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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Didn't see any movie thread around so I'll make this one the one. Have you watched anything interesting sushi?
I just finished watching Underworld, I actually started it many months ago but due to watching it on TV with half an hour long announcements decided to drop it, only to pic it back up now. I'm surprised that this movie is as complex as it is since I thought it would be just a cheap action flick, there are a lot of moments that felt very satisfactory only due to implications from characters and their previous actions. The actress was also very pretty and the action sequences were decent, but I doubt the sequels are as good as the original despite having an obvious cliffhanger ending and leaving a lot of stuff in the air (what happens to the lycan covenant and Michael? Does Selene actually get to be with the vampires again or does this relationship exile her from it).
In the end, I liked this a lot. Post whatever movies you have watched.
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I just finished watching a movie called Rosetta.
It's about a young girl struggling to find a job without any skills, because having a job means a "normal" life to her. It was extremely depressing to watch, except for the last 10 seconds which was truly uplifting. The lead actress' acting is amazing.

It's not a masterpiece or cinematic achievement, but I loved it for its rawness. I watched this as an unemployed bumfuck and it hurted a lot.

It's available on youtube for free but I found the subtitles not in sync.


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I love movies. I torrent a lot of arthouse stuff but my ambition is to be more open minded and develop my own taste, and not limit my viewing to stuff with good reviews.

One film I saw recently and enjoyed was After Yang. Broadly speaking it's a drama about grief set in what the director Kogonada calls a post-post apocalyptic period. Lots deep, introspective dialogue, including about tea.

I also really like Columbus by the same director.


>not limit my viewing to stuff with good reviews.
you just pick things that look cool or things about stuff you like. the only time i look at reviews is after I've already watched it or if i didn't really intend to watch it anyway.


Did Reagan's Real Star Wars Bankrupt the Soviet Union ?

Curious Droid

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This thread is mainly for music, but any other forms of media are welcome for discussion and discovery/
Personally I've been listening to Kill The Architect which I appreciate for its underground roots, lyrical composition and general style that Cage always had.
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Автомобили is my #1 hit this year


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Order-bearing Lord of victory-bearing world,
Deserving Lord of red-bannering fear,
A righteous holiday for right citizens,
A well-sharpened sickle for ripened ears.


Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 OP SPECIALZ - Reimagined on the Traditional Chinese Guzheng by Moyun Official


A certain roll might be interested to know she has an Only My Railgun cover as well.


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Here's to 2021; hope it's better instead of more of the same.
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HNY 2024 of the Dragon.


Happy New Year sushis!
You're all awesome people and I'm glad for the memories we've shared this year and the new ones we'll create in the new year!

May happyness, comfort, and change abound! Kanpai!


This year will be the year of the sushi desktop!😃


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happy new year sushis c:

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Year of the Twin
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623 day


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Wakeup to 2023.01.02


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2024 coming soon

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What are your plans for the upcoming holidays?
Also post your comfiest Christmas pictures.
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I'm going to meet my family, which will be exhausting, but I'm making up for it by catching up on anime. I also want to do some fun programming, in contrast to the not fun programming I'll do during my day job


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merry christmas sushi, i got a cool king sushi mug!!


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hope you sushis had a good holiday!

mine was lovely, I watched movies with family, played board games, and got some cool gifts


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 No.7212[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Here's a fun game. Reply to the previous post's question with what is your favourite (blank) with your reasoning why and then ask a question to the next poster.

I'll start. What is your favourite season, sushi roll?
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White, because I'm racist.

What's your favorite cake made out of?


Chocolate because I'm like my cake like I like my men.

What is your favourite flavour of tea?


>I'm like my cake like I like my men.
>What is your favourite flavour of tea?
I'm more of a coffee person :^)




I personally like uhh… Linden, is it called?
What is your favourite song from the 50s?

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Sushi Christmas tree is up! Looks like it could use some decorations though…
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ohhh christmas time ohh christmas time
my eyes will spew out fire


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angel goes on top of the tree, right?


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I love this, I want to do this in real life next year.


well done sushi, gj with the tree!! i love you and I'm so proud of you

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 No.6113[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have any plans for today sushis?
Or if you're reading this later: Did you have a good day?

I'm pretty excited for today. Going to finish work on a project and add some new plants to my greenhouse while I still can.
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I planned, and executed spending the day doing little but resting.
This isn't something impressive, but it's something I've needed to do for a long time now. I've been feeling ill but kept pushing myself to be productive because I was afraid of being lazy.


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Going out.. Sunday is living up to its name today.


Struggling with loneliness, a sister that wants nothing to do with me despite saying otherwise and the constant fear of abandonment.


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Learn to be yourself alone. I'm an introvert so that helps. Best time was a week home alone with only small interactions with the local shops.


I'm doing okay. Like the sushi roll above I'm feeling a bit lonely, but it's nothing too terrible. I don't relate to my old friends anymore and I'm really struggling to make new ones. Plus I'm not so good at friendship. I frequently forget to talk to friends for months at a time, which is probably why I have so few.

In the last year I did accept myself for who I am, and got rid of a lot of self hatred, which is nice. Now I can examine some feelings that have been bubbling below the surface for ages and it's been cathartic to examine them. I don't need that external validation anymore. The freedom is nice.

Beyond the emotional garbage I've been making some minor repairs to my house. I'm pretty bad about getting projects done in a reasonable timeframe though…

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Was ghosted a while back for basically no reason
I think, even deleted her acc what do?. Also talk about being ghosted in general and give a homie some advice on what to do.
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There's usually a reason why it happens even if you don't find out. One of the reasons I quit hanging out with my friend is disillusionment with that person. I saw them taking advantage of people and I decided I couldn't trust them anymore.


It's somewhat jarring to me as to how second life drama can be so serious.

>or has a massive impact on your RL

Generally when I ghost or have been ghosted it's to people I only know irl..


Time to get a better class of friends…


Make today the best it can be…


Moved to >>>/hell/4708.

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the tiktok for you page is soo bad right now. They must've fucked with it specifically for the congressional hearings

there literally isn't a SINGLE video I care about watching, half of them are in spanish or some other language lol

What do you guys think about the whole tiktok banning thing? Are you pro or anti tiktok?

Personally I think it's ridiculous to even suggest that tiktok is banned. It clearly comes from a jingoistic anti-China rhetoric that is pervasive among our politicians, there is literally no proof that tiktok has done anything to harm the USA or Americanse. Our relationship with China can be good if politicians don't continually antagonize them.

More importantly, tiktok is GOOD for the USA. it's the best mainstream social media that exists besides twitter. I've seen more real examinations into the human condition on tiktok than I have seen on any other platform. You see actual people there living their lives while platforms like instagram feel far more manicured. People are going to waste their time on social media. Might as well be on there.

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Well, the fact that people aren't more comfortable sharing personal details sushi rollymously than pseudonymously on the internet demonstrates that sushi rollymity on imageboards isn't really a safety concern, unless the concern is other people finding out that you're posting on imageboards. That's the only reason anyone ever gives for not backing up their claims with some form of evidence, it would be recognizable.
Speaking of, projecting an identity onto someone is, logically, a perfectly valid way to deal with discussions on imageboards because nobody is able or willing to provide credentials which would map to credibility. I might not have a way to back up my claim of your identity, but you're not able to back up your claims either. Systematically, nothing gets to be credible if it's original.

Also, secondary communities are the norm outside of imageboards because other websites don't have group identity. Everyone uses most big websites, so the only reason you don't know that imageboard users do is because it isn't practical to tell others about your other exploits. People hate identity on imageboards, but being credited for what you make requires credentials. Just for wanting to share something the imageboards have grounds to call you names, because they perceive it as an attempt by you to establish identity for yourself while everyone else has submitted to their fate of being cattle camouflaged into each other. Yeah you're all equal. The point was making posting easy, though.


I'm sorry, but I have read your post several times and don't understand the meaning.


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> the fact that people aren't more comfortable sharing personal details sushi rollymously than pseudonymously
The fact? I wouldn't call that a fact. Although, chatting with relatives and real-life acquaintances and talking with coworkers about work is about where my usage of non-sushi rollymous communication ends, so I don't have the personal experience to argue against the public pseudonymous communication (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit), experience which I'm currently not too keen on getting.

Theoretically speaking, if some stand-alone pieces of personal information scattered through numerous sushi rollymous posts do not allow one to identify another, the opportunity may present itself if it's revealed that the posts are authored by a single person. Thus, pseudonymous communication limits what one can safely share.

Besides, it's not just about other people finding out that you post on the imageboards, it's about them finding out what you post on the imageboards or a forum.




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When was Japan 99% Buddhist? I thought Shinto was always the majority religion, with its social values being influenced by Confucianism.

You're right though, Eastern and Western attitudes are extremely different in this regard, especially when you compare Protestant societies to Confucian ones.

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