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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

Password (For file deletion.)

• Files Supported: webm, swf, flv, mkv, mp4, torrent, 7z, zip, pdf, epub, & mobi.
• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1582033048257.png (172.88 KB, 1392x830, 1581610075358.png)


Hello, this is not a shill post. So I decided to create my own chan in python as a hobby (using the flask library) and this is what I have come up with so far. Just give me feedbacks here in this thread or there.

Currently you can only upload jpeg , jpg , png , gif, webm below the size of 4mb.

(IDK shit about frontend btw)



1. There should be more white space distributed evenly, especially the margins around the posts.
2. Text boxes in a form should be left-aligned.
3. Fonts across a form should be uniform unless denoting labels or sections.
4. Don't use <br> to separate posts. Use <div> instead.
5. Don't use <center>. Use a style with text-align: center or some other style.
6. Don't use inline styles if not necessary.
7. Don't use the full-sized images. Create thumbnails instead. Request the full-sized image on click.
8. Probably some other things…


I hope op does not follow this advice. It would make the site better in every conventional sense, but the unrefined unprocessed feel has charm that polished corporate sites don't.


The truth is that the message matters more than the format. If you're bringing people together for a purpose, it doesn't matter if it's a website or an IRC channel. Anyone worth a damn will figure it out and most those who don't bother aren't worth the effort it would take to include them.

Inclusion is a corporate game, gaming for numbers. Authenticity and purpose is what the rest of us have.


Thanks for the advice and for showing the love in my site :). Means a lot.


File: 1709201440555.png (610.6 KB, 1202x722, bharatchan-preview-image-d….png)

Hello I'm from India. Are you detective Goonkesh Hawshi from indiachan.net(if you want to advertise, use the sticky thread on /lounge/)


What is your goal through? Do you have people you wish to bring together? Any sort of glue, legacy or personalities that will make the users wish to join and stay? Any blogs, regular content or articles they aren't reading elsewhere? This is personally much more important than however the page itself looks, people are using IRC to this day and it's definitely not because of its superiority 🤷

Tech-wise: I might sound ironic but either make the entire site stretch its reply boxes across the page or align and add margins for everything, especially the posts. Whether or not content should be columnized is a personal preference but consistency is my motto.

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