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been feeling depressed lately, gonna sit in my roomu today just listening to music and drinking coffee and wait for it all to pass.
oh well, life goes on i guess
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When I was learning Chinese I found that HelloTalk was a good language exchange app


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i had met her through HelloTalk, however I met a lot of girls through the Japanese classes at the college I was going to at the time. more film pics for content


ironically we had broken up like a year after I started this thread feelsbadman


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Walk and talk, man.
Don't give up totally.


Piano & Violin

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i want to talk about egirl fashion. i really enjoy the vibrant colors and creativity of egirl makeup. also i like the outfits that egirls wear because i like the designs and they look very comfy to wear. i like womens fashion because of the diversity in it unlike mens fashion which is very boring. i love to hear your opinions on womens fashion
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I found e-girl fashion interesting because I worked at a make-up store, so I kind of saw the behind the scene's of it. The aggressive use of make-up in e girl is a bit harder to pull off then the natural hidden makeup. If you're using a couple dots of concealer perfect color matching doesn't matter, but if you're smearing blush all over your face you will 100% notice if the pink's off.
Also e-girl fashion is interesting because it works best in picture's of short-form media with filters. No matter how hard skilled you are or how expensive your products are there is no hiding the fact that you have a crap ton of make-up, giga lashes, and a synthetic wig. All three of those things are blatant if you see them irl or without filters. This is a style needs a filter to smooth over the weird shine in synthetic wigs/over dyed hair, noticeable caking from to much blush, etc. Alongside that the make-up gets really melty if left on for more than 5 hours, so it has to be short form content.


There isn't an egirl fashion. Its just social media sludge, an inconsistent mix of random stuff pulled from other subcultures. So you have the aesthetic style of 2000s MySpace emo, elements of New Wave and Pop Punk, metal band shirts despite most egirls not being metalheads or references to anime, which aside from mainstream stuff, no egirl watches. The egirl is the ultimate corporate culture vulture. She follows whatever's popular and trending, a slave to the algorithm and the law of the market. What really creeps me out about egirl fashion is the lack of any real culture. When you see a metalhead covered in patches you know those patches mean something, they signal other metalheads and its a sign they're all part of a game, a common culture that gives what they do meaning. Egirls are the total opposite of this.


Are you saying that egirls represent a strong nexus point of hyperreality? I think I'd be inclined to agree insofar as your representation is concerned.


That's a good way of putting it. Egirls are aimless wanderers. They move from place to place, picking up the latest trending fad and dropping it again with little in the way of overall aesthetic or narrative consistency. Its hyperconsumerism pushed to its ultimate endpoint: where even the self is a commodity traded for likes and life is simply aimless wandering for the next faddish thing with the hope of increasing views, likes, and social capital. You consume the rebellious aesthetic of punk or metal without being really committed to it or even interested in it beyond superficial appearences. Its more what punk symbolized to society rather than what it actually was. Egirls are famatic consumers of signs. Even schizo nomads have community, some level of commitment to something other than self-presentation. Egirls are the ultimate aesthetic vampires. They aren't the only ones. They just stick out the most.


That's prety cool tbh

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 No.10751[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are you thankful for today sushis?
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A breakfast sandwich with a nice cold glass of milk.


I am proud of you!


I'm thankful for kindness, for sunny days, and for having a body!


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I am thankful that I have never manipulated people into cutting themselves.
I am thankful I have never tried to extort or blackmail people for my own net gain
I am thankful I have never indulged in impersonating others out of spite.
I am thankful I have always been a transparent person for most of my life.
I am thankful for my mother who is now in heaven sadly enough, who has helped me and taught me a lot.
And I'm thankful I have learned to love myself enough to not indulge into people like that.
What I'm not thankful, is in who indulges in that and thinks he is in any shape or form to tell me how wrong I am. And then have the audacity to have some sort of high ground.
My only thankfulness there, is knowing that I'm better than that.


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I considered my own solitary style of living, as well as my niche hobbies, and it's in this that I found myself being thankful for the presence of my roommate.
He's hardly the ideal, he's pretty much a hoodrat struggling through life. But, his presence, even when he needs help a lot, helps ground me a to my own humanity, rather than becoming a total escapist. He reminds me of my better impulses as a person, giving me plenty of opportunity to exercise them in fact, as well as reminded me that it is natural for people to be imperfect, to be weak at times, to even be coarse and abrasive. It trains my compassion, give me opportunity to see the Golden Rule work in action, it's pretty nice all things considered.

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Hey, I need some advice. I can't do anything I want to do (even simple things) because I am very uncomfortable. I'm not sure how to explain it. It's just a permanent feeling of physical discomfort. Even staying in bed is painful.
What do?
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Stick to a schedule


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What am I praying for?


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Pray for the reckoning


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Atomic Habits. Tiny changes snowball into dramatic transformations. So long as you desire it and give yourself the room to fail then you can.

Too many people are afraid to try and fail, but failure is life's greatest teacher. So give yourself the room to try and to fail because through the process of trying again and again you will learn, you will grow, and you will be transformed. Celebrate however far you've come, and let yourself try just a little more each time. Love yourself and love the process, knowing that with each strike you take you will eventually level a whole mountain! So don't ever be afraid to try, only to have never tried at all. This needs to be said, because too many people limit themselves with negative self-talk and define themselves in static terms. Picture related.

This can be helpful, but again don't be too strict on yourself and remember that life is a process of continuous growth and transformation. You must love yourself, give yourself permission to try, and just do the best you can. You may be able to get close to the green, but don't beat yourself up if you fail to because no one is perfect. I don't always eat healthy, I don't always sleep "optimally", I don't always focus well, but I do stay curious, seek to learn, and believe that I can try.

Have a great life sushi~ <3

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Stop being so negative.
We live in the greatest age known to man.
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I think it's undeniable to come to the conclusion - if you do any sort of retrospective and introspective thinking - that we live in the time of kali yuga. "the age of quarrel and hypocrisy"
Everything appears fine and dandy to you, especially if you happen to live in a secure working or middle class environment. But you probably never stop to ponder exactly whose sacrifice and backs are broken from the oppressive nature of capitalism which provides that security for you. To be honest, it is quite selfish to say "we live in the greatest age known to man" when you are perfectly aware that the so-appearing flourishment of our civilization is only made possible through exploitation of the less fortunate. Ultimately though this myth most likely arises not only from your own dishonesty but also ignorance. I would recommend you at least read Rene Guenon or David Bentley Hart

>“But I don’t believe in the myth of progress. If he literally means that we have emerged into a period moral superiority in every sphere, I mean, yes, Western industrial societies flourish and they look after their own, they’re also complicit in many more discrete violence’s, violence’s that are hid from everyday view, wars that are not fought on their own soil, exploitation of other peoples, their resources, their economies. The use of…cheap labor in China to mass produce products to give us a level of material comfort that allow us to look after one another. Yes, we have altered the way in which we go about enacting our violence’s, we have drawn in our borders a bit, and we do in modern societies have functioning welfare states that are somewhat more provident toward our own, but the notion that we’re better off now morally, that morally we’ve advanced in an unambiguous way, and in every sense, and because we’ve thrown off religion, as if religion existed in the abstract and we’re a single monolithic reality, or as if religion were to blame for the atrocities of the twentieth century, which is the age of the great march forward of the secular national state as a project, I think it’s just a wild over-simplification, and a dangerous one, because I think it allows one a degree of a moral complacency and optimism not warranted by history….”

>“It’s a realist view to recognize that just because we tell ourselves that we’re morally superior to our ancestors when you actually get down to the ways in which our society is
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I wanna decent holiday to relax & recharge..


People just don't know where to look for information and learning resources in general. While it is true that most books and scientific articles are behind a paywall, there is a considerable amount of solutions to get access without paying anything (pirate libraries are ironically the largest libraries in human history).
Yet, most people are not aware of these solutions since they have a biased perspective about how one makes a business out of a web service. That being said, maybe these solutions wouldn't exist if they suddenly become mainstream.


True. Also True. True. Yeah that's the problem: I'm stuck trying to figure out how to pull a salivary stone out when I can't even make cereal.


Here, take this with you.
Yeah don't do that please also that's not even a real place.

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is compassion contrasted by strength?
I'm too soft and that makes me feel weak
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The way I see it, compassion is the existence of strength combined with the will to use it for good. A person that is only nice to people who are stronger than them and could hurt them isn't compassionate, they are a coward. A compassionate person is kind to others that they are stronger than and could easily hurt for gain or ignore for convenience. This extends to animals and children as well. Even if you don't consider yourself to be very strong or influential, there will always be someone or something below you. A compassionate person doesn't just allow the weaker to survive, they go out of their way to help those who are weaker than themselves and give them the same fighting chance at life that they themselves have.


You gotta have trust.


And put your faith into something strong.


Showing compassion for the reprehensible can be a strength. Showing genuine compassion for people society hates or loves to shit on is hard.


compassion is beauty
beauty shall save the world

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This place seems comfy
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Just read it, listen to the original songs, and listen to the albums made for the show honestly. It's really sad it turned out the way it did but for a lot of people, it felt like the actualization of characters they helped establish as fans, so there's lots of nostalgia.


moar like mekaku shitty actors amirite


that's more or less what I remember of it as well


I enjoyed it


You better believe it…

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There's something peculiar about falling asleep as the first rays of dawn start peeking in through your blinds. A feeling of guilt, mixed with comfiness, as you fall asleep when everyone else rises from their slumber. Unhealthy, but acceptable in reasonable amounts.
It happens to me far too often, though…

When do sushi rolls usually fall asleep? I don't doubt there are other people here with wack schedules.
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dont go nocturnal if possible


I try to go to bed by 12PM. Naturally I'm a night owl so I like to stay up at night because it's so peaceful so it's a good time to reflect and so on… But I also find that waking up early can be empowering and makes me want to be more productive, because mentally I feel like I'm "ahead" of everyone else because they're sleeping while I'm already up and ready.


Cold is making me sleep earlier…


That's been roughly my sleeping pattern for the past 5 years now. Sometimes I end up awake between 1:30 and 3:00. Before that I was at 6AM to 2PM for around 19 years. Things certainly seemed more balanced with the 6AM to 2PM schedule I had. I barely ever get to experience sunlight anymore unless I force myself to stay up all day during a day off which kills all of my energy for almost the entire next work week. I ironically try to powernap during my lunch breaks half of the time and skip meals a lot to attempt to balance anything out as well as to maximize my free time when I can.


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with working 1st shift i normally sleep from 11pm to 7am on the weekdays. my gym closes at noon on Saturday specifically so i sleep usually from 1am to 10am or so on Friday into Saturday. Saturday into Sunday i sleep basically whatever i want since it's the only day of the week i can stay up late and sleep in late. catch me laying in bed until 3pm on Sunday mornings lol.

i used to work night shift for a couple years but honestly i think i prefer the more normal schedule of 1st shift. i feel more like a functioning human being when i wake up early in the day lol.

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hi im new
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hi new! how are you ?


>>13427 pic
What a sweet collision of stories.
I hope they become friends.


I only lurk and never post oh wait darn it


Don't rick-roll me


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Wanna play some Palworld?

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post cockatoo pics and talk about cockatoos! I love these creatures. All cockatoos allowed but major mitchell's cockatoos are my favourite :)
and hybrid cockatoos aren't allowed because that's unethical.
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that's pretty amazing I didn't know birds were so social/playful


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they are nearly as intelligent and social as humans. some birds are even possibly capable of language. not in the form of having words for danger, food, mating, etc, but as innate ability for grammatical structures, concepts like nouns, adjectives and verbs. All animal language research is at risk of being heavily interpreted, but I think we might actually be close to coming to a conclusion of language not being uniquely human. In any case birds are also demonstratably self aware and understand abstract concepts like death and its permanence.


oh and another thing birds understand that even young humans don't necessarily is object permanence.


Are they like parrots?

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