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What’s the story on your first love sushi?
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Its the way society pushes introverts into submission
They're meant for people who force their way into conversations sushi, but people like that usually aren't going to care about subtle signs like that and just talk anyways
Meanwhile, people like us, maybe people who have been hurt in some way multiple times throughout their lives take it the hard way sushi
I find it easy to over generalize the few bad experiences I get and distance myself from everyone
And girls especially I've always had a problem with, I can't help but feel I've only ever had bad experiences with them through my life
I wish I didn't have to feel like I always need to justify why I want to feel loved


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you sound loveable sushi you must be an angel irl <3
all of that is true and i agree with it all, its sad that this is what the world has come to… people should have been ghosts that can only interact with each other in any way when both ghosts are willing


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I wish other people saw it that way sushi
I have ADHD and grew up always being seen as the problem child instead of ever really being shown much kindness
I didn't really think much of it at the time but I was dissociating a lot especially during classes and being impulsive was a way to escape that, but the result was being punished for not paying attention all the time, and for being too "hyper", and thats how everyone always saw me back then


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this wouldnt have happened if people were more well-endowed on the field of psychology… they dont even need to know anything advanced; a bit of empathy and knowledge on the mechanisms of common mental illnesses is enough to make a normal person not-that-painful to be around :( i mean the kind of knowledge entry level psychology compendiums have, like come on !!


i never confessed my feelings
and honestly, it was for the best

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Where have you been to, sushi? Show us some pics!
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i loved walking around places like 3 at night. the emptiness was nice


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My camera is not good but I travel a lot.
Maybe too much.


Where's that first picture? It looks a lot like the roads I used to drive to go to Seattle.


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from hiking around estes park in colorado 2-3 years ago, taken with my ancient Csushi roll PowerShot SD790 IS


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 No.592[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

does anyone know any particularly comfy youtubers or podcasts?

i'm always looking for something comfy or interesting to listen to in my spare time, and listening to people talk helps me relax a lot.

one podcast i'm a fan of is the wisenheimers podcast which was two animators from newgrounds talking about stupid shit. it ended a while a go, but managed to be pretty funny and chill while it lasted.

i also some lets players like vinesauce, jontron era game grumps and another guy called manlybadasshero who mostly does horror game lp's, but i havent found anything as comfy as i would prefer.
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After watching so many moto-vlogers harass people on phones and hit wing mirrors I was delighted to discover FortNines content for a better side of bikers.

Genuinely fun and informative while being well balanced and produced. Truly, have these guys to thank for me riding today I'd reckon.


Comfy yet silly mostly nature show narrated by Ze Frank



Channel 5 has interesting videos. It's about an anthropologist interviewing interesting people on the street, at demonstrations, events and urban hotspots.



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 No.13746[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

is there a "ask the opposite gender stuff" thread? i have a question :(
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breast implants aren't as bad as botox. which is a listed biological warfare agent.


I mean… it's done in a controlled manner. The same way that if you were administer drugs at too high of a dose, it would kill a person, but it can have positive benefits at a lower level.


Both are bad


Women, do I have to be good at something/talented to be loved?


i love all my friends and they're all good at something, and usually i think they're good at lots of things! but it's just a correlation, not a causation.


How do you stay productive when doing creative tasks that you haven't done before?
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Just DO IT


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Ay Ay Captain


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Do it for her


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2025 is my year?


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how would you describe your 2024? what will you remember it by?
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i became an even bigger otaku and now im more dead inside which is easily interpreted by external parties as more stable mental health

happy new year


The first half went well. In fact, the first half of 2024 was probably the most pleasurable time of my life. I felt like life was moving ahead, like I had a future in store for me. Then the second half came, disaster after disaster, tragedy after tragedy. Deaths, break ups, and increased family tensions. It's been painful. It's not the worst I've ever been through, but it's pretty close truth be told. Falling back into old habits, overall feeling unworthy and depressed, and just trying to get back on my own two legs again. I don't think 2025 will be worse than that was, but only time will tell.


exasperating change, new highs and lows that shook me to my goddamn core


I finally graduated and got a full time juob which I guess felt like the end of my "hikki/NEET" arc of life narratively. I wish it was more of a celebration but I'm still sad.


Clap clap

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Have you ever ran away from home, or been kicked out, or just been homeless in general?
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my dad kicked me out cuz he said he found a comic of mine hidden under my bed that made him feel threatened

the comic was a teenager killing her dad after he he molests her, I looked at how he treated me very differently after that and the world was so different that what he said


No. The worst thing in that regard was living without heating and warm water for half a winter. It's not ideal.


Remember back when I was like 7-8 I've got in a bad fight with mother and ran away in my pajamas. It was a dark night, but thankfully father caught me quickly. She used this later as a story to tell friends or family, didn't she realize in what spot that put her?


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Yeah, I was homeless for a little bit. Not long. I was living in a flophouse with a few other people, and things got sour after some time. We got into serious fights, and our friends were concerned about our health and safety. Many of us, myself included, were undiagnosed and unmedicated at the time, so it just wasn't good for us to live around each other. So I booked a campsite at a local state park, and just left. State parks are cheap in my area, about 1/3 the price of rent. So I camped out. Unfortunately my health declined rapidly, and being alone in a state park with failing health is not a good idea. So I crashed at my parents' house while I did the paperwork to get my own apartment. Now I've lived here for about 3.5 years.

If you're wondering why I didn't just go to my parents' to begin with… well, not everyone has healthy relationships with their parents. I was glad they let me in, but I was not glad to be there.


My old man kicked us all out when I was like 6 and we used to share a one room flop for a year or two. When I was in my early 20s and working in Shanghai, I ended up homeless for a few weeks and ended up living in some damn love hotel until I could rent a place. Yeah it was funny at first hearing people bang away for hours, but after a while it just got annoying. My neighbors were really damn loud so I used to run the shower when the sex moans got too noisy for me to concentrate.

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the tiktok for you page is soo bad right now. They must've fucked with it specifically for the congressional hearings

there literally isn't a SINGLE video I care about watching, half of them are in spanish or some other language lol

What do you guys think about the whole tiktok banning thing? Are you pro or anti tiktok?

Personally I think it's ridiculous to even suggest that tiktok is banned. It clearly comes from a jingoistic anti-China rhetoric that is pervasive among our politicians, there is literally no proof that tiktok has done anything to harm the USA or Americanse. Our relationship with China can be good if politicians don't continually antagonize them.

More importantly, tiktok is GOOD for the USA. it's the best mainstream social media that exists besides twitter. I've seen more real examinations into the human condition on tiktok than I have seen on any other platform. You see actual people there living their lives while platforms like instagram feel far more manicured. People are going to waste their time on social media. Might as well be on there.

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Get off the internet sometimes…


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I think singling out Tiktok is unfair. I do use some social media like Mastodon and Bluesky on occasion but I am very skeptical of social media in general and treat it with a lot of care and suspicion. It can be extremely addictive. I worry about malicious information control and privacy, especially on the ones that are extremely centralized and collect massive amounts of data about their users.

I did enjoy my brief time using Tiktok and thought the algorithm was wonderful at picking up the things I liked, but I was concerned about the downstream effects of it if I kept using it long-term. Plus I don't like how automatic it is. I like choosing the information and media I engage with myself. If the people in charge decided to flood your feed with negative or misleading stuff, or suppressed information critical of their interests you'd be completely at their mercy. (None of this is unique to Tiktok)

Plus the level of depth and enjoyment you can get out of Tiktok is capped at a certain point so engaging with it a lot to the detriment of other interests is bad. A Tiktok or Instagram video might entertain you, but it's never going to touch you as much as a really good movie, game or book. Which isn't to say you can't ever enjoy ephemeral silly potato chip content, but I hope the younger generations are still making time for whole-grain media that takes longer to digest and sticks with you for longer. That's not to say I'm totally above it either, I also waste too much time online.


these days you can't use emoji on sushi… what went wrong? T_T


unicode was a mistake


As much as I hate social media, I agree that singling out TikTok is unfair and politically motivated.

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 No.20102[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Learning guitar is like playing Osu.
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I started passive investing half a year ago, and I am really glad I did. It costs almost no time, everything grows nicely and in a long term you can't lose money.


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I hesitate to agree because there doesn't seem to be any good examples of where moderation works. It's not that I believe that 4chan's racism is okay, but there are way more places where moderation, whether through a moderation team or socially sanctioned by site users, becomes hyper dogmatic and what becomes considered "racism" and other types of bigotry is a huge generalized window. 4chan's system isn't perfect, it's far from it, but it IS one of the few places you can genuinely critique the absurd and stupid elements of online culture. Whereas on many other websites the culture becomes so morally puritan that you cannot criticize anything.


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The erosion of any common belief in a higher power has contributed to vitriol and hatred. There isn't a common bridge between different groups of people anymore. You can't intervene and appeal to Christian brotherhood like MLK did because now nobody believes in it and those who do the loudest are degenerate right wing culture warriors who just like the Crusader trad aesthetic despite not understanding anything about Medieval Christianity even.

I hate discussing this subject. Not because it isn't important, but it goes nowhere and sucks. I have to deal with enough of it irl. You can't really critique anything on 4chan. Virtually every board is a horde of general threads, ragebait, and reposts from Twitter-Reddit, not to mention bot spam. There's neither discussion nor fun there anymore. Its just boring. Ideally, a good community doesn't need heavy handed moderation because the culture by itself encourages and discourages certain types of behavior. If enough people behave with sincerity and kindness, newcomers are less likely to want to cause trouble. The problem is this doesn't scale well as a site gets more traffic and stops being a niche group and there are always retard kids and spammers.


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I had a moment of clarity today at work. My coworker showed me the argument she was having in the comments of a political facebook post. She was arguing with some random person, who was calling her all types of horrible names based on just her opinions. She was very level-headed and honestly funny with her responses, but I just kind of realized she was talking to a brick wall. There was no way to tell if she was talking with a real person or an AI chatbot, and it kind of didn't matter. The truth is, she took time out of her day (albeit, work time) to respond to this rude comment. And I realized… I would have done the same thing. She's 40 years older than me, but yet I would have fallen for the same trick if it was on a social media app that I use (so, YouTube, the only one I use).

I think I learned to be a bit more mindful of what I read/post on the internet. I've learned that arguing online doesn't do any good, for me or for anyone else. It's one of those things that feels like it scratches a certain itch, but it doesn't. As long as negative comments exist, I'll have the itch to respond to them. So maybe the answer lies in myself, not the internet. Maybe true peace is only achieved once I realize that we're all better off not arguing with strangers on the internet.

But idk.


To be honest, even as someone who believes in a higher power, I would be okay with a secular higher-order principle or virtue that unites people instead of dividing them and leading to a sense of meaninglessness. I only worry because under a naturalistic atheist paradigm, it becomes nigh impossible to appeal to any higher-order notion as it is a metaphysical appeal eschewed under naturalistic atheism’s logic. This isn’t so much “atheists cannot be moral” because that is the opposite of the truth as atheists oftentimes do have a strong sense of morality, but this is more in defiance towards the logical conclusion of this paradigm which is nihilism. What worries me is we are going to uncritically and unconsciously dive so deep into our technocratic, rationalistic, and scientific worldview that we are only concerned with what can be directly observed and applied (which means conceptions such as morality and shared human dignity become obsolete).

As for what you were saying about the right-wing: I completely agree with you. Their problem is they are reactionaries. They do not care about the ideologies they proclaim to align themselves with. They care about Christianity as a means to react against secular liberalism, not the ethos of Christ’s message (which oftentimes goes against their behavior). It also reminds me how seven-eight years ago many of them were obsessed with Ted Kaczynski, but when it came to climate change and biodiversity loss they would pretend it was the stupidest idea ever.

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What do you sushis sound like?

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Sacred Deux (Oh my god)!


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Namu Amida Butsu (Oh my Buddha)!


this is what i sound like. i have a southern accent





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