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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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Hey sushi! What's your favorite bug?
My favorite bugs are moths! (spoilered the image for sushis who don't like bugs)
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New isopod day!


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funny buggo


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I want to pet a giant prehistoric millipede


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 No.13746[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

is there a "ask the opposite gender stuff" thread? i have a question :(
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Better argument against breast implants is the health risks of leaking silicone and that they often need replaced every 10 to 15 years plus the scars created by the surgery.


what do you mean?


breast implants aren't as bad as botox. which is a listed biological warfare agent.


I mean… it's done in a controlled manner. The same way that if you were administer drugs at too high of a dose, it would kill a person, but it can have positive benefits at a lower level.


Both are bad

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 No.6173[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are physical features you pay the most attention to?
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Are souls physical? Do souls not exist and instead what we call a 'soul' is just the emergent behavior of the (physical) brain? If so then the number one thing I care about is having a kind and passionate soul.

Then a pretty face, then being skinny, then smooth skin, and then a curvy butt.


cute face and hips and tummy uwaaaaa


legs, specifically the calves.


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Like this?


power output of electric locomotives

wait why are you guys talking about human features? ew pervs haha
tho if i had to speak about that, i think i never fetishized any part of human body, except for eyebrows maybe, i love when they are natural and thick

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what is this website about?


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sushi girls


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whatever you want it to be (as long as its comfy)


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Sushi girl dot us is about collectively emanating good physic energy into the wired to stave off the moidification of the cyber-fæ who live and feed on network of networks. We're the last bastion standing and without our posts creating a candlelight in void of the modern internetworked-hyperconciousness bramfaturas would be capable of piecing through the veil of what is and what is not. When positive posts are peaceably posted pestilence is postponed. We surfers are the preservers of a tradition of nice posters dating back to the advent of Tokyo, the creators of comfy, and kindlers of cozy. We welcome you OP.


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sushigirl is about posting girls dressed up as meidos


aka vore (i wanna be eaten :3)

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Thought this would be fun. You're only allowed to post on this thread during your birthday
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Happy birthday!

This year is one of those I am glad is getting over soon. I can't wait for the snow!

I do hope that the sushi board lives on, even if all of the scary rumours turn into reality. What rumours? Quite daring from somebody within the cake range.

Get caked~

(second pic related as I don't have to hide anything, my cakes are NOT burnt!)


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my weirdest year yet…


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And here we are again, it's always such a pleasure.

Made it another year. Am I better off for it? Eh, maybe. I don't feel much older, though maybe that's because most of my coworkers are older than me.

Well anyways, cheers to my past self, looking forward to next year.


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4 years later i finally remembered to post in this thread!!!


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It's that day today.

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 No.9187[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I think the imageboards are full of people who'd want to talk to each other based on similar interests, but can't make contact due to sushi rollymous nature of these places. So, how about a contact thread here? I don't think it's against the rules.

>Age and location

>Favourite media (anime, games, music etc.)
>Other hobbies/interests
>How long have you been on Sushi? How did you find this place?
This information might be helpful for the refugees of other (possibly dead) boards to make contact with each other.
>What are you looking for?
>What topics do you wish to avoid?
Sushi is slow, you should probably expect your post to stay here for years. If you're cautious, you should probably use throwaway accounts.
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We are now best friends.


miss you chibi, hope life treats you well mate <3


Anyone here in Britain?


mine is also hibiki, do you want to make love?


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>age and location
Male 21 Brazil

>>Favourite media (anime, games, music etc.)

I'm a weird weaboo. Moeshit and 80's to 2000's era of animes were my favorite ones. Recently, felt in love on Frieren too.
I'm not a real gamer though. I've never had a good PC so all of my gamong taste is based on console experience. My favorite ones are Metal Gear Rising: Reveangeance, Death Stranding, Cyberpunk2077 and Let it Die for PS4 (this game is free btw). I also like touhou project and SRB2kart. About music, I listen to everything. Since russian hardstyle and /mu/shit to bossa nova and classics. Everything is good except when it sucks.

>Other hobbies/interests

I'm beggining to get into another language: Japanese. I've learned a lot about english stuff thanks to the internet and I thought it could be easy to find another one to have fun with. But, I gotta be honest, I'm not too much dedicated to that and I'm still struggling with the alphabet.
I also got into development in these years. Changed my distro to Arch Linux, made some mistakes, installed ani-cli, learned some basic stuff about languages like Python, C and PHP and other things like that. I'm a total newbie that is currently working as a suport technician in a little business here but I really really really wanna dive deep into this. Currently, I'm reading some books as "The C programming Language" and doing it exercises.

>>How long have you been on Sushi? How did you find this place?

3 months ago I was looking for another imageboards on altchans and found this cozy one. You giys are sweet. I'm already into another imageboards too but they're from my country and some are almost dead.

>what are you looking for?

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Has anyone in the board gone camping? I wanna get into it, but it can be overwhelming to think where to start.
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my brain ignored the last sentence of your post and I hate the modern urge to consooom when engaging in hobbies. Apologies


i live in the middle of nowhere, so if i wanted to id sleep outside but i prefer being indoors.
did way too much camping as a kid to still find it enjoyable.


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I've been there, nice place but very cold. Gonna post some of my favorite spots in Missouri, since it's my home turf.

Missouri has 93 state parks, and they are so well-maintained that many other states based their state park program on Missouri's. So here's a few of my personal favourites that I've visited.

Elephant Rock: great place, good fishing, big ass rocks which are fun to climb on. Great place to bring the kids.

Knob Noster: good group camping. Lots of picnic gazebos and amphitheaters that you can reserve.

Johnson's Shut-ins: good for hiking and "rock climbing" (there are no mountains in Missouri but we have some rocky cliffs). Also do not trust the fishing here, it's nothing of value. Learned that the hard way.

Onondaga Cave: best spelunking in the state. Obviously all warnings for spelunking apply, bring a helmet, pads, and light. I went here as a kid and got trapped in a tunnel, my friend had to drag me out by my feet. I still have claustrophobia from it.

Ha Ha Tonka: best park in the state. Beautiful hills and forests, with a freshwater spring, a cave to explore, and 'castle' ruins at the top of a hill (there are no castles in US, but it's pretty damn close). The attached pictures are all from Ha Ha Tonka.

Overall definitely worth a trip from out of state. We have a lot to offer.


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>What's your favorite place in nature sushi rolls?
Mountaintops and old forests <3
I've only ever done day hikes though, never camped overnight.


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Only ever camped in forests but the most beautiful place yet must have been on a hill, next to a lake. I could see all the nearby islands when I woke up. The feeling I felt in the sun while cooking my pancakes is something I'll never forget.

Agreed that you really don't need a lot of gear. When I first camped, I didn't have a tent, instead I slept in those lean-to's you find in a lot of forests. No problem at all. I think trying to find unique solutions to situations is part of the joy in camping. One time I arrived at a lean-to late in the night, it was pitch dark outside. On top of that, it started raining. And yet, when I finally managed to create a small fire with my humble tools, that success filled me immense bliss.

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Yuji Sakai [s4s] the creator* of this possibly "dangerous" new memhe has expressed doubts in a series of lamentations/posts
*whether YS_kun is indeed the
wolfmother is up in the air. In a month of Sundays the truth will be known!
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I love these two pics. I should try grabbing some of my favorite photos and draw on them like you do :)


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lovely art as always, she's cute!
the spiky little friend in the 4th image is great too

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I have hopes for a good future in the horizon, what about you?
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my optimism about the future has gone the same way as my brain has the past few days: circling the drain and no longer functional. I am struggling with my newfound revelation that I am not a people person even though I really want to be. I am tired and worn out from a lot of sources in my life, namely work and social gatherings. I have a tendency to overthink even the most mundane of social situations, and believe the worst. I can't help it though but its ruining me and I notice in a lot of social situations I am getting more frustrated than happy. I really do want to make new friends and build a network of people I can count on when I feel lonely or indesirable but I don't think I'll manage it anytime soon. I wish I could just do my best in the areas I want to do my best in too. I have had a massive writer's block creatively and its weighing on me as well. Everything just seems to be falling apart and its my fault.


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Nothing keeps me going, but sudoku feels like a pain and is super scary, so i just sit alone in my apartment, day after day, year after year, growing older and sicker, just daydreaming. And feeling sorry for myself, and all my love that i didn't get to share due to my own meekness.


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I relate to everything you've written. I hope you can keep some hope within yourself and that you still find (at least some) pleasure from the little things of life. As there are so many people less worthy of happiness than you.


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Thank you for validating my pitiful feels. Today is gonna be better than yesterday.


ERB's singing keeps me going…

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Where have you been to, sushi? Show us some pics!
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more Japan


i sense a cutie.. on the other side of the camera :3


i loved walking around places like 3 at night. the emptiness was nice


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My camera is not good but I travel a lot.
Maybe too much.


Where's that first picture? It looks a lot like the roads I used to drive to go to Seattle.

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