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I'm trying to find this one japanese artist who made these really trippy/psychedelic animation. The person had a whole youtube full of these animations, the style was either 3d or hand drawn sketchbook looking things. It was all anime girls too. And very colorful. It was a really obscure channel a person sent me once so its hard to find and i don't have their dms anymore.

i think their username had something potato or dog in their name but i could be wrong

they also had a website where they sold dvds of their animations for really cheap

i think some of their animations had touhou characters too. But it was mostly original characters i think.

There was also a deviantart page too where the person posted their drawings. i think they had a cyborg character they drew often.

i hope you guys know what or who im talking about, i'll appreciate the help!

pics are things that remind me of the artist a little, like a similar vibe


It might be this? Either way its worth checking out, its quite cute!



Thank you so much! I was looking for this for a while.


pigmhall is legendary

Imouto Curry is probably my favourite.


I always liked bos. It's a little more chill than his usual stuff but has a nice feel. And windmills.





my favorite pigmhall is this one. I wish he'd do me 3d ones because they're cool.


>Oldest vid is 17 years ago


found out just yesterday that pigmhall makes games on itch.io. really cool


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>making us have to search


what is this?

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