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It's 2024…

This'll be my year. This one for sure…
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> Confiscating degenerate pokemon r34 from the 14 year old was pretty hilarious too, mans had no shame.
What a tyranny.


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2024 ~ the year of when the game changed


>Awake overnight or asleep overnight Direct Service Professional
wow I finally have a name for the job I did in the army


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Despite good intentions I absolutely fucked up this year and now I'm stuck in a shitty situtation that I practically put myself into. I've noticed the following flaws that are the cause of this.

1. Inability to make decisions, probably stemming from deep anxiety, fear of loss, fear of failure, and low self-esteem.
2. Avoidant behavior i.e. avoiding or delaying things like talking to people or paperwork because its psychologically stressful and depressing.
3. Chip on the shoulder. Resenting other people and myself for past greviences, or perceived greviences.
4. Poor time management, bad spatial awarenss, and shitty attention span meaning I get taken advantage of or mess basic things up because I didn't read things properly. I've tried reading stuff over multiple times but this still doesn't fix severe attentiond defecit.

How do I fix this garbage? I've got notebooks so I can write info down and map out my day. I'm thinking of grabbing a digital watch so I can keep track of time without getting sucked into the smartphone. I still have the attention span of a baby chimp on cocaine but hopefully with discipline things will get better. But I have no idea what to do for 1. and 2. I struggle to email people or even talk on the phone. I clam up and sutter easily. And if I have to send messages or do paper work or go outside I put it off for as long as possible. This has led me to massively fuck up my life and down the path of wasted opportunities and letting myself rot all year.


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>I struggle to email people or even talk on the phone.
Practice! I had this problem too, so I used to rehearse every call I had to make. After some time I didn't even feel anxiety when unknown numbers called me up. I used to reply with messages to avoid talking, silly.

If you struggle with e-mails, use AI assistance. You can ask it how they would interpret your message and it will also tell what you can do better. I use it a lot when discussing things on the webz - maybe even for this reply? Heheh.

>digital watch

Hell yeah, it can really help. If you can, turn off your smartphone too. I do that, and also put it in a place where I am too lazy to pick it up from. That goes for everything that distracts me. Regarding sounds I put rain on speakers, it masks irregular noises that make me lose focus. Unfortunately I do not have a strong will, so I have all kinds of dumb tricks to force me to be productive.

Basically I limit access to everything that is more interesting than my work - LeechBlock is a great extension for that, if you struggle with web surfing.

I think that is all I can offer help with, sorry!

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Wanna play shiritori? I was thinking since we're in english we could play using the last syllable of the word, rather than just last letter. So for "bunny" it sounds like "bun-nee" so you could respond "needle".
More by sound then spelling. And no one syllable words I guess?
Does that make sense? Anyway, I'll start:

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so I just found this board and it seems very comfy, I'm moving to another city in about a month and have been very confused whether or not it'll make me happier or not.
I'm gonna ask the people I'm living with if they mind if I get a cat because it'll be the first time for me without a pet
hope I can make my living space /comfy/
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Time for my lunch


Not all of us survived, unfortunately. After a suicide attempt(s?) and a brief stint of homelessness among five great and terrible years I ended up back living with other relatives before finally my parents once more.
Well, I survived at least (not to imply it's so fantastic to be alive all the time still, but sometimes good things happen, enough to warrant another day I suppose).

Yeah just consider there's more responsibilities to owning any animal, even a cat, than you may have considered by yourself. At the moment I'm just sticking to patting other people's cats on the way home from work (my record is three in one walk).

Also, moving to a new place where no body knows you is great! Ideally I would every couple of years, that's when things start feeling too settled. Even in this city of 50,000 I can't wander around the streets drunk and high on the weekend without a co-worker spotting me in the act.


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Exercise under the moon if necessary


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Physical activity is never a bad thing…


WIN at life. Do it!

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 No.8722[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you usually have dreams? What usually happens in your dreams? Are you a lucid dreamer? feel free to share dreams you've recently experienced and have other sushi rolls psychoanalyze you
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For some reason, I always tend to dream about being in corridors inside big houses, mansions, hotels, corporate buildings and such. They feel a bit "liminal" at times, especially if it's about old places. Sometimes I dream about recurrent places that only exist there, and everytime I dream about them they remain the same, the only thing that changes is the context of the dream.

I feel those dreams are a reflection of how my subconscious perceives my life, as if most of the charm and bright it had is not there anymore… I used to have very colorful and epic dreams before, dreams that used to make me feel hopeful and inspired, now if I happen to have one of those big dreams they tend to be about catastrophes, chaos or lovecraft-like phenomenons…

Sometimes I feel they just reflect how narrowed my worldview has become, as it's also a feeling I have towards the internet, where everything feels just too sterile, artificial and banal. What happened? When did everything turned so empty?

In some way, that's why I'm here, with hopes of finding that charm once again.


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I always dream when my sleep is interrupted. This time I had a long continuous dream full of different characters and events, but one thing stood out. A woman was wearing a beautiful dress of my mind's design. I don't think I can describe it anymore, but even in the dream I was taken aback by how stunning she looked. She asked me which earrings looked better as she exposed her breasts…


I had a dream where evil Superman was trying to kill me, and Wonder Woman tried to fight him and weaken him with kryptonite, but it didn't work because it was jade. Then, Superman strangled her while she was making noises that were like her lungs were filling with water and she was trying to cough it up. I ran away before I could see him kill her, and I was trying to go to this bridge that's over lava before he could get to me. I got to the bridge and he had caught up to me, and I decided I'd rather burn in the lava instead of being killed by him, and he almost caught me before I plunged into the lava. I could feel the burning as my flesh was being melted off. I had become a skeleton, and in that pool of lava, years passed. Then, I woke up.

I don't remember the other dreams, but they were quite normal, I remember.


This means you are extremely afraid of men in power, and possibly been in a relationship where the premise of control was its entire purpose.


I don't dream much anymore, but I usually dream about kissing hawt (2d) bishies or being chased by something terrifying

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Today OP got caught singing in the woods. What's up with you?
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A few weeks ago I was talking to a cat outside and a neighbour I hadn't noticed gave me a look like I was crazy (he didn't see the cat).


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I sing moonlight dentetsu


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Embarassment is weakness.
Embrace the cringe, let it flow through your veins and oxidize into a strength where no one can tell you the rights or wrong of this world…
Become. Unstoppable.


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The most embarrassing thing I've done is stayed in a relationship with a loser longer than I should have only to get dumped by them because I "demanded to much", flossing teeth daily & getting out of academic probation. It's embarrassing because I pretended it was happy in front of my friends, so I cringe when I think of telling them about all the disrespect I put up with.
On the flip side I finally wake up happy everyday because I know I don't have to deal with my Ex anymore ToT


the trash takes itself out.


e.y.e: simulated shimejimancy


I appreciate you bringing this to my attention sushi roll.

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What are some underrated environments/locations you like?

I've always been fascinated with the desert. There's something haunting and mystical about them, especially during the evening/night.


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Forested hills. The area I live in has many rolling hills with caves and cliffs, and forests cover this whole area. Trees are maybe my favorite thing ever, so it's nice.


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Mars gets all the attention but Venus is so much more interesting. It has a surface so hot it could melt lead shrouded by clouds of acid. Its so alien but so much like our Earth at the same time.

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I've been meaning to do a language thread, but I thought it would be more interesting if it includes comfy-posting about different parts of the world.
Feel free to share the -best- resources to learn your language or others that you may be aware of!

I know its hard to not get political but please try to keep it civil, or at most do some friendly banter.

I'm from a country that used to belong to the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, my main language is Español, and some tidbits of guaraní/portuguese.

However I'm interested in japanese[0] and russian, and of course, I would like to improve my english.

[0]- https://djtguide.neocities.org/

Have fun.
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I started on my Sanskrit learning journey not long ago. I am happy to say it's going fine, as far as fine can go with just a few days of study. I always wanted to learn Sanskrit, not out of a particular interest in Indian culture and literature (though I plan to read the Mahabharata), but because, generally, I am a sucker for ancient languages. When I'm done with the Sanskrit book, I'll probably read one for Ancient Greek.
I can't help but feel I'm perhaps putting too much on my plate, being primarily interested in chinese culture and being, for the last few years, learning Classical Chinese. The effort I've been putting on Sanskrit prompts me to put at least an equal amount of effort on CC, especially now that I've been reading yijing (aka I Ching) commentaries.
Oh, but it doesn't end there! I am also actively learning Russian these days. I also put some effort in learning Russian, but by now I'm stretching myself a bit too thin, especially with time, as I try to squeeze at least some time for Russian in my daily study.
All this comes with no small effort at acculturation with the respective cultures of these languages, which increases the amount of material to read. I've been trying to read history and fiction, mostly from China and Russia, and some meta about the Mahabharata (did I mention I plan to read it?), which taken all together amounts to quite a bit of overload on my brain.
Considering I have other stuff to do in my day, I don't want to neglect it by focusing too much on my language studies, nor to neglect one for the sake of the other. I am happy to be able to learn Sanskrit and Classical Chinese, I wouldn't want to put them aside, but I don't want to end up burning myself out.
Maybe I will just cut back a bit on the part of reading history and fiction, which is, as usually happens to me, a product of a bit of an overly eager intellectual ambition.


What resources do you recommend for Classical Chinese? I really want to learn it. I love ancient and classical languages too but they soak up a lot of time and there pay off isn't obvious. There are too many great languages and books to learn and so little time.


>What resources do you recommend for Classical Chinese?
My favourite book is Kai Vogelsang's 'Introduction to Classical Chinese', that, along with Paul Rouzer's 'A New Practical Primer' should be sufficient.
There are others, though, I also like Archie Barnes' 'Du's handbook of Classical Chinese Grammar' and 'Chinese Through Poetry'.
For a first look into it, Van der Norden's 'Classical Chinese for Everyone' is a very brief book giving a first taste for the language, you should start by reading that one.
Obviously ctext.org for classical texts and an on-line dictionary.
> I love ancient and classical languages too but they soak up a lot of time and there pay off isn't obvious.
They do. For me the pleasure lies in the process itself. However little additional understanding I can get from even a brief brush with a language makes the reading of ancient texts, even in translation, many times more enjoyable. There are usually very many terms involved which have no easy translation, and meeting the language halfway adds a lot to the experience.
I don't think I would ever reach the point of being able to 'just read' the Mahabharata in the original without any aid. I enjoy the challenge of making sense of the original even if I depend on the translation. There is, for example, Sargeant Withrop's Bhagavad-Gita, which comes with thorough glosses for each word, showing all the grammatical information (such as verb roots, conjugation, case, number, etc).
>There are too many great languages and books to learn and so little time.
Ikr, hence I am also learning Russian, so maybe I can read Tolstoi, Chekhov, Dostoievsky, Akhmatova, Lermontov, Pushkin…


Btw for anyone interested in the New Testament, here is a site with the original Greek, with dictionary and all!


Thanks a bunch Sushi! I'm gonna start on Classical Chinese in a few months. Barnes Poetry book is great even if its a bit technical. I'm going to see if there are any Chinese culture/language clubs around my local area who can help me out too. I really want to dig into classical Chinese philosophy and religion with the original literature.

>I don't think I would ever reach the point of being able to 'just read' the Mahabharata in the original without any aid

I get the feeling that its easy to hit a plateau and burn out or never develop further because you have vastly fewer opportunities to speak in or use a 'dead' literary language.

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Where have you been to, sushi? Show us some pics!
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This country is pretty good for a parody of the Slavic culture. The panorama is from Veliki Stol, pronounced [vɜlɪkə stəʊ].


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Fine. I hate phones. It won't even upload the right picture and uploads the same one twice instead.


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Memoirs from China


cute foxes


Honestly I think I've seen too many bad things about china to considering an interesting place as a tourist

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