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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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bet you won't post comfy here
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Shoryuken Doesn't Come Out [EngSub]


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beautiful <3


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Hey sushi!
What are some cool altchan gimmicks you can think of? Even ideas you have but you've never seen before.

I'm definitely NOT asking so I can steal your idea by the way!
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I like how Heyuri and Hikari3 both have emotes they are fun!


here are my favorite micks

every post gets a random anime girl name instead of sushi rollymous.

rounded image corners.

a mascot anime girl.

greentext is pink.

people can see you type out your message in real time so you can really feel anxious, especially if you make a mistake and you can't backspace and then someone replies to your unfinished post, laughing at your mistakes, and then you never visit again.

admin is hella cute and g*y and has an ironic cult of personality.

everyone pretends to be a boy pretending to be a girl, but we all know that everyone is actually a girl and there are no boys on the board.
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i like board events - when layout changes to celebrate something or posts get a hat or a special border


A hall of fame for great posts would be nice.


A board that's a temple/shrine where the mods and janitors are priests. Users can get their fortunes read, interact with spirits or get an exorcism for their computer.
TV board where sushi rolls can add to a video playlist curated by the users in realtime for a never ending stream.

Heyuri's rule 8 is a gimmick. Probably the only good thing about that site besides the emotes.

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You know how there's like Super Monkey Ball? What if there was a Super Monkey Cube game? What would that entail?


i'm thinking intelligent qube but with monkeys inside the cubes


Making the cube slide as you tilt the map, the little monkey trying to push it from inside and then suddenly as it tilts enough it becomes monkey ball but janky


remember those rolling cube things in the mario 64 desert level? maybe it could be a game where you move like that


There's a game in development hell called Bokube that does that

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Do you believe in miracles sushi?
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I think you would find plenty of evidence throughout history that indicates that most people did not know the difference. I think the various extraneous influences in our world average out to be a net neutral. But I don't know, it's just my opinion.


>I believe in what I see.
Visual illusion exist though



Miracles are just events with low probability. Our life is full of miracles yet we choose not to see or we see them as mundane and take them for granted.


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Yes I think miracles exist. We just live with a secular, anti-supernatural framework so we default to trying to explain everything in an empirical way. If someone saw a miracle before their eyes they might come up with an outlandish "scientific" explanation to avoid cognitive dissonance. The supernatural is already presupposed to not exist.

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ironic that im asking an imageboard how to get a bf, but its the only option i have left.

ive never been good at talking with boys, especially because im a NEET otaku and all the boys i think are cute arent even close to that.

im good at socializing in general (i think) but boys are always so judgy of me… i think im somewhat attractive but boys always say my nervousness is a turn off for them.

is there any way i can get closer to boys without being too shy?
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>im a shy NEET otaku
>im good at socializing
respectfully doubt
try to get a job
by itself it wont make you good at socializing but it could put your social skills to a real stress test
>boys are always so judgy of me
depends on the personality of said boys but maybe there are reasons for that
like some deep-seated personality problems, for example
i dont mean to discourage you or ruin your confidence but knowing the truth about yourself is useful
i wouldnt say things like that to people generally but you are an imageboard poster, and that is generally bad news in my book. i have seldom seen any mentally healthy individuals on imageboards. it is okay though, we all have our low points in life


why would a random imageboard be girls-only?
unless you mean amab girls of course
but this board doesnt look like that either


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Are you telling me that sushigirl.us posters aren't just girls who love sushi? No way!


no, this is the board for sushis who want to be eaten by girls
basically a pervy vore place


Since ur gay (although this applies to anyone looking for a bf/gf), just put urself out there and in the right path. Situationists describe how someone’s action and habit can be forced in the right environment (i.e. uve finally turned that noisy ass tv off, resolved your library fines, shut of the top lights, turned on the bottom lights, changed, and snuggled into a good psych book on the couch. U get the gist).
Put a bunch of effort into the right situation and path and this will be easier; indeed, this might even be a concomitant cure to NEETdom. you’ll be on ubuoa-chans’ ex-NEET recovery page in no time

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How many of you are lonely?

I get the impression that a lot of people now a days are lonely, with this pandemic only making it worse. Not only that, people have difficulty reaching out to others because they fear rejection. People that could be good friends will never be simply because they're too shy. I myself really only have one friend I talk to regularly. Besides that I'm alone with my thoughts most of the time.
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In the same boat here, I really have a hard time dealing with normal people in social settings, it's like they live in a completely different world.


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I've been trying to get out to the real world and find people, but the issue is that I also feel the most comfortable with people that tend to lurk imageboards the most.
I am attractive to some extent, and I had girls be fairly into me, but it's just that it doesn't seem to work out, I act avoidant or distant the moment they start showing interest in me and that screws everything up, I don't know why really. I won't find a sushiwife outside, I should just accept that fact.
But another part of me wants to fight the impossible odds really


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When I go out, I meet friends with common interests.


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My parents taught me very early on to appreciate my friends because when people grow up they stop having friends. They were right but it never stopped me from trying to prove them wrong.

I am generally alone but I never really felt lonely because there's always so much fun stuff to do.

It's been almost 3 years. How's this going? Have you gone to a metal concert together yet? How was the mosh pit?


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I had a fiance once. I now live alone in a house I bought. It's an okay life.

I empathize. I only know how to interact with a handful of people in real life on a non-superficial level. The skill has withered away. I used to be a fairly normal, social person. I don't know what happened.


It's Friday night. What are you guys doing?
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Cookin' pasta and cuddlin'


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Sleeping; sleep debt is a thing…


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Saturday morning is meeting with my bros to play boardgames and cards and vidya.


Let's play some games…


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Watching the Paris Olympics 2024 with LVMH product placement


Why does she dance like that?


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1 - Why shouldn't she dance like that?
2 - If you knew what she does, you'd be dancing like that too


Big guy


for u


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How do you want to dance?

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How do you sushi rolls go to sleep fast or at a reasonable rate? I've been trying to get a better sleep schedule, but a problem I've run into is that it can take me 1-2 hours to go to sleep. I know it sounds insane, but I can't fall asleep at a normal rate.

I've sleeping 20 minutes after getting off electronics. It helps, but it isn't enough. Any tips?
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That's probably the responsible way to do it. It's just hard not to start to rely on it when sleep is so critical to being functional. Just gotta be careful.
That sounds comfy.


I take valium and drink


I don't have anything specific I do to go to sleep. Not sure if I like staying up or if I just don't like going to sleep, but I'll tend to just keep going until my body is completely exhausted. Then I just need to put my phone down for 10 seconds and I'm out.


Can't sleep; raining too sound


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wake up sushi!

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Sushi! You always smell so nice and comforting! Is there a secret scent you're willing to share?
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i am preserved in NEET amber.


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I'm calling 911 right now hang in there buddy


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Too much busy work, and then for what? I don't go outside anyway.


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>threads goal


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I will share a secret with you… I use colgne for babies. I smell like a baby.. I won't tell you why.

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