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don't forget to smile :]

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 No.1640[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here.

Chat/community/personal ads are no longer allowed on the rest of the site, except maybe on /hell/.

Important Note: This doesn't mean that you can't talk about communities or chat groups. You could, for example, have a thread where you ask people about web communities they visit. You just can't open your thread with an advertisement.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never. Dead links suck. If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted and you may receive a short warning ban.
432 posts and 142 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


brand new imageboard for rozen maiden fans


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what makes bassists so often the best girls?
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You got the whole squad laughing.


Okay, FINE, maybe I'm being a little too harsh on bassists but there's no reason to cry over it…


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I am messing with you! Just wanted to post these cuties, is all!!


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It's fine I get it, I'm sorry… I'm leaving this thread and I'm never posting again……………………………………..


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Oh.. come here, you!

*muah* .. *muah*

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Learning guitar is like playing Osu.
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Tux is how Peroro-sama descended into this world.


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>but make sure not to focus too much on the unnatural and the unreal
We accept for granted that only certain things exist, electrons and but not angels. Reality varies with each era and culture, but our modern 'anti-supernatual' society has embraced a painfully narrow idea of what is real. Since what we take to be real shapes how we feel, think, and imagine, it seems like an uphill battle trying to find peace of mind in this world. I can't stomach paganism. It doesn't sit right with me but I respect the deites and unseen beings.

All industrially mass produced culture, which includes otaku culture among other things, is overwhelming. It alienates from the world and your alienation pushes you to consume more. Conformity replaces consciousness. Sometimes there are shades of beauty in it but its all so exhausting and conformist in its own way. It just ends up serving the system in the end.

Its a strange paradox of post-modern society. Never before have we been so well connected and yet we are further apart from each other than we've ever been. Daily interactions with others in everyday life has been replaced by commodified platforms that act as spaces for non-personal interactions such as social media and dating apps. Its like eerybody walks past each other without noticing and half the population think this is a good thing and want interaction without personal commitment (like hook up culture). Society is dead or dying. I still think its better to try and meet people irl at random but more and more people react badly to that, like the street is not the place for talking anymore and you are supposed to get to know someone via texting or social media before getting friendly. I really hate this. It feels so cold.


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>modern 'anti-supernatual'
This is actually a Daoism thing, not a modern thing. Change what you can change, not what you can't sort of thing. It's a concept that diametrically opposes my pagan beliefs but, uhhhhh ummm… hmm…..

I'm thinking about watching Taiho Shichauzo or maybe some Umetsu film later tonight.


I meant more that working a part-time night-shift job prevents me from being online when everyone else is awake.


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Consume your media old school otaku style. Forget about watching as many anime or playing as many VNs as possible. Focus on a few and develop an obsessive relationship with franchises and characters that drives your forward without ever moving an inch.

Go watch taihoshichauzo it has hella hot chicks. Alternatively watch girls und panzer, for the same reasons. Although if you want to stay current I'd suggest marathoning Sword Art Online Alternarive: Gun Gale Online, for the same reaons, and then catching up to the second season, currently on air. I'm yet to meet someone who has regretted watching this masterpiece, a swan song of studio 3Hz, the geniuses behind Princess Principal and Flip Flappers (which you should also watch, for the same reasons).

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Hi sushi

I've been thinking that I am sort of unable to validate people's feelings, and that includes myself, like my own feelings aren't that important to me. I wouldn't say I completely lack the ability, I would just say I am very desensitized or something.
Don't know what causes it exactly, in part I think it is my way of emotional management, i.e. I don't readily express my feelings unless they are calm and quiet. Also I think something like that this reality is pretty miserable and ultimately bad things happening are to be expected. One could do something about it, but it's no use crying over spilled milk.
I never even thought about it until I got a bit into psychology and also ran into a few bad experiences with people who would react negatively to my worldview and my diplomacy, naturally.
It is recommended to use generally meaningless phrases like "I am sorry it happened", "Sounds bad" for emotional validation but I kinda cannot do it regarding issues I don't feel particularly bad about myself, and I try to maintain a positive outlook on life by laughing serious issues off. I could be polite but I cannot help but feel fake when doing that. Also what about my feelings when you decide to share yours? If yours are valid, then my honest reaction to them is valid too, shouldn't it be like that?
Do I lack empathy? Sometimes I think I am sort of jaded but I definitely don't lack it completely. I just often cannot afford to care I guess.

Can I really have friends with a mindset like this? This wouldn't be easy to change since it's deeply internalized and conditioned by my surroundings.

Overall I dunno where this thread should be, I don't mean it to be overly serious, just some lighthearted words about what the heck is wrong with me lol, if anything. Much love, sushi.
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How can you feel something for others you are unwilling to feel for yourself? While being able to move on from feelings can be good, it sounds like you go beyond that into toxic positivity as if you are afraid of feeling negative emotions.


Nah that's not it.
Thanks for your assistance though.


Then maybe you're not knowing what to focus on. Since you brush away problems you at least need to acknowledge what someone feels in the moment and sympathize with that then you can say something encouraging. Just dont do so without first being sympathetic to how they are feeling, otherwise being positive right off would be potentially basically invalidating their feelings.


I used to have the same issue sushi roll, and I didn't even realize how much I was neglecting my own feelings. Watching Dr K's videos helped me immensely with my problem. The video I linked is about Alexithymia, which is a condition with symptoms akin to what you're describing.


Dr K is a licenced psychiatrist in the US, who used to be addicted to video games, so now he helps gamers and adjacent people in his work life. He talks about feelings on his youtube channel and he interviews various guests (sushi rollymous followers of the channel, e-celebs, mental health experts, etc.).
He also used to study to be a hindu monk, so sometimes he veers into teritory more related to hindu religion and philosophy rather than science. Feel free to discard any advice you don't like, and only apply the advice that's helpful for you.

The video I linked you is just the tip of the iceberg, the real meat (? not sure if thats the correct expression but ykwim) is in the older guest interviews, where he talks to people about their feelings on stream, and goes into the nitty gritty on why and how the guests feel the way they feel. He's great at validating his guests' feelings, and watching Dr K validate other people's feelings made it easier for me to accept and validate my own feelings, especially if the guest had expierences similiar to mine.

He's great at validating his guests' feelings, so just try to copy his approach.

Watching multiple interviews over multiple months made me so much more in touch with my feelings, and made me understand other people's emotions so much better. Processing some of the feelings was painful at times, and involved crying, but that release helped me get the negative, pent up emotions out of my system. I feel so much lighter now, and so much more in touch with myself.
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Psychology isn't really a science like physics, it's more same class as economics and has a kind of philosophy in it.

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 No.13746[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

is there a "ask the opposite gender stuff" thread? i have a question :(
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Males are way more well known for being aggressive than females…


with two spoonfuls of hot chocolate mixed in and some cinnamon powder and then drowned in milk.
kinda like starbucks because it tastes of sugary milk >.<


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Hey you two no bully. There is studies on this which seem pretty balanced explanations for differences. They are pretty much close to equal in aggression just express it different ways. There is a ridiculous number of factors.
> Women tend to engage in more indirect forms of aggression (e.g., spreading rumors) than other types of aggression. In laboratory studies, women are less aggressive than men, but provocation attenuates this difference. In the real world, women are just as likely to aggress against their romantic partner as men are, but men cause more serious physical and psychological harm. A very small minority of women are also sexually violent. Women are susceptible to alcohol-related aggression, but this type of aggression may be limited to women high in trait aggression. Fear of being harmed is a robust inhibitor of direct aggression in women.
> Cognition and behaviour are also shaped by life experiences and environmental influences, which, depending on the degree of brain’s plasticity, can impact on brain function and structure as well. Parental rearing of girls versus boys may differ, especially across cultures. Traditionally, girls have been more often educated to look after others. Also, mothers tend to engage in more detailed reminiscing about emotional events with their daughters in comparison to their sons, which might facilitate the unfolding of the female capacities for episodic-autobiographical memory as well as for perceiving and getting attuned to the inner world of others. Women are more likely than men to display a self-focused ruminative style (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000), while men tend to employ more distracting strategies. Women might therefore be more prone to engage in inward directed forms of aggression, in comparison to men who might choose more outward directed ways of aggression.
> However, underestimations of the rates of violence and aggression in women in general population might exist. The targets of female violence are often family members anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Will I ever be loved by a woman if I'm slightly fat and socially awkward?


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slightly fat = more to love
don't forget that, sushi :)

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Sushiladies and gentlerolls, this is the thread to request tarot readings! If you're getting a reading, please come back in the future and tell us how things went!

Some guiding thoughts…

Specific Questions (and in-depth futures)
If you have a specific question, or want a more detailed reading, feel free to ask in your request! I might need up to 3 cards, depending on its complexity, so for the results to be more personalized, its helpful if you provide 3 unique numbers between 1 and 78 for the card pull. Otherwise, I'll choose based on your post ID.

Short Reads
If you want a reading that'll give you a general "What should I know for this month?" answer, I'll only need a single card and therefore only a single number from you.

Should I post pictures of the cards? The art includes different cultural mythologies and folktales so I don't want people being mean if they don't like those images
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Thanks a lot! Your deck looks really nice too

Im puzzled to find out more sometime about the cards being all coin and thrilled to follow the advice. Feels nice to get curious


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Hey friends sorry for the delays, I've just moved and felt like garbage trying to adjust to the new place. I've got this reading done and I'll work on the rest over the next few days.

Woven into your cards, I see a thread of energy. For the past, I've drawn the Ace of Cups which deals with love and discovering emotions. Along with the other cards, this might mean you once realized a new area of vitality in your life and really wanted other people to recognize it. But in your present card, I see that this may not have been the case for you. The Knight of Wands deals with firey energies, such as passion or temper. When the spirit has been pent up, it often can not be controlled when it leaks out. But I see a positive future. The Page of Swords indicates curiosity and talkativeness. I think it means that being able to express your force of life (in small, concious portions) will improve your interactions with the world.


I want to know whether to perish from a persons circle of aquaintances to give space or whether to proceed from another angle for more benificial circumstances
1-78: 3
1-78: 7
1-78: 9


I prefer astrology. What's your sign?


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sagittarius, what does it say about me?

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I barely buy anything that is not food, but recently I bought Burzum t-shirt - first piece of clothing in like 4 years. Mind you, I am not homeless or dirty - I just treat my stuff well and my style is eternally good.
Anyway, felt nice when I wore it, but quickly I realised that consumerism has started to corrupt me.
I tamed it, I had to stop buying pencils, rubbers, stuff for work, but it was all for my mental wellbeing. I also threw away my desk, couch and all chairs. I could gladly say that unlike filthy casuals 'things' have no impact on me.
Everything was good, 'till yesterday. I got a present.
Cyberpunk 2077 t-shirt. New, original, reserved only for developer team.
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I had the Burzum shirt that had varg on the back with the medieval cosplay knives in his bedroom on the back. I outgrew it I've gotten fat in my 20's cause I only buy food as well. I don't like burzum and black metal either.


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I prefer animals on my t-shirt.


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I don't really have a problem with spending money when it's abundant, but i remember sometimes during college when my family was being harsh about money so I would mostly intermitently fast and eat mostly noodles. I'd gain weight again when travelled back home so I had stored fat to lose and supplement with vitamin pills and omega 3 pills lol. In the end I used most of this money on travels to see webfriends.
Also, for months i could only take cold showers, but it was because my roommate was supposed to buy the shower and the asshole would knock the neighbors house to take hot bath there instead, e v e r y morning. It became quite a fight with time. Honestly fuck that guy, terrible and lazy swindler.


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I bought a new book. Haven't bought one for a loong time….


I bought some music… on CD. Yes, that is still a thing.

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 No.4837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I recently saw this video

I realized that I never learned how to play chess. Nobody in my family plays it anymore so I never bothered to learn. But after reading so many amazing stories about this game I really felt urge to learn it and get decent at it.
Couple of days ago I started playing regularly on lichess; I'm still really bad but it has been lots of fun so far.

Do you have any interesting stories about chess? Any tips for beginner like me?
Lets have a thread about comfiest game ever.
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I also don’t have any tips but I for some reason watch chess YouTubers even though I don’t understand chess? Idk why i just feel entertained regardless


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Hey sushi! What's your favorite bug?
My favorite bugs are moths! (spoilered the image for sushis who don't like bugs)
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Gosodesmus Claremontus the "Pink Feather Boa Millipede"


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thats a weird looking baby chick


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Love these little guys


Whoa cute vibrant colors! very pretty!!!

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Thought this would be fun. You're only allowed to post on this thread during your birthday
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And here we are, yet again. I guess this should be where adulthood really begins. Younger me used to say I'd die at this age, but it doesn't seem that likely anymore. I figure I should be glad.

People at work remembered. They bought a cake and everything. It was really nice. I don't know what I should do about this, but it makes me feel really guilty, with how much they seem to esteem me versus how misplaced I always seem to feel. On the other hand, I've been working more than I ever thought I would, and yet I'm not unhappy about it. I wonder what this says about me.

My sister tried to bake me a cake, but somebody had left a bowl inside the oven and now it's a plastic mess. We'll see how much damage that has done tomorrow, but hopefully we get a working oven by the time her birthday comes around - that's just a few days away. I feel rather sorry for her.

I hopped onto a Discord call with a few friends and walked around Yume Nikki for a while. I didn't get to visit everywhere I wanted to, but it was nice anyway.

I don't know what else to write here. The year passed uneventfully - I seem to still be pretty much at the same place as yesteryear. That dreadful feeling that I've somehow lost my way, I missed something that ought to have been clear, still lurks around. I've became rather adept at keeping it at bay, but there's still the feeling I shouldn't be dismissing what might be telling something so bluntly.

But I shouldn't want to sound so ungrateful - today was a happy day. Hope all sushis have had a nice year so far :D


I'm 24 now. I don't visit here much anymore as I'm busy with other commitments, but I still think of this place from time to time. Cheers sushi.


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All is lots
Ids hoblets


30 today. I injured my knee a couple months ago so I guess I wasn't wrong about that lol.


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A week late, but I still wanted to post something here anyway.

Since the last post I made in this thread, it feels like my life is gearing up for major changes. Due to a large sum of debt being lifted from me, I have way more financial flexibility than I've ever had. For the first time, major purchases like home and transportation don't seem like a pipe dream. Even stuff like expensive hobby items are well within reach. It's a nice feeling, but I hope not to take this for granted.

In addition, my mental health has taken a turn for the better as well. I feel much more in sync with myself, more understanding, more forgiving. I'm learning more about myself, rather than judging and comparing to what I "should" be. This is also a nice feeling.

I didn't draw as much as I hoped to, but I'm willing to be patient here.

In all, I feel more hopeful and positive.

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