This is
>>11552. I was originally going to leave imageboards again in August, but decided to delay until today both to get into imageboards again and because I normally start my long imageboard breaks in December. But now I'm going to make my final attempt to leave imageboards for three years. If this one doesn't work, then I guess it wasn't meant to be.
I'm doing this because I have many bad habits that have ruined my life, and they are all fundamentally intertwined with my computer addiction. The last ten years have disappeared into a black hole of screen-induced lethargy, and I have had problems with my wrists as well from years of poor ergonomics. The only times I've ever made progress in the right direction was when I dropped imageboards completely, but this was always nothing more than the first step on a long road. I've spent the last year thinking about and preparing ways to live less with my computer, and I'm going to put everything into practice now.
Normally, I'm more a lurker, but in the last six months I challenged myself to explore other imageboards and to post more often. I posted every day here in September and even started some threads, which I haven't done in ages. I've had a lot of fun with everyone, and I think I am leaving with a new appreciation for imageboards.
I wasn't sure where to put this post, but I didn't want it in a thread that would show up on /kaitensushi/. It doesn't matter if anyone reads this; I just wanted to leave one last sign that I was here, because three years is a long time and anything could happen. I'll see you sushi girls in three years and I wish you all the best.