on a USB stick as a persistant portable OS. I know there's tails but the whole amnesia thing isn't what I'm looking for.


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can you say something moar about your experience with Bazzite? why do you prefer it than SteamOS?

issues I have is that switching between gaming mode and desktop mode takes time, part of filesystem is wiped by updates and browsing web in gaming mode is not ideal. in particular cant save things or summon file picker for image upload.


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i haven't used Bazzite desktop mode much, however switching to desktop mode is the same speed as the current stable SteamOS version. part of the FS being wiped by updates also happens in SteamOS. i haven't tried browsing the web in gaming mode yet, nor tried to save things or upload images yet.

other than that it just werks for me so far. faster than SteamOS with no issues with my emulated games as well.

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 No.257[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's talk coding and software, sushis, because I don't do enough of it and I really should. Let's hear about projects you're working on, stuff your coding, learning. Trade secrets, info, tips, whatever. Programming isn't something that should be done alone in a corner.

I guess if we need a thread starter, I want to brush up on my coding skills. I want to find something to play around with, something not as mainstream as the stuff like Java and C, but will still be useful in a professional setting, something I can make usable stuff out of.
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I've been programming full-time for 5 years as a full stack web developer, usually working with the Spring/Angular/Mongo stack.

If I can offer any useful advice, feel free to ask!


Aaaah! Its been two months and I didn't even touch it!


I still don't get this groupoid interpretation of identity types. What are those so-called non trivial elements besides identity ?
It's also not clear to me what univalence brings on the table. Is it just another formalism to do synthetic homotopy theory without having to define infinite groupoids from sets ?


I am thinking of getting back to programming. I have a couple ideas. On one hand I'd like to write interactive fiction, probably using inform. On the other hand, I'd like to try and use webgl to make interesting computer graphics using GEOMETRY and LINEAR ALGEBRA!
I'll probably do the latter.


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I'm 2 years late, but the pic is not gibberish at all. It's asking for the cohomology ring of n-dimensional Real Projective Space (Here it's notated by P^n(R) but as a topological space it's notated by RP^n) with coefficients in Z/2Z which is the field of 2 elements. (Computer scientists here might also recognize Z/2Z as the intergers modulo 2 or the group acquired by the XOR operation on the set {T,F}. The field can be easily obtained from the group.)
I don't even know where to start in explaining everything I just said but just know that it's real math, specifically a part of algebraic topology).
Feel free to throw yourself into a math rabbit hole if you're curious about the arcane language I'm speaking in.
The answer to this pic's question by the way would be that "H*( RP^n ; Z/2Z) is isomorphic to to the quotient ring Z/2Z[x] modulo the ideal generated by x^{n+1}" or more compactly "H*( RP^n ; Z/2Z) ≅ Z/2Z[x]/(x^{n+1})".
Algebraic topology surprisingly has an application in data analysis although it is extremely niche.

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What are sushis working on right now? Any cool topics in computer science I should know more about?
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I'm trying to build my own CPU in an emulator but I'm too retarded to make it work. I might take a break and focus on occult research instead for a while. I'm too retarded for computer science.


Computer science and occult research are basically the same thing to me :D


This is really cool, can't believe it's made in godot of all engines.



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hey there sushis i've been pedaling back and forth on deciding on a project to fully commit myself too, I was hoping y'all could give me some advice. for some background on my experience, I did one of those free 10 hour python courses that pretty much copies Eric Matthes' python crash course. this was my introduction to programming. i then tried SICP but never finished it, but i plan to start working through it again now that I've successfully set-up doom emacs on my system (am a basic vim user). the only other thing i've done that i could really consider a project would be running linux as a desktop system for as long as i have.

anyway, i'm currently stuck with a lot of ambition to start working on projects that aren't just hacking around on some popular linux project (i have some experience hacking on awesomewm and neovim) but i'm stuck trying to decide /what/ specifically to try out. here are my ideas:

#1 probably the most straight forward would be to make a videogame. something simple and short, i'm a big fan of horror gamees and i've always wanted to make one. i'd likely make it in godot. the main issue i have is that i may end up spending more time on the visuals and assets than on the actual programming.

#2 would be to get into web development. my main issue there is that i think i'd be kind of perfectionistic about my website and wouldn't be able to put the project down (even if it got in the way of university work) until i got it to a place where i was satisfied with.

#3 would be to start playing through one of those longer CTFs with multiple levels. i recently joined a hacking group (not the illegal kind) and i think it might be good for me to learn CTF skills since apparently, it's something they do in the group alot. i've only had experience completing the forensics part of picoCTF, is picoCTF worth working through or should i skip to something more challenging?

any help or stories would be appreciated, would like to know how y'all sushis started out :3

this looks really cool sushi! i'm glad to see great things are already coming out of the yuri jam 2024. i'll check this out when i get home later :)

also, turns out i do have a project. forgot that i'm also working on a yuri jam visual novel (in renpy) where my partner for the project is handling all the visuals and story (i'm handliPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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It's no secret that excessive and unergonomic computer use is linked to debilitating health problems like RSI and CTS, sushis. This thread is for discussing good practices and ergonomic tools that can prevent or alleviate these problems.
Do you practice good ergonomics?
Do you use any ergonomically designed equipment? Many people swear by split mechanical keyboards and trackballs, but I've heard mixed reports about them. I have very stupidly been using my laptop keyboard for years and want to get a mechanical keyboard, but I'm not sure if ergonomic ones actually worth the extra cost.
Are there any stretches and finger exercises you've found useful?
Have you ever developed an injury from computer use? What helped your recovery? And if you didn't recover fully, do you do anything to minimise pain at the computer?
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Here is another bit of ergonomic advice: get away from the computer!


Real question. How many hours is too much?


If you move around a lot while seated and change positions, you can go all day without problems. Otherwise you shouldn't go beyond 4 hours. People died from getting blood cloths or something from sitting in the same position for 5 hours.


anything upwards of 2 hours. If you work at the computer, I'd say 4 hours.


Hi I just spent 15 hours sitting in front of the computer hunched over with my head facing a monitor to my right. It's bedtime now and it doesn't hurt yet. But it will.

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Do you use any programs on your computer on a daily basis? What are they? Do you use anything so much that you instinctively launch it right after turning your PC on? Are you always connected to the Internet?

Personally I use IRC, email and webchats a lot so I have a corner of my room dedicated to an old recycled PC that only runs my clients and a web browser.
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I've gotten so used to this program that I don't even use the proper Youtube site unless absolutely necessary. This and NewPipe have been my go-tos for Youtube, I can barely even tolerate getting hit with multiple ads during a 10 minute video now.


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Anyone that uses Adobe premiere pro and has trouble switching - I switched to Kdenlive and it has been quite the enjoyable experience. Can't believe it's free, open source, and available on linux. Highly recommend as a lot of the features are similar.


Newpipe is borked for me every time I try using it so I don't really touch that. As for the ads, I use uBlock Origin and it never betrayed me.


I tried the unofficial Freetube Android port for this exact reason. It launches but is unbearably bad. It's a straight port without much adaptation for mobile use and is thus very uncomfortable to use.


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I use the lynx terminal web browser. It helps with my severe attention defecit. I don't have to be bombarded with ads, pics or distracted by a dozen tabs. Sadly, I can't always use it for work and obviously not with imageboards. Its more the thing I use when I need to really focus and cut down on procrastinating. Its nice to relax, put some music on, and use lynx. Looking at the terminal can hurt your eyes though.

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Hi sushi.
I recently found some lost media hosted on
a website, issue is there is no option to download it,
only to play it.
What would the best way to get it into an mp4 format on my computer be?


yt-dlp or jdownloader.


what is it? im interested in knowing more




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Can't you like go to inspect element and then in the elements console do a ctrl+f for ".mp4", which is usually attached to the direct video link, copy that and then right-click + "save video as…"?

Or are we talking about one of those websites that makes everyone's life hard? Because those are usually the mainstream sites and in that case I have to ask if you're really sure it's "lost media"


just because a video is hosted on a mainstream video streaming site doesn't mean it's not an endangered file. i lost my favourite (fan made) music video coz i didn't back up my music video downloads and when i went to find it again on youtube it was gone.

i doubt there is another copy of most videos on youtube and once it goes away you'll never see it again. you should always download everything you want to keep and then make backups.

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What is the most treasured file on your computer?
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Tibetan is really hard though.


Nah, it's done. Only God has those memories now. I'm okay with it.


It's not on my computer, it's the copious amount of garfield porn I obsessively hoard

(it's actually my wallpapers)


my diary. for some reason i went the weirdo route and didnt just get a paper one. there's 101 entries there, about one every two weeks. i have a lot of issues with memory, so its the best record i have of my life and stuff that happens >~<


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recently i have been thinking the same

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Post a screenshot of your current cool/cute wallpaper! Both desktop and phone caps are ok!

I'll start with some vaporwave vibes.
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i have multiple monitors, plus a laptop each has a dedicated folder i set to slideshow.


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current desktop setup


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i wish i could get one of these book covers with keyboard for my tablet


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Hello everybody, I need a comfy place to talk about VNs. /vn/ on 4chan is filled with literal pedos who only talk about eroge, and I don't like Reddit's format enough to use r/visualnovels. So what have you all been reading lately? What are some great games that we've been missing out on?
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How are you enjoying those two so far? I've always wanted to try them, but the tags on VNDB are off-putting to me. I'm worried they might be too 'dark' in a sense.


I'm liking them a lot, Tsukihime is really interesting but it can get very shocking and disturbing so I wouldn't recommend it if you don't want that kind of content; on the other side Ef gets tragic and intense (I just played the first part but I remember a bit because I saw the anime years ago) but the overall tone is beautiful and uplifting, mature and emotionally engaging, so I think you will like it. I'll share more thoughts once I finish them.


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I am thinking about this image a bit too much.

Any shorter (under 10 hours) VN you guys could recommend?


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Recently finished 9-Nine. The plot and chuuni aspects were kind of forgettable but I really liked the girls and humor, almost wish it had just purely been a moege instead. Art is also very nice. It's getting an anime adaptation but the VN's format seems especially ill-suited for an anime so I'm not expecting much.

Currently reading Kin'iro Loveriche and finished my first route which didn't leave much of an impression, hopefully I just happened to start with a weaker route.

Saya no Uta or Planetarian are probably the go-to short VNs, there's also Narcissu and True Remembrance.


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