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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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What are some underrated environments/locations you like?

I've always been fascinated with the desert. There's something haunting and mystical about them, especially during the evening/night.


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Forested hills. The area I live in has many rolling hills with caves and cliffs, and forests cover this whole area. Trees are maybe my favorite thing ever, so it's nice.


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Mars gets all the attention but Venus is so much more interesting. It has a surface so hot it could melt lead shrouded by clouds of acid. Its so alien but so much like our Earth at the same time.

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I've been meaning to do a language thread, but I thought it would be more interesting if it includes comfy-posting about different parts of the world.
Feel free to share the -best- resources to learn your language or others that you may be aware of!

I know its hard to not get political but please try to keep it civil, or at most do some friendly banter.

I'm from a country that used to belong to the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, my main language is Español, and some tidbits of guaraní/portuguese.

However I'm interested in japanese[0] and russian, and of course, I would like to improve my english.

[0]- https://djtguide.neocities.org/

Have fun.
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I started on my Sanskrit learning journey not long ago. I am happy to say it's going fine, as far as fine can go with just a few days of study. I always wanted to learn Sanskrit, not out of a particular interest in Indian culture and literature (though I plan to read the Mahabharata), but because, generally, I am a sucker for ancient languages. When I'm done with the Sanskrit book, I'll probably read one for Ancient Greek.
I can't help but feel I'm perhaps putting too much on my plate, being primarily interested in chinese culture and being, for the last few years, learning Classical Chinese. The effort I've been putting on Sanskrit prompts me to put at least an equal amount of effort on CC, especially now that I've been reading yijing (aka I Ching) commentaries.
Oh, but it doesn't end there! I am also actively learning Russian these days. I also put some effort in learning Russian, but by now I'm stretching myself a bit too thin, especially with time, as I try to squeeze at least some time for Russian in my daily study.
All this comes with no small effort at acculturation with the respective cultures of these languages, which increases the amount of material to read. I've been trying to read history and fiction, mostly from China and Russia, and some meta about the Mahabharata (did I mention I plan to read it?), which taken all together amounts to quite a bit of overload on my brain.
Considering I have other stuff to do in my day, I don't want to neglect it by focusing too much on my language studies, nor to neglect one for the sake of the other. I am happy to be able to learn Sanskrit and Classical Chinese, I wouldn't want to put them aside, but I don't want to end up burning myself out.
Maybe I will just cut back a bit on the part of reading history and fiction, which is, as usually happens to me, a product of a bit of an overly eager intellectual ambition.


What resources do you recommend for Classical Chinese? I really want to learn it. I love ancient and classical languages too but they soak up a lot of time and there pay off isn't obvious. There are too many great languages and books to learn and so little time.


>What resources do you recommend for Classical Chinese?
My favourite book is Kai Vogelsang's 'Introduction to Classical Chinese', that, along with Paul Rouzer's 'A New Practical Primer' should be sufficient.
There are others, though, I also like Archie Barnes' 'Du's handbook of Classical Chinese Grammar' and 'Chinese Through Poetry'.
For a first look into it, Van der Norden's 'Classical Chinese for Everyone' is a very brief book giving a first taste for the language, you should start by reading that one.
Obviously ctext.org for classical texts and an on-line dictionary.
> I love ancient and classical languages too but they soak up a lot of time and there pay off isn't obvious.
They do. For me the pleasure lies in the process itself. However little additional understanding I can get from even a brief brush with a language makes the reading of ancient texts, even in translation, many times more enjoyable. There are usually very many terms involved which have no easy translation, and meeting the language halfway adds a lot to the experience.
I don't think I would ever reach the point of being able to 'just read' the Mahabharata in the original without any aid. I enjoy the challenge of making sense of the original even if I depend on the translation. There is, for example, Sargeant Withrop's Bhagavad-Gita, which comes with thorough glosses for each word, showing all the grammatical information (such as verb roots, conjugation, case, number, etc).
>There are too many great languages and books to learn and so little time.
Ikr, hence I am also learning Russian, so maybe I can read Tolstoi, Chekhov, Dostoievsky, Akhmatova, Lermontov, Pushkin…


Btw for anyone interested in the New Testament, here is a site with the original Greek, with dictionary and all!


Thanks a bunch Sushi! I'm gonna start on Classical Chinese in a few months. Barnes Poetry book is great even if its a bit technical. I'm going to see if there are any Chinese culture/language clubs around my local area who can help me out too. I really want to dig into classical Chinese philosophy and religion with the original literature.

>I don't think I would ever reach the point of being able to 'just read' the Mahabharata in the original without any aid

I get the feeling that its easy to hit a plateau and burn out or never develop further because you have vastly fewer opportunities to speak in or use a 'dead' literary language.

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 No.18467[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Shouldn't it be "Kaitenzushi"?
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I spent the entire day styling the hair on a life sized doll I owned.
I haven't been so focused in years, it's kind of scary. Is this the power of Moe?


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leaves are turning :D



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Dork SPOTTED in /kawaii/
Suspect wears glasses and is EXTREMELY awkward


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kowarete iru no? kowarete iru yo?
sore demo iki wooo shitaiiii, shitaiii
kimi ni miete ta no yume no you ni saigo no
kotoba mo tsumaru yooooo errorrrrrrrrrrrrr#####

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 No.3302[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread isn't meant to be all about me, even if my writing makes it seem like it, it can be anything to do with friends.

Do you have any online friends sushi? How did you get them? What do you like to do with them?

I have a problem making online friends, because all the sites I go on are sushi rollymous. I have tried a few forums, but I can never commit to them, and they're usually pretty bad anyway. I dont have time for IRC, and I always make a big old booby of myself in live conversation. Do you think it's possible for me to make online friends, or should I stick to being by myself for the moment?
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I (virtually) meet up with food blooggers


The perfect anime girlfriend would be someone who takes showers.


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All communication is online now.


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Join a discord?
I don't know…


I've had the same online friend group for 10+ years now with new people very occasionally joining by happenstance. I like them but I'm basically the only one who tries to get group activities going and it feels like pulling teeth most the time so I'd like to find another group that does stuff together (also just more variety in socialization would be nice in general). Don't really know how to find a new group though since I guess I'm looking for a general hangout rather than somewhere dedicated to X game.

I mostly just talk in our server, there's only one guy I talk to individually outside of that, mostly about seasonal anime. I'm so used to the group chat setting I don't really know how to start individual conversations anymore.

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Today's sunset was very pretty. The fiery oranges melt into the milky smooth white which leads the way for the light blue cheering up lonely wanderers in the darkness ahead.

These summer nights outside always give me calm yet uncomfy thoughts about me and my purpose in this world. Since they are uncomfy I shall not talk about them so use your imagination! Do you have any comfy memories and thoughts that summer nights bring out for you instead?

There are some dreams that my mind lunges for but are too out of reach for reality. One of them is to just get a vacation from living, get somewhere where nobody knows me and just camp there in a tent. Read a bunch of books, cook small meals and aimlessly wander in the small half-empty villages and towns at night. Are there any comfy dreams you are actively trying to turn into reality?

Since you are here, this is a public reminder for members of the Cult Of Good Sleep to check their clocks, maybe it's YOUR time to join with the dark!

Good night sushirolls.

PS: photo related but not fresh
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I must sleep and rest well.


To sleep, perchance to dream


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Dream of tanks


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Dream a little dream for me..


Good night. Always remember that there are people that love you. Even if you don't believe them.

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What are you doing this summer?
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just started skrewl…


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Right now (summer) I'm just spending this summery afternoon lurking the board looking for fun stuff to reply to because it's SUMMER.


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not a big fan of summer! excited for what's about to come (autumn). and in the meantime i am posting on this wonderful site! i feel closer to you guys with each passing day!


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With the summer now officially over and having been absolutely useless for the better part of it, I have now entered the PRE-FINAL stages of my forty-step plan to SAVE ANIME.


Java and Bawls man. Reminds me of those days of hanging out at Fry's looking at computer parts I couldn't afford and reading the programming magazines.

Like tears in rain…

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What does sushi think of ASMR?
I find it helps me a lot going to bed and even after waking up. The former is great for insomnia, the second one is great to get out of bed. Makes me feel like a caring person can really fix things as long as it all works out.
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It depends. I struggle with pathological anxiety, with it exacerbated at night when I'm tired. So I play it more as relaxing noise to distract myself. It's never anything creepy or erotic, it's usually Tolkien or video game lore.


I prefer going to sleep to stories.

As for NSFW female stuff it only reminds me of what I don't have and I have no intention to engage in parasocial fantasies


It's nice you can enjoy these things. ASMR gives me the ick. I don't really like the close sounds of a person talking and ASMR sounds in general annoy me.



I like male stuff.. there's one where you're a kidnapped sho and he whispers to you the whole time.

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 No.17386[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I thought of a rule to hopefully make it a fun challenge in English while keeping it natural.
Will you play with me sushi?

1. The word posted must start with the letter that the last word ended with. "Girl -> Lounge"
In this case, lets call L the "Bridge Letter".

2. Besides the Bridge Letter, the word posted may NOT contain any letters that the previous word had.
"Lounge -> Easy" is allowed, because there are no shared letters besides E.
"Lounge -> Egg" is not allowed, because there is a G in both "lounge" and "egg"

3. The word must be a single English word

4. The word must not have been said previously

Let's start with…
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Post more monkeys.


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This is Sonson, a capcom character


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Sentinel! Did I do it right?


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Nel? As in Nelly?

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What are the little things that make you happy?
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I get really happy pretty much all day round during Autumn. The weather is just perfect, the sun starts setting earlier and the trees are gorgeous. I always find myself ditching my car just to walk around and enjoy the weather.

It's the best time of the year for me. I can get my work done faster, i'm far more active and it's just overall comfier. It all results in a domino effect to where nearly every other aspect of my life gets some sort of weird buff and everything just works out.

Also when my cat hops on my desk and lays down on my mouse. My hand gets trapped under him for like 30 minutes until he gets up and leaves, but it makes me really happy regardless.


Making pancakes


Travelling where you do not drive is comfy.


Photography, unironically. Ever since I bought a digital camera I've been going outside more and it's a refreshing experience.


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A game that is immersive enough to lose yourself in for a couple days would be nice..

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