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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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hey sushis!!! let's make some mixtapes together:

found this cool site (i swear i'm fucking human this isn't some shit that's a XSS attack I swear) called mixtape garden where you can make 7 song collaborative mixtapes and the site will collate it into a single mp3 file (it crossfades the songs) which you can download for free.

i'd be interested to see what y'all come up with, post your links in the replies :3


pic: cover art for switch by xela fella


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Someone taught me how to crossfade and loop and stuff in audacity and it's incredibly easy, so I'll try to take you up on this mixtape idea.

Also if you're really cool you'll make your own album cover.


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Säkkijärven Polkka
Sweden Symphony Orchestra & N3 Symphony Orchestra
Soloist Linda Lampenius
Conductor Ulf Wadenbrandt
Video and Sound Jonas Wadenbrandt


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Caritas Abundat - Hildegard Von Bingen

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I wish I was a pure, honest, and simple person with a clean heart. Have you ever known a person like this? Someone who's just nice and not in a fake way but just a generally nice and good hearted person? Someone you don't want to spoil by exposing them to dumb soykafine on the internet? Ever notice how a person like this seems to be doing effortlessly? Its just something that comes naturally to them. Why can't I be like that? I wonder where I went wrong. Sometimes I blame the internet for having ruined me. Constant negativity, shitposting, pornography, crulety, and exposure to a news cycle and politics. You wind up becoming a cynical pessimistic person and for some reason the world thinks its cool to be an asshole. I wish I could be an adult again instead of a jaded adult. So what are some ways to overcome this and be a better person?

I get the feeling that being good isn't just about forcing yourself to have positive thoughts but changing your outlook on life and daily practice. You can't be a better swimmer without regular exercise. What are some techniques?
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Don't give up and be the best version of yourself.


How do you know what the best version of yourself is to begin ?


You know what this conversation reminds me of? Creep, by Radiohead: "I want a perfect body… I want a perfect soul." I can relate. I think the first step is probably to just… forgive yourself. Have compassion for who you are.

I would start by unraveling your life. Pick it apart piece-by-piece and analyze how it affects you to this day. When I was on imageboards as a teenager, I didn't understand why I was even using imageboards until much later. It was only in my 20s did I understand that as a child my parents and peers berated, bullied, and beat me. It's no wonder why I could not make friends in life, because I never trusted enough to do so. I could only feel safe talking to sushi rollymous people behind a screen. I don't blame myself for surrounding myself in internet culture, it was the only thing I knew to do.

I feel as a fellow imageboard user, there is a reason you have these feelings. Try to find that out, and in doing so I hope you find compassion for yourself. The secret is that when you find compassion for yourself, you'll find compassion in others, and you'll be that clean hearted person you're looking for.


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One day Banzan was walking through a market. He overheard a customer say to the butcher, “Give me the best piece of meat you have.”
“Everything in my shop is the best,” replied the butcher. “You can not find any piece of meat that is not the best.”
At these words, Banzan was enlightened.


We need a thread for these.

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the tiktok for you page is soo bad right now. They must've fucked with it specifically for the congressional hearings

there literally isn't a SINGLE video I care about watching, half of them are in spanish or some other language lol

What do you guys think about the whole tiktok banning thing? Are you pro or anti tiktok?

Personally I think it's ridiculous to even suggest that tiktok is banned. It clearly comes from a jingoistic anti-China rhetoric that is pervasive among our politicians, there is literally no proof that tiktok has done anything to harm the USA or Americanse. Our relationship with China can be good if politicians don't continually antagonize them.

More importantly, tiktok is GOOD for the USA. it's the best mainstream social media that exists besides twitter. I've seen more real examinations into the human condition on tiktok than I have seen on any other platform. You see actual people there living their lives while platforms like instagram feel far more manicured. People are going to waste their time on social media. Might as well be on there.

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When was Japan 99% Buddhist? I thought Shinto was always the majority religion, with its social values being influenced by Confucianism.

You're right though, Eastern and Western attitudes are extremely different in this regard, especially when you compare Protestant societies to Confucian ones.


Get off the internet sometimes…


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I think singling out Tiktok is unfair. I do use some social media like Mastodon and Bluesky on occasion but I am very skeptical of social media in general and treat it with a lot of care and suspicion. It can be extremely addictive. I worry about malicious information control and privacy, especially on the ones that are extremely centralized and collect massive amounts of data about their users.

I did enjoy my brief time using Tiktok and thought the algorithm was wonderful at picking up the things I liked, but I was concerned about the downstream effects of it if I kept using it long-term. Plus I don't like how automatic it is. I like choosing the information and media I engage with myself. If the people in charge decided to flood your feed with negative or misleading stuff, or suppressed information critical of their interests you'd be completely at their mercy. (None of this is unique to Tiktok)

Plus the level of depth and enjoyment you can get out of Tiktok is capped at a certain point so engaging with it a lot to the detriment of other interests is bad. A Tiktok or Instagram video might entertain you, but it's never going to touch you as much as a really good movie, game or book. Which isn't to say you can't ever enjoy ephemeral silly potato chip content, but I hope the younger generations are still making time for whole-grain media that takes longer to digest and sticks with you for longer. That's not to say I'm totally above it either, I also waste too much time online.


these days you can't use emoji on sushi… what went wrong? T_T


unicode was a mistake

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so I just found this board and it seems very comfy, I'm moving to another city in about a month and have been very confused whether or not it'll make me happier or not.
I'm gonna ask the people I'm living with if they mind if I get a cat because it'll be the first time for me without a pet
hope I can make my living space /comfy/
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Not all of us survived, unfortunately. After a suicide attempt(s?) and a brief stint of homelessness among five great and terrible years I ended up back living with other relatives before finally my parents once more.
Well, I survived at least (not to imply it's so fantastic to be alive all the time still, but sometimes good things happen, enough to warrant another day I suppose).

Yeah just consider there's more responsibilities to owning any animal, even a cat, than you may have considered by yourself. At the moment I'm just sticking to patting other people's cats on the way home from work (my record is three in one walk).

Also, moving to a new place where no body knows you is great! Ideally I would every couple of years, that's when things start feeling too settled. Even in this city of 50,000 I can't wander around the streets drunk and high on the weekend without a co-worker spotting me in the act.


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Exercise under the moon if necessary


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Physical activity is never a bad thing…


WIN at life. Do it!


Are we /comfy/ yet?

 No.592[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

does anyone know any particularly comfy youtubers or podcasts?

i'm always looking for something comfy or interesting to listen to in my spare time, and listening to people talk helps me relax a lot.

one podcast i'm a fan of is the wisenheimers podcast which was two animators from newgrounds talking about stupid shit. it ended a while a go, but managed to be pretty funny and chill while it lasted.

i also some lets players like vinesauce, jontron era game grumps and another guy called manlybadasshero who mostly does horror game lp's, but i havent found anything as comfy as i would prefer.
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After watching so many moto-vlogers harass people on phones and hit wing mirrors I was delighted to discover FortNines content for a better side of bikers.

Genuinely fun and informative while being well balanced and produced. Truly, have these guys to thank for me riding today I'd reckon.


Comfy yet silly mostly nature show narrated by Ze Frank



Channel 5 has interesting videos. It's about an anthropologist interviewing interesting people on the street, at demonstrations, events and urban hotspots.

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This chan is very nice

Not all content is nice, but the chan is nice
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It's okay, man.


I love here and I don't know why.


i like how nothing happens and it might as well not be here


Peace in nature….


Its deceptive

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Another Crab's Treasure

Citizen Sleeper

Death Sprint 66

Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers

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kind sushi ^_^


Danke, dude.


game pass for a month - hope it works


Anyone playing Marvel Rivals?


no loli peni parker, no way im playing.

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how would you describe your 2024? what will you remember it by?
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Then let's try to make some memories for this year!


Finished my courses, passed my qualification exam, and closed out the year with excellent research results.


it was kinda wild but i am less depressed now yay
hopefully it gets better for everyone around here and otherwise~


i became an even bigger otaku and now im more dead inside which is easily interpreted by external parties as more stable mental health

happy new year


The first half went well. In fact, the first half of 2024 was probably the most pleasurable time of my life. I felt like life was moving ahead, like I had a future in store for me. Then the second half came, disaster after disaster, tragedy after tragedy. Deaths, break ups, and increased family tensions. It's been painful. It's not the worst I've ever been through, but it's pretty close truth be told. Falling back into old habits, overall feeling unworthy and depressed, and just trying to get back on my own two legs again. I don't think 2025 will be worse than that was, but only time will tell.

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 No.13746[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

is there a "ask the opposite gender stuff" thread? i have a question :(
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Better argument against breast implants is the health risks of leaking silicone and that they often need replaced every 10 to 15 years plus the scars created by the surgery.


what do you mean?


breast implants aren't as bad as botox. which is a listed biological warfare agent.


I mean… it's done in a controlled manner. The same way that if you were administer drugs at too high of a dose, it would kill a person, but it can have positive benefits at a lower level.


Both are bad

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what is this website about?


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sushi girls


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whatever you want it to be (as long as its comfy)


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Sushi girl dot us is about collectively emanating good physic energy into the wired to stave off the moidification of the cyber-fæ who live and feed on network of networks. We're the last bastion standing and without our posts creating a candlelight in void of the modern internetworked-hyperconciousness bramfaturas would be capable of piecing through the veil of what is and what is not. When positive posts are peaceably posted pestilence is postponed. We surfers are the preservers of a tradition of nice posters dating back to the advent of Tokyo, the creators of comfy, and kindlers of cozy. We welcome you OP.


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sushigirl is about posting girls dressed up as meidos


aka vore (i wanna be eaten :3)

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