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kaitensushi - kaitensushi

Life is like a (Sushi)boat

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How do I fix my life after years of being a hikkineet? I don't have any marketable skills, no friends, socially incompetent, and incapable of managing my time. I seem to fuck up basic adult life skills and suck at everything. I want to have a job that suits my solitary personality but these offer no opportunities for exploring the world or climbing the social ladder. I don't want to be wasted potential. I want people to talk to and someone to love but I'm too goddamn brain damaged to handle basic social relationships. The fear of failure hangs over me like the sword of Damocles. I feel like I'm fucked.
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My philosophy is the best thing you can do is start. These things take time, but as you take on one responsibility it will eventually fade into another one and eventually you'll acquire more skills. Nobody is perfect, so you shouldn't beat yourself up for not having the talent and sociability you believe you lack. If I were you I would start off by finding an easy going solitary job: security and custodial jobs are generally a good option (especially third shift). Do this to dip your toes into this adventure of self improvement, then you'll have a better idea of where you want to go next.


> no opportunities for exploring the world or climbing the social ladder.
How about you first get the basic stuff in check and then care about higher ambitions? Stay realistic! If you have problems with social relationships, you wont climb the social ladder anytime soon. Exploring the world is easier when you have a stable source of income. Then it's all about time management and getting your butt in gear for actually making new experiences on top of work and duty. Getting a bearable job with regular work time helped me a lot, although it's tough in the beginning. The struggle never really goes away, but such is life I guess.


Oh shit, why have people here internalized the slave ideology so much? There is nothing wrong with being a NEET, there is nothing wrong with leeching off society. The most successful people are always the biggest leeches, look at Altman or Musk. They don't feel sorry, that their wealth is based on theft, why should I as a NEEt feel bad, by playing like anyone else? If you believe that being a good citizen/normie wage cuck is somehow "the true life" or some kind of "self improvement", you are cucked beyond believe and you actually deserved to be exploited by society.


It is because some people have higher aspirations in life than sitting in a room all day and/or do not have someone to bankroll anything above that.


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because someone has to keep the house clean


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How do we stack up gang?
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I'm doing quite good. Now I just need to figure out how the whole hitting on people and do a relationship thingy works


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I'm doing alright I guess


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Is this board still alive?


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I'm actually normal, this test is just incorrect.


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There aren't any blue foods, except a few fruits and artificially died foods.
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I have a love/hate relationship with culture. I used to think there was something charming and relieving about comfy imageboards, otaku culture, indie gaming, and hackers. Nowadays I just feel even more spiteful and negative towards everyone and everything. I'm tired of this life. I wanna hug Punxsutawney Phil. Can I at least hug him and tell him my sorrows?


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Do you know what the word "except" means?


my partner's dog passed away today. I really loved her (the dog), she was really special (the dog).


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i am so terrified of passage of time. it was almost half a year ago when i watched frieren and relayed my experience here. the mere thought freezes me. how come it was so long ago?


It gets worse every year. The older you get, the shorter each year seems in comparison to the rest of your life.


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frieren season 2 has been announced
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Do you read the manga? If that's the kind of thing you want you'll probably like the chapters that come after where the anime ends. Or I guess just the second season since it's a pretty close adaptation so far.


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i love freiren!!


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pleasantly excited


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shh.. doll is eep
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Comb your girl's hair man!


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it looks so wonderful but it also must be so cold.

that sums up my experience with real girls


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do you feel happy today sushi
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I feel a bit anxious but optimistic. I'm worried about my future and shitty life skills.


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I'm pretty happy. I went out job searching and talked to the manager of a local Gamestop. He was a really cool dude and I got to know more about the job and stuff. He asked me my name and said he'd be on the lookout for my application. I hope that even though I don't have any retail experience, I can get the job. I don't want to be a NEET anymore, it's very depressing. I need to buy my own car so that I can start going to college. I want to be a professor someday, or something like that.


best of luck sushi!


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Thank you!


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i talked to a nice person today. i put time into my hobby. i am getting lonely but also a bit happy that i can still experience being carefree. but my roommate got sick recently and i also learned how great it feels to be someone people can trust and depend on. i might be a little confused. thats what happens when i am left to my thoughts for too long


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Hello, sushi! Lately I've been craving some really cute moe SOL manga. Can I get some recommendations? (bonus points for 4koma, shoujo-ai, yuri)

Examples: Komi-san, Watamote, Comic Girls, Senryuu Shoujo.
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>>430 I'm sad this has ended, thanks for recommending this all those years ago sushi. It was a fun ride.


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Futari Escape (life escapades…), Gu-Pan! (bread), Mirai no Fuufu Desu Kedo? (tiny blond tsundere girl is tiny for several more chapters), Neko Kissa (catgirls), Tonari no Youkai-san (cat turns into nekomata surrounded by loving family), Umiiro March (cute girls go diving/fish?), Matazoro (teen girls repeat a grade), 2Ljk (2 homeless girls bond outside of school)

Bonus: Touhou - Atai to Gensokyou

I recommend you check out most works by Dynasty scans.


does anysushi have moe boy manga recs?


I wish there was something similar to Shoujo Shumatsu. Girls travelling the wasteland without much point to it just hits well for me.


I can see that no one else has recommended it yet so let me start by warmly recommending Ayakashiko!
It's a cute story about a serious girl who has youkai friends of many different kinds. Together they create all kinds of antics but also have comfy times together at home. There aren't any prevalent male characters but there isn't any real yuri either.
This manga will soothe you when you need it. -w-


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I couldn't find anything like this in the catalog, so I'll be making a general art thread! Post art you like in this thread. No other rules or genres. Just art you like.
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Paul Laffoley. It's hard to explain why I find his stuff so interesting but I always enjoy looking at the random details and trying to unpack what was going on in his brain.


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Symphony of the Sixth Blast Furnace, by Evgeny Sedukhin, 1979

I'm really fascinated by massive works of industry and I really really love this piece.


This is Soviet right? There's something hauntingly beautiful about it. Industry is the god that failed.


Very Warhammer 40000


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So much beautiful art in this thread. If I may be so bold, can some of you post the name of the artist for us plebs that want to look it up?
Attached are pieces by Amazio Komeko and Zakirsiz.


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What're your favorite books?

I could perhaps be called an artsy snob for this, but one of my absolute favorite novels is House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski. I've always found the concept of labyrinths to be fascinating, as well as that of the inherent uncertainty in the image of reality presented to us by our sensory perception. This book features those two themes quite prominently, and explores them to a depth I've not seen in any other books I've yet read.

This next one might also reflect questionably on my character, but nonetheless I greatly enjoyed American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. I've struggled a lot with recurrent depersonalization, feelings of dread, and a general impression of isolation from those around me. Since the book addresses all of that, it resonated with me in that regard–though, not so much with some of the other stuff it describes.

I also love tons of H. P. Lovecraft's and Jorge Luis Borges's work, but those are predominantly short stories, not novels.
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Long time fan of HP Lovecraft, Jack Kerouac, and Hunter Thompson. The wave speech in Fear and Loathing had me me feel some type of way I never got over.

But my latest favorite has been The Unnoticables by Rob Brockway. Despite being very modern and simply written at times, the story is both gripping and strikes a chord with my inner punk rocker.

Brockway's story is both a look at life's evolution since the 70's to the 2010's and does so with a hint of comedy and a heap of cosmic horror that pleases the Lovecraft fan inside me.


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I'm not really into books and don't have a favorite. However, I do enjoy reading Sophocles' Antigone from time to time. If I had to mention a proper book, it would be one by Haruki Murakami. There was a time when I did nothing but live through his novels.


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I really love the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. I've read 7 of them so far and they just seem to get better. Last I read was Guards! Guards! and man it had me laughing so hard at times. Really looking forwards to when I have time for the next city watch novel.

My dad recently gave me an anthology (called A Stroke of the Pen) of Pratchett's earlier works scavenged from old newspaper archives and the like. Really interesting to see how he started, the writing from back then is a lot rougher but you can already feel his type of humor manifesting.


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I should read more of Pratchett's works. The only one I've read is Guards! Guards!, and I was in love with the comedy. It's a breath of fresh air to see a fantasy writer who doesn't take himself too seriously, instead focusing on having a fun and interesting story.

I feel like to many current fantasy authors are trying to be the next Tolkien/Rowling/Martin, spending too much time developing a world instead of just making a fun story. And Pratchett really embodies that. That's my two cents, anyways.

As for the most recent book I read (well, a novella really) I just read "To Build a Fire", a 13-page horror story about a man freezing to death. Highly recommend, amazing read.


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Been reading Kallocain by Karin Boye lately. I read slow so it takes some time. The main character's hatred for his boss is hilarious to me, since the boss is my favorite character. -w-
I vivdly remember a passage where a police chief was trying to weasel his way into arresting an innocent woman who had been tricked by the state in order to test a truth serum. The sheer evilness suddenly struck me as something very real, and I could feel something like this happening in that very moment. What a thrill!
Anyway my favorite book is probably A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. It got me into reading again.


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i has a knife!!
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They'll never see it coming…


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*panned laughter*


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You got no idea who you're dealing with.


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well… this is unfortunate… *aims u down youkai*


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most foolish youkai prepare for rebirth


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glasses increase intelligence by 20%
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This thread perpetuates the prejudiced notion that only dorks wear glasses. Although it might be true that 99% of them are glasses dorks, I choose to celebrate those who rise above.

I am the 1%


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Smartly dressed, dependable, sexy, can kill you with a rifle. And the best part? Not a hint of dorkness.


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 No.16199[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I really wish more poeple would be present. I often come hoping for reply or new thread but it seems like nobody is there anymore :(
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Make the thread sushi roll


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It is better to post and fail than to have never posted at all>>20746


The audience here is fine…


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It's nice and quiet here


why would you want newcalifornia rolls to flood the board anyway…


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brown girls and feet
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You could make some fun lewd art with clothes like that. I'm just too afraid of offending people.


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