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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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so I just found this board and it seems very comfy, I'm moving to another city in about a month and have been very confused whether or not it'll make me happier or not.
I'm gonna ask the people I'm living with if they mind if I get a cat because it'll be the first time for me without a pet
hope I can make my living space /comfy/
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Not all of us survived, unfortunately. After a suicide attempt(s?) and a brief stint of homelessness among five great and terrible years I ended up back living with other relatives before finally my parents once more.
Well, I survived at least (not to imply it's so fantastic to be alive all the time still, but sometimes good things happen, enough to warrant another day I suppose).

Yeah just consider there's more responsibilities to owning any animal, even a cat, than you may have considered by yourself. At the moment I'm just sticking to patting other people's cats on the way home from work (my record is three in one walk).

Also, moving to a new place where no body knows you is great! Ideally I would every couple of years, that's when things start feeling too settled. Even in this city of 50,000 I can't wander around the streets drunk and high on the weekend without a co-worker spotting me in the act.


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Exercise under the moon if necessary


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Physical activity is never a bad thing…


WIN at life. Do it!


Are we /comfy/ yet?

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Another Crab's Treasure

Citizen Sleeper

Death Sprint 66

Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers

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kind sushi ^_^


Danke, dude.


game pass for a month - hope it works


Anyone playing Marvel Rivals?


no loli peni parker, no way im playing.

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what is this website about?


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sushi girls


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whatever you want it to be (as long as its comfy)


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Sushi girl dot us is about collectively emanating good physic energy into the wired to stave off the moidification of the cyber-fæ who live and feed on network of networks. We're the last bastion standing and without our posts creating a candlelight in void of the modern internetworked-hyperconciousness bramfaturas would be capable of piecing through the veil of what is and what is not. When positive posts are peaceably posted pestilence is postponed. We surfers are the preservers of a tradition of nice posters dating back to the advent of Tokyo, the creators of comfy, and kindlers of cozy. We welcome you OP.


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sushigirl is about posting girls dressed up as meidos


aka vore (i wanna be eaten :3)

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 No.9187[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I think the imageboards are full of people who'd want to talk to each other based on similar interests, but can't make contact due to sushi rollymous nature of these places. So, how about a contact thread here? I don't think it's against the rules.

>Age and location

>Favourite media (anime, games, music etc.)
>Other hobbies/interests
>How long have you been on Sushi? How did you find this place?
This information might be helpful for the refugees of other (possibly dead) boards to make contact with each other.
>What are you looking for?
>What topics do you wish to avoid?
Sushi is slow, you should probably expect your post to stay here for years. If you're cautious, you should probably use throwaway accounts.
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We are now best friends.


miss you chibi, hope life treats you well mate <3


Anyone here in Britain?


mine is also hibiki, do you want to make love?


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>age and location
Male 21 Brazil

>>Favourite media (anime, games, music etc.)

I'm a weird weaboo. Moeshit and 80's to 2000's era of animes were my favorite ones. Recently, felt in love on Frieren too.
I'm not a real gamer though. I've never had a good PC so all of my gamong taste is based on console experience. My favorite ones are Metal Gear Rising: Reveangeance, Death Stranding, Cyberpunk2077 and Let it Die for PS4 (this game is free btw). I also like touhou project and SRB2kart. About music, I listen to everything. Since russian hardstyle and /mu/shit to bossa nova and classics. Everything is good except when it sucks.

>Other hobbies/interests

I'm beggining to get into another language: Japanese. I've learned a lot about english stuff thanks to the internet and I thought it could be easy to find another one to have fun with. But, I gotta be honest, I'm not too much dedicated to that and I'm still struggling with the alphabet.
I also got into development in these years. Changed my distro to Arch Linux, made some mistakes, installed ani-cli, learned some basic stuff about languages like Python, C and PHP and other things like that. I'm a total newbie that is currently working as a suport technician in a little business here but I really really really wanna dive deep into this. Currently, I'm reading some books as "The C programming Language" and doing it exercises.

>>How long have you been on Sushi? How did you find this place?

3 months ago I was looking for another imageboards on altchans and found this cozy one. You giys are sweet. I'm already into another imageboards too but they're from my country and some are almost dead.

>what are you looking for?

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Yuji Sakai [s4s] the creator* of this possibly "dangerous" new memhe has expressed doubts in a series of lamentations/posts
*whether YS_kun is indeed the
wolfmother is up in the air. In a month of Sundays the truth will be known!
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I love these two pics. I should try grabbing some of my favorite photos and draw on them like you do :)


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lovely art as always, she's cute!
the spiky little friend in the 4th image is great too

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hi!! i'm new here! whats the point of this board
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Russia has a lot of oil too…



It's very good especially with tea, I like the yolk inside a lot.



To idle in the extreme cold…

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I feel self-conscious about how fat I've become. I'm not huge but my stomach and chest puffs out a lot. I obsess over never being able to find a romantic partner because its so embarrassing. But I'm not sure how to get rid of the belly fat. There's so much advice online and you can't tell genuine truths from bullshit. I have no idea.

Right now I'm trying to eat less and move around more but something tells me its not enough. What's some good fitness info?
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Quick guide of what exercise is better for what if you workout 3-6 days a week:
1-3 sets of 1-5 repetitions that in total bring you to near your one repetition maximum (ORP, a.k.a.the amount of weight you can only lift once using all your strength): strength
This will grow muscle but not as much as much, it also requires more rest because you're always going almost all out.

3-5 sets of 8-30 reps. near your ORP (and eat a lot of protein and a calorie surpluss): muscle
The ideal amount of reps and sets varies per muscle but they are within this range.

I don't remember the amount of sets but it's >30 reps. near ORP: cardio.
A lot of cardio will result in muscle loss.

The main takeaway is that if you don't come close to failure you won't gain much of any of those.
Also muscle the hardest to get out of the 3 because it's the most energy inefficient and our bodies don't like that, this means that unless you want to gain muscle it's very hard to do it accidentaly.


Fitness advice? Don't skip leg day.


Let me clarify. First I'm not OP just in case any of you mistakenly thought that. Next I was saying my legs look oddly fat almost but I am not sure it really is fat or flabby large muscle or fluid retention or if it's just I have long calve muscles too which would be unfortunate for me since I just like leaner looking legs. It firms up when I flex so it definitely isnt all fat. I do seemingly have underdeveloped glutes though so it makes me think maybe my legs have the muscles developed out of balance as part of it. I have a BMI in the mid range and my ribs partially show so I am not sure if i somehow have too much fat in some areas and not others or what. I tried to use compression socks and elevation to make sure it's not just fluid retention which didnt do a whole lot. So I was wondering to myself if muscles can become more lean but more toned instead of just getting stronger, firmer, or larger. Not that is only part I can work on just it is one thing that bothers me more.

I haven't heard of the term ORP, I do not know what that stands for. I see it called 1RM I think. Reps of what though? Just in general you mean?


Oh, sorry, i typed ORP instead of ORM and yeah, 1RM = ORM. It is a repetition of whichever exercise you're doing for that exercise, so if you can squat 100kg only once then that's your current 1RM for squatting but it doesn't mean your 1RM is 100kg for curls (unless you have insane bicep and forearm strength).

As for your legs, seems complicated but you won't know until you experiment, you can work out without trying hard to tone the muscle, you can do a lot of cardio and diet to lose fat and see what happens, you can do calisthenics since it sucks for legs.


Do resistance training ie. lift weights

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What are your plans for the upcoming holidays?
Also post your comfiest Christmas pictures.
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Took some time but, it went well.
Now I just need to get laid.



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Merry kurisumasu~!


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I'll be here while celebrating with my parents and family.


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Sushi Christmas tree is up! Looks like it could use some decorations though…
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I love this, I want to do this in real life next year.


well done sushi, gj with the tree!! i love you and I'm so proud of you


That time of the year again…


Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

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I'm going to be moving out to an apartment soon. I'll be living on my own for the first time. What are some tips and things I should do to get ready?
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Woah, car in style of AI-generated anime girls…



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Also get a bicycle

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