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Any wiki needs out there? I just set up a MediaWiki instance and I’m having a lot of fun. I will post a link if anyone is interested in sand boxing around.


Installed cowyo on my server recently. Works well for now. Post your link sushi


File: 1555634819415.png (93.97 KB, 1920x1080, installgentoo wiki.PNG)

Would you consider using the wiki as a suhsi version of what the installgentoo wiki is for 4ch/g? I'd be interested in submitting if that's what it was


That's an intriguing idea. What kind of articles would we have? I know there would be a bit of sushichan history, but anything apart from that?


>What kind of articles would we have
Not sure, we could have a history section, as you said, but we could also have sections specific to each board, and maybe sushi style ricing/config guides?


I setup pmwiki two weeks ago nice using it so far


i remember this thing called tiddlywiki that was very simple to use

link: https://tiddlywiki.com/


Mediawiki is a great piece of software. It introduced me to server hosting.

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