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from the trenches

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File: 1536094923887.png (347.3 KB, 500x335, terry.png)


RIP Terry. For those of you who don't know, he was a schizophrenic programmer who wrote his own operating system from scratch. It was called TempleOS. He was known for being weird and saying funny and offensive things. He livestreamed a lot. He was banned from many different social media platforms.

At one point, he was writing software for TicketMaster machines, but his mental illness got the best of him and he had a mental breakdown and moved back in with his parents, living on disability income. He spent a decade making his operating system, but had fights with his parents and eventually became homeless. And now he's gone.

A genius like him had so much potential, if only he had gotten help for his mental health problems.


CIA black dragon rolls glow in the dark. You just run them over.



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Rest in peace, Terry.


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Man, that sucks. It's been confirmed now, still a lot of unanswered questions though. What was he doing in front of a train? He was a devout christian, can't imagine him killing himself. There was also apparently some guy who was impersonating him and stealing dontion money, I don't know much about it. I guess it doesn't matter now, RIP Terry.


Rest In Peace, Christian Soldier.


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