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don't forget to smile :]

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Socialist sushis post your favorite revolutionary songs! I’ll start
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I've listened to this multiple times. My favorites are Weltjugendlied, Sportmarsch, Immer Lebe die Sonne,and Marsch der Enthusiasten.

Weltjugendlied is legendary. German is my favorite language to listen to it.


Hearts of Iron IV - Bella Ciao




Hearts of Iron IV | Säkkijärven Polkka


I've always had a soft spot for Chinese red songs. They seem so cheerful and down to earth compared to ugly Soviet propaganda brutalism.

Also, definitely not a fan of the PFLP but this song was pretty good.

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4chan is boring, 8chan…well who really knows about that. Smaller indy-chans seem to come and go. I think comfy chan is still online, but julay world and my favorite; late city is gone.

I am a nomad, I roam the digital wasteland, from chan to chan.
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Why three?


cos you need a bit of variety, dude.


Feel the same way about 4chan. /pol/ is watered down and overrun with slide threads, /b/ is just straight up porn.
I was late to 8chan, so all that's left there is spam. I like this place though. Lainchan is pretty good too. I'm just trying to find as many different websites to frequent to make up for the lack of good stuff on 4chan.


Take a vacation; we're at the half-way point of the year.


It's been a while since I posted this thread, I appreciate the feedback both pro and somewhat con. Yeah, meet ups in meatspace are underrated, might do it.

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currently on a zoom call doing remote e-learning. it's really daunting but the nice weather outside makes it better. i'm just a little annoyed today haha
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espresso peps you up!


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Whatcha doing for the weekend?
Nothing illegal, I hope….


i have to bring my bike to a workshop, help an old lady install a printer, clean my place up and watch the euro final


i use the law to judge if something is worth doing. if it wasn't fun they wouldn't leave it legal. i just love complicated white collar tax related crimes.

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Hey sushi!

We've all heard the phrase "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" — but what other foods can you use to keep beings away? who do they keep away?


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garlic and vampires! why? no idea!

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What are foods that make you comfy and sparks joy in yourself and others, sushi? What foods improve the mood of you and those around you?

This fall it's been apple cider. Made too much, shared it with friends, family, and neighbours. We're all in high spirits for that. Maybe I could make some for you? :)
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Chinese scrambled egg and tomato over rice


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Calamari and beer.


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this guy is really relaxing to watch and listen


stopover at HK for roast goose?


Fly with Cathay Pacific…

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I can't be the only one who likes to study and learn around here.
What do you study? What topics do you care about but don't get the time to do it? Are you self taught?
People who study just to pass a test are welcome, too, but that is not the theme of this thread.

I myself have been interested in ancient languages, and right now I am starting to learn ancient Greek, though as they say, it's all Greek to me.
I have other interests like astronomy, but really, I'm over my head with my current studies. I've also been learning some chemistry.
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I'm just listening to the audiobook NKJV version. I started at the beginning of the year and I'm still only up to Acts, I just kind of dived straight into it without doing any proper research on the best way to go about it. Still not even sure what denomination I'd end up going with since work and limited mobility gets in the way of actual churchgoing.


On the new year, I'll be studying for some certifications in networking and security. Very novice level stuff. Afterwards, I'll just go on from there. Maybe do some SQL server stuff because it's kicking my ass right now. Major style. I cannot let this stand. Otherwise, I'm still weak in geography and political theory. These are the few subject I can think of right now that I'm weak at.


Practising drawing. Hope to post results soon…


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In general, I tend to get curious about anything, although I am especially interested by math and theoretical cs.
I feel quite lucky to live in a truly remarkable era where science has experienced significant advancements over the course of several centuries.
The way I can easily access to information using pirate libraries or the internet is also quite amazing. We literally have access to all human knowledge for free :)
>What topics do you care about but don't get the time to do it?
I wish I could learn more languages.
As for now, I only feel comfortable in english and french, but I wish I had more time to study russian.
I would like to learn more about European history.


Holy shit it's been 7 months. I was in a SQL class and passed it. And, to my absolute surprise, that was the final class I needed to graduate with an Associates. I still haven't finished the network and security certifications, but I've studied fully for the latter and am going to see if I can prepare for the Network+ certification by the early part of next month. I haven't studied any kind of geography, but have actually read more political theory. Things are going slow, but they're going. Time is seriously screwed up for me. I can't believe it's been seven months now. I study the former because I really need the skills for life, but I also want to learn other stuff too because I know my high school education wasn't enough.

>I wish I could learn more languages.

I kind of want to learn Spanish because there are so many Spanish speaking people in my state that have limited English skills, but also a lot of people around me can speak Spanish, and it'd be cool to be able to have that skill.

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Heya sushis! Our ability to learn and grow is limitless if we allow ourselves to try. Show off what stuff you've been doing and what stuff you've been learning!
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Reviewing regex.


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Javascript objects fully mastered.


Mostly doing firefighter training. Trying to spare as much time for fun as I can, but that usually just turns into staying up way to late.
Found a cool game yesterday that I'm pretty into: https://corru.observer


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Javascript's "for each" no longer presents any challenges.


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lets go!

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has anybody ever had a tough time getting yourself to do something important? if so, how did you manage it?
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I visualised the consequences of not doing it, spiralling into a life threatening outcome. Then I thought about how great I would feel once it's done.


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I just put it off until I absolutely have to do it or it's too late to do anything. More often than not it's the latter. I wish I knew how to change.


I can strongly relate.

I know change is possible, but sometimes it requires first a change of environment in order to enact the change.

I can't initiate the change of environment and feel stuck in the same unchanging, unending delay.


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I continue to be curious about the same questions too, so I should say I started by exploring what behavioral scientists observe and can comment about our tasks and motivation. The best grains of advice I adapt so far are taken from a book called “How to Change” by Katy Milkman, which by accumulating high marks from the NPR editors gave me a thrust to buy it.

Here are some examples of my strategies:
(1) Chores promoting a clean living space
>>Using “temptation bundling” with inspiring music and streaming shows, etc. I am only allowed to use temptations to ease the pain that, without using a temptation, would hurt to do a task otherwise. Listening to punk when doing dishes is awesome.
(2) Weaker personal and weaker school projects
>>I tell people my plans and mention a personal deadline. This is a “soft commitment device” designed to leverage cognitive dissonance.
(3) Stronger projects
>>I have subtracted some personal savings to donate as punishment if I did not complete, for example, stages of late calculus homework. This is a hard “cash commitment device.” It works very well because money is precious. The higher stakes help most.
(4) Medium length goals like an entire class load
>>Documenting time and maintaining streaks.
>>Studying streaks and accumulating completed tasks on columnar paper with stickers helped me appreciate progress so to retain motivation longer.
(5) Shit I really did not want to do because of the difficulty, like making a paper in APA format
>>Begin to make an unordered list of everything else you want to do. Do those things. Now you can only do that one thing because procrastination forces you to.

Whatever it is, and whatever strategies you use, you must convince yourself are part of a game that you must play. Buy in. Begin with a fresh start, like a Monday, even a foreign holiday, and continue until you restart to continue again.

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Now that it's getting into fall and we're reaching the end of the year, I have something I want to say. This year was especially hard on me, a lot of bad stuff happened, but chatting with you sushis has been a bright spot in a dark year. I love you guys and the community we have here, and I had a lot of fun lurking the boards and watching the streams and hanging out and so on.

With that out of the way, did you sushis do anything this summer? Have some sort of vacation, try something new, or make a change in your life? Even if you didn't do anything special, what kind of things did you get up to?
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Winter is coming


>What kind of things did you get up to?
In January I restarted learning Japanese after years of neglect and have made considerable progress since then. My band and me played our second gig in summer. Other than that not much has happened this year.


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Summer is for enjoying the heat.


I refuse!
haet the heat


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Well, it's been raining since 7pm Friday night…. now it's a steamy kind of heat.

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What’s the story on your first love sushi?
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Yo. It's 21st of May already and yeah, sorry, haven't checked the thread since my reply myself. I've been "busy" as well. Well I hope you had a good start to the summer, you know "progressed" in life by loving and and experiencing those special moments with your loved ones and community. I'm sure you have experienced more love and happiness in that time than suffering, right?

Maybe the problem for me isn't that happiness is illusionary or whatever, but rather that it's unpredictable and volatile. You cannot guarantee that the outcome of your actions, no matter how virtuous they may be, will be positive for you (and others as well actually). There's always an element of fate and as we know fate can be rather cruel.

Yeah, no, some people are truly "incapable" of some achieving certain things. Using your example of weight lifting, yeah you can celebrate lifing 15lb but you are still incapable of lifting heavier objects. This is a problem because in life we must meet certain standards to experience the "finer things". I will transfer this example to another context to illustrate my point, lets say friendships. Maybe an individual is capable of making "half a friend" by engaging in pleasant small talk or by successful completing other preliminary bonding rituals. That's nice, commendable but ultimately still leaves them friendless as they are unable to progress to the next stages of emotional bonding. Well for this you'll probably say, "they just have to keep trying, every instance of small talk progresses them as a person, if they keep trying they will win" Well the problem is this is not realistic sometimes. Using the example of the weak weight lifter, it's entirely possible that he may never be able to progress past lifting 15lb - maybe he has a genetic condition that keeps him weak. With love and relationships it is the same. I'm not going to get into the examples but there are genetic and hereditary traits which make individuals unable to bond with others, this is the reality.

But yeah, to address the more personal issues some of you may have with me (I'm looking at the guy who said my god is death, and the guy who says I'm artificially "limiting" myself as a self protective mechanism)
It's not true. I am actually a pretty optimistic guy in real life. But I know that in this reality we are bound by fate and limits. Some ofPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I haven't checked this thread in a long time also. Too busy with trying to kick my NEET ways.

>Human beings are universally soaked in sin, by proxy of living in a fallen reality. But if you don't want to think about it in a religious sense, it's clear to see how human nature is flawed and selfish from a natural point of view also.

I do want to think of it in a religious sense but I do not agree with the idea of us all being soaked in sin or Christian teachings on the Fall. We are flawed creates, only God is perfect, but that doesn't mean we are born of sin or that we are inherently sinful. We're just flawed and error prone.

>Whatever form of love is most detached from sex is most spiritual, and whatever is attached to sex is the least.

Disagree. I can see why love without sex can be really beautiful but I don't think sex and spirituality should be completely detached. Love and sexual desire are different but they can overlap and that's not a bad thing. Probably the worst thing about modern society is that we expect love and sex to be joint together which puts a lot of pressure on people to feel bad about their darker sexual urges and also creates this idea that your worthless or unlovable if you can't get laid both are harmful for our mental health.

Separating sexual desire from spiritual desire creates a dualism between soul and body that priviledges the immaterial world over the physical one. The result of that can be a harmful denial of the body and physical reality and material pleasures. I'd say God generating the world is itself a (metaphorically) sexual act and love and desire runs through the universe and makes everything move. All our desires are in a way the soul's unconscious desire to reunite with God and that's also at the bottom of our sexual impulses too. It can have horrifying results because our desires can be pretty base and very cruel and selfish so we have to manage those things.

>I'd argue the majority of mystics who reached out for deeper forms of love throughout history were celibate.

Maybe but some like Ibn Arabi were hardly celibate at all and even abandoned celibacy and some like the Buddha abandoned their wives. There were many mystics who while remaining celibate used sexual motifs to expPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


It was my last year of school, we would all wait in the school gymnasium until homeroom started, although they started with having different classes sit in different areas, nobody really followed the rule, so a bunch of the underclassmen would come sit in our area. A few of the weebs and gamers would all congregate in one corner, and I didn't want to sit around the sports players and cheerleaders, so I would sit in the nerd corner. At the time I didn't really follow anime, but there were a few girls who were really into anime and manga, and some of them would even draw their own anime fan art.

Fast forward a few weeks into school, and a transfer student showed up. She stood around awkwardly by the door, and some of the girls who sat in our area invited her over. She didn't really have any friends and was very shy, but she would always sit around me. I started talking to her since she always seemed lonely and isolated, and we became friends. She also ended up having an elective with me, so we saw each other every day. Despite being an underclassman, she did not like being around the others in her class.

One day, as we were dismissed to go to homeroom, she snuck up behind me in the hallway and put a letter in my pocket. She had worked up the courage to confess her love to me and asked me if I would ask her out on a date.

I told her how I appreciated her, and I liked her too, but I was not sure how a relationship would work out because I was about to graduate that year and my future was uncertain.

For context, I was to join the military when I graduated, and did not want her to be devastated if I didn't or couldn't come back.

She insisted It would not be a problem and we could make it work, and so I agreed to be her boyfriend. As the end of the year approached and I got ready to graduate, I told her again that I did not know if our relationship would work out, because I could not guarantee that we would even be able to stay in contact, and she wanted to spend time with me all the time.


She insisted that it would all be alright, and one of our last weeks together we finally kissed. I ended up graduating without fanfare, packed my bags and got on a bus to boot camp. One of the other underclassmen later told me that she cried constantly for weeks.
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I'd like to let you know that your story made me smile. The ending is bittersweet, but I have no other words to offer. I hope you find your happiness one day :)


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Your story got me emotional

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