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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Now that it's getting into fall and we're reaching the end of the year, I have something I want to say. This year was especially hard on me, a lot of bad stuff happened, but chatting with you sushis has been a bright spot in a dark year. I love you guys and the community we have here, and I had a lot of fun lurking the boards and watching the streams and hanging out and so on.

With that out of the way, did you sushis do anything this summer? Have some sort of vacation, try something new, or make a change in your life? Even if you didn't do anything special, what kind of things did you get up to?
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Winter is coming


>What kind of things did you get up to?
In January I restarted learning Japanese after years of neglect and have made considerable progress since then. My band and me played our second gig in summer. Other than that not much has happened this year.


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Summer is for enjoying the heat.


I refuse!
haet the heat


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Well, it's been raining since 7pm Friday night…. now it's a steamy kind of heat.

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Lately I've been watching a lot of videos about the dead internet theory., and now I'm kinda worried about the future. How do I be more positive sushis?


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I honestly hate dead internet theory because while the internet does have a problem with bots and things being pushed algorithmically by them, I think it vastly underestimates how stupid people are and how they fall for useless trends anyways. Take the whole internet rap craze of the late 2010s to at least 2021, which people were just shoved a trash heap of terribly produced trap music and were told "this is the future". While, sure, a lot of it was algorithm manipulation by places such as Dismiss Yourself (who its founder notoriously used RateYourMusic chart manipulation by sending his discord to mass rate 5 stars to whatever he wanted to shill that week, and similar tactics on youtube), and the hip hop industry is no stranger to pulling stunts like this on social media, I do genuinely think a lot of people just really are that dumb and buy into trends. Something like Amazon comes to mind, where convenience negates quality for some customers who are either fine buying a bootleg item/merchandise or are blissfully unaware and ignorant to it. There is still heaps of organic nature to the internet, but unfortunately, as the public populates it more and more, more and more dumber trends will catch on because its really easy to use the internet now and doesn't require much skill. If the internet is so dead, why are facebook boomers overtaking the teenagers and young adults of old on the platform? I'm not saying there isn't manipulation or bot driven feeds but I do think people underestimate the organic nature of the internet that still does exist, just a lot more stupid now.


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If you want to be more positive, you can actually check out an entire university department dedicated to making people happy and positive


By reflecting on good things that happened to us, we can accentuate them and find ways to make them more common in our lives.

Instead of thinking about all of the bad stuff, think about all of the good stuff that you did or saw today. Make a list and write down as many things as you can think of. Don't tell yourself "nothing good" happened, because that is a logical fallacy and you are just making excuses to not see the good in your life. Then consider what you can do to see more good people or things tomorrow. Redirect your life to the positive one day at a time.


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__In this particular case__:
Understand that this "dead internet theory" that you speak of is being spread by the very same mainstream internet that the theory postulates to be dead.
Realize that it's just another angle in the AI grift.

__In general attitudes towards the internet__:
Come to terms with the fact the internet is not a tool for social change but only another entertainment medium.
Comprehend that you can create and interact with communities composed of real people so long as you put in the effort to find and nurture them.
Above all, laugh in the face of those who think being a pessimistic projecting dung beetle is the only way to look intelligent.
You'll soon learn to perceive what's content meant to keep you annoyed but compliant and what's a constructive part of your world.
From there, positivity grows.

__In general__:
Have a plan to do things you like even if you suck at them.
Never be shy to revisit things that have given you good memories.
Surround yourself with constructive people (if not possible: learn to breathe and exercise)
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What’s the story on your first love sushi?
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Yo. It's 21st of May already and yeah, sorry, haven't checked the thread since my reply myself. I've been "busy" as well. Well I hope you had a good start to the summer, you know "progressed" in life by loving and and experiencing those special moments with your loved ones and community. I'm sure you have experienced more love and happiness in that time than suffering, right?

Maybe the problem for me isn't that happiness is illusionary or whatever, but rather that it's unpredictable and volatile. You cannot guarantee that the outcome of your actions, no matter how virtuous they may be, will be positive for you (and others as well actually). There's always an element of fate and as we know fate can be rather cruel.

Yeah, no, some people are truly "incapable" of some achieving certain things. Using your example of weight lifting, yeah you can celebrate lifing 15lb but you are still incapable of lifting heavier objects. This is a problem because in life we must meet certain standards to experience the "finer things". I will transfer this example to another context to illustrate my point, lets say friendships. Maybe an individual is capable of making "half a friend" by engaging in pleasant small talk or by successful completing other preliminary bonding rituals. That's nice, commendable but ultimately still leaves them friendless as they are unable to progress to the next stages of emotional bonding. Well for this you'll probably say, "they just have to keep trying, every instance of small talk progresses them as a person, if they keep trying they will win" Well the problem is this is not realistic sometimes. Using the example of the weak weight lifter, it's entirely possible that he may never be able to progress past lifting 15lb - maybe he has a genetic condition that keeps him weak. With love and relationships it is the same. I'm not going to get into the examples but there are genetic and hereditary traits which make individuals unable to bond with others, this is the reality.

But yeah, to address the more personal issues some of you may have with me (I'm looking at the guy who said my god is death, and the guy who says I'm artificially "limiting" myself as a self protective mechanism)
It's not true. I am actually a pretty optimistic guy in real life. But I know that in this reality we are bound by fate and limits. Some ofPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I haven't checked this thread in a long time also. Too busy with trying to kick my NEET ways.

>Human beings are universally soaked in sin, by proxy of living in a fallen reality. But if you don't want to think about it in a religious sense, it's clear to see how human nature is flawed and selfish from a natural point of view also.

I do want to think of it in a religious sense but I do not agree with the idea of us all being soaked in sin or Christian teachings on the Fall. We are flawed creates, only God is perfect, but that doesn't mean we are born of sin or that we are inherently sinful. We're just flawed and error prone.

>Whatever form of love is most detached from sex is most spiritual, and whatever is attached to sex is the least.

Disagree. I can see why love without sex can be really beautiful but I don't think sex and spirituality should be completely detached. Love and sexual desire are different but they can overlap and that's not a bad thing. Probably the worst thing about modern society is that we expect love and sex to be joint together which puts a lot of pressure on people to feel bad about their darker sexual urges and also creates this idea that your worthless or unlovable if you can't get laid both are harmful for our mental health.

Separating sexual desire from spiritual desire creates a dualism between soul and body that priviledges the immaterial world over the physical one. The result of that can be a harmful denial of the body and physical reality and material pleasures. I'd say God generating the world is itself a (metaphorically) sexual act and love and desire runs through the universe and makes everything move. All our desires are in a way the soul's unconscious desire to reunite with God and that's also at the bottom of our sexual impulses too. It can have horrifying results because our desires can be pretty base and very cruel and selfish so we have to manage those things.

>I'd argue the majority of mystics who reached out for deeper forms of love throughout history were celibate.

Maybe but some like Ibn Arabi were hardly celibate at all and even abandoned celibacy and some like the Buddha abandoned their wives. There were many mystics who while remaining celibate used sexual motifs to expPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


It was my last year of school, we would all wait in the school gymnasium until homeroom started, although they started with having different classes sit in different areas, nobody really followed the rule, so a bunch of the underclassmen would come sit in our area. A few of the weebs and gamers would all congregate in one corner, and I didn't want to sit around the sports players and cheerleaders, so I would sit in the nerd corner. At the time I didn't really follow anime, but there were a few girls who were really into anime and manga, and some of them would even draw their own anime fan art.

Fast forward a few weeks into school, and a transfer student showed up. She stood around awkwardly by the door, and some of the girls who sat in our area invited her over. She didn't really have any friends and was very shy, but she would always sit around me. I started talking to her since she always seemed lonely and isolated, and we became friends. She also ended up having an elective with me, so we saw each other every day. Despite being an underclassman, she did not like being around the others in her class.

One day, as we were dismissed to go to homeroom, she snuck up behind me in the hallway and put a letter in my pocket. She had worked up the courage to confess her love to me and asked me if I would ask her out on a date.

I told her how I appreciated her, and I liked her too, but I was not sure how a relationship would work out because I was about to graduate that year and my future was uncertain.

For context, I was to join the military when I graduated, and did not want her to be devastated if I didn't or couldn't come back.

She insisted It would not be a problem and we could make it work, and so I agreed to be her boyfriend. As the end of the year approached and I got ready to graduate, I told her again that I did not know if our relationship would work out, because I could not guarantee that we would even be able to stay in contact, and she wanted to spend time with me all the time.


She insisted that it would all be alright, and one of our last weeks together we finally kissed. I ended up graduating without fanfare, packed my bags and got on a bus to boot camp. One of the other underclassmen later told me that she cried constantly for weeks.
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I'd like to let you know that your story made me smile. The ending is bittersweet, but I have no other words to offer. I hope you find your happiness one day :)


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Your story got me emotional

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 No.294[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This was one of my favourite threads on the old sushichan. Post comfortable audiovisual experiences utilising the WebMatroska container format.

The audio is: Boards of Canada - roygbiv
The video is of San Francisco in 1905.
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>pachabels csushi roll
I just realized what happened here.

Took a vacation to lebsushi roll


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Co-op videogame play


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Interesting video about foxes.
This older documentary style really ticks all the right boxes of comfy for me. This is the type of stuff I'd watch late night as a kid on the living room sofa as I'd drift to sleep.


this is one of my favourite webms ever, i can't believe it's from so long ago, i only first saw it in 2021.

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Do you believe in miracles sushi?
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hell yeah brother


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Do you have any thoughts on how one would know if personal miracles heed from evil or good?

As an example, you get information and hints about your situation.
How would one know if it's a miracle from god aiding you along a path of positive influence on the world, or something evil tempting you with power and more influence than you should have, turning you into its pawn?


I think you would find plenty of evidence throughout history that indicates that most people did not know the difference. I think the various extraneous influences in our world average out to be a net neutral. But I don't know, it's just my opinion.


>I believe in what I see.
Visual illusion exist though


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 No.6562[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a thread about pictures you personally took.

Here are some plants I found around where I live.
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This graffiti has been on a bridge for years now; I like to think the city chooses not to remove it because it's kind of funny.


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I like taking pictures of small pals


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me too!


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some more

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This chan is very nice

Not all content is nice, but the chan is nice
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You see agent 101, I’ve come up with my most diabolical plan yet! Saying nice things to strangers!!

Muhahahhahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaha >:D


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Indeed it is.


Yeah, this place is cozy


Yeah, this place is cozy


Sorry accidentally posted twics

 No.4784[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post some solid gold oldies.
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randomly found this today


wtf, why is this so good?



Cutie Honey opening (1973)


Everything about this video is beautiful.

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What do you sushis sound like?

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Yes, I know because every single one is actually just me.


Sacred Deux (Oh my god)!


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Namu Amida Butsu (Oh my Buddha)!


this is what i sound like. i have a southern accent


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heihei sushis :3
i want to start a diary and been thinking of what it helps u with as there must be less obvious things u only find out after doing it (semi-)longterm, maybe u'll recognize things others mention which didn't occur to u conciously before and it might inspire others to do the same, i for one can't think of any downsides, as even cringing at ur current self in the future should be worth it to see urself growing

to start off myself, as someone who never wrote their own diary, i think it'll help me get a clearer view of what's important to me, remember things standing out and to live the day more conciously without things sliding by all the time ^-^ (this paragraph is a lil double-y, i almost forgot to write it and shoved it in ^^")

i don't need tips on what/how to write, as i think it'll come naturally and i'll notice what's important to me over time and the beginning will probably be a little clunky, but feel free to write tips, i'm sure there r sushis appreciating it and maybe it'll ease someones first hurdles
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for when you can't decide if you want an open sandwich or regular sandwich.


Dear Diary,

It rained today and never really stopped. Also the buses came late today twice in a consecutive days.

I hate the wet…


you’re doing fine just stop saying “u” instead of “you” it‘s very irritating.


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Terrible week at work; issues and problems all the time. Argh.


Today when parking my car I managed to drive 5 cm into an unmarked driveway with 50cm tall grass. What I did not expect after returning from work was the owner running towards me calling me a stupid useless roll while waving an axe around because he was chopping wood to start a fire.

Ended up driving away. It's never a good idea to engage in violence with bare hands against somebody with an axe.

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