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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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what gives you comfort when ur down :)
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Waiting it out doesn't sound too bad. I often just go to bed, when I'm sad and sleep it away. It's better than loathing all day and neither getting better nor getting anything done.


vidya games tbh. it makes sad and bad times non existent. such a good time sink to drain hours into.


I guess that works when you have the luxury of sleeping at any point in the day and not worrying about the impacts that has…


Waiting it out ends up taking a toll on you over the years, it's better to find something at least slightly constructive to do instead.


Crying. No words or coping mechanisms can provide as much emotional and physiological comfort and pleasure after just letting the water works flow.

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 No.6173[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are physical features you pay the most attention to?
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> First off: Fuck you very much, Seisatsu. I liked this site: I even had it bookmarked and lurked regularly. No more.
Just delete my posts already, damnit. I want to stop occasionally checking this thread, wondering.


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Face, and face-related mannerisms. Then hair. Which is kind of odd, as I have some trouble recalling faces in general. There was this girl I used to have a crush on way back in highschool; I can't remember in much detail how exactly she used to look, but I recall quite well the specific, rather quirky way she used to blink while explaining something at times.


I'd like to think I don't mind physical appearance that much… It'd be hypocritical when I have a hard time being happy with myself. That said I like long and straight hair, being facially expressive and being really thin..


I realized I have a strong affinity for girls with large, sanpaku eyes recently.
I also find fluffy hair very charming.

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The spookiest night of the year is upon us! Have you prepared compensation to keep the tricksters away?


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I've already set up precautions in case of spooks, I should survive the night.


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Now I'm just vibin
and doing the monster mash


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i love halloween, sadly wasn't able to participate this year due to studies and night classes. but i definitely was there in spirit

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Holy shit, finishing this show felt like losing my best friend. Watching the whole thing in a single day was the biggest mistake of my life, why do I keep forming emotional connections to fictional characters?
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Cos you're an emotional human?


The best art makes you feel things.


Something like this happened to me when I watched all of Code Geass over the course of two days during high school. I don't think I'll ever experience that feeling over a piece of media ever again.


This is a comfy video sushi, thanks for sharing.


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Comfy is righteous!

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how does illustration gets graded in anime manga industry, either for portofolio/studio, or in the social media?
like how does it get its score

from anatomy to color, how would each of it becomes the value it has, counted, or however it is measured, transalted

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How to space animation based on the
A. The motion to be
B. Physics of the scene and objects, characters; mass and properties

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I am 20 years old and I never told my mom that I loved her.

Today is Mother's Day and I finally did it. Cheers, sushi!
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I made this thread two years ago. I have never said it again to her.


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Nice palindrome digits. Regardless, that sucks to hear. I hope your relationship with her is still good at least. That's the just important part, the I love you's are just certain verbal expressions of it.


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I do not think I will, but my mom is alright. We talk from time to time and it is all good. I am just not very expressive. Let's just hope she remembers and cherishes that one moment of my lowered my guard. Thank you for your concern, dear sushi. I wish you pleasant day, night or evening.


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That's good at least. I'm sure she will cherish it. Parents hang on to things like that, trust me.

I seem to have the opposite problem. I've always been quick to expressing my affection in a lot of ways. Things are getting good and stable for me though. People I can rely on are finally starting to get into my life.



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based on latest research


you could've gone alone, that's what alpha chads do


Well, last time I went out to meet somebody was half a year ago. In this time I only did groceries, and occasional walks.

Also Robert would have a good laugh noticing my double seats ticket to freakin' Fallen Angels of all movies.



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I love alcohol. I am drunk right now, sushi! I love drinking whiskey when alone… whiskey sour is out of this world. White Russian as well. What type of drink is your favorite?
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Speaking of beer, I hear some folks from Münich have all these barrels of lager they've been holding onto since March for this big do in a meadow, so that's another seasonal choice.


>Those big orchards can even make a net positive.
Oh boy here we go.
Large apple tree monocultures where weeds have to be kept at bay and sprayed with pesticides is all but "eco-friendly", even if they are fertilized with organic matter mulch and organic pesticides, they inhibit biodiversity and are artificially kept at fixed stage of succession.


I've misspoken, didn't intend to mislead, you're right.
To minimize your impact you'd have to stick to the older traditional orchards such as in Normandy, or similar cideries like Ramborn in Luxembourg who claims to be carbon negative and doesn't use pesticides at all.


I've been trying to cut back on the drinking to help my weight loss
I used to drink beer or cocktails almost every day but now it's just a once or twice a week thing
Still love a good drink


Of course it would be easy to think monocltural orchards are net positives, given the lack of information on such matters in the public knowledge.
I reckon it would be hard to make a profitable fruit operation in truly sustainable conditions. I would know.

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toki! sina sona e toki pona anu seme?

Toki pona is a constructed language, like Esperanto or Klingon.
But, unlike those it's absolutely tiny! If you're keen you can be fluent enough to chat in just a few days.

It's a wonderfully comfy way to communicate, and it can be great fun too.
There's a very active community, so it's easy to get practice, and there's new music, podcasts and stories coming out all the time.

The whole essence is simplicity, reducing things down to the bare necessities and getting away from all the confusion of modern life.
Kinda like this place.

Do we have any other speakers here?
Does anyone else want to learn more?

I'll be hanging around here to find out!
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This is the first time I see a toki pona thread kick off



mi kama sona lon tenpo sike pini tu. taso, mi kepeken e ona lon tenpo mute ala.
I learned two years ago. But, I used it for not very long.
tenpo pi sona mi la, toki mi li pona ala.
When I (first) learned, I didn't speak well.

sina ken toki tawa jan ante lon musi ni?
Can you talk to other people in this game?
ma sama la, sina ken.

jan mute li utala anu seme?
Do many people fight?
ona li utala ala, li pali kulupu e tomo pi sewi mute. tu, ona li lukin e moli ala pi moku ala.
musi ni la, ijo lon li moli e sina, taso sina ken ala moli e ijo.


correcting myself
tu, ona li lukin e moli ala pi moku ala.
replace tu with kin la

i though tu meant too/also as well as two for some reason


Teach me senseis?! Pony is a comfy lang for a comfy chan. Maybe we’ll all speak it one day?


For all you furries and weirdos

There is a great community of tokipona on VR chat

Where you can learn with others and also practise speaking or associated objects and things etc

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