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/lounge/ - sushi social

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 No.6562[View All]

Let's have a thread about pictures you personally took.

Here are some plants I found around where I live.
60 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Close! I live in the french alps (savoie).


Close indeed. I guess the Alps feel the same, no matter from which site you look at them.


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I was given a real camera recently, so I went out to a bridge I sometimes walk on to try it out. It's nice, and I'm looking forward to using something better than my phone, especially for capturing depth more.


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It's a good thing to revive this thread.
Do share the picture you take with your new camera.


Keep me a chance to get some files from my digicam. I got photos of latte art….


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I was messing with the settings on my camera and took this hilariously creepy photo of an innocent rubber bunny toy :D

yay for more isopods :)




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I need to educate myself about cameras
My phone has a decent macro lens but I want to take even nicer pictures!


looks very nice

maybe lean into the creepy/liminal stuff like that cawthon guy did with that animatronic game? "No mistakes, only happy accidents"


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don’t worry they’re plastic


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I love this!


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went hiking


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what a beautiful mossy forest!


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Is the first one an old jail? Really cool photos, exploring abandoned places seems really cool


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All of them are from the ohio state penitentiary, some of it is very clean and proper (it's where they filmed the Shawshank Redemption), but then they give you free reign to explore a bunch more of it that all looks like that. It's wonderful.


>they give you free reign to explore a bunch more of it that all looks like that. It's wonderful.
Sounds pretty interesting, if I ever have reason to be in the state I'd love to go


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I love liminal spaces <3

What are some cool abandoned places to explore or that you have discovered?


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not that sushi but here's an old gutted 60's radar station that I hiked to once


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Wood Sorrel is flowering. According to Maomao, this plant has medicinal properties.


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There are quite a few places all across America like this, old or historic locations turned into "museums" where they keep them more or less in explorable but dilapidated states.
Many places billed as "ghost hunter" locales are like this. I'm too much of a pansy to just go into multi-story unexplored abandoned buildings by myself. Urban exploration is notoriously dangerous, especially for amateurs. One wrong step and you can go plummeting somewhere with thousands of pounds of bricks on top of you, no thanks.
That said I'd love to start doing this more regularly. Apparently there are photography tours of these sorts of places on occasion. I've actually only been to a few places like this before, though I do take a lot of photographs.
A dream of mine is to explore the winchester mystery house alone. It seems like it'd feel almost exactly like being in one of my dreams. I have many labyrinths going on in those.

Here's another neat place, a burnt-down mansion billed as a "self guided museum", from before I got my neat new camera.


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The power on my block went out and I didn't want to waste the moment.


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That's beautiful.


looks like a midwest emo album cover


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This graffiti has been on a bridge for years now; I like to think the city chooses not to remove it because it's kind of funny.


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I like taking pictures of small pals


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me too!


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some more


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I've got a real camera and macro lens now, and I've been playing around with it for about a week.
The detail is really amazing and learning about photography has been fun!


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gorgeous forest I wish I was there


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wait that's a hueg flagpole what the heck

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