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from the trenches

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File: 1613796597242-0.jpg (68.91 KB, 1041x781, rover_drop.jpg)

File: 1613796597242-1.jpg (101.09 KB, 1041x781, pia24430-1041.jpg)


These are our newest images from the surface of another world. It's really, genuinely beautiful.


They seem so benign and familiar but they're on a completely different planet. Hard to conceptualize.


I wonder if we'll live long enough to have colonies in space.
Something tells me no but I'd like to believe


I think it depends on your definition of 'colony'. I feel pretty strongly we'll see some kind of settlement on the moon, though.


It truly is beautiful. We, mankind that is, have a manifest destiny among the stars. We will get there someday. I believe that if not my children then my grandchildren will live to see the beginning of our species as multiplanitary.

The other thing I find so interesting is that if you cropped the rover out of that and told me it was just some dessert out west, I’d believe you. Just how small and how huge the universe is at the same time, it moves me man.


I always feel melancholic about achievements in space exploration.
If I had sucked up to my profs more, I might have been able to get into their research labs for space tech. That could have been fun


I love it like everyone else, but I need more people. We need to get out of LEO again.

I know that feel. I work for NASA, but just having a bachelors (CS), I basically do industry, rather than research. Two sides of the same coin, I suppose. Grass is always greener as well.
Either way, follow your passion.

Don't know how old you are but I can almost guarantee it will happen, but as >>1774 said, small settlements will come before self-sustaining economies.


Fake photos…


Imagine being so gullible and retarded to think these are real lmfaoo


Why tho? What makes you think they are fake? If you say quality just remember that you probably have a 4k camera in your pocket right now.

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