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I've been looking around recently for good programs to stream radio stations and music in the background outside of my browser. Looking for something lightweight and is still supported by developers. If you do, what are you using and what are some great features it has?


Nowadays I just use mpv, and drag things I want to play into it.
It can do everything I need it to do.


I have the perfect thing! I use deadbeef, which is basically foobar for linux. very light, and i use it to play radios like lainchan etc.




I use audacious. You can have several playlists open in a tabbed style to switch between them. It uses GTK2 themes and it also plays internet streams.


Seconding this. You can't get more lightweight than mpd while still having a boatload of features. ncmpcpp is just one of several front-ends, but it's the most popular one and is still actively developed. I liked to use Sonata (a GTK2 client) in the past, but I don't think that one's maintained anymore.

Also worth mentioning is mpDris2 to integrate mpd into desktop environments like GNOME/KDE, Mpdroid to control mpd from your phone and mpc for scripts/complex keybindings.


Same here. And if you don't want the GUI you can use the command "mpv link/file –no-video".


While not super light weight (sat at 200~ MB of ram listening to a flac song) I use clementine. It's got lots of features and if you like your internet radio it's got loads of lists of them built in and obviously you can add your own. You can also have back ground sounds in it, rain, star trek ship noise, cats and hypno toad. Tbh there isn't much it doesn't make nice and convenient. I'd say it's well worth a look.


I use mpg123, just open a terminal with it on tty7 usually and let it play. Then you can also make a script-daemon that responds to keycombinations to play the next probably wanted track.

At least I did, only I lost the source code for it. But it was comfy as a blanket. Never had to think about choosing music again since the daemon did the job. Got very efficient since some songs were bound to work time tempo and set a mood for something like 'get things done feelin' efficiency.


Since it is only based on having a neural net live in a binary state matrice. With cog pushbuttons.
Too bad CogFS will get delayed.

Because you know you can call sbcl as –script


I don't listen to radio or podcasts, cmus is my choice. Dirt light, fast, comfortable after accustoming to the hotkeys. It just plays music.

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