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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Wanna play shiritori? I was thinking since we're in english we could play using the last syllable of the word, rather than just last letter. So for "bunny" it sounds like "bun-nee" so you could respond "needle".
More by sound then spelling. And no one syllable words I guess?
Does that make sense? Anyway, I'll start:

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arpeggio >> Oreo




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This is NOT a suicide/euthanasia thread. Death was once an ever present part of life, in all its beauty and all its horror. Our ancestors lived with the ever present threat of death, from the butchering of livestock to accidents, the death of elderly family members, even public executions. For us moderns, death is something we like to ignore. Except for Hollywood movies and video games and internet gore, we do not see it. We don’t think about it. As scientific means have extended life, witnessing death and dying is no longer common place for us. So we conceal death, pretend we’re not dying, try not to think about it, and when people do die unexpectedly its scandalous.

Once, we would have ended our lives on our deathbed surrounded by family and friends. Today, your end of life is more likely to be a sterile white hospital or hospice surrounded by strangers in medical gear and masks. Scientific medicine extends life, but maybe it allows us to cheapen it too? We’d rather extend our lives artificially in medical facilities, even if it means a wretched existence, than die peacefully in dignity at home.

There is a Japanese tradition about dying beautifully, Sufi sages and Buddhist monks call upon us to die before we die, to make peace with death. So sushi how would you like to die? What would you want your end to look like? How do you come to terms with your mortality? What do you want to accomplish before you go?
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I fantasize about dying. I enjoy it. It’s arousing but not sexual. I feel like death is the orgasm of life. Joy is the feeling of pain and pleasure you experience when coming as close as possible to death without crossing over into the great beyond. I think about death when I’m stressed out because it reminds me that there is an end and that’s comforting. I day dream and fantasize about dying or being tortured in different ways. Usually this involves me being tied up or stabbed or killed mid torture. I don’t like the idea of falling or getting isekai’d by the truck. It feels less intimate. Maybe I’m some kind of masochist?


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That's what I love about you, Dawg. You're so fucking messed up. Real AF tho.


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I'd want to die knowing I did something in the world that I can be proud of. I want to make actual differences in the people's life whom I care about (family, friends, etc), as well as be present or helpful towards my community (both online and offline). I'd also hope to have children, either adopted or biological, whom I can see my future in and know that I made their lives better, not worse. I'd also hope by the time I die, I'd have my own life figured out and the meaning of my own life on my own terms. Maybe after a successful career or something of the sort. I'd also want to be at peace with the decisions I made, and end this seemingly permanent string of indecisiveness and worry towards my goals in life. I guess that will come with age, I hope. But when I die, I hope it's knowing that life was worth it.

I am sort of a demanding friendly lady for the higher power who controls this, aren't I?


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in the far off void of outer space with the other 4 or 5 slavs who couldn't make it back to earth


I’m not sure I could ever have children. I’d be a bad parent. I really worry if I’m making the most of life or if I’m just wasting it.

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How about… "no"?


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You made my robot gamer girl daughter sad.


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Do you live in a city?

Do you not live in a city?

How is that going for you?

Maybe you do live in a city, but you'd rather not?
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i live in the capitol of my state. it's not a big city like those of New York or Chicago but it's the biggest city i've lived in so far. honestly there are both pros and cons and i'm not sure if i could say i love it or hate it necessarily.
pros: much easier to meet new people. i've made tons of friends at the gym and through college or just people who live in my apartment building. lots of types of food. i have cuban, thai, sushi, american diner, ethiopian, mexican, chinese, indian, tons of new things to try and enjoy with my friends. there's also just more to do in general like go-karting, museums, parades, conventions, etc. there's also more job opportunities.
cons: cities are more expensive to live in for sure. went from paying 850$/month for a townhouse to paying 1100$/month for a studio apartment. there's also more crime and homelessness. i'd never had my car broken into or been harassed by the homeless for money before moving to the city. cities also sometimes are loud and smelly depending on the area.
so idk. i don't really regret moving to a city but there are definitely some things i miss about the country and i don't plan on living in the city all my life.


Add more bicycle & pedestrian lanes please


I live in a town within EU, with less than 100k inhabitants. Not much to see here, it's mostly soviet brutalist architecture, a couple classicist buildings from before the war, private residential homes, an industrial zone that's mostly decommissioned and a castle that serves as an university.
I was born here and never left, i think it would be good for me to move to another corner of the planet and start a new life somewhere else at least once in my life. I don't like it here anymore.


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>Do you live in a city?
Yep, more of the outskirts because nobody lives downtown here.

>How is that going for you?

Honestly, its not too bad save for some external factors that's not really the fault of the city itself. People can be a bit crazy though but what else is new. Just avoid the bad areas and be safe at night.

Maybe you do live in a city, but you'd rather not?
I'd say city life isn't inherently bad on it's own. I think there is merit to living in a city although where I live its hot and humid year round which does drive me crazy. The relatively few times a year we experience colder weather is nice because we don't have winter craziness but personally, I'd love to see snow even if living in it might be a pain. Nothing feels worse than coming off a comfy 50 degrees Fahrenheit day and suddenly its 80 degrees outside and the most humid its been ever in the winter. The area I live in also has a pretty high homelessness level, especially downtown, which is always sad. I do community volunteer work to help out but the cost of living for this area is bit too high.


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The place I'm at is too far from water…

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Didn't see any movie thread around so I'll make this one the one. Have you watched anything interesting sushi?
I just finished watching Underworld, I actually started it many months ago but due to watching it on TV with half an hour long announcements decided to drop it, only to pic it back up now. I'm surprised that this movie is as complex as it is since I thought it would be just a cheap action flick, there are a lot of moments that felt very satisfactory only due to implications from characters and their previous actions. The actress was also very pretty and the action sequences were decent, but I doubt the sequels are as good as the original despite having an obvious cliffhanger ending and leaving a lot of stuff in the air (what happens to the lycan covenant and Michael? Does Selene actually get to be with the vampires again or does this relationship exile her from it).
In the end, I liked this a lot. Post whatever movies you have watched.
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I love movies. I torrent a lot of arthouse stuff but my ambition is to be more open minded and develop my own taste, and not limit my viewing to stuff with good reviews.

One film I saw recently and enjoyed was After Yang. Broadly speaking it's a drama about grief set in what the director Kogonada calls a post-post apocalyptic period. Lots deep, introspective dialogue, including about tea.

I also really like Columbus by the same director.


>not limit my viewing to stuff with good reviews.
you just pick things that look cool or things about stuff you like. the only time i look at reviews is after I've already watched it or if i didn't really intend to watch it anyway.


Did Reagan's Real Star Wars Bankrupt the Soviet Union ?

Curious Droid


"Ruthless Blade"【Made By Bilibili】


Blue LEDs

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Thought this would be fun. You're only allowed to post on this thread during your birthday
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my weirdest year yet…


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And here we are again, it's always such a pleasure.

Made it another year. Am I better off for it? Eh, maybe. I don't feel much older, though maybe that's because most of my coworkers are older than me.

Well anyways, cheers to my past self, looking forward to next year.


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4 years later i finally remembered to post in this thread!!!


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It's that day today.


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Well, it's my birthday now.
Feels like a regular day really, maybe one person salutes and that's it.

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In the past I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and more specifically social anxiety disorder.
It was so bad I couldn't even look people in the eye and I would start shaking whenever I feel like I am looked at, I would run out of classrooms at university because of anxiety attacks.
I can't remember what I was on back at the time.

I have now started a new course ( which basically guranatees a job ) and it's back. It's more under control because I am more mature and have learned to breathe, try to calm myself and distract myself but it still doesn't let me function as a human being. ( + )

I am too poor to afford therapy but my cousin works as a nurse. I have access to: paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, venlafaxine, regabalin, tradozone and alprazolam.

( + ) I'm currently anticipating social situations and taking 0.50 of xanax ahead with like half or 3 quarters of an hour but this will not last me long because I'm developing resilience to the drug ( I used to take 0.25 ).

I exercise using the bodyweight fitness app whenever I can. I do not drink coffee, alcohol or energy drinks. I used to drink tea but at some point I realised black tea unsettles me and I kind of stopped.

My concerns are anhedonia and gaining weight because this happened last time.
I plan on informing myself for a few weeks first and I am seeking help.
If you can and want please share this post to communities which you think might me knowledgeable.
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Stayin' Alive - The Bee Gees (Ragtime Rockabilly Cover) ft. Wild Bill




Santa Baby




My Immortal (Mashup Edit/Duet Mix) - IRyS & ERB

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This thread is mainly for music, but any other forms of media are welcome for discussion and discovery/
Personally I've been listening to Kill The Architect which I appreciate for its underground roots, lyrical composition and general style that Cage always had.
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Order-bearing Lord of victory-bearing world,
Deserving Lord of red-bannering fear,
A righteous holiday for right citizens,
A well-sharpened sickle for ripened ears.


Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 OP SPECIALZ - Reimagined on the Traditional Chinese Guzheng by Moyun Official


A certain roll might be interested to know she has an Only My Railgun cover as well.



Holding Out for a Hero - Hildegard von Blingin’ & Whitney Avalon

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I just think it's fun to know who we are in terms of moral alignment through DnD's Alignment System. I'll show you mine first!!!
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sometimes it's hard, but I try to be kind


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A lot depends on the context, indeed.
> Would you give up a promising career to aid the family in time of need?
If I hate them enough to not refer to them as my family, then probably there is no reason for me to help them at all.
> would you slip a poison into your king's drink?
Depends on if I hate the king. Being able to slip something into the king's drink implies a position of trust… But what if one day both love and respect are turned into hatred and disdain by his acts? Although, even then there is a chance that that I'd only attempt to resign from my position.
> Steal what food you needed to survive?
Stealing food… but from whom? If it were from that guy who'd somehow gotten a huge stockpile of it and was then trying to sell it at a sky-high price, not only would I steal from him if I could, I might well be willing to share some with the others, too. But I would never rob a thin-to-the-bone little girl of her tiny piece of bread. Although, who knows. A man on a full stomach and a man starving are two different men. The starving one might end up not only eating her bread, but devouring what little meat remains as well.


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Test results match my MBTI type.


Huh, no lawful or good rationals.
I wonder what this implies.


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Do you guys see yourself in the context of society and decide, ultimately, that you are the one to blame for your problems?
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Well most of my problems come from a genetic disorder which isn't my fault, and I can't get it treated because rich assholes have decided that my life isn't worth their marginal profit loss. So no, I'd say it's not my fault.


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I don't have free will so I can do whatever I want.


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Be the best version of yourself. Peace out.


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I don't think that everything can be generalized as either completely your fault or the fault of others. There are sometimes when you're at fault for things that have happened to yourself, but other people have agency and act themselves and can themselves be responsible for bad things that happen to you. Saying that everything is your fault is victim blaming in a scenario when you were cheated or manipulated. But also saying that everything is everybody else's fault or society or the system is fatalistic determinism that ignores the fact that you are also capable of mistakes as an individual and removes your own agency and power.


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You are a capable person. As such, if things don't go your way, it is certainly not your fault. It is the world that is at fault.
Whether you make a serious effort or don't try at all, it is uncertain what will happen in the future. Therefore, rather than working towards an uncertain future, it's better to enjoy the present.
If you're worried about something, focus on enjoying the present. Go along with the easiest path. Flow like water. Without restraining yourself, proceed according to your instincts.
If something is trying, it's ok to run away. Running away is not defeat. In fact, some say that running away is victory.
Sometimes you may be faced with a difficult decision where you will regret no matter what choice you make. If you're going to regret it either way, choose the option that is the easiest at that moment.
If villains have human rights, then NEETs must also have human rights. Do not be ashamed of being a NEET. After all, if you can live without working, is that not for the best?
Act in your own interests. Drink when you want to drink, eat when you want to eat. After all, you might not be able to feast like this tomorrow.
Don't be afraid of old age. Only God knows whether or not you'll enjoy in the future. Therefore, enjoy the present.
Eris pads her chest.

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