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Ever programmed a malware sushi roll?


Decades ago I wrote a silly PHP snippet that would inject itself into every writable PHP file it could find. It didn't do anything else and was trivial to find and remove, but I guess it counts.


Back when you could still use javascript to do weird stuff like block right click on IE/ Netscape, I added a "feature" that would lock the mouse in a central position with a dancing baby gif.
It was stupid, but I still smile.


Wrote a Visual Basic script in 2014 that copied itself to every drive the system has, and starts itself up at boot. If any new drive was plugged in, it'd copy itself to that drive as well.
It didn't do anything malicious, but I had a hard time completely removing it from all my drives


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When I left my last job I wrote a javascript blob that injected css into confluence pages. Downloaded and extracted an existing confluence plugin and added my code to it, then re-uploaded the plugin to the site. Gets injected into every page and persists upgrades :3


> but I still smile
That's all that matters.

I remember a lot of small "fun" software that would be mildly annoying/I considered funny, that I used on my own pc to look what would happen.

One was a cmd script that would just open itself and calculators until the pc crashed. Most people didn't know about ctrl+c at that time. I used it on an exhibit pc during a convention, a security dude (who had no understanding of computers) saw it and proceeded to beat me up for it. He never pressed charges or anything, once he thought I was sufficiently dealt with he just told me to fuck off. In retrospect I did deserve it if I'm honest.


EE shop. I built a tiny USB that acts as a mouse and jerks the cursor in a random direction at random times. Plugged it into my bosses computer five years ago. He still struggles with it. It has gone on so long, I'm afraid to tell him now.


Accidentally, yes


Wouldn't that be mean?



No but that would be cool since I'm now watching videos about malware that I think I should just make some of my own.


Yeah with Game Maker.
It was disguised as IE on the library computers in high school. It was a tacky VIRUS screen full of system animations and random paths flashing below pointless loading bars. If you managed to kill it, it would just respawn twenty times, choking the computer.
The joke backfired when they closed all of the computors at the library, which is where I pretty much lived.
Almost got expelled for that, too.


ive never messed with malware but i have programed an autohotkey script that plays text adventures. also i was thinking programming an malware with the renpy game engine that encrypts your files and the only way to decrypt them is answering questions to an goth anime girl about sysadmin stuff.

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