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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Hey, let's have a Fall thread!
Do you like Autumn? Is there anything you like to do this time of year?

Autumn is my favourite season but it always feels like you can blink and miss the whole thing if you're not careful.
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Autumn is my favorite season. I'm lucky enough to live in a place with gorgeous fall foliage, and I also love the temperature being cool enough for warm drinks and dressing in layers.


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I just realized my life has finite amount of Octobers left.


Is it autumn yet? Hawt….


I miss autumn so much.


Autumn is my favorite. Summers here hit 115°F and it seems hotter every year.

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What are foods that make you comfy and sparks joy in yourself and others, sushi? What foods improve the mood of you and those around you?

This fall it's been apple cider. Made too much, shared it with friends, family, and neighbours. We're all in high spirits for that. Maybe I could make some for you? :)
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Chinese scrambled egg and tomato over rice


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Calamari and beer.


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this guy is really relaxing to watch and listen


stopover at HK for roast goose?


Fly with Cathay Pacific…


It's 2024…

This'll be my year. This one for sure…
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Time to fight like a dragon.


Getting really tired of you shitting up every imageboard you can find.


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Have S.M.A.R.T. goals~

S. = Specific
M. = Measurable
A. = Attainable
R. = Realistic
T. = Time Bound

I wish you the best for the rest of 2024.


I said this same thing at the start of the year, and the same the one before too probably, but didn't actually do shit and got beaten up by life over and over.
It has gotten better recently and I'm doing things (trying to do what I can which mostly isn't much), maybe I can still save this year and keep that momentum going for the next.


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Completing school, new job, new career path, finally making enough to break even… yeah I got this. No way I could screw this up.

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I can't be the only one who likes to study and learn around here.
What do you study? What topics do you care about but don't get the time to do it? Are you self taught?
People who study just to pass a test are welcome, too, but that is not the theme of this thread.

I myself have been interested in ancient languages, and right now I am starting to learn ancient Greek, though as they say, it's all Greek to me.
I have other interests like astronomy, but really, I'm over my head with my current studies. I've also been learning some chemistry.
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I'm just listening to the audiobook NKJV version. I started at the beginning of the year and I'm still only up to Acts, I just kind of dived straight into it without doing any proper research on the best way to go about it. Still not even sure what denomination I'd end up going with since work and limited mobility gets in the way of actual churchgoing.


On the new year, I'll be studying for some certifications in networking and security. Very novice level stuff. Afterwards, I'll just go on from there. Maybe do some SQL server stuff because it's kicking my ass right now. Major style. I cannot let this stand. Otherwise, I'm still weak in geography and political theory. These are the few subject I can think of right now that I'm weak at.


Practising drawing. Hope to post results soon…


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In general, I tend to get curious about anything, although I am especially interested by math and theoretical cs.
I feel quite lucky to live in a truly remarkable era where science has experienced significant advancements over the course of several centuries.
The way I can easily access to information using pirate libraries or the internet is also quite amazing. We literally have access to all human knowledge for free :)
>What topics do you care about but don't get the time to do it?
I wish I could learn more languages.
As for now, I only feel comfortable in english and french, but I wish I had more time to study russian.
I would like to learn more about European history.


Holy shit it's been 7 months. I was in a SQL class and passed it. And, to my absolute surprise, that was the final class I needed to graduate with an Associates. I still haven't finished the network and security certifications, but I've studied fully for the latter and am going to see if I can prepare for the Network+ certification by the early part of next month. I haven't studied any kind of geography, but have actually read more political theory. Things are going slow, but they're going. Time is seriously screwed up for me. I can't believe it's been seven months now. I study the former because I really need the skills for life, but I also want to learn other stuff too because I know my high school education wasn't enough.

>I wish I could learn more languages.

I kind of want to learn Spanish because there are so many Spanish speaking people in my state that have limited English skills, but also a lot of people around me can speak Spanish, and it'd be cool to be able to have that skill.

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What can I spend money on to make myself comfier?
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Give it to me.
fu fu fu~


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I purchased a new razor. This one has a closed comb, making it easier on the skin and helping to prevent razor burn. The loading mechanism is very cool. My old one had a solid top part you just screw in as well as an open comb.


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a little desk terrarium
check out the mushroom that appeared in mine


You can buy a birdfeeder, especially if you live in a wooded area. Very comfy and hours of entertainment.


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Got a cat

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Recipe for a pure and peaceful life:

1. Empathy
2. The ability to listen wholeheartedly
3. Self awareness
4. Living in the present
5. Being your truest self unapologetically
6. Letting go of what doesn’t serve you
7. Constant learning
8. Willing to ask for help/release control
9. Faith in higher powers
10. Being honest with yourself and others
11. Knowing when it’s best to be quiet
12. Positive inner conversations
13. Releasing the need to retaliate
14. Remaining humble when god blesses you
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It's just a buzzword that really can't be defined. It's kind of like all 'woo'.


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Peace be with you….


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Having consulted the good people over at merriam-webster, I am inclined to believe OP meant either

>free from dust, dirt, or taint

>being thus and no other
>free from what vitiates, weakens, or pollutes

Maybe all 3.


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>13. Seek for spiteful retaliation in any way possible
The path of a hero!


I guess it means no fast food, porn, alcohol, smokes, or social media.

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Heya sushis! Our ability to learn and grow is limitless if we allow ourselves to try. Show off what stuff you've been doing and what stuff you've been learning!
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Reviewing regex.


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Javascript objects fully mastered.


Mostly doing firefighter training. Trying to spare as much time for fun as I can, but that usually just turns into staying up way to late.
Found a cool game yesterday that I'm pretty into: https://corru.observer


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Javascript's "for each" no longer presents any challenges.


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lets go!

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Thought this would be fun. You're only allowed to post on this thread during your birthday
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Not sure if troll or retarded.(USER WAS FORCED TO EMBRACE KINDNESS)


retarded, thank you for asking :)


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Birthday again today. Life's been shit for me lately but I'm trying to keep going.
Haven't been here for a while… hope you sushis are fine.
wow I thought I was the only one who knew about this release. good shit.


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It's like rain on your birthday….


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And here we are, yet again. I guess this should be where adulthood really begins. Younger me used to say I'd die at this age, but it doesn't seem that likely anymore. I figure I should be glad.

People at work remembered. They bought a cake and everything. It was really nice. I don't know what I should do about this, but it makes me feel really guilty, with how much they seem to esteem me versus how misplaced I always seem to feel. On the other hand, I've been working more than I ever thought I would, and yet I'm not unhappy about it. I wonder what this says about me.

My sister tried to bake me a cake, but somebody had left a bowl inside the oven and now it's a plastic mess. We'll see how much damage that has done tomorrow, but hopefully we get a working oven by the time her birthday comes around - that's just a few days away. I feel rather sorry for her.

I hopped onto a Discord call with a few friends and walked around Yume Nikki for a while. I didn't get to visit everywhere I wanted to, but it was nice anyway.

I don't know what else to write here. The year passed uneventfully - I seem to still be pretty much at the same place as yesteryear. That dreadful feeling that I've somehow lost my way, I missed something that ought to have been clear, still lurks around. I've became rather adept at keeping it at bay, but there's still the feeling I shouldn't be dismissing what might be telling something so bluntly.

But I shouldn't want to sound so ungrateful - today was a happy day. Hope all sushis have had a nice year so far :D

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has anybody ever had a tough time getting yourself to do something important? if so, how did you manage it?
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I visualised the consequences of not doing it, spiralling into a life threatening outcome. Then I thought about how great I would feel once it's done.


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I just put it off until I absolutely have to do it or it's too late to do anything. More often than not it's the latter. I wish I knew how to change.


I can strongly relate.

I know change is possible, but sometimes it requires first a change of environment in order to enact the change.

I can't initiate the change of environment and feel stuck in the same unchanging, unending delay.


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I continue to be curious about the same questions too, so I should say I started by exploring what behavioral scientists observe and can comment about our tasks and motivation. The best grains of advice I adapt so far are taken from a book called “How to Change” by Katy Milkman, which by accumulating high marks from the NPR editors gave me a thrust to buy it.

Here are some examples of my strategies:
(1) Chores promoting a clean living space
>>Using “temptation bundling” with inspiring music and streaming shows, etc. I am only allowed to use temptations to ease the pain that, without using a temptation, would hurt to do a task otherwise. Listening to punk when doing dishes is awesome.
(2) Weaker personal and weaker school projects
>>I tell people my plans and mention a personal deadline. This is a “soft commitment device” designed to leverage cognitive dissonance.
(3) Stronger projects
>>I have subtracted some personal savings to donate as punishment if I did not complete, for example, stages of late calculus homework. This is a hard “cash commitment device.” It works very well because money is precious. The higher stakes help most.
(4) Medium length goals like an entire class load
>>Documenting time and maintaining streaks.
>>Studying streaks and accumulating completed tasks on columnar paper with stickers helped me appreciate progress so to retain motivation longer.
(5) Shit I really did not want to do because of the difficulty, like making a paper in APA format
>>Begin to make an unordered list of everything else you want to do. Do those things. Now you can only do that one thing because procrastination forces you to.

Whatever it is, and whatever strategies you use, you must convince yourself are part of a game that you must play. Buy in. Begin with a fresh start, like a Monday, even a foreign holiday, and continue until you restart to continue again.

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