Struggling with loneliness, a sister that wants nothing to do with me despite saying otherwise and the constant fear of abandonment.
I'm doing okay. Like the sushi roll above I'm feeling a bit lonely, but it's nothing too terrible. I don't relate to my old friends anymore and I'm really struggling to make new ones. Plus I'm not so good at friendship. I frequently forget to talk to friends for months at a time, which is probably why I have so few.
In the last year I did accept myself for who I am, and got rid of a lot of self hatred, which is nice. Now I can examine some feelings that have been bubbling below the surface for ages and it's been cathartic to examine them. I don't need that external validation anymore. The freedom is nice.
Beyond the emotional garbage I've been making some minor repairs to my house. I'm pretty bad about getting projects done in a reasonable timeframe though…