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don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Hey sushi! What's your favorite bug?
My favorite bugs are moths! (spoilered the image for sushis who don't like bugs)
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funny buggo


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I want to pet a giant prehistoric millipede


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some cute jumpers I'm keeping

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I can't be the only one who likes to study and learn around here.
What do you study? What topics do you care about but don't get the time to do it? Are you self taught?
People who study just to pass a test are welcome, too, but that is not the theme of this thread.

I myself have been interested in ancient languages, and right now I am starting to learn ancient Greek, though as they say, it's all Greek to me.
I have other interests like astronomy, but really, I'm over my head with my current studies. I've also been learning some chemistry.
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Practising drawing. Hope to post results soon…


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In general, I tend to get curious about anything, although I am especially interested by math and theoretical cs.
I feel quite lucky to live in a truly remarkable era where science has experienced significant advancements over the course of several centuries.
The way I can easily access to information using pirate libraries or the internet is also quite amazing. We literally have access to all human knowledge for free :)
>What topics do you care about but don't get the time to do it?
I wish I could learn more languages.
As for now, I only feel comfortable in english and french, but I wish I had more time to study russian.
I would like to learn more about European history.


Holy shit it's been 7 months. I was in a SQL class and passed it. And, to my absolute surprise, that was the final class I needed to graduate with an Associates. I still haven't finished the network and security certifications, but I've studied fully for the latter and am going to see if I can prepare for the Network+ certification by the early part of next month. I haven't studied any kind of geography, but have actually read more political theory. Things are going slow, but they're going. Time is seriously screwed up for me. I can't believe it's been seven months now. I study the former because I really need the skills for life, but I also want to learn other stuff too because I know my high school education wasn't enough.

>I wish I could learn more languages.

I kind of want to learn Spanish because there are so many Spanish speaking people in my state that have limited English skills, but also a lot of people around me can speak Spanish, and it'd be cool to be able to have that skill.


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I dont like to study real world things seriously anymore, atleast not anything pertaining to a craft of some kind
My ADHD retard brain always gets obsessed with going as far as possible with it, and I inevitably get depressed as hell when i cant reach my own impossible goals
And when I decide to not take it anywhere in the first place, I still eventually get sour grapes anyways
So I'll just keep the grapes I already have sushi


What was wrong with me then? It's been another 5-6 months, and I passed a certification. I also spent another month training for the Network+ certification and I'm going to try beating the test on the 3rd of February. I have pretty low hopes, though. The test itself was really cheap compared to the A+, which was 500 dollars. Only 178 this time. I should probably start setting up a lab to get better on the hands on stuff. Also, I never found that geography site I used, but I did in fact read more political theory. I find my grasp of South America is pretty bad as well as Europe. I still have much to learn. I think I want to read a book a month.

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 No.8852[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What can I spend money on to make myself comfier?
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They are just more fun to type on. I don't think there is any other advantage than the feedback they give. Certainly not "health"-wise. Budget ones are usually noisy and bulky, so I went for a pricier low profile Keychron. I am perfectly happy with it, but thinking about a wrist pad for additional comfort. If it feels umcomfortable, don't even think about getting used to it.


Are keychron boards really worth it?


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I found the Keychron K3 Max meets all my requirements - it's quiet, feels nice to type on, has a sturdy aluminum frame, and is lightweight. The 2.4GHz connectivity is more reliable than BT, and switching between devices is almost instant. If you are on a budget, I’d recommend Epomaker and its sister brands.


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whoops, went a bit past 1 year later, but better a late update than no update.
i was sharing a master bedroom with two others at this last reply, but now i have my own space again after one of our roommates moved out. this reply won't be as much of a quick list of random things, but more of a "here's what i've gotten and done personally in the last year"

couple of big things to consider getting if you haven't:

- curtains. you can get curtain rods from most department stores and hang them up with the curtain of your choice. if you are renting and can't drill into the wall, look into either command hooks (they make ones specifically sized for curtain rods) or if you have vertical blinds look for "no-no" brackets that hang from the railing. get sheer curtains if you want to diffuse some natural light into your room in the daytime, or blackout curtains if you have trouble with outside light at night.
- a lamp or two, ideally at least a floor lamp and a table lamp on opposite ends of the room. having that bright ceiling light in your room always on can cause eye strain and isn't very pleasing to have lighting your room full-blast, the first thing i bought when i first got a job was a table lamp with a usb port to charge my phone and i still have it next to my bed nearly 10 years later

and some smaller ones:

- thriftbooks is a great place to get books for cheap if you're like me and primarily read on an e-reader but have a bookshelf that needs filling out, or you just can't afford brand new books (they have manga as well, in case you're wondering)
- old shelves, display cases, working electronics, etc. from thrift stores. i recently got a nice wooden display case to go next to my tv, as well as an old GE brand clock-radio. i may not use the alarm part but i do get some use out of the radio part when i want a break from my computer.
- a planner. i said "notebook" in my first reply, but this one is just as useful. you might not fill it out with lots of details, but that's okay. even just having your work schedule is a good start. it lets you have a physical mark of what you've done so far. fill it in with stuff you're proud to have done on that day so you can look back at the end of the year.
- get "vaguely-holiday" decor for very cheap after a holiday and add/remove stuff on it to make it work all year roundPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


(had to split this post in 2 for being too long, oops!)

and some good practices to consider:

- cordon off individual spaces and respect the boundaries you've set, don't make your space a "catch-all".
this one only really works if you have the space for it or feel comfortable enough outside of your personal space (i know that feeling all too well), but try not to make your room an "all-room" where you do everything from eat, game, watch things, work on stuff, sleep, etc. i can't really explain it easily myself so i recommend watching cgp-grey's "spaceship you" and "7 ways to maximize misery" videos. they've been pretty helpful, even if i don't follow half of the recommendations all the time.
- completely rearrange your room from time to time. flip the bed to the other side, put your desk in a different corner, turn that 2x3 cube organizer on its side if you can, move that shelf into the closet. if you feel like time goes by too fast, it's because everything is blurring together from how "samey" everything is. if you change up how things are even slightly, your mind will make better note of it after that change. even making change outside of just moving furniture around can help: take a different route home from work every once in a while, go to a different store than you do normally, walk the dog a couple blocks over on a different street.

that's about all i got for now, if i think of anything else in the coming days i'll add another reply, but hopefully this list helps as much as i hope the last two lists have. cheers, sushis!

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Do you believe in miracles sushi?
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miracles can be easier to find than you might think, take a good dose of magical shrooms and you'll find theres more to this world than meets the eye


Miracles are just when you dont get as bad an outcome of a bad situation as you could have. I think interesting things can happen and the world has more to it than many think thouh.


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Absolutely. I believe in the supernatural and I believe spirits once saved me from drowning in the ocean once.


Hello, what nice mobie is this one?
I can trade you other nice mobies that have scenes like this if you want! I know like 6!


Mirrored Mind (2005)
It's not exactly a movie I'd recommend because it only has like 3 scenes in it and barely any dialogue, would be considered frightfully boring to the majority of my generation I think, but it's relevant to my post about nearly dying.

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this boy (im assuming hes a boy) posted a reply to my thread asking how to get a bf, and WOW is he good with words…

i just read the first part of the essay that he wrote giving me tips, not only did i blush, but i was flattered that someone random is willing to socialize with a shy stranger like me!!

ive never hyperfixated on someone like this but i need to find out how to contact him!! i can tell that hes just the sweetest boy ever (>///<)

sushi roll if u see this, i love you!!!! <3
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that's nice, maybe you should make a blog (not here)


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why is she staring at me like that…


she might be a little obsessive


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I wish someone would love me like that sushi

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Where would you like to live sushi?

I would like to live in a cozy wooded area around 30 minutes away from town. I'd like a greenhouse to grow vegetables and herbs somewhere on the place too.

the inside would have to be hella comfy. Maybe a small A-frame style cabin? I'd like to have a firewood stove as well. As well as plenty of space to store my books!

What's your idea of cozy livin'?
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just recently saw a video that explained why using containers as houses isn't a good idea


The guy in the video didn't use a shipping container although it is rectangular in shape.


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I would like to live in a tall tower with a deep dungeon. Alternatively a traditional, oriental wooden house would do just fine too.


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If I succeed in the optometry field I'd like to build a large 15th century-esque manor on a large amount of land one day, with a large library, confusing hallways, and large bedrooms

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Has anyone in the board gone camping? I wanna get into it, but it can be overwhelming to think where to start.
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i live in the middle of nowhere, so if i wanted to id sleep outside but i prefer being indoors.
did way too much camping as a kid to still find it enjoyable.


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I've been there, nice place but very cold. Gonna post some of my favorite spots in Missouri, since it's my home turf.

Missouri has 93 state parks, and they are so well-maintained that many other states based their state park program on Missouri's. So here's a few of my personal favourites that I've visited.

Elephant Rock: great place, good fishing, big ass rocks which are fun to climb on. Great place to bring the kids.

Knob Noster: good group camping. Lots of picnic gazebos and amphitheaters that you can reserve.

Johnson's Shut-ins: good for hiking and "rock climbing" (there are no mountains in Missouri but we have some rocky cliffs). Also do not trust the fishing here, it's nothing of value. Learned that the hard way.

Onondaga Cave: best spelunking in the state. Obviously all warnings for spelunking apply, bring a helmet, pads, and light. I went here as a kid and got trapped in a tunnel, my friend had to drag me out by my feet. I still have claustrophobia from it.

Ha Ha Tonka: best park in the state. Beautiful hills and forests, with a freshwater spring, a cave to explore, and 'castle' ruins at the top of a hill (there are no castles in US, but it's pretty damn close). The attached pictures are all from Ha Ha Tonka.

Overall definitely worth a trip from out of state. We have a lot to offer.


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>What's your favorite place in nature sushi rolls?
Mountaintops and old forests <3
I've only ever done day hikes though, never camped overnight.


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Only ever camped in forests but the most beautiful place yet must have been on a hill, next to a lake. I could see all the nearby islands when I woke up. The feeling I felt in the sun while cooking my pancakes is something I'll never forget.

Agreed that you really don't need a lot of gear. When I first camped, I didn't have a tent, instead I slept in those lean-to's you find in a lot of forests. No problem at all. I think trying to find unique solutions to situations is part of the joy in camping. One time I arrived at a lean-to late in the night, it was pitch dark outside. On top of that, it started raining. And yet, when I finally managed to create a small fire with my humble tools, that success filled me immense bliss.


My personal favorite equipment is soviet era military gear (cheap and durable) plus a hammock with heavy blankets and a tarp for rain cover, bring canned goods and MREs for food, cooked over a small camp stove, and lots of alcohol. I also always bring a gun with me so I can poach some game or plink at tin cans in my free time.

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Working on any DIY projects, sushis?
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Might as well update on the kitchen too, it's nice to see how different it looks.
It's been a busy summer, but we're close to finishing all our projects!


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Replaced seven old slat vents with rusted out screens with new grate vents. They got some fancy temperature controlled open/close mechanism on them, we'll see how that works out. Would have been a trivial project except that the siding was installed hanging over the vents so I had to cut out some sections.


I didn't know primitive survival posted on sushigirl!


That is seriously impressive and cool!
Love the ducks they're cute


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>car audio system having problems, the LCD is dropping pixels and some of the control buttons don't work
>probably something loose in the wiring
>everything appears to be solid, no change when jiggling the connectors or wires
>some improvement when applying pressure to the LCD
>take off the audio deck control panel
>PCB with buttons & a screen soldered in, this is probably hopeless
>LCD is held on with some bendy metal prongs, maybe if I bend them a little more it'll tighten the connection?
>bend the prongs some more
>hook everything back up
>it actually worked

I did it myself, sushis

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hey sushis!!! let's make some mixtapes together:

found this cool site (i swear i'm fucking human this isn't some shit that's a XSS attack I swear) called mixtape garden where you can make 7 song collaborative mixtapes and the site will collate it into a single mp3 file (it crossfades the songs) which you can download for free.

i'd be interested to see what y'all come up with, post your links in the replies :3


pic: cover art for switch by xela fella


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Someone taught me how to crossfade and loop and stuff in audacity and it's incredibly easy, so I'll try to take you up on this mixtape idea.

Also if you're really cool you'll make your own album cover.


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Säkkijärven Polkka
Sweden Symphony Orchestra & N3 Symphony Orchestra
Soloist Linda Lampenius
Conductor Ulf Wadenbrandt
Video and Sound Jonas Wadenbrandt


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Caritas Abundat - Hildegard Von Bingen

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I wish I was a pure, honest, and simple person with a clean heart. Have you ever known a person like this? Someone who's just nice and not in a fake way but just a generally nice and good hearted person? Someone you don't want to spoil by exposing them to dumb soykafine on the internet? Ever notice how a person like this seems to be doing effortlessly? Its just something that comes naturally to them. Why can't I be like that? I wonder where I went wrong. Sometimes I blame the internet for having ruined me. Constant negativity, shitposting, pornography, crulety, and exposure to a news cycle and politics. You wind up becoming a cynical pessimistic person and for some reason the world thinks its cool to be an asshole. I wish I could be an adult again instead of a jaded adult. So what are some ways to overcome this and be a better person?

I get the feeling that being good isn't just about forcing yourself to have positive thoughts but changing your outlook on life and daily practice. You can't be a better swimmer without regular exercise. What are some techniques?
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Don't give up and be the best version of yourself.


How do you know what the best version of yourself is to begin ?


You know what this conversation reminds me of? Creep, by Radiohead: "I want a perfect body… I want a perfect soul." I can relate. I think the first step is probably to just… forgive yourself. Have compassion for who you are.

I would start by unraveling your life. Pick it apart piece-by-piece and analyze how it affects you to this day. When I was on imageboards as a teenager, I didn't understand why I was even using imageboards until much later. It was only in my 20s did I understand that as a child my parents and peers berated, bullied, and beat me. It's no wonder why I could not make friends in life, because I never trusted enough to do so. I could only feel safe talking to sushi rollymous people behind a screen. I don't blame myself for surrounding myself in internet culture, it was the only thing I knew to do.

I feel as a fellow imageboard user, there is a reason you have these feelings. Try to find that out, and in doing so I hope you find compassion for yourself. The secret is that when you find compassion for yourself, you'll find compassion in others, and you'll be that clean hearted person you're looking for.


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One day Banzan was walking through a market. He overheard a customer say to the butcher, “Give me the best piece of meat you have.”
“Everything in my shop is the best,” replied the butcher. “You can not find any piece of meat that is not the best.”
At these words, Banzan was enlightened.


We need a thread for these.

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