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don't forget to smile :]
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Hey, I need some advice. I can't do anything I want to do (even simple things) because I am very uncomfortable. I'm not sure how to explain it. It's just a permanent feeling of physical discomfort. Even staying in bed is painful.
What do?
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Stick to a schedule


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What am I praying for?


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Pray for the reckoning


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Atomic Habits. Tiny changes snowball into dramatic transformations. So long as you desire it and give yourself the room to fail then you can.

Too many people are afraid to try and fail, but failure is life's greatest teacher. So give yourself the room to try and to fail because through the process of trying again and again you will learn, you will grow, and you will be transformed. Celebrate however far you've come, and let yourself try just a little more each time. Love yourself and love the process, knowing that with each strike you take you will eventually level a whole mountain! So don't ever be afraid to try, only to have never tried at all. This needs to be said, because too many people limit themselves with negative self-talk and define themselves in static terms. Picture related.

This can be helpful, but again don't be too strict on yourself and remember that life is a process of continuous growth and transformation. You must love yourself, give yourself permission to try, and just do the best you can. You may be able to get close to the green, but don't beat yourself up if you fail to because no one is perfect. I don't always eat healthy, I don't always sleep "optimally", I don't always focus well, but I do stay curious, seek to learn, and believe that I can try.

Have a great life sushi~ <3

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Working on any DIY projects, sushis?
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Took me long enough but I finally finished it. I made them a house, too. Now I want to fence this area and make a second house for when they grow up.


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Might as well update on the kitchen too, it's nice to see how different it looks.
It's been a busy summer, but we're close to finishing all our projects!


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Replaced seven old slat vents with rusted out screens with new grate vents. They got some fancy temperature controlled open/close mechanism on them, we'll see how that works out. Would have been a trivial project except that the siding was installed hanging over the vents so I had to cut out some sections.


I didn't know primitive survival posted on sushigirl!


That is seriously impressive and cool!
Love the ducks they're cute

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Stop being so negative.
We live in the greatest age known to man.
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I think it's undeniable to come to the conclusion - if you do any sort of retrospective and introspective thinking - that we live in the time of kali yuga. "the age of quarrel and hypocrisy"
Everything appears fine and dandy to you, especially if you happen to live in a secure working or middle class environment. But you probably never stop to ponder exactly whose sacrifice and backs are broken from the oppressive nature of capitalism which provides that security for you. To be honest, it is quite selfish to say "we live in the greatest age known to man" when you are perfectly aware that the so-appearing flourishment of our civilization is only made possible through exploitation of the less fortunate. Ultimately though this myth most likely arises not only from your own dishonesty but also ignorance. I would recommend you at least read Rene Guenon or David Bentley Hart

>“But I don’t believe in the myth of progress. If he literally means that we have emerged into a period moral superiority in every sphere, I mean, yes, Western industrial societies flourish and they look after their own, they’re also complicit in many more discrete violence’s, violence’s that are hid from everyday view, wars that are not fought on their own soil, exploitation of other peoples, their resources, their economies. The use of…cheap labor in China to mass produce products to give us a level of material comfort that allow us to look after one another. Yes, we have altered the way in which we go about enacting our violence’s, we have drawn in our borders a bit, and we do in modern societies have functioning welfare states that are somewhat more provident toward our own, but the notion that we’re better off now morally, that morally we’ve advanced in an unambiguous way, and in every sense, and because we’ve thrown off religion, as if religion existed in the abstract and we’re a single monolithic reality, or as if religion were to blame for the atrocities of the twentieth century, which is the age of the great march forward of the secular national state as a project, I think it’s just a wild over-simplification, and a dangerous one, because I think it allows one a degree of a moral complacency and optimism not warranted by history….”

>“It’s a realist view to recognize that just because we tell ourselves that we’re morally superior to our ancestors when you actually get down to the ways in which our society is
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I wanna decent holiday to relax & recharge..


People just don't know where to look for information and learning resources in general. While it is true that most books and scientific articles are behind a paywall, there is a considerable amount of solutions to get access without paying anything (pirate libraries are ironically the largest libraries in human history).
Yet, most people are not aware of these solutions since they have a biased perspective about how one makes a business out of a web service. That being said, maybe these solutions wouldn't exist if they suddenly become mainstream.


True. Also True. True. Yeah that's the problem: I'm stuck trying to figure out how to pull a salivary stone out when I can't even make cereal.


Here, take this with you.
Yeah don't do that please also that's not even a real place.

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 No.8722[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you usually have dreams? What usually happens in your dreams? Are you a lucid dreamer? feel free to share dreams you've recently experienced and have other sushi rolls psychoanalyze you
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I have dreams that are either about romance, architecture, or night terrors that I'd rather not get into because uncomfy. Usually the romance and architecture ones seem to merge. I had a dream recently about being in this mansion on the water intentionally shaped like a boat where I would have nice, cozy times with this girl I really like and been talking to (outside of dream). We would cuddle in the night, and occasionally invite our friends over for karaoke and movies that were projected on this huge living room screen and make nice dinners in the kitchen together. It was really surreal but I honestly loved the dream and have been cherishing it in my head for some time since I had it.


That sounds wonderful, I hope this warmth stays with you.
Many years ago I had a dream like that, and every once in a while something reminds me.
Even now, the strength of feeling it evokes amazes me.


Me again, I guess I was thinking about that dream, and how I'd explain it to someone.
I realised to explain the feeling fully, I needed to explain a little about someone in it, and in exploring that I realised it was a feeling I'd carried with me more than half my life, and never mentioned.
So here you go rolls, the rambling secrets of an insufferable fool.
We met in the first year of high school, which where I'm from means around 14 years old.
We grew to be pretty good friends, and in time I developed pretty strong feelings for her. I didn't think she was interested, and I valued the friendship, so I kept it to myself.
Over time we drifted apart, took different paths in life.
She ended up dating an exceptionally dull classmate, at the time it was a bitter feeling, but I moved on.
Through talking out those feelings, and some similar ones in return I ended up very close to her then best friend, now one of my closest friends.
We both moved away to study, and drifted further still. We met up a few times after that, but she wasn't the person I once knew.
The last time we spoke she was utterly preoccupied with money, and virtue signalling to her fancy new friends. The dull classmate had dumped her, and she was now dating a guy with very wealthy parents, and who was absolutely smitten with her, but had all the personality of a damp paper towel. She was telling me how great everything was going, but it felt so forced, so unnatural.

I'd been going through a bit of a low patch myself, and I sort of expected the meet up to bring back some pangs of youthful yearning, of tragic unrequited love.
But instead it was just sad. To see the wonderful little weirdo I used to know leading a life I know she would have once found abhorrent. Aspiring to things I don't think she really wanted, and settling for easy conveniences over following her passions.


Sometimes I wonder, what if we had got together all those years ago? I doubt it would have lasted, but perhaps it would have set her down a different path. Perhaps could have held on to the wonder and beauty she used to see in the world, and made peace with who she was, instead of reshaping herself to another's mould.
But back then I didn't really know what was coming, and the suspicions I had I didn't really credit.
I'd have been going against what I thought was best for her then in persuit of my own teenage horniness.
And if things had gone my way from the start, might I have ended up the same way? For sure my experience back then shaped who I am today.

It's all very presumptuous of course. I've no good reason to believe I know what's best for anyone. But what I wouldn't give to find out what might have been.
In recent years I've come to realise she's probably pretty autistic and didn't really know how to make sense of her feelings and others advances back then.
The life she was living when we last met was perhaps a mask she adopted to fit in with the people she saw as successful.
I hope it's not that simple, I'd much rather believe she really is happy with what she's got. But it's hard to believe…
And of course, that was years ago too. Perhaps she has moved on, and found herself. That would be the best outcome.

That's kind of what the dream was about. It came to me a few years after that last meeting.
There has been some kind of apocalyptic event, I don't know what exactly, but there was noone around but the two of us.
We were working on a farm, planting potatoes and digging channels for irrigation. It was hard work, the sun was fiercely hot, she was complaining constantly and I was finding it harder and harder to put up with.
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Apologies for the blog post, I typed the whole thing on my phone in the tiny reply box. It was so long (or perhaps so self indulgent) the server wouldn't accept it in one go.
I don't really know why anyone would want to read it, but I do know one of the things I love most about this place is reading the little pieces of themselves others share, without any real reason or reward.
Touching fragments of humanity, floating in a big cozy soup.

But, finally, I have made it back on topic.
The last dream I can remember started with my next door neighbour climbing in my bedroom window to ask me where I got my alarm clock because he really liked the sound. I explained it was from Lidl, and I'm not sure if they still sell them. I offered him mine, but he declined. We both had a cup of tea, I let him back out the front door and went off to work.
It seemed a perfectly casual interaction at the time

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Today's sunset was very pretty. The fiery oranges melt into the milky smooth white which leads the way for the light blue cheering up lonely wanderers in the darkness ahead.

These summer nights outside always give me calm yet uncomfy thoughts about me and my purpose in this world. Since they are uncomfy I shall not talk about them so use your imagination! Do you have any comfy memories and thoughts that summer nights bring out for you instead?

There are some dreams that my mind lunges for but are too out of reach for reality. One of them is to just get a vacation from living, get somewhere where nobody knows me and just camp there in a tent. Read a bunch of books, cook small meals and aimlessly wander in the small half-empty villages and towns at night. Are there any comfy dreams you are actively trying to turn into reality?

Since you are here, this is a public reminder for members of the Cult Of Good Sleep to check their clocks, maybe it's YOUR time to join with the dark!

Good night sushirolls.

PS: photo related but not fresh
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Good night
Sleep tight
For the Future


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I must sleep and rest well.


To sleep, perchance to dream


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Dream of tanks


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Dream a little dream for me..

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is compassion contrasted by strength?
I'm too soft and that makes me feel weak
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The way I see it, compassion is the existence of strength combined with the will to use it for good. A person that is only nice to people who are stronger than them and could hurt them isn't compassionate, they are a coward. A compassionate person is kind to others that they are stronger than and could easily hurt for gain or ignore for convenience. This extends to animals and children as well. Even if you don't consider yourself to be very strong or influential, there will always be someone or something below you. A compassionate person doesn't just allow the weaker to survive, they go out of their way to help those who are weaker than themselves and give them the same fighting chance at life that they themselves have.


You gotta have trust.


And put your faith into something strong.


Showing compassion for the reprehensible can be a strength. Showing genuine compassion for people society hates or loves to shit on is hard.


compassion is beauty
beauty shall save the world

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Skating, parkour, graffiti, urbex etc. There's nothing like the feeling of the wind as you fly towards the pavement.

To someone who recognises this thread: I'm sorry I was rude when you said you couldn't join my dream, it was meant as a joke response to someone else but I forgot how to make a side thread ;_;
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Overcrook club its back for whoever its interested the mods said they're still working on it but i posted there and its working.


How do i get there the old domain gives an 404


Its 404 for me now too its been 2 days


Maintnence, its back now


Bicycling, bicycling. La la laaaaaaaa.

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This place seems comfy
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Just read it, listen to the original songs, and listen to the albums made for the show honestly. It's really sad it turned out the way it did but for a lot of people, it felt like the actualization of characters they helped establish as fans, so there's lots of nostalgia.


moar like mekaku shitty actors amirite


that's more or less what I remember of it as well


I enjoyed it


You better believe it…

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There's something peculiar about falling asleep as the first rays of dawn start peeking in through your blinds. A feeling of guilt, mixed with comfiness, as you fall asleep when everyone else rises from their slumber. Unhealthy, but acceptable in reasonable amounts.
It happens to me far too often, though…

When do sushi rolls usually fall asleep? I don't doubt there are other people here with wack schedules.
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dont go nocturnal if possible


I try to go to bed by 12PM. Naturally I'm a night owl so I like to stay up at night because it's so peaceful so it's a good time to reflect and so on… But I also find that waking up early can be empowering and makes me want to be more productive, because mentally I feel like I'm "ahead" of everyone else because they're sleeping while I'm already up and ready.


Cold is making me sleep earlier…


That's been roughly my sleeping pattern for the past 5 years now. Sometimes I end up awake between 1:30 and 3:00. Before that I was at 6AM to 2PM for around 19 years. Things certainly seemed more balanced with the 6AM to 2PM schedule I had. I barely ever get to experience sunlight anymore unless I force myself to stay up all day during a day off which kills all of my energy for almost the entire next work week. I ironically try to powernap during my lunch breaks half of the time and skip meals a lot to attempt to balance anything out as well as to maximize my free time when I can.


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with working 1st shift i normally sleep from 11pm to 7am on the weekdays. my gym closes at noon on Saturday specifically so i sleep usually from 1am to 10am or so on Friday into Saturday. Saturday into Sunday i sleep basically whatever i want since it's the only day of the week i can stay up late and sleep in late. catch me laying in bed until 3pm on Sunday mornings lol.

i used to work night shift for a couple years but honestly i think i prefer the more normal schedule of 1st shift. i feel more like a functioning human being when i wake up early in the day lol.

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I realized that I have no friends irl and like two online. I really can't fit in any discord server or anything, I don't know why. It feels weird and it makes me feel miserable, how do I make friends online?

Also today it's my wife Ann's bday, pic related
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I wonder if you guys know that friends shape you. It can be like being in a relationship, and choosing the wrong partner can be hell.

I'm just pointing this out because I used to feel like this and then I realized, after trying to befriend people, that the majority of people aren't worth the time.


Furthermore, many are concerned more about how well the relationship is, what the relationship is, where the relationship is, where they each are, how each are, how many relationships one has, how alone but plenty their contacts are, how many people value you, how to make these people value you more, why don't I click as we-

But never is there a question on where you are going, why you need to be friends, what is bad about being alone, what interests me.

Most people aren't worth the time. Often they'll depress you.
I will concede that having a group that encourages each other and creates an interesting world together is valuable, but unlikely to find by posting your contact on some forum or sending status updates through IM.


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Meeting friends after a long day at work is always worth it!


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Thank you for being a friend…


ok, schizo. Take your pills and post street fighter again.

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