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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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 No.1640[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here.

Chat/community/personal ads are no longer allowed on the rest of the site, except maybe on /hell/.

Important Note: This doesn't mean that you can't talk about communities or chat groups. You could, for example, have a thread where you ask people about web communities they visit. You just can't open your thread with an advertisement.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never. Dead links suck. If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted and you may receive a short warning ban.
New Rule(2/21/25): To avoid spam/bots and potentially illegal content, describe your community briefly, don't just drop the link.
453 posts and 146 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>females are not allowed
You know females were relatively common on Japanese otaku boards in the 2000s right? The “there are no women online” is very much an American thing.

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Sushiladies and gentlerolls, this is the thread to request tarot readings! If you're getting a reading, please come back in the future and tell us how things went!

Some guiding thoughts…

Specific Questions (and in-depth futures)
If you have a specific question, or want a more detailed reading, feel free to ask in your request! I might need up to 3 cards, depending on its complexity, so for the results to be more personalized, its helpful if you provide 3 unique numbers between 1 and 78 for the card pull. Otherwise, I'll choose based on your post ID.

Short Reads
If you want a reading that'll give you a general "What should I know for this month?" answer, I'll only need a single card and therefore only a single number from you.

Should I post pictures of the cards? The art includes different cultural mythologies and folktales so I don't want people being mean if they don't like those images
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How did you learn to read cards? I've been interested.
Good Mokos.


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I found a book at my local hippie store, and thought "oh yeah I could totally learn that."


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Thank you.


Read my palm?


do me

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I have hopes for a good future in the horizon, what about you?
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Thank you for validating my pitiful feels. Today is gonna be better than yesterday.


ERB's singing keeps me going…


Experiences of catharsis by provoking sad emotions through music, visual novels, certain games (nier for example), and a few other things


The only thing that makes me live is illustration, i don't know what could be of my life without drawing.


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hello sushis let have a thread where we post youtube videos we find funny
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" anime OSTs that embody unemployment "

I died when I heard that first track, this is too funny!



L.O.D. (Prince Ali)


Uncanny valley

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 No.4837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I recently saw this video

I realized that I never learned how to play chess. Nobody in my family plays it anymore so I never bothered to learn. But after reading so many amazing stories about this game I really felt urge to learn it and get decent at it.
Couple of days ago I started playing regularly on lichess; I'm still really bad but it has been lots of fun so far.

Do you have any interesting stories about chess? Any tips for beginner like me?
Lets have a thread about comfiest game ever.
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The flaw of kindness as a moral principal is that it's voluntary and not rooted in a sense of shared obligations or really sharing in anything. You give out of kindness expecting nothing in return, but there is no obligation to be kind. We can analyze impulses to be kind as either externally or internally motivated. An external motivation could be force, fear of punishment or something less darker like wanting to build a reciprocal relationship. An example of an internal motivation would be Mencius' famous parable of the baby falling into the well. Mencius says that any stranger would be emotionally distressed at seeing a baby about to fall into a well and at least want to stop it. This underlines the Confucian principal of innate human goodness. In today's society, there is no real external or internal demand to intervene. So where does our modern kindness draw its moral force? Nowhere? Society's desire to make everything voluntary, even feeling emotions for others, has only increased social cruelty and the number of forgotten outcasts left to rot.

Maybe genuine kindness isn't possible without care? Like a mother caring for her child, the relationship is two way and built on reciprocity, constantly giving and receiving affection, attention, happy moments. We can't all be mothers and treat everyone else as our children, but we can form bonds based on giving and receiving affection and caring for each other. But how can you care for others on an imageboard? Technology makes it truly hard to relate to others. Maybe its impossible and online relationships will never be like real ones. We have to go outside. But as more and more things become mediated by big tech platforms, maybe there won't be much of an outside left?


My opinions on this are very political. Wanting to keep it cozy, I'll tread lightly. I think it's precisely that we are so deeply moralistic, but that our morals are often so flawed on fundamental levels, that has caused the problem first and foremost. That is the root of the problem. Communications technology is a catalyst, something that hastens this development, as it dehumanizes others by creating less-real feeling modes of communication. That is, communications technologies do play a role, but they are not the only or principal cause of the issue. The worst catalyst at play is a rather contentious issue, so it's perhaps not discussed here.


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>there is no real external or internal demand to intervene
what lack of demand do you see? I argue that the cruelty with tech comes not from what happens beyond the screen, where your real identity and family lies. but rather behind the screen where people hide and have no incentive to be kind. But even then, I argue that tech didn't make us cruel as it gave us an avenue to show the cruelty we already had.


The concepts we live by don’t enrich our lives or give us sustenance. In a liberal market economy, we are expected to be responsible individuals and take care of ourselves. Therefore, any act of generosity towards another is purely voluntary and there is no compulsion to do it. Since there is no compulsion, few people bother doing it.

When you do a kind deed you can see it register with the other person. You can see them smile, the warmth on their face, their thanks. The screen eliminates this exchange. It places us in a huge sushi rollymous crowd where we have even less incentive to be kind to others. This allows our crueler side to grow unchecked and because hey it’s just pixels on a screen and you can just turn it off. It’s the same reason dating apps have increased hook ups and porn consumption by making sex inconsequential.

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Have you ever been scared at work? I've realized now that I'm the adult I can't run to anyone else if I'm alone on my shift…
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I've been scared at work, but that was because I had a homeless guy nearby my workplace at the time who constantly made passes at me and would hang around at night (I worked closing shift). None of my co-workers even cared either, and I'm not the kind of person who could really defend myself unfortunately. I was glad to leave that job. Otherwise, my main issue with jobs has been anger rather than fear. I don't handle authority well, which is kind of ironic given my background, and I tend to not keep jobs for long because of that. I never really lash out, but I do usually end up quitting because I hit a point where I constantly fantasize about physically harming bosses/co-workers and I haven't found any other way to cope with that yet than just removing myself from work.


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A few times, yes. A few weeks ago one of our mentally ill clients pulled a gun, and we had to negotiate with him to put it away. One very racist client threatened to attack our staff, and had to be escorted off the property. Every other day or so there is a crime committed in the parking lot, most are just drug deals so I turn a blind eye. Not my business to intervene on. However, a few coworkers have gotten their car broken into or stolen. I caught a guy red-handed trying to steal my cala converter.

I'm the last one out of the building, and by then it's well after dark. So if anyone tried to mess with me, I wouldn't be able to call for backup. It would be lights out for me.

You should probably speak with a healthcare professional about that.


>You should probably speak with a healthcare professional about that.
I agree, but uninsured + chronic employment = very difficult to get reliable and affordable treatment.


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I understand, as I've lived in very similar circumstances. But if you're in the US, there may be community health clinics that you can visit for free or very cheap. I visited a community mental health center to get treatment for only $5 per visit, without insurance, because city subsidies covered my visit. You may have similar options. I would recommend going to local healthcare facilities in your area and asking in-person if there are options for uninsured clients, they may have more options than you would think.


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Same. I'm often scared of losing my job, when I make the slightest mistake or need too long for a task. Other than that I'm mostly frustrated, if I have a noticeable emotional response at all. This has gotten better with my current job, but it still happens now and then.

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I love alcohol. I am drunk right now, sushi! I love drinking whiskey when alone… whiskey sour is out of this world. White Russian as well. What type of drink is your favorite?
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Rum & coke please.


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I don't think I've actually ever put ice in whisky, now that I think about it. Ginger ale sounds like a good idea, gonna pick some up next time I'm at the store and report back.
Old fashioned would be interesting but a bottle of bitters is pricy for something I might just make once. Used in a lot of cocktails sure, but all of which would require additional expensive bottles…

I did try the Lauders in coffee, not undrinkable but it just ruins the coffee. Also tried it with the broth from beetroot soup. Not that bad honestly, but wouldn't go for it again. Makes me think a splash a whisky that actually tastes decent might make for a really interesting beetroot soup though.

I would highly recommend rum and grapefruit juice instead. Tastiest mixer for rum I've tried.


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Having beers on my lonesome, it is what it is.
Drinking an IPA that tastes like wool blanket and wooden chair. Along with some marmaladeishness. But it also dries out your mouth a bit after you swallow. It's not bad-bad, but it's certainly not good.
At least one of the other beers I got for tonight was quite good even though it's inexpensive.

Also tried Kirin Ichiban (brewed in Germany though) for the first time a week ago or so. Mild and subtle, with a very faint character of… Some kind of melon? Not watermelon. Not my thing.


this post brought a tear to my eye. how beautiful. i love drinking. don't forget gambling and smoking.


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The Lauders mixing quest continues!
Tried with OJ, drinkable in spite of a hint of vomit. Might be because it was trash OJ from concentrate that you mix yourself. Might be the trash whisky. Maybe both. It's a mystery.
Also tried with orange soda, not very good.
Tried it in black tea with milk, kinda decent, if a bit boring. Made me think it could actually do very well in some apple & cinnamon black tea.
Picked up some grapefruit tonic rather than ginger ale. It's quite drinkable, but how it tastes suggests the ginger ale might have been a better companion. The whisky mostly just overpowers the tonic rather than working with it.
Decent enough to be drinkable might be the limit with trash whisky.

Also picked up some spanish brandy that's barely mentioned anywhere online, Catedrático. Only found a review after I bought and tasted it. To me it smells like somewhere in the middle of madeira and what it smells like sniffing a bottle of balsamic vinegar. Very round, almost cloyingly sweet. Only brandy I had before was St Remy, which is quite different from this.
Doesnt mix well into anything, the balsamic vinegar flavour gets more pronounced. Supposedly it's better on ice according to that one review. It's not really bad tasting at all neat, just tastes more like something you should cook with. Which it might be really good for, don't know any dishes that use brandy though.
Maybe the fact that it's only sold in 20cl bottles here should've clued me in to the fact that this is not something people want to drink much of.

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This chan is very nice

Not all content is nice, but the chan is nice
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how so?


It's my favorite. I just like being able to vibe here.


its called sushigirl yet I have a sneaking suspicion some of the posters are boys


this has been debunked many times


Are you reading it "sushi G IRL" or "sus hi girl"?
In first interpretation G might be for Girl or Guy, or even more likely Gangster as in OG.

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 No.3302[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread isn't meant to be all about me, even if my writing makes it seem like it, it can be anything to do with friends.

Do you have any online friends sushi? How did you get them? What do you like to do with them?

I have a problem making online friends, because all the sites I go on are sushi rollymous. I have tried a few forums, but I can never commit to them, and they're usually pretty bad anyway. I dont have time for IRC, and I always make a big old booby of myself in live conversation. Do you think it's possible for me to make online friends, or should I stick to being by myself for the moment?
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Online friendships are different to meatspace friendships. You shouldn't expect them to be alike. I can't put my finger on it exactly.


I've made a few friends through various discord servers over the past several years. It largely came from doing weekly or semi-regular events where everyone was in voice chat. Most of them are just people I casually chat with during said activities, but one or two I'd consider real friends who I have weekly calls with. Those can go for several hours and be just us chatting about life and such. I've never met these people irl but I feel I've gotten to know them nearly as well as anyone I'd hang out casually with in person.

I think the common denominator was just having an activity we all enjoyed doing together and being willing to show up week to week. In most cases the friendships I made just sort of happened by chance, and developed gradually over time. The vast majority of people who attend don't stick around and that's okay. I get something out of everyone I "meet" and chat with online by and large, and I think having that mindset is key. Be present with people and just try to enjoy their company. Don't worry about long-term anything and instead just enjoy the time you have. If you're interesting or pleasant to talk to eventually you'll hit it off with people.

A lot of it is patience (ie not expecting much from an interaction), being able to hold a conversation, and being persistent about putting yourself out in the world. Making friends online isn't really that different than making friends irl.


hello there, literally me.


I do not like making online friendships. I don't like making friends at all, actually; but I particularly can't hold online relationships. This is part of the genreal trend in my life where anything done with a screen feels unorganic and detached and doesn't engage me anymore. It's as if I feel I need to engage my whole body and all my senses in whatever I do, doing things through the screen feels as if I am not doing anything worthwhile, certainly nothing that will last.
This applies to online friendships. But I don't like people getting to know me beyond a superficial level, whether in meatspace or on the internet. Whenever this happens, or whenever I feel like I've revealed anything about myself beyond the very flat character that I assume to interact with people, I immediately draw back. I don't really like people, and I don't want friends.


Seeing friends & family on the weekend or after work is fine.

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