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 No.6652[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

(Didn't see a particular thread for this topic so making one) Anyone here married/have a family or otherwise older than the average imageboard user?

I hit 31 this year, have had a family for several years. Grew up and still enjoy chan culture yet somehow I've become trapped in suburban normie hell. It's a weird sort of loneliness. Anyone else know this feel?
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I turned 30 recently myself. I'm not too bothered about being older than the average poster since it's an sushi rollymous forum, and I don't think I'll ever grow out of imageboards. I've taken longer breaks before and I've tried everything from traditional forums to discord, but I always feel like I've come home when I go on imageboards. I find it very difficult to talk to people, even online, so this is one of the few environments where I feel comfortable enough to express myself. The feeling many of us have that imageboards are in decline has actually been good for me, since it's spurred me on to be a more active poster, even making OC and organising community events for another board.

I can't relate to the being married part, but it is what it is.


Cycling time for the oldies


That's awesome sushi! I wish I was as proactive as you!


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30yo and married here. I visited my partner on another continent and he proposed. I emigrated, and now we live together with 2 cats, no kids.
I used to read image and text boards a lot in my teens. I mostly stuck to 4chan but after moot sold it off I stuck around on 420chan (rip), lainchan, arisuchan (rip), and so on. I've been lurking sushi for a couple of years and posting very occasionally, and I recently discovered Letterbox, too, which has a comfy vibe.
Imageboards (other than 4chan) feel like they trend typically older, imho. Younger people tend to stick more to Discord, mainstream social media and the fediverse seems pretty young trending too when you look at the instances that aren't the biggest mastodon servers.
My partner has a well paid job and I have a low end part time job so that I can get out of the house and socialise. Making friends in another country is hard, and I find more solace in posting online and chatting with my friends from my home country more than I do with people in this one.


nice bragging.

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Life is good, I even met a snail today.
But there's always room for improvement.
I've realized all of my remaining vices/addictions/distractions are online, so I'm trying something. Using an outlet timer, my router will shut off at 7pm every evening.

This still gives me some time after work to check in on websites I like, download any new anime, and check in on any online friends. But it won't let me spend an entire evening listlessly browsing or socializing just for the sake of socializing.
I'm hoping this will lead to me living more of my ideal life, which is primarily offline and alone. I think it will also encourage me to use my time on the internet with more purpose and motivation, and less guilt.
I'll let you know how it goes.

I'd also like to ask, what does the internet mean to you? What role does it play in your daily life? What would you do if the internet was much more restricted? What do you think this snails name should be?
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I've been gradually drifting away from the internet lately. I have a handful of small, niche, comfy, slow, and rather minimal communities (mostly plaintext) not unlike sushigirl which I browse during the day whenever I need a break, but because they are slow, there's nothing keeping me there for long, and I go back to my activities. For the most part I use the internet to look up stuff on wikipedia, wiktionary, etc, and to download books.
Even though I use the internet less and less, I am still very much a netizen and I like to be part of this digital culture of sorts, but I try to keep it healthy and not get dragged into the shitfest of the modern web. My tablet has the factory version of chrome which can't open cloudflare, recaptcha, etc.

The snail's name should be Endymion


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i have been banned from 2 imageboards before, i feel like im starting to learn something but im still not sure


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I see the internet as a place to unleash my creativity (coding webpages) or as a place to have comfy discussions (places like sushichan) about the things we like, how our life is, and a place to try and make each other happy even when we're in a dark place in our lives, with fun discussions and memes.


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To me, the internet is a medium through which a computer called client can ask a computer called server for something. There are decentralized distributed systems, but they are not all that popular.

To me, the internet is galleries of videos and pictures, repositories of software, music, articles and books. Stocks, tickets, rent, shopping, taxes and other administrative matters. Means to share media and talk. Discussions that would otherwise be hard, if not impossible, to hold. Worries and hopes, joy and pain that would otherwise be impossible to share, and find understanding. Although, impossible is too strong a word, probably.

> What role does it play in your daily life?

Vital. And mortal, if that makes any sense.

> What would you do if the internet was much more restricted?

Move to where it's not as restricted yet, so long as it is easy and not costly. Otherwise, bypass the restrictions, so long as it's technically possible, not too costly and not too risky. Otherwise, do nothing. I probably can't fight it, I barely have enough energy to keep myself up in a stable state. I can only archive what shards of the world that I'm used to remain.

> What do you think this snails name should be?

Fall. When I first looked at the photo, it seemed to me that it was taken during that time of the year, although it's spring outside.


Thanks for all the replies, they are very helpful.

Forcing myself offline a bit this week was great, with the right motivation behind it, it really did lead to me having better days. Before I had felt like I needed to be online all the time, but I really didn't. I don't think I need to adhere to the strict time cut off of the internet in general, but it's a good 'kick in the butt' option and was a great reminder that I'm not truly dependent on it.

I haven't seen Zukertortendymionfall since.

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I did the favourites thread and wanted more charts to fill out so here we are. Made this one, I know there are others floating around but they seem to be made by dating sites for people who laze around all day by the computer. That's not you, right?
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This is entertaining


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figure i'd do this again just to see the differences now


Love this thread!


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Favorites are hard, since they shift all the time.


Fridey night!


Es taco Tuesday


Happy Friday sushis!


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Spending this Friday night Bocchi!



Dance Dance Friday

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this entire world was formed to cause me as much pain as it possibly could
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For real dude. 599 dollars? For a fucking sausage? We truly live in a clown world.


look at the size of it though


sausage has no games


Well the thread is about suffering, after all.


It's premium iberia pork sausage with truffles

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 No.8200[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We should do one of these!
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Some I couldn't think of responses for because autism :P


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world's biggest swans hater is a goreshit fan

honestly i respect it


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Tried to do this for the third time, but I lack the patience to finish it.

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How are you doing today sushi?
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Enjoying Lunar (chinese) New Year. Not chinese but have chinese friends.


those animal pastries look yummy


Time for Easter holidays…..


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Sweet Easter Hot X Buns


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wanna go to a coffee place but i'm embarrassed to go alone, also ordered a lot of tapioca and cant wait to make bubble tea at home when it arrives

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Has anyone here dropped out of collage or university? Was it a good decision? How did it affect your life? I'm dropping my course and I'm pretty bummed out. I feel like a failure.
Sorry for un-comfy
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>Has anyone here dropped out of collage or university?
Yes actually.
>Was it a good decision?
For the time yes. I was very inexperienced and had little means to pay for it. Me back then wasn't going to be able to pull it off. My second go around we're getting that degree though. However long it takes.
>I've dropped out of law
Ooh how was it? I've considered pursuing a degree in that field. Its been a long time dream of mine to get behind the civil rights movement like my grandfather and his father before him. They were in the offices of the NAACP and LULAC back in the day as an accountant and a treasurer. The lawyers were the real warriors though, and that's where I want to be.


I was heavily encouraged to go to university after school but had no real ambition or direction. I decided to study biology because it was one of the few subjects I enjoyed in school but quickly fell behind, failed all my courses, and dropped out after a semester.

>>11486 has the right advice, working menial jobs for 5 years was really useful. I think a sense of pointlessness and depression is just endemic to who I am because I've never been able to shake it but at least now I have the maturity to sustain full time study in something useful.

Don't feel like a failure, it's just part of growing up. Spend the next couple of years figuring out what it is you want to do if you need to, just try not to waste it. My main regret is simply not going back sooner or using my time to have more interesting experiences. Still, it's good to know that it's never too late; I know a chick who quit her job as a pharmacist to study CS because she was bored of her career. There's no shame in being in education when you're older, not everyone follows the same trajectory in life.


I studied pre-med for 3 years but had to drop out because I was just doing what I was told and wasn't really coping and ended up in a psych hospital. I spent about 5 years in and out of different life stages and only last year I finally went back to University to study what I really want to.

It obviously really, really affected my life and its progression but I would never say dropping out was a mistake. It's just part of the tapestry of my life it took to get where I am now.


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Drop out and work a 9-5er.


I had thought of it many times. At many times, I felt like college was trying to keep me in for as long as they could, but I finally escaped. I have ADHD. I can't really function like a normal person. When I was failing classes or missing assignment dates I felt like a legit failure, just like you are now. Now that I'm out, I don't feel anything like that. I feel free, in fact. Funny thing - I didn't know I could graduate once I finished the current semester / classes until I went to a councilor, and when I finally finished the class, I went in again because I hadn't gotten an email about graduating. Well, I was queuing up to see another one, and I was waiting to see one when I checked my email and found the email saying I had graduated. I went to the front desk and said, "I don't need to see the councilor anymore. I just graduated." and walked out of the building. I then took a drive, looking at the different buildings I went to when I was doing gen ed and everything was in person. Then, I never went back to that place again.

If I gotta say anything, you should speculate on what makes you feel this way and get help for it. Like, if you legit have personal issues or disabilities like ADHD, you should ask for different treatment from your school and seek medication for any disabilities. I would have liked, even loved to have quit, but that overall would have made my life a lot worse in comparison. I hope you make the right choice for yourself regardless.

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hello sushis let have a thread where we post youtube videos we find funny
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A classic



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What do you rolls do to keep a healthy body and mind?
I find that one of the best ways to do both consistently is training yourself in martial arts. An good starting point for learning shaolin kung fu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f8zb_QKZEo .

One of the ways I train mentally is by doing regular meditation. If you are new to meditaion and don't know what style to pick, start with Zazen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL2XUTeoUsM (turn on captions). Some other techniques that I like are detailed here: https://tricycle.org/magazine/tibetan-buddhist-meditation/ .
I think it's important to learn to feel what the chinese call qi. That does not mean you have to become religious or convince yourself that it is anything more than a phychological phenominon, but the reason I think it's important is that it can be used to reach a meditative state even when going about your daily activities. I'm not an expert, but I think a good method is to sit or lie in a position that allows you to breath with your stomach (make sure to remove constraints like belts), close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths with your stomach. As you breath in, imagine energy slowly rising from the base of your spine to the top of your scalp, and as you slowly breath out imagine that energy sinking from your scalp back down to the base of your spine.
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If you don't mind me asking, what do you stuck up your ass?

==ALL WEIGHTLOSS SHORTCUTS ARE UNHEALTHY==, no exceptions. Pursue a sustainable and consistent routine, don't try to take shortcuts. At best these shortcuts will give you momentary results that quickly disappear, or you'll seriously hurt yourself. Exercise more, eat less, and be consistent.


Medicine. I take anti-inflammatories by suppository because of a colon disease. It is not fun, it is not sexual, and I get no pleasure out of it. If I could do it any other way, I would.


>Lifting weights causes injury
It can cause injury if done improperly or too aggressively. That doesn't mean it's not still the best way to actually become stronger. Bodyweight exercises are great since they cost very little and can be done in many places but they provide diminishing returns and can also cause injury if done in an unsafe manner. I've had more injuries with bodyweight exercises than with weights since it can be harder to quantify my limits with the former.



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I fly planes and test my G-limit.

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