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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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The tomatoes are ripe along with many others! with more on the way!
What are you growing sushi?
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There's a lot of good channels on youtube as well for this type of stuff, that's where most of my knowledge comes from (I've only been actively growing things for 3-4 years really).

Channels like Epic Gardening, Self Sufficient Me, Huw Richards, TheKiwiGrower are all really good. Mostly just watch them for entertainment but I end up learning a fair bit regardless.


Gardening is about consistancy (kind of like ten-pin bowling). Heh.


My rosmary died? I'm hoping it will come back to life in the spring.

I have too much rosmary. Just two bushes and I've already got a litre of the stuff and don't really know what to do with it all… Crops are way more bountiful than I ever thought they would be. It's a good problem to have thought…


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Winter is a time of stillness.
Can't wait for spring.


April 1st! Hearing the birds chirping outside at 6 am makes me think that spring is well established here. Can't wait to see my plant grow few more leaves.

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i feel weird shit in my vaccinated arm…


it's just the nanobots, don't worry about it


i know i just wish they didnt influence what i want to do

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Today OP got caught singing in the woods. What's up with you?
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The other night while in a sleep call with crush,I had a bit of weed and played a bit of TF2 before bed. Long story short, I was too immersed in the game, made a bunch of weird little noises for a solid 5 mins, with my crush hearing all the noises.


People still play TF2? That's nice to hear.


Was in a call with friends playing it when I saw this post, haha. I guess it's more occasional games for nostalgia as opposed to regular play.


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Never give up, keep on trying …


When I made a Tinder account I put in my bio "Tits and freedom is all I seek" in 3 different languages.
I had 0 females like me but I was decently popular with the guys.
Not sure why tho..

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Hello frens.
I want to add a new imageboard to my repertoire. Why should I stay on this board instead of the dozens and dozens of other semi-dead boards out there? I am not even really sure if imageboards are worth it at all right now, since all of them seem to be dying.
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420chan is gone, man …


Admin sold it to hotwheels. Supposedly it's gonna be back but man I don't know


I trust Fred to do it right


Wasn't hotweels the guy who made the shithole that was/is 8chan? Does that thing still exist anyway?


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I just discovered https://tinychan.net/

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I'm bored sushis. How do I become not bored?
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when I was in university (about a decade ago now), there was this girl I liked. one night after some deep conversation she confided in me that she liked to draw but she kept it a secret because she expressed all of her deeper, more hidden emotions in her drawings and she didn't want people she knew superficially to see them. Right before I left for a study abroad program she shared her deviantart username with me so I could see her work. She had been very secretive about it until that point but she was academically very talented so naturally I was very curious to see what she was capable of.

What I found was some depressingly bland pictures of sad looking gothic lolitas. The art wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good either, just kind of in an uncanny valley middle where the facial anatomy and coloring and everything was just slightly off to be uncomfortable. Especially the faces, there was just something offputting about the faces, like they were just too chunky and generic.
I never asked about her art again.I wonder if she knew it was bad and that's why she never told anyone about it.

It's all still there in plain sight on deviantart though. I think her last update was in 2014.


Some people just like to draw for the sake of drawing. There's something to be said for art that isn't "good" but you really pour your heart and soul into. I probably wouldn't tell anyone either, though.


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Do your daily chores; don't skip them.


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Open your queue of ideas to implement, pick the first entry and work on it for a while. If such a queue is not present, make one with everything that you wish you were able to do and you believe it would be possible with enough of your time. Please make sure you spend more time working on the stuff present in the queue than on the queue itself.


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Just Do It ~ Nike, goddess of victory

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I just finished cooking some pasta with some homemade tomato sauce.
It is goooooooooood, altho' my dad said it was very spicy.
I personally loved it. I wish I could cook a meal for all of you.
Post delicacies if you wish.
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There were no cookies in my house so I decided to bake some.
Note, these cookies may have a bit too much sugar and are made out of lard, so I don't eat that many. Even then, they're quite gud, and will make a good addition to my family's breakfast.


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Also this phone can go to hell, I should get a new one


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I cooked soup after a long time.
It was naiiiiiiiiisu~~~


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Been too lazy to cook recently, but today I made a grilled cheese sandwich. It was so good that I made a second one immediately after. Good lazy day food.



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anyone from minilauta.org here? RIP
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it got revived




I'm happy it got revived


kuin ikuinen

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been feeling depressed lately, gonna sit in my roomu today just listening to music and drinking coffee and wait for it all to pass.
oh well, life goes on i guess
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When I was learning Chinese I found that HelloTalk was a good language exchange app


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i had met her through HelloTalk, however I met a lot of girls through the Japanese classes at the college I was going to at the time. more film pics for content


ironically we had broken up like a year after I started this thread feelsbadman


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Walk and talk, man.
Don't give up totally.


Piano & Violin

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hey sushis!!! let's make some mixtapes together:

found this cool site (i swear i'm fucking human this isn't some shit that's a XSS attack I swear) called mixtape garden where you can make 7 song collaborative mixtapes and the site will collate it into a single mp3 file (it crossfades the songs) which you can download for free.

i'd be interested to see what y'all come up with, post your links in the replies :3


pic: cover art for switch by xela fella


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Someone taught me how to crossfade and loop and stuff in audacity and it's incredibly easy, so I'll try to take you up on this mixtape idea.

Also if you're really cool you'll make your own album cover.


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Säkkijärven Polkka
Sweden Symphony Orchestra & N3 Symphony Orchestra
Soloist Linda Lampenius
Conductor Ulf Wadenbrandt
Video and Sound Jonas Wadenbrandt

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Heyyo sushi's :)
Haven't been on an image board I'm awhile, used to frequent lainchan but it seems to have gotten a bit boring from what I remember sushi definitely seems alot more lively and fun. Haven't got much to do with my life as of recent after my girlfriend dumped me (accusing me of beating her, but that never happened…) So I'm a bit bored these days and since I live out in the middle of nowhere there's absolutely nothing to do… I used to smoke the devil's lettuce to get through my day and calm my thoughts but I don't know anyone to buy it from. So I guess I'll revert back to my old ways of being an internet nerd. lol. Anything interesting happening in your lives, sushi's?
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Teaching myself cooking


Turkey earthquake getting me down…
Also the Ukraine fight with Russia…




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Was chasing a crow out of the office today….


for the chive slaw:
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
½ bunch|125 grams green chives, cut into thirds
¼ bunch|40 grams yellow chives, cut into thirds
4 scallions, cut into thirds
1 medium shallot, thinly sliced
⅔ cup|65 grams bean sprouts
2 teaspoons gochugaru
¾ teaspoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 tablespoon black vinegar
½ teaspoon sesame oil
¾ teaspoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons chili oil
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