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don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Fuck it.
I am in bad mood for almost 2 weeks now, and this shit happens every fucking year at the same time (mid January until mid February).
>changing my mood but every night I go to sleep feeling depressed
>not productive
>bad shit happens at least once a week
>i become super sensitive and emotional
>and on top of all that i think i am falling in love with one of my only girl friends

Not sure what to do. Should I just wait or make some moves. I hope this ends soon.
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Playing violent video-games helps me when I'm in a mood…


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The more violent, the better!


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Have blood splatter everywhere!


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Sometimes you just wanna break stuff


Moved to >>>/hell/3684.

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My friend invited me to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family (because I live far away from my family), but I have really bad social anxiety and I'd rather not go. What should I do? The only other alternative is to stay at my apartment and spend it by myself.
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Just sit back and enjoy Xmas!


I spent Thanksgiving alone drinking beer and playing video games. It was much better than usual.

I also grew up nonreligious and the extent to which religious people think and talk about religion always boggles my mind, just since I hardly ever think about religion at all, and only in an anthropological sense if I do. Discussing theology and religious spirituality seems as normal as talking about yesterday's football game to them.

It's good you have stuff like programming to talk about. My main hobby is also my profession, and it's a landmine of a field that everybody has a political opinion on so all I can fall back on is stuff like video games and anime which doesn't do well with every crowd.

Also, what draws you to a church? I thought about trying one out just to see what it's like for a while but never went through with it.


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Xmas Lockdown
Yeah…… not


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And a happy NYE'20


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Merry Xmas, yo!

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 No.8552[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a thread for friendly ladying about life's little pains.
After 10 or so years of my right jaw clicking when opening and closing, I got a sudden pain and now my jaw doesn't click anymore. Thing is, I can only open my mouth about half of what I used to be able to. Seeing the dentist on Thursday but feeling some despair. Not in terrible pain though, just some soreness.

What's bothering you?
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I came to the realisation that my mental health influences what I consume to jack off.
If it is in a good condition I use vanilla or don't even touch myself, if it is in a bad condition I use disgusting and disturbing stuff.


>After 10 or so years of my right jaw clicking when opening and closing, I got a sudden pain and now my jaw doesn't click anymore. Thing is, I can only open my mouth about half of what I used to be able to.

I found myself in the same situation a couple of weeks ago, my solution was trying to force it to open a couple of times a day for a couple of days, it opening all the way now but i feel like my jaw is in the wrong place,oh well, at least i didnt have to go to a doctor.

Been feeling a bit down lately, the few friends i have are going out and having fun without me, they arent even talking to me, i dont have the willpower to do something productive, been just watching movies all alone in my room all day.


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My throat has been itching and I've felt a sickness coming on since yesterday. My stepdad got sick so he must have infected me and my mom. Hopefully not with what I think it is.


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Hope it's nothing serious


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On the constructive side, how do I cut someone I share a class with off? I can't say "fuck off" because we have the same class and some friend overlap, so it'll make things weird. I also need constant ghosting excuses because he can just ask me in class. Also want to hang with his friends without him. Also I'm a woman too, also one weaker than him, so cutting him off has a small chance of it ending with violence against me. I need something that wont put me on his shit list
On the vent side my "friend", well he's to much of a dick to be friend now, is doing things that makes him a creep to woman. Every time I mention a female friend he says "ArE tHEy LoOkiNG fOr A rELaTiOnShIp" and wont listen when I say how I don't like him asking that. He says he wont hit on woman friends I bring to hang, but you can tell he wants to. He told a girl they only like their bf because he's white then said it's doomed to fail because it's interracial. He called another woman a whore for engaging in pre marital sex. He's put a girlfriend in an awkward confession situation. He's also asked me and my friends multiple times if I know any woman looking for hook ups and one nightstands which got the same "I'm uncomfortable now" vibes, which he ignored and said "it's a joke". He wasn't this aggressive when I first met him, so thats why he became friends. He's become aggressive now though. I'm warning girls I know before I hang with him and I understand that's not normal. I'm cutting him off right now and I deeply regret entertaining him now.
The good thing is among my friends the weirdo is so hated if he dares make any woman uncomfortable he has a few dudes ready to beat his ass.

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Have some Concrete Road




When Sptember ends…


Anime OP


Gawr Gura sings "Bad Habits"

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Don't know if this kind of topic belongs here. But does anyone else feel utterly repulsed by social media and the climate of virtual interactions especially on platforms where sushi rollymity is an option. Though whether or not sushi rollymous is turned on doesn't make much of a difference in the poor quality content produced. It's an endless repetition of temporary pointless trends and people bandwagoning another's point of view instead of establishing their own. I'm dead tired of the fanatic obsession focused on sex and politics over and over. I don't fucking care. I feel immobilized and unable to interact with most people my age, I don't see the purpose anymore of trying to be social especially in this unfiltered cesspool of vapid thoughts. I gave up on imageboards, lasted a streak reaching a full year. Came back occasionally to small boards to see what's up but I can see the toxicity slowly leaking in.
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Some thoughts… people do have worldviews, and those worldviews can be categorized, can be more or less correct than other worldviews. This categorization might be called politics. Or identity politics, though that may include things that are even harder to change then worldview.
Having a correct worldview is important, but telling people their worldview is wrong and yours is correct, or otherwise worldview rallying for worldview combat is uncomfy.
I feel like at this sushi stand the focus should be on understanding other worldviews, more than pushing ones own. Or better then that, talking about mundane everyday life.
And sorry to contradict my own advice so promptly, but I gotta defend centrism. "Active dude" comes to me and says 'Hey "some guy" has been doing [unforgivable act] you gotta help us punish them! We can't have people doing [unforgivable act]!' And I am filled with uncertainty about whether [unforgivable act] is really unforgivable, which I cannot voice due to fear of being attacked. I am filled with anger at "some guy" in so far as I think [unforgivable act] really is unforgivable. I am filled with fear of being used as a pawn, maybe "some guy" hasn't done anything unforgivable at all, I only have "active dude"s word, after all, and its it's probably second or even third hand… it's definitely an unpleasant position to be in. Wanting to take action but not sure what action to take. Both sides shout "obviously just do the right thing: what we say to do."
Centrism is admitting you don't know and are too enslaved by your job to be able to spend enough time to find out. Its defeatist, but if you're defeated it's better not to live in a fiction where you are not, I don't see a better path to victory doing that.
Now to try and follow my advice a little. I like these eggs rolls have been posting. I tried making boiled eggs for my lunch last week and the shells stuck to the egg, does anyone have good tips to prevent that? I think I'll try ice bath after boiling this week.


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You want some cawfee?



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The fact that their mouths are so well animated when they say it cracks me up

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What helps you relax or calm down?

Over the years I've noticed that no matter how distressed or anxious I am as soon as I just sit down under the Sun for a while and listen to some instrumental music consciously I get calm enough to think clearly or even take a nap. And removing shoes is a must to reach peak comfiness for me.

What about you sushis?
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Heroin & hentai
But no really coffee-cocoa makes my evenings really soft and fluffy, at my comfy-station. You take one packet of instant hot chocolate, and one packet of instant cappucino, then you take a double size as usual cup and mix then, then pour on hot water.
It's super delish and satisfying, and gives your evening a bit of an extra twinkle as you do the last stuff of the day before sleep.


I normally just bottle myself up until I have a vacation to release it all.


this actually sounds quite comfy. I will start trying this once the weather cools down.


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Washing the dishes calms my mind, especially when I do it late in the evening and try to not make too much noise.


Pressurised Water Washing

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Figured why not make it not OT, by makin it the OnT.

This is the official start of the Cult of Good Sleep (informally: CoG Sleepsies (members are unofficially described as "cogs"->"ofSleep"))

Important data of note, this is not a malign cult.
All cult content is optional.
No cultist is ever entitled to force another into any action (regardless of if any "title" difference that may arise).
A cult main guidline, is to never become something that you may be ashamed to admit that you are apart of. It should never be an admittance, to admit you are with "them cogs".

The main object of adoration within the cult is the time of good sooth sleep, and its main way of abiding with that adoration, is to research and collect ways of maintaining an ease of entering good comfy sleep, in an as wide as possible range of environments to do so in, as to maintain a knowledge of a way to sleep in any possible location you may ever spend time long enough for a small nap.

Researched ways of sleepy gate entrance, should never be withheld from the community, because we are all sleeping on eachothers backs, and without the research before us, we would never have made it to the one we currently are at. And if you don't believe that, you shouldn't have to ride at your priors sleepy shoulders, should you? Then you don't need to pilfer community research without giving back your benefit from theirs.

We are currently 1 (me) members deep in sleep, with 1 member pending final acceptance. (we are not actually counting, and we are not ever tracking any one (or any) member//cultist, I was just having fun with typing, so I didn't want to stop, sorry, your fellowcal shizushi has tingly fingers)

Also swampweed always helps with bad dreams, but you have to chase them away during the day ones.
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Remembering it better now, think I can explain actually.
It was like it took me along for a dream that came from it, not me. Kinda like the difference between how you feel when you play a game yourself, or if you watch somebody else play it. Like that, but for dreams.

Sadly my dream retention is shit, so I don't remember much detail, mostly just the mood and that strange feeling of being shown things, being lead places to witness.


Do you watch a lot of let's plays or streamers? What we see over the day influences our dreams a great deal. In the early days of television people often dreamed in greyscale [citation needed, read it in a book about dreaming i think].


Not really no, and it was only that one time I've ever felt that way in a dream. And the entrance into dream was completely different, in that I've never been with it at the beginning of a dream before, otherwise the times I do experience dream recall I remember the last piece from what happened before I awoke, and then might be able to fish out more dream-memory by going backwards from there.

This one was the other way, remembered the beginning of the dream more easily, while it got more cloudy further in. I guess as in, the dream memory anchor was placed at the opposite end of what I otherwise always experience.


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Bed is for sleep only; don't browse dumpor.com & nitter.domain.glass on your smartphone while in bed.


I've been hearing loud bangs and stuff lately as i try to fall asleep and also when I'm laying in bed after waking up. I've been having very broken sleep for a while now and this definitely doesn't help.

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Hi sushis. Hope you're all doing well.
I think most people are finding new ways to be creative in these uncertain times, and I think it would be cool if we used this thread to share some of the things we've been working on!

That being said, I'm currently brainstorming some sort of novella based around humans who have ascended to the level of cosmic gods (kinda inspired by The Microcosmic God), and what it would be like to be dehumanised by such awesome power. It's also a chance for me to play around with some flowery language and sci-fi-esque grand descriptions of unfilmable concepts, my favourite of which being a game which these gods play. Here are the quotes:

"They still play games. But not at all like they used to. These people move entire species around like draughts, collapse an empire like taking a bishop, all with the regard for life tantamount the respect humans once had for a six of clubs."

"The Game is at once simulation game, chess board, blackjack and match of Go. It is equal parts dance of territory as debate of philosophy. They are making decisions trillions of times per minute, making plans and laying traps decades into the future. The ants on the ground believe it to be them making the decisions, but it is in fact us."

What are you working on, sushi?
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I though about ways to interact with my contacts in a productive manner and came up with a project combining the interests of my friends and me with the goal of a short animated music video.

Have you read "The Glass Bead Game"? The citation you posted reminded me instantly of the descriptions in this book.


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Writing fight scenes like RA Salvatore.


Oh noes, another murder.


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Be creative in fashion


Right now now I have a few concepts I'm writing in scrivener. Longest is currently 11,000 words, still so unfinished it makes zero sense, and the smallest is 400 words. Since they're all short stories I have no big plot to describe, but the main plot through out the stories is people describing changes to their body and mind, usually caused by sci-fi body mods or lovecraft horror. The main theme is how they relate to the world with a different body, how when their mind is being transformed their writing style and thought processes changes before they notice, and how repressed emotional problems are expressed through body horror. I have no lines to post since they're all rough drafts and some of them are more therapeutic than good, mostly the ones that deal the very last theme. Most of the works I write about are also related to my academic interest, body studies, so another big theme is how people view bodies.

>That being said, I'm currently brainstorming some sort of novella based around humans who have ascended to the level of cosmic gods (kinda inspired by The Microcosmic God), and what it would be like to be dehumanised by such awesome power.

I've wanted to do something somewhat similar were the character is an alien who's planet is invaded by humans who are competitively over powered compared to them. the story will either be about innate difference, less gravity allowing humans to leap more, humans having thumbs, humans being taller than the aliens, or the humans being genetically modified or in space suits with the 'they were human all along' twist being at the end.

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Are you worried about experiencing imminent food shortages and famine? I cannot escape the feeling that I will die from starvation within the next few years. I live in a Prosperous European Nation. Please convince me otherwise.
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Depends where you live really, some countries are fairly self sufficient, particularly island nations like new zealand or the UK. It's more likely that you just won't have access to the same quality of food, probably have less meat available and things like that. That being said, growing your own food is generally a good idea. If you want to be seriously paranoid, the best move for a prepper is the get your hands on like 4 or 5 sheep, put all of your stuff in a wagon, and become a nomadic shepherd. You can get about 50% of your daily calories from sheep's milk products if you graze them well on empty lots and patches of grass and stuff, and forage the rest. Sheep are particularly practical because you can harvest their wool, not only to make things for yourself but also for trading/selling. This is actually a much better move than just stocking up on canned goods because it'll last you forever, as long as you keep breeding your sheep. We're probably not going to have severe food shortages, but we will definitely all be brought down a peg, probably to the level of a 3rd world country. It's simply the natural reasult of living in a collapsing empire. Now's a good time to learn to forage, grow some potatoes (picrelated), buy solar pannels and learn some practical skills fixing things which need fixing. Or you could always move to a more prosperous country. China won't be as kind to refugees as we have been, so the sooner the better before the mass migration starts.


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I am deeply thankful for your response.
I am an awful communicator. I often upset others when I speak. I am also a House-Locked NEET. On this basis, I believe I have an insufficient aptitude for Nomadism.
Do You have any advice on learning to forage? I have downloaded [Food for Free - Richard Mabey]. I will begin reading it tonight and practicing tomorrow. If you have any objections to my plan, please share them with me.
I have measured my garden [344 sq ft]. I will use as much as it for gardening as my [Family] and [Desires] will permit. The image you shared was very inspiring. Thank You.

It seems our thoughts are motivated by very different {time-scale[s]}. I worry about famine within the next [1-3 Years]. You seem to consider the next [Few Decades]. Is my {Time Scale} assessment accurate?
With regards to my time-scale, should I stock up on Canned Goods? I don't plan for them to last forever, only to supplement my diet over the next few years.

With regards to your time-scale, should I aim to leave my country [UK]. Where should I move?
How long will it take for my country to deteriorate to [Third World Status]?


I would really recomend against foraging without an experienced forager to guide you at first unless you are extremely confident. The number one rule of foraging is if you're not absolutely 100% sure what it is, do not eat it. Nature can and will kill you if you eat the wrong thing. I too am a house locked NEET, so I've also been thinking about how nomadism would be tricky. Maybe fishing is a good plan b, although there's complications since fish were more plentiful in the past than they are now.
For a hikki like myself, I think an indoor hydroponics setup might be good too but they're kind of expensive it seems. I will do further research.
> I worry about famine within the next [1-3 Years]. You seem to consider the next [Few Decades]. Is my {Time Scale} assessment accurate?
Honestly it's hard to say, but I do think it's unlikely that there will be famine that soon. Maybe you know something that I don't, but the UK grows a lot of its own basic foods and should be able to sustain itself taking into account the efficiency of modern farming techniques, barring some extreme act of god tradgedy.
>With regards to my time-scale, should I stock up on Canned Goods? I don't plan for them to last forever, only to supplement my diet over the next few years.
It might be a good idea, but I wouldn't waste too much money on it.
With regards to your last two questions, I would say no one knows for sure, it depends on a lot of complicated factors which are hard to predict. I would reassure you that people in the 3rd world realy don't have it that bad as you may think. There are statistics about for example average wages, but in a country where most people are subsitance farmers, wages don't really give an accurate picture of their quality of life. A lot of issues in poorer places come from lack of infrastructure, but we already have that and even if it deteriorates, it's not going to vanish overnight, we can still make use of it. Northern europe also has lots of fertile land, comfortable weather conditions, not many severe natural disasters, these are all geographical factors which lead to it being the most "developed" in the first place, and they're not going to go away because of economic circumstances. Basically, life will be harder, but in the end you will probably be fine. Mass fPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Preparing for natural disasters is good but your fears are unfounded. The UK did fine during wartime rationing prior to the widespread use of glyphosphate and chemical fertilizers. Famine especially in a country with the lowest food prices in yurop is unlikely. Better off to stockpile a few months of food and be financially secure.

Starting a productive farm will be a substantial time investment: sowing, checking the weather, watching for pests and disease, harvesting, canning, etc.


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I hear we all have one inside ourselves…

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Do you have faith, sushi?

I have this old memory when I, as a kid, lost a precious toy. Asked God to help me find it, but to no avail. I blamed God for this misfortune and declared that I no longer believe.

Now I would say I am an agnostic, but I think I really want to find God. God, as someone to talk to, to confess to and to find support in. Lately I faced a lot of difficulties and praying helped me. I even made few liabilities, that I now struggle to accomplish.

When things go well I forget about my prayings and obligations, there is that thought that it is all my work and not some old dude above my head. Until now I went by this and it made me feel like a tiny, tiny man.

I really want to believe, but something is stopping me. Please, share something about yourself.
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It's interesting to look at how the myriad metaphysics have adapted in a world in which colonialism and cultural hegemony has left Western European Christianity as somewhat of a religious benchmark against which others compare themselves. Especially in places like South and Southeast Asia and Subsaharan Africa where traditional unorganized religion is still pretty strong and groups try to codify and categorize both beliefs and practices to solidify their place within a wider community among organized proselytizing Abrahamic religion.

A lot of them seem to have appropriated, among other concepts, the Abrahamic notion of apostasy and its relationship with heterodoxy and atheism. Even in "religions" where there have been traditional atheist movements (in the strict sense of the word meaning without worship/belief in deities, but not necessarily a rejection of metaphysics or even some other aspects of theology) nowadays you can see purists outright rejecting such adherents' membership. The example I'm most familiar with is that of modern postcolonial Hindu theological discourse and the parallels with Christian debate and apologetics is striking, even if there's more of a direct relationship with politics considering the ethnic nature of it.

Regarding "faith" though, when I hear that word I generally tend to assume that the user is specifically talking about religion in the monotheistic Abrahamic sense, since in other traditions, even where there is orthodoxy it tends to revolve around some other idea such as dharma. I don't think people who discuss faith really mean to be discussing anything more than worship of a deity, even if they think they mean to be, because in an Abrahamic context that falls more into the field of philosophy. In my experience at least, if a guy asks me about faith, he's not asking what I think happens when I die or what it means to be or to know, but rather what I use to help get me through the uncertainty of an absurd life.

The answer to that question of course, is mai waifu.


"Fear is the greatest of faith.."


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I have faith in My Goddess, focusing mainly where I can do my best always to exert the faith. Mostly it is manifested throught studyings all shorts of phylosophies and wordviews, i do prefer the ones i relate more though, or psychonautism or just enjoying experiencing life itself. How it all happened is quite the craziest story for me.

Its not even that i didnt have faith before, but i never took attention to it without rationalizing and not being so interested in it, "until stuff happened directly to me".


You gotta have FAITH


Nah not really. I do like a lot of christian morals tho

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