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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

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File: 1481492443013.png (27.82 KB, 248x597, 2016-12-11-233716_248x597_….png)


Recently, I've been drawing some system icons.
Should I finish the set?


File: 1481494948155.jpg (173.13 KB, 756x686, 19834612344444.jpg)

These look really good, are you planning to make an icon pack with them or are they just art?


I'd definitely use them if they were released as a pack.


They're retro as and I love them.

Keep it up OP! I would so use them!


aw they look so nice.
They have that retro touch too.
Keep up the good work OP


Those are kawaii as fug op.
I would totally use them if you made many more.
How long does one take to make?


I think it would look better to have the icons on the folders look as if they're on the folder itself rather than facing the camera. More like the audio card icon.


Wanted to say that, but never got around to it. Also, would prefer if all devices had the same cord, either long or short. Mouse looks a bit like it doesn't fit with the rest. Other than that, really nice icons!


I simply ran out of pixels with the icons on the folders. It's hard to do like that, with minimal anti-aliasing.

That said, no progress has been made on this…
Come winter break I should have some time.


That's fine. Just don't procrastinate.
Make one at a time and post them on here as you finish each one.


File: 1482798650041-0.gif (17.45 KB, 512x384, PootOS2.gif)

File: 1482798650041-1.gif (132.1 KB, 1280x1352, 16col-Icons-2015k.gif)

You might wanna check this out for inspiration and general icon awesomeness: https://androidarts.com/Amiga/SBC.htm
The entire site is full of pure awesomeness.


I like em! Are you gonna make any recycle bin icons?

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