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from the trenches

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Protect with Tor, privacy and freedom of expression
Download Tor Browser in your language https://www.torproject.org/download/languages/

Welcome to the Wiki of those who defend the freedom
The Hidden Wiki


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shinobi techniques 2 make ketamine from pepsi


TOR is compromised.




some minor stuff that is exaggerated mostly, like with most security obsessed internet folk


Privacy is when you buy drugs and watch CP with your CIA browser.


isn't tor was made by the U.S goverment or collaborate with them?


The protocol was originally developed by the US government. When they realized a private network has to have non-secret information on it to actually be private, they released it to the public. It is maintained by The Tor Project now which does receive research funding from the US government (or at least it did in 2012.)


Everyone's only buying drugs on tor

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