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File: 1561216050647.jpg (1.07 MB, 1000x1444, 1ce0d716fd3221378bb721e73f….jpg)


I would like to make an imageboard but not sure where to begin. If I get a LAMP stack running, how can I effectively install vichan without bugs? I have tried several times without succeeding because either posts do not work or the domain does not readily map over a raw IP address.


>the domain does not readily map over a raw IP address.
What exactly do you mean by this? I am not a vichan expert at all but that sounds like it's not a problem with the imageboard software.

If you have control of the domain, you should be able to point it to a single IP. If you are trying to run an imageboard on a computer at home, where your IP might change, then dynamic DNS is, as far as I know, what you should be looking at.


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I'll snuggle up in here as well as a thread freeloader if that's okay with you OP, better than having two just slightly different threads on kind of the same subject.
I wouldn't want to host a chan, but I've wanted to try out writing my own board software for a while for fun and to explore concepts and stuff. I've yet to touch on web dev though, just learning some general programming. How far into webdev would one have to pry to realistically be able to squeeze out a board? What stuff would one have to learn?

Also anybody have any chan features they've thought would be cool to have?


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If you're vaguely familiar with how PHP is executed and you know how to set up other hosted software, you will probably be able to understand how to set up your own board. You will probably have to follow these steps.

1. Point your domain to the server that your board is hosted on (i.e., create A and AAAA records with your DNS provider). For Google Domains, their documentation describes how to do this (https://support.google.com/a/answer/2579934?hl=en).
2. Set up the web server (e.g., nginx) to which you just pointed your domain to direct requests to your CGI or FCGI software (e.g., DokuWiki).
3. Perform initial set up as necessary (e.g., adding SQL connections strings or creating an initial administrator user).


Are you using an actual internet-facing server or just trying to self-host on your home network? If it's the later then you're probably dealing with some NAT issues. Self-hosting generally isn't a good idea anyway.

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