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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Yuji Sakai [s4s] the creator* of this possibly "dangerous" new memhe has expressed doubts in a series of lamentations/posts
*whether YS_kun is indeed the
wolfmother is up in the air. In a month of Sundays the truth will be known!
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I love these two pics. I should try grabbing some of my favorite photos and draw on them like you do :)


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lovely art as always, she's cute!
the spiky little friend in the 4th image is great too


Socialist sushis post your favorite revolutionary songs! I’ll start
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I don't like Mao, but I have to admit that I find this version of the song to be enamoring.


Merry Christmas. The person who posted this video also has a bunch of Socialist songs from different countries including France, Japan, Britain, etc. Go and check him out if you can!


Sir, this is a music thread. Endorse these ideologies I do not. I just like the aesthetic.



This is such an 80s song. I do not know Vietnamese and I will not be fact-checking whether it fits.

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hi!! i'm new here! whats the point of this board
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Russia has a lot of oil too…



It's very good especially with tea, I like the yolk inside a lot.



To idle in the extreme cold…

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I feel self-conscious about how fat I've become. I'm not huge but my stomach and chest puffs out a lot. I obsess over never being able to find a romantic partner because its so embarrassing. But I'm not sure how to get rid of the belly fat. There's so much advice online and you can't tell genuine truths from bullshit. I have no idea.

Right now I'm trying to eat less and move around more but something tells me its not enough. What's some good fitness info?
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Quick guide of what exercise is better for what if you workout 3-6 days a week:
1-3 sets of 1-5 repetitions that in total bring you to near your one repetition maximum (ORP, a.k.a.the amount of weight you can only lift once using all your strength): strength
This will grow muscle but not as much as much, it also requires more rest because you're always going almost all out.

3-5 sets of 8-30 reps. near your ORP (and eat a lot of protein and a calorie surpluss): muscle
The ideal amount of reps and sets varies per muscle but they are within this range.

I don't remember the amount of sets but it's >30 reps. near ORP: cardio.
A lot of cardio will result in muscle loss.

The main takeaway is that if you don't come close to failure you won't gain much of any of those.
Also muscle the hardest to get out of the 3 because it's the most energy inefficient and our bodies don't like that, this means that unless you want to gain muscle it's very hard to do it accidentaly.


Fitness advice? Don't skip leg day.


Let me clarify. First I'm not OP just in case any of you mistakenly thought that. Next I was saying my legs look oddly fat almost but I am not sure it really is fat or flabby large muscle or fluid retention or if it's just I have long calve muscles too which would be unfortunate for me since I just like leaner looking legs. It firms up when I flex so it definitely isnt all fat. I do seemingly have underdeveloped glutes though so it makes me think maybe my legs have the muscles developed out of balance as part of it. I have a BMI in the mid range and my ribs partially show so I am not sure if i somehow have too much fat in some areas and not others or what. I tried to use compression socks and elevation to make sure it's not just fluid retention which didnt do a whole lot. So I was wondering to myself if muscles can become more lean but more toned instead of just getting stronger, firmer, or larger. Not that is only part I can work on just it is one thing that bothers me more.

I haven't heard of the term ORP, I do not know what that stands for. I see it called 1RM I think. Reps of what though? Just in general you mean?


Oh, sorry, i typed ORP instead of ORM and yeah, 1RM = ORM. It is a repetition of whichever exercise you're doing for that exercise, so if you can squat 100kg only once then that's your current 1RM for squatting but it doesn't mean your 1RM is 100kg for curls (unless you have insane bicep and forearm strength).

As for your legs, seems complicated but you won't know until you experiment, you can work out without trying hard to tone the muscle, you can do a lot of cardio and diet to lose fat and see what happens, you can do calisthenics since it sucks for legs.


Do resistance training ie. lift weights

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How about… "no"?


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You made my robot gamer girl daughter sad.

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What are your plans for the upcoming holidays?
Also post your comfiest Christmas pictures.
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Took some time but, it went well.
Now I just need to get laid.



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Merry kurisumasu~!


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I'll be here while celebrating with my parents and family.


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Sushi Christmas tree is up! Looks like it could use some decorations though…
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I love this, I want to do this in real life next year.


well done sushi, gj with the tree!! i love you and I'm so proud of you


That time of the year again…


Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

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I'm going to be moving out to an apartment soon. I'll be living on my own for the first time. What are some tips and things I should do to get ready?
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Woah, car in style of AI-generated anime girls…



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Also get a bicycle

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In the past I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and more specifically social anxiety disorder.
It was so bad I couldn't even look people in the eye and I would start shaking whenever I feel like I am looked at, I would run out of classrooms at university because of anxiety attacks.
I can't remember what I was on back at the time.

I have now started a new course ( which basically guranatees a job ) and it's back. It's more under control because I am more mature and have learned to breathe, try to calm myself and distract myself but it still doesn't let me function as a human being. ( + )

I am too poor to afford therapy but my cousin works as a nurse. I have access to: paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, venlafaxine, regabalin, tradozone and alprazolam.

( + ) I'm currently anticipating social situations and taking 0.50 of xanax ahead with like half or 3 quarters of an hour but this will not last me long because I'm developing resilience to the drug ( I used to take 0.25 ).

I exercise using the bodyweight fitness app whenever I can. I do not drink coffee, alcohol or energy drinks. I used to drink tea but at some point I realised black tea unsettles me and I kind of stopped.

My concerns are anhedonia and gaining weight because this happened last time.
I plan on informing myself for a few weeks first and I am seeking help.
If you can and want please share this post to communities which you think might me knowledgeable.
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Need some music from Killer Instinct.


Maybe sushiroll can try to prepare by doing small controlled exposures with a professional or a trusted friend/family? Exposing yourself to the stress in a controlled manner will help you to associate a fear response to it less, and if they’re very positive may replace it with better feelings?

I used to be afraid to go out all the time because I was afraid people would hate and try to hurt me or something. What helped me recover was taking a walk to a nearby park and just siting there with people around for 5 or 10 minutes not thinking about anything (to avoid letting anxious thoughts start) and just watching the trees, closing my eyes and enjoying the sounds, etc. It can also help to find interest groups IRL like DnD, computer enthusiasts, etc. Being in a group of people with common interests feels less intimidating especially when they want you to be there. I also go to the gym at somewhat busy times and force myself to talk with people, that’s helped too.

I’m not sure since I haven’t done it personally, but I’ve heard that social videogames, imageboards like sushigirl, and voice chat can also help a lot. Maybe we should all make a proximity vc minecraft server and vibe together?

You’re not alone in this. I believe you’ll get out of that glass isolation! Remember that, and God bless you abundantly!


Stayin' Alive - The Bee Gees (Ragtime Rockabilly Cover) ft. Wild Bill




Santa Baby

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Hey, let's have a Fall thread!
Do you like Autumn? Is there anything you like to do this time of year?

Autumn is my favourite season but it always feels like you can blink and miss the whole thing if you're not careful.
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Good weather so far. It's raining today, though… At least there's still a month left!


Constant rain causing morning mist


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Winter yet?


15/16 more days!


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Until then….

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