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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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I wish I had an interesting hobby or skill that allowed me to create cool stuff. Everyone I speak to online has one, even people much younger than me, and it honestly makes me jealous. I wasted my whole life passively consuming media
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These are really cool, I love LSD Dream Emulator, one of my fave games. I should look up more of the creators other art, it all seems very neat.
Ganbatte on your drawing efforts roll, art is super hard but also super awesome.


Just keep trying & don't give up


Me too!
I wish there was more fanart of that game, its my favorite!


Keep on drawing!


Try writing! I think the internet conditions us to consider only visual arts as creative, but you might be a capable or even exceptional writer, voice actor, or musician without even realizing it!

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 No.16289[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's on your mind?
Done anything cool lately?
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Guess I need an Internet withdrawal for a while. Everything just annoys me.


Everyone is cringe. Looking back at historic figures paints a distorted picture of people, an idealized vision of what could be and never will be. The only constant is creation.


good morning sushis
please have a wonderful day


Shouldn't it be "kaitzenzushi"?


It's still hot, despite that, I'm having some tea. I know it's not the best idea but I'm letting it cool off. I want to stay awake longer, the night is so comfy, especially after days as hot as these last few weeks. Hence the tea.
I've been feeling in a strange mood, I guess 'detached' is a good word for it. It's a strange feeling, on one hand I'm feeling jaded with, well, everything, but on the other hand I feel like I'm more me than usual, if that makes any sense, and also feel more or less liberated from the burden of living in this world.
It is a very odd thing, but it is what it is.

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Here's to 2021; hope it's better instead of more of the same.
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HNY 2024 of the Dragon.


Happy New Year sushis!
You're all awesome people and I'm glad for the memories we've shared this year and the new ones we'll create in the new year!

May happyness, comfort, and change abound! Kanpai!


This year will be the year of the sushi desktop!😃


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happy new year sushis c:

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Year of the Twin
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623 day


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Wakeup to 2023.01.02


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2024 coming soon

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 No.7212[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Here's a fun game. Reply to the previous post's question with what is your favourite (blank) with your reasoning why and then ask a question to the next poster.

I'll start. What is your favourite season, sushi roll?
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White, because I'm racist.

What's your favorite cake made out of?


Chocolate because I'm like my cake like I like my men.

What is your favourite flavour of tea?


>I'm like my cake like I like my men.
>What is your favourite flavour of tea?
I'm more of a coffee person :^)




I personally like uhh… Linden, is it called?
What is your favourite song from the 50s?

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 No.6113[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have any plans for today sushis?
Or if you're reading this later: Did you have a good day?

I'm pretty excited for today. Going to finish work on a project and add some new plants to my greenhouse while I still can.
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I planned, and executed spending the day doing little but resting.
This isn't something impressive, but it's something I've needed to do for a long time now. I've been feeling ill but kept pushing myself to be productive because I was afraid of being lazy.


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Going out.. Sunday is living up to its name today.


Struggling with loneliness, a sister that wants nothing to do with me despite saying otherwise and the constant fear of abandonment.


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Learn to be yourself alone. I'm an introvert so that helps. Best time was a week home alone with only small interactions with the local shops.


I'm doing okay. Like the sushi roll above I'm feeling a bit lonely, but it's nothing too terrible. I don't relate to my old friends anymore and I'm really struggling to make new ones. Plus I'm not so good at friendship. I frequently forget to talk to friends for months at a time, which is probably why I have so few.

In the last year I did accept myself for who I am, and got rid of a lot of self hatred, which is nice. Now I can examine some feelings that have been bubbling below the surface for ages and it's been cathartic to examine them. I don't need that external validation anymore. The freedom is nice.

Beyond the emotional garbage I've been making some minor repairs to my house. I'm pretty bad about getting projects done in a reasonable timeframe though…

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Was ghosted a while back for basically no reason
I think, even deleted her acc what do?. Also talk about being ghosted in general and give a homie some advice on what to do.
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There's usually a reason why it happens even if you don't find out. One of the reasons I quit hanging out with my friend is disillusionment with that person. I saw them taking advantage of people and I decided I couldn't trust them anymore.


It's somewhat jarring to me as to how second life drama can be so serious.

>or has a massive impact on your RL

Generally when I ghost or have been ghosted it's to people I only know irl..


Time to get a better class of friends…


Make today the best it can be…


Moved to >>>/hell/4708.

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The spookiest night of the year is upon us! Have you prepared compensation to keep the tricksters away?


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I've already set up precautions in case of spooks, I should survive the night.


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Now I'm just vibin
and doing the monster mash


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i love halloween, sadly wasn't able to participate this year due to studies and night classes. but i definitely was there in spirit

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Holy shit, finishing this show felt like losing my best friend. Watching the whole thing in a single day was the biggest mistake of my life, why do I keep forming emotional connections to fictional characters?
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Cos you're an emotional human?


The best art makes you feel things.


Something like this happened to me when I watched all of Code Geass over the course of two days during high school. I don't think I'll ever experience that feeling over a piece of media ever again.


This is a comfy video sushi, thanks for sharing.


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Comfy is righteous!

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how does illustration gets graded in anime manga industry, either for portofolio/studio, or in the social media?
like how does it get its score

from anatomy to color, how would each of it becomes the value it has, counted, or however it is measured, transalted

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