I had a few dreams, but I won't go into them much except for the last ones. First one, I was in South Korea in a huge tunnel with other people on a conveyor ramp that's made for people. Think about the ones in the airport. It leads to a few place like this cute little shop. I finally go for lunch for some Baozi and I manage to pick up the buns with a chopstick perfectly and eat it without spilling the juices inside. I've never even eaten Baozi buns and I suck with chopsticks.
Second dreams. I was playing Minecraft on a boat… It was a modded playthrough, and I was in survival mode. So, to get the boat to stop, I needed to stop the engine by removing the soul sand that's placed near the engine that makes it move. I did that, and I'm in the water. Then, when I'm in the water, an egg appears in the water. An egg that looked like a giant ender dragon egg. When it hatched, I'm pretty sure there was a message saying, "get back in the boat!" It was too late, and I believe it was called, "The Hunger"(?) dragged my from the boat into the water and sent me THERE. I only figured out later what it looked like later when I was in creative mode. I remember it was black, for one. I think it looked like a squid or something like that. I never got a good look before I bolted. But I remember the next time I saw the egg it hatched from, there were three of them this time.
So, I go to snatch another boat, but this one was much larger this time. It was made of prismarine blocks, wasn't fully solid (think of like, a cylinder where every other wall, there's a gap. So it goes wall, gap, wall), and it was partially submerged. I managed to fly fast enough under water to get to the little engine, but instead of taking the soul sand out, I place it to where the boat goes downward. Then, I grab hold. Bad idea.
Next thing I know, I'm being propelled deeper and deeper into the ocean until it's all black. I feel a coldness as I look around. Then, the water stops, the boat is gone, and I'm still falling. I can feel the air around me as I start to see… purple? I go deeper until I finally rich the bottom, and the text reads something like, "THE BENEATH" or something. I've been here before, and I felt the same feeling of needing to desperately needing to get out. Like I was in serious danger. However, this time, I was in creative mode, so it wasn't as bad. I still felt the need to LEAVE though. There were malformed zombies and skeletons fighting in the
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