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/lounge/ - sushi social

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 No.3302[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread isn't meant to be all about me, even if my writing makes it seem like it, it can be anything to do with friends.

Do you have any online friends sushi? How did you get them? What do you like to do with them?

I have a problem making online friends, because all the sites I go on are sushi rollymous. I have tried a few forums, but I can never commit to them, and they're usually pretty bad anyway. I dont have time for IRC, and I always make a big old booby of myself in live conversation. Do you think it's possible for me to make online friends, or should I stick to being by myself for the moment?
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Online friendships are different to meatspace friendships. You shouldn't expect them to be alike. I can't put my finger on it exactly.


I've made a few friends through various discord servers over the past several years. It largely came from doing weekly or semi-regular events where everyone was in voice chat. Most of them are just people I casually chat with during said activities, but one or two I'd consider real friends who I have weekly calls with. Those can go for several hours and be just us chatting about life and such. I've never met these people irl but I feel I've gotten to know them nearly as well as anyone I'd hang out casually with in person.

I think the common denominator was just having an activity we all enjoyed doing together and being willing to show up week to week. In most cases the friendships I made just sort of happened by chance, and developed gradually over time. The vast majority of people who attend don't stick around and that's okay. I get something out of everyone I "meet" and chat with online by and large, and I think having that mindset is key. Be present with people and just try to enjoy their company. Don't worry about long-term anything and instead just enjoy the time you have. If you're interesting or pleasant to talk to eventually you'll hit it off with people.

A lot of it is patience (ie not expecting much from an interaction), being able to hold a conversation, and being persistent about putting yourself out in the world. Making friends online isn't really that different than making friends irl.


hello there, literally me.


I do not like making online friendships. I don't like making friends at all, actually; but I particularly can't hold online relationships. This is part of the genreal trend in my life where anything done with a screen feels unorganic and detached and doesn't engage me anymore. It's as if I feel I need to engage my whole body and all my senses in whatever I do, doing things through the screen feels as if I am not doing anything worthwhile, certainly nothing that will last.
This applies to online friendships. But I don't like people getting to know me beyond a superficial level, whether in meatspace or on the internet. Whenever this happens, or whenever I feel like I've revealed anything about myself beyond the very flat character that I assume to interact with people, I immediately draw back. I don't really like people, and I don't want friends.


Seeing friends & family on the weekend or after work is fine.


 No.21425[Watch Thread][Reply]



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what a baka…


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 No.21372[Watch Thread][Reply]

Sushis, have you recently experienced situations that went from bad to good? What was it like? What happened? Did it make you feel human?

Me and a few other people run a regular local meetup for students of my uni that are interested in Japan to hang out, talk and have fun. We also have a bunch of Japanese regulars, that use the meetup to hang out with the other Japanese people in town.
Twice a year, exchange students from random unis in Japan come to our city for a month, to do language lessons and stuff. We always get the task of doing some fun activities with them, outside of our regular meetups. Now this was the first time I was part of running this whole operation, and we had something nice planned out. We'd meet them at one of the typical student hangout spots in our city, together with a few of the Japanese people in our group, spend some time with them and grab a bite to eat. In short, a calm hangout, to let them get used to speaking to us foreigners.
What is the bad thing? Well, none of the exchange students showed up. We waited for them in the cold, but none showed up. It's not a mandatory event or anything, so that's fine, but it still was a bit disappointing.
But it turned around! We still went in to eat and had a lovely day with the regulars of our group that turned up! One of the Japanese regulars announced that he'd be leaving soon and moving back to Tokyo, so we reminisced in our memories we had with him and had a very pleasant and fun day.
It really made me appreciate life, if just for a little while.
I hope y'all also have experiences like this!


Other than sudden cancellations allowing me to do something else that turned out interesting, no. I’d say there are more cases of good things turning bad. Generally, the longer I spend around a group of people the faster they realize I’m not right in the head and they begin gradually ostracizing me. I burn through friendships in about a week or two on average.

Oh wait, there was that time I was r*ped in high school because I can at least say I’m not a virgin and buy unwanted sympathy when I need to feign excuses or get something for free from frigid bureaucratic institutions. I hope it’s grounds for neetbux in the future.


Anything that allows me to go outside really, even if things don't work out I get to see pretty girls.

Reading comprehension isn't your strength isn't it?


I turned up at a quiz for exchange students randomly. Turned out it was basically an ESOL class and I ended up with team of two Japanese girls. They were the weakest team on points. But since I'm dark skinned, I pretended to be ESOL and helped them win by a landslide and won them a box of chocolates which we shared out with everyone else. I didn't exercise my social skills or make new friends but I'd say it was still a happy result.


Update from OP:
So all of our announcements of the events didn’t even reach the exchange students, that’s why they didn’t show up. After contacting them directly, they actually did show up to our second event, all 9 of them! Surprisingly, all of them were girls, and thankfully they seemed to get along with each other really well. Not a lot of locals attended, but the exchange students seemed to have fun hanging out and going around town afterwards with the few of us.
I honestly wanted to cancel the event beforehand, since it looked like I’d have to run the whole thing myself. It made me nervous. We had a lovely time though, which again showed me not to run away from stuff just because it makes me nervous or uncomfortable. The girls were kind, some other locals showed up and we had a lovely time all in all.


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 No.294[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This was one of my favourite threads on the old sushichan. Post comfortable audiovisual experiences utilising the WebMatroska container format.

The audio is: Boards of Canada - roygbiv
The video is of San Francisco in 1905.
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>comfy webm thread
>posts videos of people literally dying


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 No.21111[Watch Thread][Reply]>>21401

How do I fix my life after years of being a hikkineet? I don't have any marketable skills, no friends, socially incompetent, and incapable of managing my time. I seem to fuck up basic adult life skills and suck at everything. I want to have a job that suits my solitary personality but these offer no opportunities for exploring the world or climbing the social ladder. I don't want to be wasted potential. I want people to talk to and someone to love but I'm too goddamn brain damaged to handle basic social relationships. The fear of failure hangs over me like the sword of Damocles. I feel like I'm fucked.
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Sounds pretty cucked. I enjoy taking from society and giving nothing back. But yeah, we need wagecucks with "higher aspirations", because someone has to pay my bills.


what do you do with all that free time


I get that you have to rationalize it somehow, but contrary to certain modes of belief society tends to give back a lot more to those that give to it, rather than sit and leech.

You are very welcome though, I don't really mind some people living on charity several times removed. Hope you are making a good time of it.


>>21111 (OP)
No need to break yourself and become someone. Be yourself.


Write to Escape Your Default Setting


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 No.13727[Watch Thread][Reply]

hello, I just stumbled here, and y'all seem really nice, what's this place ?
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It’s whatever you want it to be, really! Just make sure you lurk and post comfily.

I hope everyone has a nice day!


Oh, if you read it like that, lol.
Didn't mean ALL that you see, more what you see of here. I.e, it is comfy people trying to have a nice peaceful time, and it is seen, we don't see lots of people trying to hurt eachother, hence it isn't that kind of place.


Welcome to our laidback sushi bar! Courtesy is our rule and comfy is our game. A chiller chan you will not find. Relax and enjoy the vibes.


then I will chill here without restraint my Lord.


Tis a place that sells twin sushi rolls.
Ha ha.


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 No.5311[Watch Thread][Reply]

Hello frens.
I want to add a new imageboard to my repertoire. Why should I stay on this board instead of the dozens and dozens of other semi-dead boards out there? I am not even really sure if imageboards are worth it at all right now, since all of them seem to be dying.
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Admin sold it to hotwheels. Supposedly it's gonna be back but man I don't know


I trust Fred to do it right


Wasn't hotweels the guy who made the shithole that was/is 8chan? Does that thing still exist anyway?


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I just discovered https://tinychan.net/


Imageboards are old school, man.


 No.16199[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I really wish more poeple would be present. I often come hoping for reply or new thread but it seems like nobody is there anymore :(
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We need to install a large electro magnet



To attract the android users.


Attract more users with cat videos


I like baby peacocks


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 No.13674[Watch Thread][Reply]>>17111>>21346>>21408

what gives you comfort when ur down :)
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>>13674 (OP)
Crying. No words or coping mechanisms can provide as much emotional and physiological comfort and pleasure after just letting the water works flow.


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>>13674 (OP)
They are so pretty.


My dog I love him so much


No photo??? (sorry if u didn't wanna dox ur self)


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>>13674 (OP)


 No.14465[Watch Thread][Reply]

Wanna play shiritori? I was thinking since we're in english we could play using the last syllable of the word, rather than just last letter. So for "bunny" it sounds like "bun-nee" so you could respond "needle".
More by sound then spelling. And no one syllable words I guess?
Does that make sense? Anyway, I'll start:

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arpeggio >> Oreo




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