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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1640886527226-0.png (144.18 KB, 276x317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1640886527226-1.png (171.8 KB, 309x334, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1640886527226-2.png (140.52 KB, 256x256, ClipboardImage.png)


I have been playing with this AI website that creates art from an inputted phrase by finding and mixing images. You can tell it to make anything, and the output usually kind of makes sense. I think it would be fun to see what we all can come up with!


(Also see if you can guess the input phrase of my third image.)


File: 1640904150540.png (145.75 KB, 256x256, hatsune_miku_cube.png)

Introducing… the Hatsune Miku cube.


>(Also see if you can guess the input phrase of my third image.)
Vaporwave Sushi?


File: 1640928896018-0.png (213.19 KB, 272x316, a scream on a winter night.png)

File: 1640928896018-1.png (183.83 KB, 560x306, why do they call it oven w….png)

File: 1640928896018-2.png (204.83 KB, 266x313, good night I love you.PNG)

File: 1640928896018-3.png (188.44 KB, 285x329, snowy home on a quiet wint….png)

This is such a fun site. I like putting in phrases and seeing how it interprets them.


File: 1640928978438-0.png (195.06 KB, 266x314, dreams end comes true.png)

File: 1640928978438-1.png (189.41 KB, 265x313, sleep the pain away.PNG)

Some more. Also I'd guess that picture is breakfast at sunrise.


File: 1640963410718-0.jpg (49.93 KB, 402x481, jesus-god.jpg)

File: 1640963410718-1.jpg (47.14 KB, 402x475, golden-sky.JPG)

File: 1640963410718-2.jpg (50.22 KB, 407x479, house-tree.jpg)

God seems like such a nice guy, Jesus not so much.

>Also see if you can guess the input phrase of my third image

Astral breakfast?>>1954


File: 1640970915748-0.jpg (37.09 KB, 541x381, robotic-puppy.jpg)

File: 1640970915748-1.jpg (38.05 KB, 400x474, humanoid-dog.jpg)

File: 1640970915748-2.jpg (40.47 KB, 540x373, android-wolf.jpg)

Another batch, who would win?


File: 1640984676511.png (157.8 KB, 272x292, third impact.png)


File: 1641173855131-0.png (134.83 KB, 319x314, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1641173855132-1.png (131.94 KB, 292x315, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1641173855132-2.png (128.36 KB, 283x316, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1643220366056.png (163.5 KB, 256x256, 9e41152b-7ed1-11ec-b6c6-7b….png)

Truck in Space
26 Jan 2022 17:58:51


File: 1643236078683.png (179.34 KB, 382x356, Screenshot 2022-01-26 1727….png)


File: 1643288351322-0.png (127.73 KB, 313x313, Screenshot_20220127_135543.png)

File: 1643288351322-1.png (165.98 KB, 565x343, Screenshot_20220127_133732….png)



File: 1643299784435.png (283.44 KB, 476x514, IMG_20220126_215048.png)

Mango mango man!
I wanna be - a mango maaan!


File: 1643384458351.png (135.24 KB, 422x333, Screenshot_20220127_140842.png)


File: 1651285035012-0.png (1.22 MB, 1024x1024, 2b19b700-c7ea-11ec-bb6a-37….png)

File: 1651285035012-1.png (1 MB, 1024x1024, 0bcdcc19-c7eb-11ec-88e4-37….png)

File: 1651285035012-2.png (1.75 MB, 1024x1024, e388364e-c7ea-11ec-b881-d7….png)

Habibi Hitler

The second would make a great album cover for a punk rock band

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