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Just applied for my first job, pls hope for the best sushirolls!!!
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>Pick up any good Touhou stuff?
I did! I'll try and list a few things here, might take some photos and post in one of the dead figure threads in /kawaii/.

I picked up a bunch of Touhou stuff but the items I am happiest about are a handmade Yuyuko plush, Marisa and Reisen sofubi figures, Magical Maid Sakuya figure, and the Liquid Stone Kanako GK. The rest of the Touhou stuff I got was mostly minor things like keychains, pins, and other assorted items.

Your situation isn't ideal. I can't really offer good advice as I can't relate to your exact position, but I'll try and give a few of my thoughts.
You tried but ended up where you started, but you put in the effort.
> if I don't get out of my career path now, I'll be in a kitchen for the rest of my life.
I don't think this is true. Even if you have to stay in this job a while longer, you have the ability to get another job, sure it didn't work out the first time. But who's to say it won't work out the next? I'd start applying to other places slowly while working and just hope to be lucky. Don't give up hope! 頑張れ!!!


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Welcome back to the land of the free. I've been much like myself, the best. I see you have already devised a pretty decent comeback plan. Take your time and win when you're ready.

>Magical Maid Sakuya figure

Talk about a blast from the past…

Think about it this way: if they took you back so promptly after you left them, they have you in good standing. You've proven that you can be a good asset in this place, which means you can do the same in other places when the time comes.

Right now, you're sitting on top of a spring. You took your time to compress it further, adding more potential energy into that system. Something will click and all that energy will be released, flinging you up high, the more you compress that spring, the higher it will fling you.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Nah, there's no such thing as "balance" when you work in a kitchen. I have neither money nor fulfillment. It's got a demonic hierarchy. You either stay a line cook making dogshit pay or clamber your way up to management where your life gets sucked away through call-ins, late hours, and having more responsibilities shoved onto you by the higher ups. The reason I had this crisis was by realizing most of my coworkers were 10-20 years older than me, and had no education or work experience necessary to go anywhere else in life. And that's going to be me too.

But if I can't have money or fulfillment in a kitchen, at least I could find a job where I have money. I went through trade school because I figured education was the ticket to a better job, but nope, turns out 5 years experience is. And I can't really get 5 years experience if I can't get hired in the first place.

I just wish I could get out of this fucked up cycle. I've been broke my entire life, and I just want to be stable.


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That's a hella complex situation to say the least…

>I figured education was the ticket to a better job, but nope, turns out 5 years experience is.

Not exactly. It certainly helps, but this is something that, depending on the trade you picked, can be bullshitted through. The first way is through networking with teachers and colleagues when learning. The second way is through internships, usually part of the course but you can go for internships after your learning journey and pull off the same thing (it's work for no money for a couple of months, which might make things even more difficult in your case though). The third way is through "freelancing". Sure you didn't work for a company, but if your chosen trade so permits it, you can get your work experience like this. The employment ads may have some barriers like "5 years experience" or "fluent italian", but if you've only got 2 years of experience and your italian is B1 level, they might still take you. All they really want is you to prove you're capable at what they want you to do and usually getting the interview is half the battle won. If a place is desperate enough and there's not enough people applying, you've got a fair chance.


I'm not going to be able to get a job until I'm 30 and I worry all this studying will be for nothing

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Hi sushi!
I need advice.
A while ago I went on a date but it was super akward.
We never really reconnected after since we both were waiting for the other to say something.
The thing is I really want to reconnect with her, but I am afraid it would be awkward.
How should I go about reconnecting with her, it has been a while now.
I guess I was just waiting for her
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Am I being persecuted right now?

You're persecuting me, aren't you?


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evil sushi roll……..


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Just do what >>19436 says and go "hey do you want to go on another date?" if she declines or never responds, you got your answer. Of course, if she says yes, make sure you schedule a day where you got nothing else going on and the possibility of nothing happening (I've had that problem a lot where suddenly my work or family needs me on my days off). Guys tend to overthink these things too much and get caught up on a girl, but really if she's not interested don't let it be your demise. Obviously she was interested initially so you clearly aren't ugly or anything and you'll be able to bounce back and find someone else.


gee.. i was just complimenting her


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thank you glasses dork hater, i enjoy seeing your posts.

I agree with >>19442. Even if it was awkward the first time, there is no real harm in asking again. Initially ask how things have been. If you get positive response, follow up that you would like to hang out again.

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 No.13746[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

is there a "ask the opposite gender stuff" thread? i have a question :(
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What makes a difference if its a guy or a girl? I can't tell which is worse. Humans in general make me feel unloved. Maybe its wrong to single out girls?


>Maybe its wrong to single out girls?
sorry for not being gay…


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girls, what is your experience with Narcissists?
have you ever been victim of narcissistic abuse?
did you eventually manage to get out of it?


1. Never argue with them
2. Pretend to agree with them (but not really)
3. Ignore them/block them when
they seek total control


I had an older lady approach me because she was trying to find someone for her daughter to meet, but I thought the older lady was hotter ngl

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I realized that I have no friends irl and like two online. I really can't fit in any discord server or anything, I don't know why. It feels weird and it makes me feel miserable, how do I make friends online?

Also today it's my wife Ann's bday, pic related
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Thank you for being a friend…


ok, schizo. Take your pills and post street fighter again.


Making new friends is hard in this day and age…


I want to die. Feel like I should go with a "screw it" attitude and just keep getting rejected or flaked instead of doing literal nothing. Maybe I can make a game out of it. Better than just dying and giving up. Social Anxiety plagues me like hell and I always feel someone will backstab me in someway even if things do go well, which is why I resort back to doing nothing. It's a vicious cycle.


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You can still create positive relationships while under the assumption the other party will backstab you at the faintest opportunity. All you have to do is be privy about the information you share.


How do you stay productive when doing creative tasks that you haven't done before?
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do it the SMART way


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Have S.M.A.R.T. goals~

S. = Specific

M. = Measurable

A. = Attainable

R. = Realistic

T. = Time Bound


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Siguma Six certified


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Just DO IT

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 No.2104[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you enjoy your job? And if you don't explain to me why.
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>I just want the world to be kind and comfy
It just isn't and I have accepted (?) this as a part of reality. Like, it may sound stupid, but us having to eat just to stay alive is cruel both towards us and towards the eaten.
In childhood (and sometimes now) I had that desire to just be a ghost. Completely invisible and unaffectable by the real world, but I would still like to watch. But this dream will never come true, and what is worse, even if it did, I would probably change my mind on it, finding new ways to be upset about. Human mind is chaotic and humans in generally are disgusting to me, I guess. Not that I actually hate people, more like I don't think we are particularly likable.


If it's one year is what you did something more like a bootcamp? or is it more like Full sail/WGU? But You probably have a bit of an uphill battle tbh because of your background & the current economy.
First get over the fact you think your projects are cringe & just list them on your resume. First line of resume reading, especially for new grad roles, is usually HR people who don't know anything technical. If you're really insecure don't upload it to your github & just explain it on your resume. No one has to see it, but they know you did something. Somewhat unethical, but you can fake a club to add because unless it's some big organization they can't doublecheck them.
Finally this sounds overwhelming, but make it a numbers game. Use simplify to autofill Workday applications & apply to anything IT, SWE, or tech related everyday. Apply until you run out of new jobs for the day. It sounds hard, but once you get some music or videos in the background it's very turn your brain off.
Finally like the other sushi roll said hackathons are pretty chill. If you're really scared do a virtual one.


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I'm a secuirty engineer, it isn't as cool as it sounds what I do is half audit, half legacy systems work. The people, amenities, & pay is great, but we don't get enough work. It's a mix of working in a slow industry & being underutilized intentionally, so if shit hits the fan everyone is free to be on-call. To give an example of the workload I know people who left, despite all the benefits because the psychological toll of doing nothing all day was getting to them.
I've always been 50/50 on it. On one hand I come from a background where the type of money I make literally was life changing, I made enough money to finally move away from my mentally unstable parents with left over for retirement savings. Alongside that I'm the kid of immigrants, so I've seen how unpleasant jobs can really get. On the other had doing nothing while being stuck in a cage like cubicle & having to justify why I deserve my paycheck everyday does have a mental toll after awhile.
I've been trying to be more positive in general though, so I try to to be thankful. Having a lot of bills + knowing what 'dream' jobs are like suppresses a lot of the doom spirals.
>I got burnt out last year and since then I can't get myself to even think of coming back. It's just sickening. What is more sickening is that it's the highest paying position a regular mortal with no connections can get. Conditions are also phenomenal.
This is an issue I see a lot of high paid earners feel. The whole golden handcuffs idea. It's nice to know other people feel like this too because no one in my family can really relate cause they're poor immigrants


Looks like you're doing good, bro.


I hated my last job because it was pretty dead end and I didn't have a lot of say in what I did.
Now I'm just trying to work part time and also start my own business, which I think I'll like more because I can just do whatever I want or also be doing something I care about

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 No.8722[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you usually have dreams? What usually happens in your dreams? Are you a lucid dreamer? feel free to share dreams you've recently experienced and have other sushi rolls psychoanalyze you
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I fell asleep while sitting up, and I kept on having a dream that my face was at a bad angle, but I couldn't do anything to stop it. I could move my hands, but not raise them any higher to help support my head. And my neck itself was immobilized. It was kinda scary, almost like a half-awake state.


I dreamt I was on a swing with my sister and her husband and I was slowly losing my memories. While I was basically becoming a vegetable, there was a song playing in my head. Also, I was slumped down the entire time. Same dream, different circumstance, I was in a house and this little rodent or weasel thing kept biting my ankles, so I squished it with my foot and threw it in a sink of hot/boiling water. As I looked at the sink, it turned red with the weasel's blood. Even dream me was like, "that's a horrible way to die!" So yeah, pretty normal dreams, I guess.


>pretty normal dreams, I guess.
no those are definitely bad enough to be classed nightmares I think


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For some reason, I always tend to dream about being in corridors inside big houses, mansions, hotels, corporate buildings and such. They feel a bit "liminal" at times, especially if it's about old places. Sometimes I dream about recurrent places that only exist there, and everytime I dream about them they remain the same, the only thing that changes is the context of the dream.

I feel those dreams are a reflection of how my subconscious perceives my life, as if most of the charm and bright it had is not there anymore… I used to have very colorful and epic dreams before, dreams that used to make me feel hopeful and inspired, now if I happen to have one of those big dreams they tend to be about catastrophes, chaos or lovecraft-like phenomenons…

Sometimes I feel they just reflect how narrowed my worldview has become, as it's also a feeling I have towards the internet, where everything feels just too sterile, artificial and banal. What happened? When did everything turned so empty?

In some way, that's why I'm here, with hopes of finding that charm once again.


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I always dream when my sleep is interrupted. This time I had a long continuous dream full of different characters and events, but one thing stood out. A woman was wearing a beautiful dress of my mind's design. I don't think I can describe it anymore, but even in the dream I was taken aback by how stunning she looked. She asked me which earrings looked better as she exposed her breasts…

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>Billie's legs are noodles. The ends of her hair are poison needles. Her tongue is a bristly sponge, and her eyes are bags of bleach.

This doesn't evoke any emotion when I read it. Is this because the writer is bad or is it because I didn't put enough effort into feeling it?
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"An electricity pylon is pulled down near Martinstown, in Winterbourne, England, on September 30, 2022. The National Grid has started to remove 22 pylons and 8.8 kilometers of overhead cable to transform views of the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Going Underground project is one of the first schemes in the world to remove high-voltage electricity-transmission infrastructure solely to enhance the landscape. "
One of the Photos of the Week from The Atlantic


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Did you hear that Elon Musk dug a tunnel under the Las Vegas Convention Center?

I think it is pretty universally known by now that the "Las Vegas Loop" is impractical, poorly thought out, and generally an embarrassment to society and industry. I will spare an accounting of the history and future of the system, but I will give a bit of context for the unfamiliar reader. The Las Vegas Loop is a (supposed) mass-transit system built and operated by The Boring Company for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Besides four (ish) stations in the Convention Center, it has been expanded to serve Resorts World as well. It will, according to plan, be expanded to as many as 93 stops throughout the Las Vegas metropolitan area, despite the mayor of Las Vegas calling it "impractical" and "unsafe and inaccessible." This odd contradiction comes about because The Boring Company is footing a very large portion of the construction cost, while much of the rest is coming from casinos and resorts, making it extremely inexpensive for regional government agencies.

In practice, the Loop consists of a set of mostly double-bore tunnels of small diameter, which are traversed by Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model X vehicles manually driven by humans at up to 40 mph. They have more recently switched to Model Y, but the operations manual I have predates that change, so let's stick with the older models for consistency. Each vehicle seats up to four. The system is nominally a PRT, or personal rapid transit, as the drivers take you to the specific station you request. The tunnel to Resorts World is single bore, and can admit vehicles in only one direction. A simple signaling scheme serves to prevent vehicles meeting head-on in single tunnels. While Loop and Boring Company marketing focuses heavily on the single underground station, all other stations are above ground. In the current state, I think it is actually somewhat generous to call the Loop an underground system, as most maneuvers and operations occur at surface level. It is perhaps best thought of as a taxi system that makes use of underground connectors to bypass traffic. Future expansion plans involve significantly more tunnel length and more underground stations, which will probably cause the system overall to feel more like a below-surface transit system and less like an odd fleet of hotel courtesy cars.

I am not going to provide a general review of the system, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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The punch line here is… remember what my husband said about the golf cart we saw? GEM makes carts that seat five in addition to the driver, with a higher seating position and open sides or optionally large doors for faster board/deboard. Even with the 25mph stock speed limiter for NEV/LSV regulatory compliance (and believe me, with some adjustments to the motor controller they can go faster), I suspect that switching the Loop entirely to GEMs would increase its total capacity. And the GEMs honestly suck, in the world of light electric vehicles. They just kind of pulled off a regulatory capture move and got the NEV rules written to pretty much require something that sucks as much as they do for street legality.

Subjective Experience
So as I said, this is not a review, just trying to focus on some things of interest to transit, communications, and policy dweebs. Which I assume pretty much describes my core readers. But I do want to point out a couple of oddities that add to the "wow, this is cheap" sensation:

The ride is surprisingly rough, even in a Model Y with highway-grade suspension. I am concerned that they may not be able to do much better when paving in the confined tunnels, given that I don't think standard paving equipment would fit in the loading gauge. The ride experience was not "oooo electric car luxury," it was more on par with the Orlando Airport APM100s with sketchy steering gear.

For the segment that requires tickets (to Resorts World), the ticketing system is based on a QR code. The customer-side implementation is fine enough, but the ticket checking is laughable. It's an iPad where you have to show a QR code to the front-facing camera, meaning you have to present the QR code with your phone facing away from you, looking at the image on the iPad for alignment. It is very awkward and there is no reason for it besides cheapness. Plus there's not really any way for the attendant to see if the ticket is valid without standing awkwardly close to you to look at the same iPad screen you are, and indeed, I accidentally scored a free ride by merit of the attendant's inability to see the actual result of the ticket check.

The stations are not especially well thought out. People walking in and out of the stations have to cross the path of the Loop vehicles in some places. The attendants are supposed to dPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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California’s new electric train makes for a shockingly better trip—we tried it
Caltrain’s electric trains started rolling out last week. The advantages go far beyond just cutting CO2 emissions.
California’s new electric train makes for a shockingly better trip—we tried it
[Photo: Caltrain]

If you ride on the newest commuter trains from San Francisco to San Jose, the first thing that you might notice is how quiet they are: Instead of the rumble of a diesel engine, the trains now run on 100% electricity.

By switching to electric trains, Caltrain, the rail service, can eliminate 250,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions a year, roughly as much as the pollution from 55,000 cars. But it’s also just a better experience for riders. That might convince more commuters to stop driving to work, cutting emissions even further.

[Photo: Caltrain]
First, the electric trains run faster than the diesel trains that they’re replacing. Instead of a single locomotive in the front pulling the entire train behind it, each individual car is now an “electrical multiple unit,” or EMU, with its own engine, connected to overhead electric wires. “It’s generating power throughout the system,” says Dan Lieberman, a public information officer for Caltrain. “It just allows it to get up to speed much faster.”

Because the train can start and stop faster, Caltrain can add more stops to its express trains, and still shave minutes off the route. The new express route between San Jose and San Francisco will stop at 11 stations instead of seven, and take 59 minutes instead of an hour and five minutes. (The local train will take 75 minutes rather than 100 minutes.) During peak commute hours, more stations will now have trains every 15 to 20 minutes, even though Caltrain won’t use any additional trains. At off-peak hours, trains will run every 30 minutes, rather than every hour. (Caltrain started rolling out the new trains last week; they’ll be fully in service by the end of September.)


If you ride on the newest commuter trains from San Francisco to San Jose, the first thing that you might notice is how quiet they are: Instead of the rumble of a diesel engine, the trains now run on 100% electricity.

By switching to electric trains, Caltrain, the rail service, can eliminate 250,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions a year, roughly as much as the pollution from 55,000 cars. But it’s also just a better experience for riders. That might convince more commuters to stop driving to work, cutting emissions even further.

[Photo: Caltrain]
First, the electric trains run faster than the diesel trains that they’re replacing. Instead of a single locomotive in the front pulling the entire train behind it, each individual car is now an “electrical multiple unit,” or EMU, with its own engine, connected to overhead electric wires. “It’s generating power throughout the system,” says Dan Lieberman, a public information officer for Caltrain. “It just allows it to get up to speed much faster.”

Because the train can start and stop faster, Caltrain can add more stops to its express trains, and still shave minutes off the route. The new express route between San Jose and San Francisco will stop at 11 stations instead of seven, and take 59 minutes instead of an hour and five minutes. (The local train will take 75 minutes rather than 100 minutes.) During peak commute hours, more stations will now have trains every 15 to 20 minutes, even though Caltrain won’t use any additional trains. At off-peak hours, trains will run every 30 minutes, rather than every hour. (Caltrain started rolling out the new trains last week; they’ll be fully in service by the end of September.)

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so I just found this board and it seems very comfy, I'm moving to another city in about a month and have been very confused whether or not it'll make me happier or not.
I'm gonna ask the people I'm living with if they mind if I get a cat because it'll be the first time for me without a pet
hope I can make my living space /comfy/
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cool sips


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Time for my lunch


Not all of us survived, unfortunately. After a suicide attempt(s?) and a brief stint of homelessness among five great and terrible years I ended up back living with other relatives before finally my parents once more.
Well, I survived at least (not to imply it's so fantastic to be alive all the time still, but sometimes good things happen, enough to warrant another day I suppose).

Yeah just consider there's more responsibilities to owning any animal, even a cat, than you may have considered by yourself. At the moment I'm just sticking to patting other people's cats on the way home from work (my record is three in one walk).

Also, moving to a new place where no body knows you is great! Ideally I would every couple of years, that's when things start feeling too settled. Even in this city of 50,000 I can't wander around the streets drunk and high on the weekend without a co-worker spotting me in the act.


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Exercise under the moon if necessary


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Physical activity is never a bad thing…

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any tips on dealing with a breakup? i feel like it's the first time even when it isn't. we still adore each other and i think it's just factors out of our control.
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Really helpful


Sushi, you can't let people tell you this and you cannot internalize this mindset if finding new love is something you want. There are no guarantees in life– for anything, but there will always be new experiences and there is joy in those things. If you treat yourself and others with care, other people will follow suit. I personally think you will be just fine.


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Sorry if that came off as negative, but at some point you have to accept there's things you'll never reach no matter how far you extend your hand. That's not to say everything is pointless, just because you can't have everything doesn't mean you can't have something. But what people are capable of achieving varies. Just because something seems easily obtainable to you doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else.


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I'd rather not live with a "Sunken Chest" philosophy, thanks.


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Keep busy and never give up.

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