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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Hi sushi!
I need advice.
A while ago I went on a date but it was super akward.
We never really reconnected after since we both were waiting for the other to say something.
The thing is I really want to reconnect with her, but I am afraid it would be awkward.
How should I go about reconnecting with her, it has been a while now.
I guess I was just waiting for her
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Am I being persecuted right now?

You're persecuting me, aren't you?


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evil sushi roll……..


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Just do what >>19436 says and go "hey do you want to go on another date?" if she declines or never responds, you got your answer. Of course, if she says yes, make sure you schedule a day where you got nothing else going on and the possibility of nothing happening (I've had that problem a lot where suddenly my work or family needs me on my days off). Guys tend to overthink these things too much and get caught up on a girl, but really if she's not interested don't let it be your demise. Obviously she was interested initially so you clearly aren't ugly or anything and you'll be able to bounce back and find someone else.


gee.. i was just complimenting her


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thank you glasses dork hater, i enjoy seeing your posts.

I agree with >>19442. Even if it was awkward the first time, there is no real harm in asking again. Initially ask how things have been. If you get positive response, follow up that you would like to hang out again.

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I realized that I have no friends irl and like two online. I really can't fit in any discord server or anything, I don't know why. It feels weird and it makes me feel miserable, how do I make friends online?

Also today it's my wife Ann's bday, pic related
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Thank you for being a friend…


ok, schizo. Take your pills and post street fighter again.


Making new friends is hard in this day and age…


I want to die. Feel like I should go with a "screw it" attitude and just keep getting rejected or flaked instead of doing literal nothing. Maybe I can make a game out of it. Better than just dying and giving up. Social Anxiety plagues me like hell and I always feel someone will backstab me in someway even if things do go well, which is why I resort back to doing nothing. It's a vicious cycle.


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You can still create positive relationships while under the assumption the other party will backstab you at the faintest opportunity. All you have to do is be privy about the information you share.

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 No.2104[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you enjoy your job? And if you don't explain to me why.
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>I just want the world to be kind and comfy
It just isn't and I have accepted (?) this as a part of reality. Like, it may sound stupid, but us having to eat just to stay alive is cruel both towards us and towards the eaten.
In childhood (and sometimes now) I had that desire to just be a ghost. Completely invisible and unaffectable by the real world, but I would still like to watch. But this dream will never come true, and what is worse, even if it did, I would probably change my mind on it, finding new ways to be upset about. Human mind is chaotic and humans in generally are disgusting to me, I guess. Not that I actually hate people, more like I don't think we are particularly likable.


If it's one year is what you did something more like a bootcamp? or is it more like Full sail/WGU? But You probably have a bit of an uphill battle tbh because of your background & the current economy.
First get over the fact you think your projects are cringe & just list them on your resume. First line of resume reading, especially for new grad roles, is usually HR people who don't know anything technical. If you're really insecure don't upload it to your github & just explain it on your resume. No one has to see it, but they know you did something. Somewhat unethical, but you can fake a club to add because unless it's some big organization they can't doublecheck them.
Finally this sounds overwhelming, but make it a numbers game. Use simplify to autofill Workday applications & apply to anything IT, SWE, or tech related everyday. Apply until you run out of new jobs for the day. It sounds hard, but once you get some music or videos in the background it's very turn your brain off.
Finally like the other sushi roll said hackathons are pretty chill. If you're really scared do a virtual one.


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I'm a secuirty engineer, it isn't as cool as it sounds what I do is half audit, half legacy systems work. The people, amenities, & pay is great, but we don't get enough work. It's a mix of working in a slow industry & being underutilized intentionally, so if shit hits the fan everyone is free to be on-call. To give an example of the workload I know people who left, despite all the benefits because the psychological toll of doing nothing all day was getting to them.
I've always been 50/50 on it. On one hand I come from a background where the type of money I make literally was life changing, I made enough money to finally move away from my mentally unstable parents with left over for retirement savings. Alongside that I'm the kid of immigrants, so I've seen how unpleasant jobs can really get. On the other had doing nothing while being stuck in a cage like cubicle & having to justify why I deserve my paycheck everyday does have a mental toll after awhile.
I've been trying to be more positive in general though, so I try to to be thankful. Having a lot of bills + knowing what 'dream' jobs are like suppresses a lot of the doom spirals.
>I got burnt out last year and since then I can't get myself to even think of coming back. It's just sickening. What is more sickening is that it's the highest paying position a regular mortal with no connections can get. Conditions are also phenomenal.
This is an issue I see a lot of high paid earners feel. The whole golden handcuffs idea. It's nice to know other people feel like this too because no one in my family can really relate cause they're poor immigrants


Looks like you're doing good, bro.


I hated my last job because it was pretty dead end and I didn't have a lot of say in what I did.
Now I'm just trying to work part time and also start my own business, which I think I'll like more because I can just do whatever I want or also be doing something I care about

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any tips on dealing with a breakup? i feel like it's the first time even when it isn't. we still adore each other and i think it's just factors out of our control.
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Really helpful


Sushi, you can't let people tell you this and you cannot internalize this mindset if finding new love is something you want. There are no guarantees in life– for anything, but there will always be new experiences and there is joy in those things. If you treat yourself and others with care, other people will follow suit. I personally think you will be just fine.


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Sorry if that came off as negative, but at some point you have to accept there's things you'll never reach no matter how far you extend your hand. That's not to say everything is pointless, just because you can't have everything doesn't mean you can't have something. But what people are capable of achieving varies. Just because something seems easily obtainable to you doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else.


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I'd rather not live with a "Sunken Chest" philosophy, thanks.


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Keep busy and never give up.

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Skating, parkour, graffiti, urbex etc. There's nothing like the feeling of the wind as you fly towards the pavement.

To someone who recognises this thread: I'm sorry I was rude when you said you couldn't join my dream, it was meant as a joke response to someone else but I forgot how to make a side thread ;_;
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Its 404 for me now too its been 2 days


Maintnence, its back now


Bicycling, bicycling. La la laaaaaaaa.


It's an olympic sport now. Heh.


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Most of this board is about the pleasure to be found in the everyday, so I thought we could have something a little different; whats the most exciting thing you've done recently?
I went gliding today with an instructor and did some acrobatics. Shit was cash.
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though to be honest i think i would be happy to get back to chatting together
i think i have learned my lessons


Made some vegetarian chili. Actually money frfr


I want a boring holiday


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I went river cleaning recently, got to use kayaks for free and helped cleaned the environment at the same time.


Uhhh, scratch my back when a rash appeared…?

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How many hours of day are you computer?
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h-how old are you


Late twenties.


Why would they do that? Seems awfully strict for no apparent reason.


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I don't know why my parents act the way they do. They've always been this way though. Addendum to the internet discussion, I was given my first computer at a very young age so I would stay in my bedroom but I'm not that into internet culture, especially less so now that a lot of my websites are getting shut down or being updated to a new, less user-based/more corporate model and I'm largely not invested in websites that spew algorithmic content at its user.
My closest guess with my parents is: father doesn't want me interacting with other people my age because he says our generation is ruining society; mother doesn't want me leaving because I'll be corrupted by Satan. Something like that.


Tough luck sushi, hope you are able to get through this. As for Internet communities shutting down, I'm not so sure what the solution is besides just start using other websites. There are of course smaller places such as this very website, but these will always be run out of the goodness of the owner's heart. Maybe Fediverse is the future?

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bet you won't post comfy here
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Shoryuken Doesn't Come Out [EngSub]


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beautiful <3


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Hey sushi!
What are some cool altchan gimmicks you can think of? Even ideas you have but you've never seen before.

I'm definitely NOT asking so I can steal your idea by the way!
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I like how Heyuri and Hikari3 both have emotes they are fun!


here are my favorite micks

every post gets a random anime girl name instead of sushi rollymous.

rounded image corners.

a mascot anime girl.

greentext is pink.

people can see you type out your message in real time so you can really feel anxious, especially if you make a mistake and you can't backspace and then someone replies to your unfinished post, laughing at your mistakes, and then you never visit again.

admin is hella cute and g*y and has an ironic cult of personality.

everyone pretends to be a boy pretending to be a girl, but we all know that everyone is actually a girl and there are no boys on the board.
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i like board events - when layout changes to celebrate something or posts get a hat or a special border


A hall of fame for great posts would be nice.


A board that's a temple/shrine where the mods and janitors are priests. Users can get their fortunes read, interact with spirits or get an exorcism for their computer.
TV board where sushi rolls can add to a video playlist curated by the users in realtime for a never ending stream.

Heyuri's rule 8 is a gimmick. Probably the only good thing about that site besides the emotes.

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You know how there's like Super Monkey Ball? What if there was a Super Monkey Cube game? What would that entail?


i'm thinking intelligent qube but with monkeys inside the cubes


Making the cube slide as you tilt the map, the little monkey trying to push it from inside and then suddenly as it tilts enough it becomes monkey ball but janky


remember those rolling cube things in the mario 64 desert level? maybe it could be a game where you move like that


There's a game in development hell called Bokube that does that

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