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from the trenches

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Anyone working on any hardware electrical projects? I just found this wiring book at a store and I fixed a handheld emulator switch with some soldering and an extra switch I had.


I'm going to try to fix my headphones, which are dead on one side, as soon as I get a chance to get a soldering iron. I don't have that much confidence in getting it right but luckily I still have multiple old pairs of headphones which don't work on one side to try


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Check out using aspirin on the wires. The wires are sometimes coated in resin which won’t allow the wires to conduct electricity. Ganbare!!!


I’m genuinely too stupid to do stuff like this, I would probably burn myself if I attempted it


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I designed and ordered my first PCB. It's for an EEPROM programmer, well, more of a USB Mass Storage "stick", but it lets me use UNIX tools like dd to do programming.
I wrote a blog about if if you're curious: https://cabin.digital/log/m68k/eeprom.html


your solder job was clean. how did you make it so?


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Not sure what you mean, but my soldering is mediocre. High temp (~350°C) low time, make sure to heat both pad and pin. I use rosin core leaded solder and pretty thin gauge of it since I only work on stuff like this, and not power stuff. This let me have a good control of how much I add. (And I need to add a lot of solder quickly I can always braid it.) There are plenty of good tutorials on youtube. I remember seeing an old 60s or whatever soldering vid from US, that was fun and full of good tidbits.


hey sushis, is there any book/digital course that can teach me the basic of electronics from basic physics to knowing how to solder stuff?

I need this skill to make different projects with trackballs and keyboards.



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Your blogpost is really pleasant to read! nice project =w=


I’ve found your site before, adjacent from Sushichan! I don't remember exactly where, though, you might have featured briefly on the Neocities home page or possibly been linked with a Hotline webring participant.


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IDK anything for electronics themselves, but for soldering I think I watched this apart from some other videos:
As for electronics, you might want to check The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. I heard good things but haven't read myself since I am lazy.

Oh cool, I never used neocities so I am not sure how I got there. But I am glad it's not just 2 of my friends who read the blog :P

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