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 No.846[Last 50 Posts]

I was thinking it would be nice if we had a thread for sharing our own websites/homepages. Woah, here's one now! Show me your netspace sushi!

Here's mine. It's a complete mess, but I like it. It's kind of new well, technically it's existed for a little while, but I only started working on it recently, so it's missing a lot of things, and there are a few links that 404. Though it's hosted on neocities, it's only slighty Lain themed.


I'm not smart enough to make my own website or anything but I do think that it's super cool when other people do.

There's something about things that have been literally made, rather than just "set up" to reflect someone or something that makes it so much better even if it's shit.


i also have a neocities website, i havent touched it years though and it's like all tables and inline css.


I used to have a homepage back then when the web wasn't this centralized. Now my internets pretty much consist of jewtube, jewbooru and a couple of ibs. And several hundred bookmarks.


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Though there isn't much available at the moment…
I want to start writing a bit, since I'm so bad at it and want to improve. Maybe I'll start a blog? I don't know…
I'll probably upload some of my glitch art at some point, too. It needs a proper place to live.

There's some doujin albums and a 404 page if you people want to explore a bit.


These are all pretty aesthetic websites, sushis. Since simplicity is my thing, however, I have to say I especially like the cosiness of qophyn.neocities.org.

These entries have made me much less confident about sharing my own site, but I've linked it here before anyway: http://unraed.uk

Some code repos, some music and…not much else at the moment. Does anyone know fun web projects to do to flesh it out a bit?


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I like it. I really admire efficiency and simplicity, I [OP] seem to be incapable of it. Like, along with putting music on almost every page, I just stuck a massive fucking tree in front of the 'about' section. I have no restraint.


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Don't worry, OP, to each his style. I like the heavy retro/buggy aesthetic, personally.


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It's pretty empty right now, I'll probably add more to it as time goes by.


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this is my website

i just made it to mainly play around with html and css


Really cool site, sushi!


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this is so much fun; more people should share ^_^

bit different from the other stuff here, but me: https://shmibbles.me

something really nice in this simplicity, though, even if it is kind of old

still some cool stuff here! trying out this napalm thing. +1 for having a man page

listening to this bandcamp thing, and it's pretty interesting!


Hey. I had your blog in my bookmarks already. You're the person that used to work on lainzine, aren't you?
Nice to see your blog is still chugging along!



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I saw yours on ywot, nato website/


Nice site. I need to make one.


Really nice websites on this thread. What did you guys studied to do it?


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Studying is nothing compared to just doing it, sushi. Just make an account on neocities and start editing the index.html and see what works and what doesn't. There are some good tutorials for html and css at https://www.w3schools.com/ , but don't think you have to go through all the steps before you make a website, just use it for reference as you tinker and you'll naturally get better.


also remember on any website you can use the right click -> inspect element and its associated developer tools to learn how other websites work (and copy off them)


That works as long as it's simple enough. If the guy uses some kind of farfetched JS framework that generate css on-the-fly or has a 10MB source complete with templates applied in real time, you're not going to be able to easily know how it works.


very true, but imo that's a silly way to make a website anyway, especially a personal homepage


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>studying instead of doing
>buy a cheap SBC (<$20) and install an ssh ready/headless linux image on a microSD for it (armbian)
>install nginx/apache, set up the config files
>forward port 80 if it isn't open already
>register a domain name with either afraid.org (gratis) or an actual domain registration company ($)
>test it out
>lrn2html with https://www.w3schools.com/
>trial and error until you have something decent
It's not too bad so long as you're good with linux, but if you've never used linux you should install it on your desktop dualbooted and read pdf related
>keep your shit organized
>don't abuse Javascript
>install fail2ban before chinks/vodkanigs get access to your ssh
>back up your shit


>trial and error
yes, just do this. i basically know nothing about html and css but i did fine. just look up stuff on w3schools and have fun making what you want to make. also, neocities.org has free hosting for simple websites if you dont want to host yourself.


Been a really long time since I didn't update it.


Only passing by, i wanted to say that all of this is beautiful, you reminded me that the Wired is not dead and there is no limit to people's coolness and eerieness.

T-thank you sushi rolls! >_<
Lain bless every single one of your sites


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A lot of these pages are really charming… I like pages that have personal flair, something like a diary or blog.
It feels like not many people keep up homepages anymore :\
Death to micro-blogging!

This is how I approach design too. There's a tendency to heap too much on a project without looking back and refining it.
M-marry me ///>.<///


thank you strangers, that makes me feel really nice
sorry, im a bit mellowed now cause of a falling out with someone else. im going to be alone for a while


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>jinrai sluts
Oh shit wasn't expecting to see neotokyo around.


I guess http://channel.moe/ is my site.
I made a cooperative oekaki site using html5 and such. It works pretty good.
Wanted to host my own imageboard software in the beginning (thats why the domain is channel.moe), but I don't want to risk legal shit at this point in time, so rather did this.


Oh, and since I had to reset it recently there is nothing drawn.
Maybe I should add a feature to store the state on disk some day, but if no one is using it, I don't know why I should bother.


>I don't want to risk legal shit at this point in time
You could run a textboard, or an oekaki only imageboard.


I love what you've done with ral.space


My neocities. For a while I was updating it fairly frequently, I should get back to that at some point, but there's not much for me to write about atm. Design based on the 4.5 tatami room.

I'll echo what everyone else here says, website design is super easy to learn! The trick is to read a very basic html tutorial, learn about how to use css (or not if you like web 2.0) and then look at the page source of websites you think look cool. Copy what you need, modify and combine etc. All you need is mousepad It's honestly super fun and kind of relaxing.


Nice website, nice music too


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I love your site's design. Also, even if you should choose not to put it online, I hope that you continue to write in the same the way that you approach the blog section on your site. I love this format, short thoughts on a focused topic.
You could maybe even keep a diary-of-sorts, with thoughts on everyday things or maybe just talking about whatever happened that day. Writing in that style helps me; normally it starts off like a little vignette and then blossoms into some thoughts or feelings… I'm always glad that I wrote them down!
The design feels like a big step forward! I really enjoy the community we have gathered so far and I hope we can find ~even~ more friends to hang out with!
>Wired is not dead
If we all keep it up, we can create our own little space here!


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I am pretty fine with the way the site is.
There are so many imageboards already. Maybe the world doesn't need my imageboard-software (although I like it).
A more or less well functioning oekaki site is pretty good too.
I don't know if I want users though.
It would be kind of nice I guess, but then I would have to share it on sites more people use.
If too many people use it I would also have to upgrade my server, which would kind of suck, since I have no money at all.


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Thank you so much for your kind words! I've never heard anyone compliment my writing like that; it makes me happy to know someone enjoyed it.


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I tidied up the website and changed the style a bit.
The journal is up, although the most updated section of it is probably the dream diary rather than the regular one.
That reminds me I need to update it…


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I registered https://pokepals.website a while ago. If you have ideas or things/art of yours you’d want me to put there just say so.


Still a work in progress, but I have a personal site at https://plasmawiz.neocities.org/.
Any criticism is very welcome, I am a complete novice when it comes to HTML and CSS.


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Also, your number is only 3 away from mine


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The orangepi I was running the website off of burned out a few days ago. I'm planning on buying a new one, but untill then spooky/spoopy ghoul is out of commision.
I'm not a bot I swear


I wish I could have a cool site like OP :(


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Neocities gives you free website hosting and also has tutorials on how to build a website, just do your best sushi roll!


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Guide to making a cool site like mine:
1. Steal lots of images
2. Steal lots of music
3. Find a chimp with ADHD and a basic knowledge of HTML
4. Now your site is so cool that you don't even need to add your own content!


This is like a description of all web 2.0 serverside operations.


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I'm learning to make a website so I can show it off to potential employers. I'm nowhere near at the level you guys are at yet though. I'm just trying to make something basic with a blog. I tried following a tutorial for creating a PHP blog with XAMPP but it was littered with errors and it looked like more effort than it was worth.

How do you guys create your blogs?


Wordpress is the easiest, but also the least impressive, because all it really demonstrates is the ability to install a CMS.

You could also use Jekyll Bootstrap to generate static pages.


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The most basic way to do it is to
>1a. Make a html template for your pages
>1b. Make a seperate css stylesheet
>2. Experiment with how it looks until you're comfortable with it
>3. Make a bunch of pages using your template and link 'em all together.
Of course, your employer probably won't want to have to fiddle with the html, and it's pretty annoying to have to modify each page whenever you change something in the template, but it's a start.


Been thinking about making a website for a while now. Mostly to have somewhere to host a simple blog and various projects. Jekyll as mentioned by >>1167 seems interesting, but I really don't like playing with ruby gems or python pip. Any other well maintained and simple CMS around? Mostly looking for recommendations. I found hugo which is written in go, but something in c or sh/bash would be nice too (if they're well maintained).


I started using neocities because it's free and good for a practice website lol.

Yeah the majority of what I see online is about Wordpress but I was worried about it not looking very impressive.

I've gotten this far and it looks alright, just a little annoying to have to modify the html every time I want to make a new post, as you said. It's also not very impressive but to someone who doesn't check the html, it looks just like any other blog site haha.

Thanks sushis.


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It's been a long as time, but I've gotten it back up, under another subdomain


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http://ghoul.port0.org/ not .xyz, fug.
polite sage


I'm hella late to the party

But I listened to your album sushi roll, and it's really good! Good job!


Does anyone else remember that CyberLife website? It was kind of a repository of cyberpunk and internet culture. Changed domains a couple of time IIRC but I haven't seen it in years.



That’s it! Thanks sushi roll


Doing this https://soykaf.me

My neocities profile is https://neocities.org/site/lambdafun

I also set up Gitea for my personal projects.

Do you know of any blog that resembles mine in any way ?


I have a few websites, but no offense, but I wouldn't want them associated with image boards


here's a version that's still up, no archive needed


theres alot of aspects i want to change, although i haven't had time b/c of college
plus ive grown attached with my shitty index thats its gonna be hard to get rid of
css styles are all over the place b/c i made them while i learned


This is my site I use to promote my art, it kind of loads a bit slow. Probably need to use tinyjpg or something.


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I changed the purpose of the website. Now it is my own internet archive.

I plan to add some *features* to it ie. every html file gets an associated png fullheight screenshot


does anyone remember youtuber "allofthetrash" (also had a channel called FUCKCRYPT).
They had some interesting websites. I remember a page that had quotes from the game Darkseed 2 … "remember, anything seen in the mirror is not real, only the mirror itself is real." They had at least two different sites.

I just did some googling and found the names of the sites: seminal.us and cbren.blogspot.com


anyone have any resources for putting together an artist/musician website? thought about modifying artist sites i think are good but i can't into html


How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?
Anyway, they're both available on the internet archive.


Thanks! But it's not the same without all the sounds.

Can't believe how long ago that was…


real time home page for friends !


I see you completed the blender guru beginner tutorial



Then use javascript.



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I thought that Rivendell link was for Rivendell Bicycle Works…


I mostly have this domain so I have a neutral space to run my cloud and stuff


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Hello sushi rolls

I want to launch a passive page for promoting art and have no experience whatsoever with webhosting services. What would you recommend?

The site would be build from scratch by myself in PHP and CSS and should just include the most basic stuff like a gallery, links, information material, contact info and some news, web 1.0 tier. It seems wordpress is pretty popular nowadays, but personally I don't like it and would rather stick with w3.


100% neocities.org - lots of great examples of sites just like what you're describing in this thread that are hosted there.




Hi sushi. I'm going to give a more modern answer.

If you only want static hosting (html/css/js, no sign in or registration or comments), you can just use a service like https://keybase.io/docs/kbfs/keybase.pub (more lain) or https://pages.github.com/ (less lain). With each you can buy your own domain (I recommend namecheap.com) so you can have your own URL.

Now, if you want to really have more control over your site, you should get a VPS and run your own server. You can have server code, databases for a more interactive site. And if you like you can use the same server as a media host, ventrilo server, etc.
You can host static sites straight out of Nginx (generators like Jeykll or Hugo are popular. I use http://loup-vaillant.fr/projects/ussm/, which has very few features and is very simple, which is what I need).
Or if you need a dynamic app, however you usually deploy PHP. I'd recommend Python and Flask over PHP if you're new to programming, but in the end it doesn't matter too much.

Of course, you can always start with an externally hosted static site and then jump to running your own server later when you need to. Let me know if you have any questions.

Loaded ok for me. FYI I think you forgot to close the anchor tag on your deviantart link.

I really like the colors in the picture labeled "Image 1" at https://karindou.neocities.org/#image1. What medium is this?

Cheers. It makes me a bit sad that so many links are dead these days. Even on sites/posts that are only 2-3 years old.


It's still a work in progress and I use it mostly as my own personal homepage, but here ya go:



The searx instance is down and so is your blog.html page ;;

Good luck on it, I'll remind myself to check up on itin the near future. Can't wait to see how it'll turn out!


Yeah I migrated to a new SDF instance and in the process abandoned all my old blog posts (they were garbage and had my real name tied to them). The searx instance I'll be fixing tonight. Thanks for taking an interest sushi :)


I'm trying to create a website as we speak, and while I'm enjoying the process of designing/building it, I struggle when it comes to picking an overall theme and actually writing my own content. I fear that social media has kind of ruined my presenting skills.

Has anyone else here struggled with the same issue?


Krita + GIMP + Audacity for glitch effects
I think I already fixed the links? I don't remember what I do anymore.


Hey sushi! Nice site


I'm working on a crappy neocities site which I may or may not ever launch. In case I do, I may or may not post it here. The things I'm writing in it border the uncomfy even though the topics themselves aren't.

I used to have a lot of fun with microsoft frontpage. At a time when internet was something we couldn't afford, I'd entertain myself making my own websites. I was saddened to learn it was discontinued. Now I have to use Atom and its preview feature to see the fruits of my coding labor.

This is what I used to get back to speed on html. Very complete. I didn't read any of the CSS or javascript tutorials and will defend the <center> tag to the last.

I already have your site on my bookmarks. I was trying to remember why until I saw your tranlations page. Nice.


> The things I'm writing in it border the uncomfy even though the topics themselves aren't.
What do you mean by this? I'm in a similar predicament, as I'm unable to figure out how to make my content pleasant yet true to myself


I want to talk about how much I love anime but I also want to denounce the awful western fanbase in all of its facets, for example.


My interest has been piqued. Good luck on creating your site!


My advice would be to forget about the negative aspects, most likely thing is you won't get anything interesting out of it. Reading about what makes an anime good or interesting for you is way more genuine than the same edgy comments about people ruining my hobby but not really because it's still my hobby anyway


Guys I'm not gonna publish my site, relax.


It ain't much but it's mine. Sorry


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subdomain of the https://0xfdb.xyz network
We operate an IRC server, 24/7 live-streaming radio, imgboard and occasionally broadcast media via RTMP.
All for fun!



Love this one. Lots of subtle details I noticed only after I clicked into each room


The creator, Caroline Bren, passed away.
Somehow someone uploaded a video of what the site used to look like.


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I've got two: https://bad-luck-enterprises.neocities.org/
this was an art experiment and what I used to teach myself HTML and CSS with, it's defunct now, but if you know the addresses, the pages are still there.

This is my current portfolio/webart site, it's under construction for now though, not done with it.


You are very talented. Cool stuff. Spooky too.


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Thank you! I'm tryin real hard to get noticed and whatnot.


your site is so cute, i t really love it
I've saved its html and assets to my collection of nice sites, I hope you don't mind


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I went to your blog one time last year, and now im revisiting i didnt expect to find principia discordia there woa. I guess my world changed a lot after reading it and following throught(kinda)


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I have decided to have a semi-permanent online identity representing my final exorcism of the internet. Whether or not this final attempt shall succeed is something we are to find out. My website is in the e-mail field.

I have never created a website, so excuse any layout issues. Expect me to use this identity in sushigirl, scarcely, responsibly and whenever fitting.


Very nice sushi roll, I like the window favicons. Looking forward to reading five sixths of it!


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The spookiness is very comfy. It feels as if it has a flavor simultaneously creepy and sweet, both something joyously macabre and an unsettling delicacy. I've been experimenting with something similar to cultdeadcow.com where the main art is done in pre tags. I quite like the look and flair ones site gets from this style of art. Pic related is my work. It's three pre tags positioned to layer on top of each other. The frame, the middle layer done in block characters and the topmost drawn in ASCII. Currently getting back into the swing of things by finishing my personal site. I'm quite enjoying the self-imposed challenge of drawing the site windows this way. Will post it once its hosted.


it's actually changed.
it's now: https://ngmi.work


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I have a "concept" website. I like to call it an hover adventure :

While my person page is over at :

And the first website I made to learn html etc is :

The whole thing is on another level.


Thanks sushi roll got my degree from bubbble


Pretty cool website! Anilist link is ded, though.
Savoie Libre !


Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for letting me know, I changed my username some time ago and I forgot to update the link.


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I hope this isn't too much of a necro. I've decided to start sharing my site with someone other than my friends. As such I thought that I'd share where I lurk from time to time, that is here!

Anyways, the site is https://cabin.digital it's just my little blog where I dump stuff when I remember I have it. It also has a HTTP only, no CSS version (both this and main site also don't use JS) for older browsers, it's: http://retro.cabin.digital

I generate them using my own tool written in Go (to learn Go) and CSS and HTML templates are also by me! I hope you like it, feel free to give me any feedback (as long as you're constructive I guess :P )

P.S. It's a bit^h^h^hlot sucky that sushigirl bans TOR nodes :(


cool site sushi!


I was thinking about making a website, and I had started making the content for it firstly because I think the content of my website would be much more important. It would be mostly about my favorite video games and the things I thought randomly about it, like shower thought kinds of things. Even if I never end up making the website, it's great to put into words things that I love about games or my own theories on games that I love. I'd have to play them again to remember what the hell I was thinking about, but I also type these things out nowadays.


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You'll enjoy my website if you like Japanese arcade machines, square photos, and 2D blonde girls with big boobs.


I enjoyed!


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The Wired will never die, sushi. I'm new here and I will always seek refuge in these cozy pockets of the web

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