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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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 No.8852[View All]

What can I spend money on to make myself comfier?
65 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Food you can't replicate at home


Are you Chinese, sushi? I've seen videos of local eateries and canteens in China, is the food in those good?



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Bought some art


it's beautiful! is there any story behind it?


Super cool


Fresh mint. Mint grows so fast and so aggressively and is relatively tough. If you grow it indoors, it freshens up your living space and can be used for refreshing drinks and savory beverages. Put some fresh mint in your tea, it will change your life. Buy a sprig and plant it on a pot.


I like the idea! I saw someone use mint that he picked himself in a lemonade recipe. He recommended to not plant it in your garden or yard. It's a pretty aggressive plant and will take over your yard/garden if you can't control it, but do just fine in a pot :)


People always say that, and yet I somehow managed to lose all the mint I had growing in a yard planter. Might've been the freak deep freeze we had last year, it got a lot of the smaller crepe myrtles in the area, they didn't come back so well this summer.


Definitely the frost. Also, make sure to not over-water. Mint thrives in drained soil.

Mint lemonade is delicious! I also like to use mint in cocktails, especially grasshoppers. There is no replacement for fresh mint in my opinion.


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1 year later, and i've since moved to another town, so i'd like to provide an update to this list! most of the things that have made my living space more cozy has generally been things to help organize my things or "give everything a home" so to speak, but i do have some more nice little decor items that make it just that tad bit more comfy

- over-door hooks to hang your favorite coats/bags/hats
- additionally, over-door mirror (maybe some putty on the back to keep it from moving when the door moves)
- small tabletop drawers for pins/buttons, stickers, pens, etc.
- a cork board/peg board
- a jar for your loose coins
- a unique coffee/tea mug that stands out from the rest of your mugs
- tea, looseleaf or satchets/bags
- a ticking clock (small cute ones are my favorite)
- a metal lantern for tea light candles
- solar jar lights (put them on your windowsill!)
- small "milk crates" (useful for small sketchbooks for instance)
- night lights for the hallway (mushroom ones are cute!)

some free digital stuff you can do as well if you wish to break away from social media, subscriptions, and/or large corporations:

- start using an rss reader (basically a choose-your-own-feed method of keeping tabs on news, blogs, etc. without algorithmic nonsense)
- use a notes app instead of a google doc (ZimWiki, Zettlr, QOwnNotes, are all lightweight open source desktop notes-taking apps that can be used for darn near anything)
- stimuwrite (if you're needing to write something but having trouble staying motivated, try this app out, trust me)
- twinkle tray (similar to the blue light filter, if you want to change your screen brightness but aren't able to on a desktop pc, this lets you do so easily at a moment's notice)


Buy cheap instant coffee/use stale coffee and boil it on the stove to make your place smell like coffee for quite a while.


Thanks, sushi! You just motivated me to get my place in order


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The night lights is a really cute idea. :)

>Note app

Thx so much for the recommendations! I was looking for apps like these. rn I'm using Nano to take notes and is good enough.


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You're very welcome, sushi!
An odd but effective way of making sure my own place is in a halfway decent order is to occasionally watch videos of streamers and the like reacting to their viewers' bedrooms/living spaces. They tend to give me the needed conscious nudge of "hey, your room better not look like some of these ones, ya hear?"

You're welcome! The notes apps have helped me keep my recipes, journaling, and other random necessary mental blurbs in a nice spot. I personally use ZimWiki right now, it's lightweight enough that it opens instantly when I need it (unlike a lot of other apps I use daily :c)




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I ordered a scoby and have started my kombucha production. What's better than tea? Tea that improves your gut health!


Regarding notes app, I'm a big fan of Obsidian. The main feature is that works like a wiki page, you put something in [[brackets]] and it links to another note with that as the title.
Worth checking out.


yummy forbidden tea pancake 😋


I got an iPod classic 5.5 gen coming in the mail :)
Gonna rockbox it and do an SD + battery mod for some comfy tunes.

I also got a bunch of nice notebooks to write things in.


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Getting back into making model vehicles like planes and tanks


please post some of the completed projects!


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Will do that after I complete the diorama.


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For the first time in my life I have bought a pair of jogging pants. They are very comfy.


Sushis, what should I do with my money…..


Give it to me.
fu fu fu~


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I purchased a new razor. This one has a closed comb, making it easier on the skin and helping to prevent razor burn. The loading mechanism is very cool. My old one had a solid top part you just screw in as well as an open comb.


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a little desk terrarium
check out the mushroom that appeared in mine


You can buy a birdfeeder, especially if you live in a wooded area. Very comfy and hours of entertainment.


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Got a cat


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I think tablets are much better companions to desktop computers than laptops - at least when we are talking about web browsing and media consumption. They are light, lukewarm at most and noiseless. Perfect for the bed.


Aw nice I love animals
It's been a month now, how is the kitty?


Always buy what is outside your confort zone try everything


ok sushis I bought meth


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Thinking about buying myself a pair of ear plugs / buds for sleeping as I want to sleep in peace all year round. Any tips?

pic related


I want to buy a really small monitor that I can use as a third monitor, in the middle of my desk, where I can keep just one app open and occasionally glance at it. I think that would be really comfy and useful.

I need to do a bit of research to find something that fits and isn't too expensive.


I saw this kind of thing on Amazon where it was essentially just a tablet-sized monitor. idk what the I/o was like and how well it would suit your purposes in practice tho


I personally use over-the-ear earmuffs designed to reduce the audial character of lawn mowers and leaf blowers. They’re not as comfortable as disposable ear plugs you’d, say, have ready for a concert; however they’re tough and get the job done fine. The effect on my sleep has been tremendous-I’ve used them for more than a year. If I had the time, I would be looking for something similar but entirely more comfortable.


Comfy as a canelé; I'm surprised that not all french bakeries make this dessert with simple ingredients…


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>Do not ask what you can buy to become comfy, ask what you can get rid of to become comfy.
I have been following this line of thought forever. It feels great selling or giving away things you no longer need.


this guy has some cool gadgets. a total bloat and i doubt he uses half of them regularly but i like the eink notepad(s) and digital typewriter. that has to make for some comfy in bed journaling.


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I recently ordered this portable arcade machine. It's been a lot of fun to play with.
It's also really neat how I could get some RPGMaker games running on it. I may finally give Yume Nikki some serious time.


I might get a MacBook Pro; apparently, it remains completely silent while handling my usual workload: altchans, programming, and music production.


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i want to spend money on a trip to place where the leaves actually change in the autumn and it snows in the winter


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Bought a model plane to build for the weekend


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We are troubled by the same predicament, sushi.
I find the autumn palette so cosy and inspiring.
I wish you comfiness for the seasons to come.


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one thing i bought after seeing this guy's video is a pair of IEMs. i am very impressed by their sound quality and the passive isolation is quite good as well. with so many amazing advancements in technology i wonder why bluetooth is still so bad


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> Do not ask what you can buy to become comfy, ask what you can get rid of to become comfy.
This is the ideal I wished to attain, but have been unable to. It seems now isn't quite yet the time when I can let go of what it material and become a hut man.
Perhaps the idea in my mind was simply to austere and cruel to my own self, the more minimal I tried to live, the more miserable I became.
This is not to say that material possessions are the source of joy, but that I may have been seeking such disconnection for flawed reasons.


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what about Neptune?


Yeah I'll probably never buy a laptop again. I have a tablet that uses a computer OS, so with a folding keyboard it does everything I'd want a laptop to do. Or I can mount it and pretend it's a desktop or even just a monitor or digital picture, which is a pretty sleek setup. It reminds me of how those mac pcs are, but smaller and portable.

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