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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Today's sunset was very pretty. The fiery oranges melt into the milky smooth white which leads the way for the light blue cheering up lonely wanderers in the darkness ahead.

These summer nights outside always give me calm yet uncomfy thoughts about me and my purpose in this world. Since they are uncomfy I shall not talk about them so use your imagination! Do you have any comfy memories and thoughts that summer nights bring out for you instead?

There are some dreams that my mind lunges for but are too out of reach for reality. One of them is to just get a vacation from living, get somewhere where nobody knows me and just camp there in a tent. Read a bunch of books, cook small meals and aimlessly wander in the small half-empty villages and towns at night. Are there any comfy dreams you are actively trying to turn into reality?

Since you are here, this is a public reminder for members of the Cult Of Good Sleep to check their clocks, maybe it's YOUR time to join with the dark!

Good night sushirolls.

PS: photo related but not fresh
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Good night
Sleep tight
For the Future


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I must sleep and rest well.


To sleep, perchance to dream


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Dream of tanks


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Dream a little dream for me..

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is compassion contrasted by strength?
I'm too soft and that makes me feel weak
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The way I see it, compassion is the existence of strength combined with the will to use it for good. A person that is only nice to people who are stronger than them and could hurt them isn't compassionate, they are a coward. A compassionate person is kind to others that they are stronger than and could easily hurt for gain or ignore for convenience. This extends to animals and children as well. Even if you don't consider yourself to be very strong or influential, there will always be someone or something below you. A compassionate person doesn't just allow the weaker to survive, they go out of their way to help those who are weaker than themselves and give them the same fighting chance at life that they themselves have.


You gotta have trust.


And put your faith into something strong.


Showing compassion for the reprehensible can be a strength. Showing genuine compassion for people society hates or loves to shit on is hard.


compassion is beauty
beauty shall save the world

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This place seems comfy
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Just read it, listen to the original songs, and listen to the albums made for the show honestly. It's really sad it turned out the way it did but for a lot of people, it felt like the actualization of characters they helped establish as fans, so there's lots of nostalgia.


moar like mekaku shitty actors amirite


that's more or less what I remember of it as well


I enjoyed it


You better believe it…

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There's something peculiar about falling asleep as the first rays of dawn start peeking in through your blinds. A feeling of guilt, mixed with comfiness, as you fall asleep when everyone else rises from their slumber. Unhealthy, but acceptable in reasonable amounts.
It happens to me far too often, though…

When do sushi rolls usually fall asleep? I don't doubt there are other people here with wack schedules.
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dont go nocturnal if possible


I try to go to bed by 12PM. Naturally I'm a night owl so I like to stay up at night because it's so peaceful so it's a good time to reflect and so on… But I also find that waking up early can be empowering and makes me want to be more productive, because mentally I feel like I'm "ahead" of everyone else because they're sleeping while I'm already up and ready.


Cold is making me sleep earlier…


That's been roughly my sleeping pattern for the past 5 years now. Sometimes I end up awake between 1:30 and 3:00. Before that I was at 6AM to 2PM for around 19 years. Things certainly seemed more balanced with the 6AM to 2PM schedule I had. I barely ever get to experience sunlight anymore unless I force myself to stay up all day during a day off which kills all of my energy for almost the entire next work week. I ironically try to powernap during my lunch breaks half of the time and skip meals a lot to attempt to balance anything out as well as to maximize my free time when I can.


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with working 1st shift i normally sleep from 11pm to 7am on the weekdays. my gym closes at noon on Saturday specifically so i sleep usually from 1am to 10am or so on Friday into Saturday. Saturday into Sunday i sleep basically whatever i want since it's the only day of the week i can stay up late and sleep in late. catch me laying in bed until 3pm on Sunday mornings lol.

i used to work night shift for a couple years but honestly i think i prefer the more normal schedule of 1st shift. i feel more like a functioning human being when i wake up early in the day lol.

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hi im new
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hi new! how are you ?


>>13427 pic
What a sweet collision of stories.
I hope they become friends.


I only lurk and never post oh wait darn it


Don't rick-roll me


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Wanna play some Palworld?

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Do you live in a city?

Do you not live in a city?

How is that going for you?

Maybe you do live in a city, but you'd rather not?
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You make a good point. There's a lot of rose-tinted deception common among people, about how things were better "back when" in a fictional past that didn't exist. Life is more exciting when you can move forward and make the most of the present instead of remaining stuck in an imagined past. So it must feel tiresome to see people complaining so much about how bad things are now and "if only we could go back to when things were good". It seems to rob people of the conviction to enjoy their present when they remain glued to their past. Personally I see rosy glasses as a hazard. I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this though.


Where I live is called a city but it’s a small town. Very weird vibe here. They just turned the historic and allegedly haunted mill into apartments, so I guess the place is booming? We’re a 30 minute drive to the capital so a lot of the people who live here commute back and forth. High murder rate over there. Not comfy.


Basically the same. It's too easy to get lost in the past if you overvalue it.


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Inflation is a thing, of course, but that complaint could mean that unlike the gasoline prices, the income from salaries and retirement funds didn't grow as well as the inflated economy did. The gasoline expenses could thus have come to consume a greater percentage of a family's budget.


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i live in the capitol of my state. it's not a big city like those of New York or Chicago but it's the biggest city i've lived in so far. honestly there are both pros and cons and i'm not sure if i could say i love it or hate it necessarily.
pros: much easier to meet new people. i've made tons of friends at the gym and through college or just people who live in my apartment building. lots of types of food. i have cuban, thai, sushi, american diner, ethiopian, mexican, chinese, indian, tons of new things to try and enjoy with my friends. there's also just more to do in general like go-karting, museums, parades, conventions, etc. there's also more job opportunities.
cons: cities are more expensive to live in for sure. went from paying 850$/month for a townhouse to paying 1100$/month for a studio apartment. there's also more crime and homelessness. i'd never had my car broken into or been harassed by the homeless for money before moving to the city. cities also sometimes are loud and smelly depending on the area.
so idk. i don't really regret moving to a city but there are definitely some things i miss about the country and i don't plan on living in the city all my life.

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post cockatoo pics and talk about cockatoos! I love these creatures. All cockatoos allowed but major mitchell's cockatoos are my favourite :)
and hybrid cockatoos aren't allowed because that's unethical.
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that's pretty amazing I didn't know birds were so social/playful


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they are nearly as intelligent and social as humans. some birds are even possibly capable of language. not in the form of having words for danger, food, mating, etc, but as innate ability for grammatical structures, concepts like nouns, adjectives and verbs. All animal language research is at risk of being heavily interpreted, but I think we might actually be close to coming to a conclusion of language not being uniquely human. In any case birds are also demonstratably self aware and understand abstract concepts like death and its permanence.


oh and another thing birds understand that even young humans don't necessarily is object permanence.


Are they like parrots?

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I wish I had an interesting hobby or skill that allowed me to create cool stuff. Everyone I speak to online has one, even people much younger than me, and it honestly makes me jealous. I wasted my whole life passively consuming media
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These are really cool, I love LSD Dream Emulator, one of my fave games. I should look up more of the creators other art, it all seems very neat.
Ganbatte on your drawing efforts roll, art is super hard but also super awesome.


Just keep trying & don't give up


Me too!
I wish there was more fanart of that game, its my favorite!


Keep on drawing!


Try writing! I think the internet conditions us to consider only visual arts as creative, but you might be a capable or even exceptional writer, voice actor, or musician without even realizing it!

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 No.16289[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's on your mind?
Done anything cool lately?
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Guess I need an Internet withdrawal for a while. Everything just annoys me.


Everyone is cringe. Looking back at historic figures paints a distorted picture of people, an idealized vision of what could be and never will be. The only constant is creation.


good morning sushis
please have a wonderful day


Shouldn't it be "kaitzenzushi"?


It's still hot, despite that, I'm having some tea. I know it's not the best idea but I'm letting it cool off. I want to stay awake longer, the night is so comfy, especially after days as hot as these last few weeks. Hence the tea.
I've been feeling in a strange mood, I guess 'detached' is a good word for it. It's a strange feeling, on one hand I'm feeling jaded with, well, everything, but on the other hand I feel like I'm more me than usual, if that makes any sense, and also feel more or less liberated from the burden of living in this world.
It is a very odd thing, but it is what it is.

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 No.3302[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread isn't meant to be all about me, even if my writing makes it seem like it, it can be anything to do with friends.

Do you have any online friends sushi? How did you get them? What do you like to do with them?

I have a problem making online friends, because all the sites I go on are sushi rollymous. I have tried a few forums, but I can never commit to them, and they're usually pretty bad anyway. I dont have time for IRC, and I always make a big old booby of myself in live conversation. Do you think it's possible for me to make online friends, or should I stick to being by myself for the moment?
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It's not just you. It's the way the internet (and society) has evolved. It used to serve one purpose, now it serves a different one, while those of us who haven't adapted are left in the dust. All I can say is I'm sorry, and I feel ya, cause I'm stuck in the same way.


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I'll be honest sushi roll, I'm feeling a similar way right now. I lost someone really close to me recently, and the only thing I've really grasped from it looking back is that I don't really enjoy living much. It's not that I don't have good moments here and there, but I can't shake the general feeling constantly with me that I've irreversibly messed up somewhere down the road.

But, don't let that be all she wrote so to speak. For better or worse we all have to find reasons to keep waking up and saying "I want to do this." Even if it's just to get to the weekend, and have a moment of peace and quiet. Even just accepting that you're flawed and to keep trying is something to be proud of fellow sushi rolls.


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I (virtually) meet up with food blooggers


The perfect anime girlfriend would be someone who takes showers.


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All communication is online now.

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