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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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 No.1640[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here.

Chat/community/personal ads are no longer allowed on the rest of the site, except maybe on /hell/.

Important Note: This doesn't mean that you can't talk about communities or chat groups. You could, for example, have a thread where you ask people about web communities they visit. You just can't open your thread with an advertisement.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never. Dead links suck. If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted and you may receive a short warning ban.
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Doubling this. Not only is this live chat with avatar, there's a BBS!
I'm loving it! trust me there's quite a bit here! Didn't expect to have this much fun

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What are you doing this summer?
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Don't worry, we all have to learn it at some point.


It's not so bad, life isn't a lottery ticket after the other, you can't just force the slots to do as you want. Sometimes you just gotta buckle down and accept it.


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Almost absolutely nothing, which is my favorite pass-time. Lots of napping in the warm Summer sun.
As of late I've been trying again to eat more every day to put on some pounds, I want to start exercising but I don't think I eat enough to really get much benefit. Maybe that's just an excuse though, I'm not sure how that stuff works exactly. I'd eventually have to decide when I've hit a point where I should start exercising, so maybe I should just start looking into that stuff immediately anyway.


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visiting canada and l.a. with scouts

besides that just sitting in my room doing fuck all because i ran out of friends recently

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 No.17386[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I thought of a rule to hopefully make it a fun challenge in English while keeping it natural.
Will you play with me sushi?

1. The word posted must start with the letter that the last word ended with. "Girl -> Lounge"
In this case, lets call L the "Bridge Letter".

2. Besides the Bridge Letter, the word posted may NOT contain any letters that the previous word had.
"Lounge -> Easy" is allowed, because there are no shared letters besides E.
"Lounge -> Egg" is not allowed, because there is a G in both "lounge" and "egg"

3. The word must be a single English word

4. The word must not have been said previously

Let's start with…
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Post more monkeys.


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This is Sonson, a capcom character


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Sentinel! Did I do it right?

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bet you won't post comfy here
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Shoryuken Doesn't Come Out [EngSub]


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beautiful <3


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Why does she dance like that?


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1 - Why shouldn't she dance like that?
2 - If you knew what she does, you'd be dancing like that too


Big guy


for u


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How do you want to dance?

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How do you sushi rolls go to sleep fast or at a reasonable rate? I've been trying to get a better sleep schedule, but a problem I've run into is that it can take me 1-2 hours to go to sleep. I know it sounds insane, but I can't fall asleep at a normal rate.

I've sleeping 20 minutes after getting off electronics. It helps, but it isn't enough. Any tips?
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That's probably the responsible way to do it. It's just hard not to start to rely on it when sleep is so critical to being functional. Just gotta be careful.
That sounds comfy.


I take valium and drink


I don't have anything specific I do to go to sleep. Not sure if I like staying up or if I just don't like going to sleep, but I'll tend to just keep going until my body is completely exhausted. Then I just need to put my phone down for 10 seconds and I'm out.


Can't sleep; raining too sound


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wake up sushi!

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Shouldn't it be "Kaitenzushi"?
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Got my hair cut


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My dad being a thoughtless drunkard probably saved me from sharing his fate. If he tried to be better there is a possibility I wouldn't find alcohol so disgusting now.


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Holy SHIT someone posted secret alien vids on sushigirl, we gotta let the world know(NO, THE TRUTH NEEDS TO BE HIDDEN)


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Today is the birthday of a cultural icon. A woman who carries with her the weight of a powerful dynasty as if balancing a mere feather on the tip of her fingers. Someone made to be in the center of events, who the spotlight years for. A true champion and a star the likes of which come down to us only once in a generation.

Happy birthday. This is TENDOU MAYA.


happy birthday to her!

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I have hopes for a good future in the horizon, what about you?
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I hope to get my life in order this next few years


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I wouldn't say that there's anything keeping me going, I just kind of get through each day.


Even if times are going to get worse, I should stick around for as long as possible to try to make other people's lives better. Also, I'm sure my siblings have grown too attached to me. I can't give up now and turn into dust.


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A week-long holiday will refresh me for the rest of the year…


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I hope to get my life in order this next few decades

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Sushi! You always smell so nice and comforting! Is there a secret scent you're willing to share?
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i am preserved in NEET amber.


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I'm calling 911 right now hang in there buddy


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Too much busy work, and then for what? I don't go outside anyway.


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>threads goal


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I will share a secret with you… I use colgne for babies. I smell like a baby.. I won't tell you why.

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170 days left… what are you planning to do with them?
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>those who have their own business knew a thing or two all things considered
Those suffered the most in the last couple of years though…


You can't be fired, or laid off, off your own business though, can you?


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You can easily not make any money with your business though.


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This… Is the mindset of a champion!
I like the cut of your jib, kid.


On the bright side, if you don't make any money from your own entrepreneurship, it's most likely you're doing something wrong, and you can fix that.
You can be an excellent employee, but that just doesn't guarantee having a stable job and that you won't be fired.

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