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 No.14404[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last thread hit bump limit so you know what that means! Talk about how your day is going, anything interesting that happened recently, what's on your or just to say hi!
251 posts and 111 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


What's the bump limit in this site?


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The person that I love the most lurks this website but i don't know how to talk to that person without being a freak.
I thought I got over it, but it keeps popping up and I wish we could link up again.


When I was at home alone consuming youtube/anime/manga I just wanted to make friends. Now that I have friends at work all I want to do is be at home alone consuming youtube/anime/manga. Funny how life works


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My family are out for the week and the house is mine. I want to cross dress, wear a body suit all weak, and wear makeup and be kinky for a week for the first time, and I'm not sure what should I do now? I've never gone all the way and don't even know how to put on makeup.


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Do as much as you can. Try to watch some makeup tutorials or invite a girl friend to help you out with the makeup and stuff!

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It sucks having no friends. No people to talk to, or share moments with.
I made this thread so that you can give me advice on this particular subject.
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Most people are masochists, like the other sushi roll replied, the more you act indifferent, the more desire someone has for you. If you’re unable to cultivate a personality optimal for socialization, try quelling that desire to have friends by focusing on what else you enjoy. Pointless to chase after something unobtainable.


Haven't had an IRL friend in years. I don't like most people I meet, they're all boring and don't care about anything other than their image. I think I'm just unlucky to be born here, I don't think I'm that weird or unique. My only social life is Discord, I think I would go insane without it. I get depressed by just thinking about the possibility of living without online communities. Maybe I'm just overreacting right now because I'm sleep deprived, maybe it's not that bad…


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Gonna try going to a cultural exchange thingy
We'll see how it goes


>Cultural exchange thingy
What does this entail?


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I don't fucking know,because it's in Thursday, and I went to the bar in a Tuesday, and I wasted my time and money getting there.

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AI is terrifying


A giant enemy crab?


The Thing (2011)
Meh, I prefered the John Carpenter's 1982 version. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thing_(1982_film)


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crabs in a bucket


This thread gave me crabs…

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Pretty comfy, but why does it exist?
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I have an innate distrust of anyone who actively avoids word filters


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That's a girl?!


I did it because op wouldn't understand if I typed sushi rolls but on hindsight it would've been better


Why do you exist huh?

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How do you deal with pathological liars? Have you ever encountered any?

I've been lying pathologically for most of my childhood, and stopping doing so was the best change I've made in my life. I believe it passed to me from my mother, who to this day lies a lot.

However recently I've encountered a person who lies very much. It's a girl, we've got normal friendly relationships, neither of us is romantically interested or anything like that. However, for the little time we talk, I can see that she lies quite a lot.
Those lies are mostly about achievements or something similar. I don't care about them, it's just an indicator for me to not get surprised next time when she gives a different answer when we touch this topic. Something like that.

But I wonder how people deal with those. Do you call them out? Do you try to avoid the person or do you continue to communicate normally?
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I've only met one true pathological liar, and it was a girl from school. We were kids, so nothing of importance was ever discussed. She would just make stories up constantly. I never had a problem with it, and I would listen to the bullshit she had to say, but I wouldn't ever consider being friends with someone like that.


Put a lasso of truth on them.


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I've dealt with my mom lying like that for most of my life, and tbh, I never really learned how to deal with it. She constantly rewrites our family history and invents stories. I normally roll with it, but sometimes I wind up at a disadvantage when I'm talking to someone she met before me and I don't know what lies she's told them.


What is a pathological liar for you?

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Type your post without looking at your leunpard ot dvtrrn. You're not allowed to delete anything. rvrn if iy mskrd you look likr sn idioit. dot bonus points vhoose your image without looking too!

I… I thought I would do better than this
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holy shit im good at this


Kept on seeing this thread and thoguht I might as well finally post something. I'm honestly very happy I decided to take the time to learn to touch type , it's so much faster and much more satisfying thatn having to constantly look at the keys. I do wonder if the I should switch to one of those other fancy keyboards like dvorak or something that's supposedly much more efficient. Seems like to much of a hastle for me honestly.
woah I did so much better than I thought I would, I kept on changing my thoughts and rewriting what I said, so I thought it would be super bad


make my wish ome true
all i want for xmas is youuuuuu


I think I might be ab;e to do this, but I also have reallly shaky hands, so they go off of homerow pretty often. Not to mention that I have to stretch really far because of tiny hands…


this is way too easy sushi, i can type like that whole day
but i am gonna restrain my powerlevel, you never know who's lurking

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Anyone else feeling like the world is getting louder in isolation? It's the worst when I haven't heard another person's voice in weeks.
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Hearing things as 'to loud' when they pretty silent is an actual neurological condition. I'd bring it up to a doctor.
You wont get drugs for it, but could get your inscerence to cover the therapy. You could diy it yourself though, exposure therapy and playing stack in the background 30 mins a day is the main treatment.


I just wanna holiday in peace & quiet …


I haven't been out of the house since Summer of 2019. Then with the rise of more contactless deliveries, etc. I never saw a reason to go back outside. I can't drive and freak out over surveillance as well as being jumped by people out in public. I haven't had a social life since the late 2000s. Some people wonder how I haven't went completely insane yet. I do talk to myself every day and ended up creating a system where I have split my mind into pieces with their own personalities that we all ended up having conversations with each other in a mental type of chamber.


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Too much is happening….


>Some people wonder how I haven't went completely insane yet.
>I do talk to myself every day
you responded to your own question.

talking to one's self is one of the strategies the brain develops to not lose sanity.

it's when you stop talking at all for a very long time that you become insane.

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11th month means its nearing the end of the year…
How are you?

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Remebrance Day


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Freya's day

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I want to ride my bicycle.

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 No.12871[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last thread (>>11500) hit bump limit, so I'm making a new one
General discussion thread. Talk about how your day is going, anything interesting that happened recently, what's on your or just to say hi!
246 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


maybe "pipe" wasn't the right word, it's just 3/8 inch water supply lines.


I live on my own too, which means I have chores and errands as well. This also means I have to feed myself too. Working is also something I do, the same goes for exercising.
A typical day is to work 9 hours, sleep 9 hours commute to work and back for 1 hour and use the other 5 to play video games, watch anime and lurk on image boards. Now and then an errand or a chore needs to be done, twice a week exercising is due and everyday something edible has to be created. On weekends, holidays and vacation the 9 hours of work are being added to video games, anime and lurking.


if i were as busy as you id only eat boxxed and bagged foods lmao forget about creating something edible ever lul


Living in deep frustration. I should have been in part-time paradise starting in August, but having to "tie up loose ends" has extended this agony up to late-October. When I get home, looking at my schedule is enough to feed a flame of demoralization within me and I submit to inertia. There's so much I want and must do, but bullshit work is getting in the way of the pursuit of my real goals. Barely clinging to the gains I secured before this ordeal began is the most I can manage.

I am way overdue replying to the following posts. Somehow I always miss direct replies to me, even though I make sure I check. My apologies.

Thank you. I'm glad you find my writing entertaining enough to warrant a bookmark. My japanese-learning journey continues with the dread of it becoming a never-ending journey now looming over me. I'm getting better but still nowhere near the level I had wished. I hope you've been managing to make progress on your own journey.

>What caused you to create a more permanent alias?

This is a whole article for the "Social Media" portion of my webpage. I still feel like my webpage has too many negative-toned entries for me to be adding the kind of venomous sludge that the social media section will contain, so I still haven't published it.

In short, I have come to the conclusion a community needs at least a small fraction of independent, persistent pseudonymous members in order to galvanize its own history from outside attack vectors.

>I've debated this topic myself, and find paranoia restricting me

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"An electricity pylon is pulled down near Martinstown, in Winterbourne, England, on September 30, 2022. The National Grid has started to remove 22 pylons and 8.8 kilometers of overhead cable to transform views of the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Going Underground project is one of the first schemes in the world to remove high-voltage electricity-transmission infrastructure solely to enhance the landscape. "
One of the Photos of the Week from The Atlantic (credit Finnbarr Webster / Getty)

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