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from the trenches

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Advanced users of GNU/Linux (and I mean advanced), remember to try Source Mage GNU/Linux. True source-based distribution, and (in contrast with Gentoo and Arch) is:
Free from obfuscated and pre-configured code.
Fully committed to GPL, uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package.
With even the documentation licensed as FDL.
Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages.
Doesn't need obfuscated python libraries, only bash.
No systemd (they've implemented their own init scripts system http://sourcemage.org/Init).
Uses clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates.
Can heal broken installs.
Can also use flags.

Do you like Arch Linux's AUR? Do you like Gentoo's portage (or ports-like) package manager? With SMGL's "sorcery" you get all that. Making new spells (package build files) not found in the grimoire (repository of spells) is easy http://sourcemage.org/Spell/Book

Bash hackers welcome! Come and join http://sourcemage.org/

Installing SMGL is easy, here's the simplified process:
>boot a live Ubuntu (or whatever) USB drive
>go to SMGL website and download compressed archive of the base system
>partition and mount partition(s)
>extract the archive onto the new partition(s)
>chroot, set root passwd, hostname, configure network and locale, write fstab, install grub/lilo
>compile a kernel (preferably the newest stable one from kernel.org)
>update sorcery, grimoires and the build toolchain
>rebuild the system (hold spells you've already built, so you don't build them twice)
The install guide will hold your hand through the whole process http://sourcemage.org/Install/Chroot
Do the chroot method, since the regular live ISO method guide is out of date currently.

Here's a list of common commands: https://pastebin.com/i4DALaNV


Wow, thanks for the flattery
/me blushes


I don't like switching distributions that much, so I'll stick with CRUX for a while longer. If I'll ever care about switching these days, It'll probably be to OpenIndiana or FreeBSD.


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what sort of hardware are people running these more spartan operating systems on? genuinely curious.


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One of these. Small, cheap… cozy. Perfect for a cozy OS such as smgl.


From my experience with CRUX, you have people running everything from brand spanking new i7 and Ryzen 7 systems, to people running with older C2D/C2Q, Phenom II, and Atom processors.

There is a lot of compiling in the install process (especially when dealing with webkit, firefox, other big projects), so a faster CPU and 8GB+ RAM is very helpful. The operating systems themselves don't require much to run, but installing larger software packages can take a lot of time on slower hardware (I think it took an hour or two to compile Firefox on my C2D laptop). I mostly like these distros and operating systems due to how simple they are. I feel lost and confused when I use something more complicated like Centos, Debian, Windows XP+. But that's probably just me.


This looks like a source version of Slackware. Is that reasonably correct?

I am looking into other distros because Funtoo has some odd things going on lately but for some reason never heard of this one.


I run Gentoo on an AMD FX-8150 w/ 32GB DDR3 RAM


My desktop runs Gentoo on an i5-3570K with 8GB of RAM.
I'd love to run a source-based distro on my notebook, too, but I'm too afraid of the poor thing dying a heat death.


I distcc to help my C2D era laptop. Compiling larger projects like Firefox took a very long time when I only used the C2D in my laptop, but it went much quicker when I could distribute such things over to other more powerful desktop computers. Compiles should be much quicker, and your laptop wont run hot if you only configure distcc to compile things on your other machines.

You could also simply share the package directory from your faster computers. Depending on the package manager, it would simply install the already compiled package (CRUX ports works like this).


Portage can do as >>644 says. Build packages for your laptop on your desktop, depending on the architectures involved you may need the crossdev tool. Then it simply becomes a question of how you want to access these binaries from your laptop. I believe you can do this on a per-package basis as well though I just built everything on my server when it and my laptop ran Gentoo.


I have already looked into all options available to Gentoo, but unfortunately, none of them are flexible enough for me. distcc with a dedicated build server would be the only viable option, but I don't want to get a server just for that.

But still, thanks for your suggestions, sushis!


thanks for this OP. tried it out on an old Thinkpad and it really does feel easier to handle than say, Gentoo.

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