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 No.9530[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last thread, >>8841, seems to have hit bump limit so I'm making an even newer one.

Every time you visit https://sushigirl.us leave a reply in this thread. How your day is going, anything interesting that happened recently or just to say hi, whatever!
258 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Get to the chopper



Any cheap Sturmgewehr AUG 77 bullpups?


I prefer belt-fed RPD


Hello from 2022!



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 No.8841[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last thread, >>8309, seems to have hit bump limit so I'm making an even newer one.

Every time you visit https://sushigirl.us leave a reply in this thread. How your day is going, anything interesting that happened recently or just to say hi, whatever!
257 posts and 112 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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As an update to the majo no tabitabi thread in /otaku/ (since I don't want to derail that thread anymore), I figured out what the problem was. I'd been putting the subtitle and scale filters as two separate -vf options instead of a single list of filters, which was causing the scale filter to override the subtitles.


At this point I think I'm fed up with my school constantly asking about their students' dreams in literally everything. Weekly assignments, essays, papers, exams… since I have to lie on every single one of it.
I don't have any particular dreams, I don't even bother to. I'm just living according to where life takes me. I have goals, but not necessarily a dream, and those goals are selfish as fuck (buying a PC that's good enough to play modern games, saving up money to pay for both bills and hobbies).
It's ticking me off in the wrong way about their optimism that their students have dreams. I'm sorry, mine is crushed a long time ago, so can you stop giving your students assignments like that for, you know, a day? 'Cause it's starting to get old to repeat the same lie just to get high score credits… I enrolled to a university damn it, not some sort of motivational seminar!


Quick question are your first to second year of college? A lot of colleges do stuff like this to be a pseud filter. Kids who don't know what they want to be when they grow up and choose a degree randomly or people with no passion, but a love of money tend to be trouble for colleges. Those stupid essays are a way to nip that idea at the bud and prevent them from wasting 4 years on a degree that makes them go "I hate this".

I have the same problem too. I don't see my degree as something I should be passionate about, but as a means to an end for money. I'd be ok doing any degree if it made me money and left me enough free time for my hobbies. I've long ago accepted I'd rather daydream about what I hope in life than getting it, so I have no real dream I want to achieve. Like you I just lie when they ask the question

A bit different, but I can't take "how would you survive X", "live in x time period", or live in the wild type questions. I'm diabetic so the answer always devolves to "I would have no insulin if I were at X. I die in a week". You can't stretch that answer out into 3 paragraphs so I just forget I have diabetes and make shit up.


It seems like whenever I say goodbye it's forever. I wish I could head to a diner with one of my old friends and just spend hours catching up and reminiscing.
Make sure you have some stories to tell them when you meet again.


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Went to see a dance in chinatown today.. it got rained out 1/2-way

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