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What are the little things that make you happy?
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I get really happy pretty much all day round during Autumn. The weather is just perfect, the sun starts setting earlier and the trees are gorgeous. I always find myself ditching my car just to walk around and enjoy the weather.

It's the best time of the year for me. I can get my work done faster, i'm far more active and it's just overall comfier. It all results in a domino effect to where nearly every other aspect of my life gets some sort of weird buff and everything just works out.

Also when my cat hops on my desk and lays down on my mouse. My hand gets trapped under him for like 30 minutes until he gets up and leaves, but it makes me really happy regardless.


Making pancakes


Travelling where you do not drive is comfy.


Photography, unironically. Ever since I bought a digital camera I've been going outside more and it's a refreshing experience.


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A game that is immersive enough to lose yourself in for a couple days would be nice..

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Lately I've been watching a lot of videos about the dead internet theory., and now I'm kinda worried about the future. How do I be more positive sushis?
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What are you worried about? As long as small, independent places like this where sushis can congregate, we can always keep alive old culture.


Its hard being positive about the future. Everything seems like its gone wrong. I guess what you can do is try to establish some small peace in your mind. Don't overthink things. Cut out sources of negativity like social media and news/political debate. Enjoy the little things in life like watching little bugs climb on flowers or sitting on a park bench to enjoy the sunshine. Try and fill your life with those little moments of happiness. But you also have to accept that you aren't in control. Whatever's happening in the world is something you can't change by yourself. Learn to let go.


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Just shut your brain off.
Don't give a care for anything happening around you.
If it doesn't affect you directly, why care?
It's easy as hell. Football, games, work, entertainment, repeat.
Not hard.


what an incredible post, thank you so much, my eyes are watering

just like how depression acts as a gray pair of goggles that make a person see no pleasure in anything (anhedonia), i'm wearing a cynical and frustrated pair of goggles that make me see everything in the worst light.

but when i do this, it feels good. because it feeds my superiority complex, because for some reason seeing the world as terrible feels good.

but i don't want the rest of my life to be increasingly bitter and upset. i don't want to live that life, it seems miserable. even if pessimism is cool and safe and optimism is cringe and embarassing, i should start moving inch by inch, thought pattern by thought pattern, into the sun.


It's crazy how many people on Facebook will see an obviously AI-rendered photo of an American military veteran with 16 fingers holding up a sign in some ancient eldritch runic language with the caption "Why don't pictures like this trend anymore :(" and thousands of people will fall for it.

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One of my favourite threads here over the years was about "organisation of knowledge", which I think was lost during that soyjak raid a few years ago. I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately so I wanted to bring this thread back. Unfortunately the wayback machine didn't have the full thread, but I was able to get the original OP.

>I've always been studying something, even when school finished, but I've never really been one to keep my notes or revise them very often. Now, I find myself going back over some of the material because I need to use it in my work. I find myself wondering if my notes would have been useful if I stored them in a better format and revised them more often.

>My questions to you guys are

>How do you organize your knowledge?

>Do you prefer a unified format, a subject-specific format, or an even more granular format?
>Do you build hierarchies, use tags, or do something else?
>Do you maintain an index specific to a particular audience or subject (e.g., the front page of a wiki)?
>How do you reference other materials (e.g., books, online articles that might disappear).
>Does your format cater to a specific study style? Is it different for different subjects?
>When your note corpus starts becoming large, how do you navigate through it? Searching? Hierarchy? Something else?
>Do you find that your notes match your thinking style several years later, or do you find that you have changed, causing the notes to be less useful?
>Do you focus on creating notes that help you achieve different tasks (e.g., task-based learning)?
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>How do you go about actually committing things to memory?
If you ever encounter a proposition, try to prove it yourself. If you find yourself unable to, then you should go over the proof, try to understand it, and then redo the proof a day later.
This always works for propositions of math, (analytic) philosophy, and logic where everything can be proven using only deductive reasoning and axioms/premises*. It somewhat works for science when it's easy to recreate an experiment (like Ampere's law) or when a certain scientific principle follows from others you've already established (like the conservation of energy and momentum in classical mechanics) however sometimes you're just going to need to trust previous scientists and the results they've received from their experiments.
It may also work for subjects in the humanities e.g perspective in art but I doubt that many artists have a strong understanding of projective geometry (if any at all) to be able to derive it on their own.
Anyways the idea behind all of this is that if you really understand the underlying logic and reasoning of why a certain statement is true, it is significantly easier to remember it.

*Except when your axiomatic system can encode PA as according to Godel's theorem.


I wrote a lot more than I needed to uh-

TL;DR Make sure you actually understand the given information. One way of doing this is by trying to prove that the information is correct


Personal Wikis, second brains, I have no use for none of that. I keep most what I read in my brain, I just let it be absorbed and be integrated in my "world model", even if that means losing sight of many details. I also usually remember roughly from which book I got a certain idea, and can refer to it at any point. I do keep a structure of sorts, it is simply the filesystem hierarchy of directories where the books are stored. The books themselves serve as a kind of reference. It doesn't matter that I haven't read all of them, for a great many of them, I've read just a few chapters, or even just the preface. Enough to have an idea of the contents and the style of each of them, and where I can reach for more elaboration, specific information, whatever.
In this sense, it _is_ like a second brain which I can consult at any time but which I haven't yet absorbed into the first one, the first one is a view of the forest, the second one holds the trees, it can also be thought of as a map of the forest.
No notes of my own, I don't need that. But sometimes I do wish I had a more or less convenient way to keep some notes from books I read. The reading app I use lets me highlight text, and keep bookmarks, but that metadata resides in the app and not in the ebook files themselves, not every book is properly OCR'd and I can't highlight shit, and the app is just the front, which I use in the reading device, which is not the same as the storage device, the reading device may stop working at any time and I would just get another one.
I do keep notebooks at home, those I use heavily. I use them for language learning, which involves: vocabulary lists, paradigms, structural analysis of difficult sentences, copying texts, and plenty of exercise drills. Of this, the paradigms and vocabulary lists are the only bits that I refer to, and they occupy relatively small part of the notebook's contents and I usually stop needing most of that material at some point. I gotta say, I really enjoy having my notebooks scribbled with text written in strange scripts from all over the world. Sometimes I say, regarding my lack of creative skills: my notebooks are my craft :-)
I have been interested in the topic of structured notes, personal wikis, all that stuff, but I don't really know what I would put in such files. I also don't want to spend a lot of time learning the ropes of some system like org-mode or whatever, when all I want is to keep notes. Then again, if I think aboPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Do you miss the old days?
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yes and no
there was good times sure but the future me can do even better
I get that


I do miss it sometimes, but that's just the nostalgia talking. Thankfully, things have been getting much better for me the past few years, so I don't have much to miss from back then.


Yes, sometimes. But the past is the past and I'm looking forward to the future


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All the time. When I was younger and had so many opportunities but I wasted them all. When I had online hangouts and online friends, before every meme video was censored and wojak and pepe went mainstream (as stupid as that sounds).

A lot of other very painful stuff too. Now I literally have no online friends and no life. Never waste your chances sushis, if you don't take them you'll end up bitter like me with nothing but memories.


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Hi sushis. I hope it's okay that I post this, because I really like you guys and I mostly lurk around because I'm too braindead and mentally ill to post and not obsess over it. But anyways, I'm doing really terribly. I've dug myself into an awful pit and all I can do right now is bawl my eyes out and scratch myself, curl up into a ball, etc. because someone I became dependent on, and the only person that I can connect to, hasn't spoken to me in 2 weeks and I can only think of the worst case scenario.

I've been accusing them of awful things and starting to feel detached more and more and the only thing I can do is distract myself. Unfortunately my distractions have run out and now all I can do is call them constantly and spam them, to no avail. I'm so paranoid because almost each and every relationship I've had in the past has turned into a mess and often I get cheated on and hurt and it makes me want to die. I'm so afraid of it happening again, it feels like I'm always drawn towards people that want to hurt me. I don't know if this person does, but I'm so afraid they do. I'm so obsessive that I begin to look up their name in places and… fuck, I don't know. I'm so afraid. It's all going to happen again.

My life is complete garbage and it's all my fault. I have locked myself in my room and constantly get myself hurt because all I wanted to do was try to find a single person to depend on, some kind of fantasy. I want to leave the world with this person. I even think of suicide pacts often as stupid as that sounds, I feel like it would be much easier to do with a close friend than on your own.

I don't know if I've said all that I should have here and I feel really scatterbrained… I hope it makes sense. I'm really pathetic. I want to vomit.

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Your self-awareness is a good first step sushi. Perhaps looking inward to find how you developed these feelings could lead you to a healthier escape from your despair.

From my own past experience, some communities or sites are probably just not good places to find your emotional support. If you have any reason to think this person in question is somehow taking advantage of you try to find an escape elsewhere. If they're truly kind then they wont mind you getting some space so you can figure things out.


good post sushi
definitely agree that you've got a lot of self examination ahead, its a long road but it does help
you definitely need to try your best to not look at anything related to them, I had a breakup and was obsessing and checking everything I could.
I've only found diving deep into a project is the way out, since you are thinking about other things. I wouldnt recommend it but I had to get lower so i drunk and threw up a bunch and only once I did that did I finally get over the final hurdle. It only worked by me having other shit I wanted to do. I am however quite spite driven so it fuels my desire to succeed, that and when im particularly moody/focused do I listen to music a bit too loudly


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Please have some respect for yourself. That's what I want to say, although I don't fully understand what you and the object of your obsession are.

Don't reach out to them who won't reach out to you. Maybe that's the right stance to adopt for this particular problem. Maybe that person was indeed cheating on you and intended to hurt you. Is this the worst-case scenario you've been thinking of? It may also be that your special person is arrested or dead, although it's more likely that the person in question simply has no will to talk to you or is afraid of reestablishing contact. If that is indeed the case and they master the strength to reply to you, then, please, be merciful and feel free to forgive them. Humans are rarely angels, if ever they are.

If you want yourself a distraction, then rather than locking yourself in a room, try going for a 20-kilometer walk. Walking will calm you down, and eating a fat, heavy meal right after that will make you feel nice and warm and will put you to sleep. If you have the opportunity, move out of your city to where everything is green and fine for a week, and don't touch your smartphone for any purpose other than checking where to go. Although, if it's hot outside, this may turn out to be torture, so decide for yourself.



Thank you sushis for having given my blogpost the time of day.


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Let's play some games

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Hi sushi!
What are the most memorable things you have been part of/experienced on this site?
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Dunking on randos trying to get Sushis into raiding. Twice.


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browsing the comfy threads and giving people life advice. also posting music

raiding is not sushi or comfy.


Yeah that's what I mean. Twice I've seen a random user come from some other website and try to rally us for a raid, and we all just dunk on them.


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I don't think we've had that many happenings. There was the .tokyo domain dying and the creation of this domain in 2016, the sama immigration in 2020, then the sharty raid in 2021. I started using sushi after the domain change, but I remember the other two quite well. I can't think of anything else significant.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, the lack of major incidents has made my day-to-day experience of using sushi smooth and painless, but my recollection of the site is mostly one big blur. I used to post on wizardchan back in the day and there was a lot of drama, admin changes, etc. that was annoying and got in the way of normal discussion at the time, but has made my memory of the place very sharp.

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it's my birthday sushis,
sorry to bother, honestly I don't really have anything to do today other than work in the morning.. oh well.
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Is this a korean
She looks korean


Probably photo-shopped…




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I just finished cooking some pasta with some homemade tomato sauce.
It is goooooooooood, altho' my dad said it was very spicy.
I personally loved it. I wish I could cook a meal for all of you.
Post delicacies if you wish.
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Also this phone can go to hell, I should get a new one


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I cooked soup after a long time.
It was naiiiiiiiiisu~~~


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Been too lazy to cook recently, but today I made a grilled cheese sandwich. It was so good that I made a second one immediately after. Good lazy day food.




Eat your greens

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Heyyo sushi's :)
Haven't been on an image board I'm awhile, used to frequent lainchan but it seems to have gotten a bit boring from what I remember sushi definitely seems alot more lively and fun. Haven't got much to do with my life as of recent after my girlfriend dumped me (accusing me of beating her, but that never happened…) So I'm a bit bored these days and since I live out in the middle of nowhere there's absolutely nothing to do… I used to smoke the devil's lettuce to get through my day and calm my thoughts but I don't know anyone to buy it from. So I guess I'll revert back to my old ways of being an internet nerd. lol. Anything interesting happening in your lives, sushi's?
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Turkey earthquake getting me down…
Also the Ukraine fight with Russia…




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Was chasing a crow out of the office today….


for the chive slaw:
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
½ bunch|125 grams green chives, cut into thirds
¼ bunch|40 grams yellow chives, cut into thirds
4 scallions, cut into thirds
1 medium shallot, thinly sliced
⅔ cup|65 grams bean sprouts
2 teaspoons gochugaru
¾ teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 tablespoon black vinegar
½ teaspoon sesame oil
¾ teaspoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons chili oil
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Chef Wang shares: "Monkey's Head Mushroom"
Turn on cc for english subtitles

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Just applied for my first job, pls hope for the best sushirolls!!!
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>Pick up any good Touhou stuff?
I did! I'll try and list a few things here, might take some photos and post in one of the dead figure threads in /kawaii/.

I picked up a bunch of Touhou stuff but the items I am happiest about are a handmade Yuyuko plush, Marisa and Reisen sofubi figures, Magical Maid Sakuya figure, and the Liquid Stone Kanako GK. The rest of the Touhou stuff I got was mostly minor things like keychains, pins, and other assorted items.

Your situation isn't ideal. I can't really offer good advice as I can't relate to your exact position, but I'll try and give a few of my thoughts.
You tried but ended up where you started, but you put in the effort.
> if I don't get out of my career path now, I'll be in a kitchen for the rest of my life.
I don't think this is true. Even if you have to stay in this job a while longer, you have the ability to get another job, sure it didn't work out the first time. But who's to say it won't work out the next? I'd start applying to other places slowly while working and just hope to be lucky. Don't give up hope! 頑張れ!!!


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Welcome back to the land of the free. I've been much like myself, the best. I see you have already devised a pretty decent comeback plan. Take your time and win when you're ready.

>Magical Maid Sakuya figure

Talk about a blast from the past…

Think about it this way: if they took you back so promptly after you left them, they have you in good standing. You've proven that you can be a good asset in this place, which means you can do the same in other places when the time comes.

Right now, you're sitting on top of a spring. You took your time to compress it further, adding more potential energy into that system. Something will click and all that energy will be released, flinging you up high, the more you compress that spring, the higher it will fling you.

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Nah, there's no such thing as "balance" when you work in a kitchen. I have neither money nor fulfillment. It's got a demonic hierarchy. You either stay a line cook making dogshit pay or clamber your way up to management where your life gets sucked away through call-ins, late hours, and having more responsibilities shoved onto you by the higher ups. The reason I had this crisis was by realizing most of my coworkers were 10-20 years older than me, and had no education or work experience necessary to go anywhere else in life. And that's going to be me too.

But if I can't have money or fulfillment in a kitchen, at least I could find a job where I have money. I went through trade school because I figured education was the ticket to a better job, but nope, turns out 5 years experience is. And I can't really get 5 years experience if I can't get hired in the first place.

I just wish I could get out of this fucked up cycle. I've been broke my entire life, and I just want to be stable.


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That's a hella complex situation to say the least…

>I figured education was the ticket to a better job, but nope, turns out 5 years experience is.

Not exactly. It certainly helps, but this is something that, depending on the trade you picked, can be bullshitted through. The first way is through networking with teachers and colleagues when learning. The second way is through internships, usually part of the course but you can go for internships after your learning journey and pull off the same thing (it's work for no money for a couple of months, which might make things even more difficult in your case though). The third way is through "freelancing". Sure you didn't work for a company, but if your chosen trade so permits it, you can get your work experience like this. The employment ads may have some barriers like "5 years experience" or "fluent italian", but if you've only got 2 years of experience and your italian is B1 level, they might still take you. All they really want is you to prove you're capable at what they want you to do and usually getting the interview is half the battle won. If a place is desperate enough and there's not enough people applying, you've got a fair chance.


I'm not going to be able to get a job until I'm 30 and I worry all this studying will be for nothing

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